.. -TW-UJ 1/..K PAGE 14 • PLAINDtALfcR • WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 14, IMS Christmas traditions link past and present Home for Christmas ... the words ring with the brief, beautiful moments when ail are children once again, bright cheeks glowing and giggles bursting with excitement from amidst rainbows of untied ribbons and scattered wrappings. Pleasures to be felt and savored are the warmth of steaming cocoa sipped through cream, the loving hugs of young and old as they snuggle around a crackling fire on Christmas Eve.--1' "-- M A time of tradition, Christmas present forever links to Christmases past, continuing the chain of memories that binds us to that first Christtnas, when the earthly father Jo seph was himself compelle^io return to his homeland to be taxed, and thus the first journey home was made in anticipa tion of the child Jesus' birth. All over the world, peo ple keep the traditions that they learnt as children, each parent wishing only to re create for their own children the magic of holiday joy that they themselves shared as youngsters. Stockings are hung and trees are trimmed 15 the sound of carols drifting in from the snowy outdoors. Children bake cookies and wrap each other's gifts while mom stuffs a turkey and dad drapes the doorway with garlands and lights. Young lovers delight in kisses stolen beneath the mistletoe, and grandpa sits by the fireside, stirring the dying embers, as he recalls long forgotten days of boy- hood Christmases to an au dience of wide-eyed young sters. Then,all too soon, grand pa's tales come to an end as the children are hurried off to bed, so excited it seems they'll never sleep. They check one last time to be sure that Santa's cook ies and cocoa are left where he's sure to find them and, after lingering over a few goodnight kisses, are off to bed. Dawn finds ribbons flying through a maze of crumpled wrappings as children of all ages delight in giving and re ceiving gifts. After a festive breakfast, the family attends mass or services though, for many, a candlelight mass on Christ mas Eve is a long-standing tradition. After noon, aunts, un cles, cousins and relatives perhaps not seen on any other occasion, arrive to share in the day's joy. Gifts are exchanged, wonderful foods enjdyed, and an overwhelming warmth appreciated. Is it any wonder that all roads lead home at Christ mas? Not at all, when you realize that being together is perhaps the greatest gift of all. SCIENTIFIC and phyaiftl health. 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'1 o o ?;• s ? j * » 5 8^6 •! ; °£ v W I f. - • g i i i You've heard about H...You'va road about it WAIT NO LONGER McHENRY IS HERE NOW JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! ON SALE FOR ONLY $1095 AT THESE BUSINESSES: • McHenry State .Bank • McHonry Savings I Loan • Tha Fashion Shoppa • Nelson Electronics • McHenry Favorite Sport Cantar •Granny's Quilts • Freund's Stoi e For Man • Christopher's Man's Wear • Blua Carnal • Sullivan Foods • Classic Trophias • Miller's Dream Marina * Chuck Patarson, Ins. • Aca ...is a fast-paced, action-packed game of skill, strategy and the "luck of the dice," where two to six players "Wheel 'n Deal their way around McHenry, buying, trading & selling local businesses that actually exist! If you think Monopoly is fun, wait no longer, Wheeler-Dealer is here now and the ex citement is just beginning! Remember...Wheeler-Dealer makes an ideal gift; buy more than one. i f ij ijS? !!5« •U i< i §j s Is ! 8? (Game board shown is a reduced raplico) i MILLER S DREAM MARINE JOHN IWiftiiVHi SaVMSfttht1 Slip»*StO«4<K Gift ft a At -U» *>A) $18,000 500X McHENRY TRUCK RIVERIA YACHT UIIVS •CMUCK" LINE. INC aasiN. INC. UIIVS C. R PETERSON .)9J9 Albeny Street JJ02W ganivi AM HStl XX) Commerce Drive Crystal Lake it INSURANCE Pt»» Si»Mll.-f«t Finest is ConfiMolxl freight St*'vice f «*> to* Vi>u» Talk About Radio' P*f«onal S*<v>ct 04il> IL Wl IN Bo«t>ng Pifstwr Swap Shop iPM 2PM tBlSi 3BS0/1? Sat tOAM 11AM tJt^l JS2 5650 t«iMJ»S5J20 i«iSi4MS#*0 igiSiMS l}3t $11,000 $13,000 $15,000 " $18,000 300X * 200X 1200X 1000X McHCNRY'S FAVORITE SPOUT CENTER 1210 N Green Sl McHenry s Mo»r Complete Sport Store itiSl MS 1000 $22,000 tooox ^Sweaters" is the word from holiday gift experts For holiday gift-elvers, the leading men's fashion designers say the ma|ic word this season is "sweat ers." The winners of this year's Cutty Sark Men's Fashion Awards, the Oscars of the men's fashion industry, agree that the new sweaters are more versatile than ever and will make perfect gifts for almost every man on a gift list. These experts say the new color combinations and styles make them ideal re placements for blazers and outerwear. Sweaters are even being designed to be worn over other sweaters. Winter sporting motifs such as flying pheasants, holiday reindeer, skaters and sledders are die special touches added to the Polo sweater collection from Ralph Lauren, winner of the Cutty Sark Career Achieve ment Award. He suggests these to recapture the Sun Valley look o( the '20s and 30s According to Ron Chereskin, whom the na tion's fashion press voted Outstanding Sportswear Designer in the Cutty Sark honors. "A sweater vest is ideal for a contemporary layered look. When it's worn under a sport coat, a man can change his busi ness appearance to a rich country club look." His bold new patterns include geometries, linears and over scaled argyles. "A rep stripe blazer sweater is a perfect alterna tive to the blazer," points out Sol Cesarani, a two-time nominee for Outstanding U.S. Designer in the Cutty Saik Awards. " My blazer sweater has a shawl collar and six button closing* with two front pockets," he says. "Best of afl for shoppers, it comes in easy sizes -- small, medium and large." Laura Pearson's hand- knit Tijuca sweaters earned her this year's Cutty Sark trophy as Most Promising U.S. Designer. "For the holidays," she says, "my long kimono sweater for men is a unique alternative to the traditional winter coat. It conies in a one-size- fits-al model and it molds it self to the body." If distinctive outerwear suits your man, Gianni Ver sace. Cutty's Outstanding International Designer, rec ommends one of hts famous jackets. His new leather de- for a high-fashion look. Rubber is now a highlight in his wool, tweed and shear ling styles, as well. If you want to give your newly sweatered or jack eted man an added look of dash and daring, Marsha Akins, winner of Cutty Sark's Outstanding Acces sories Designer award, re ports that her Makins hats come in 120 color variations and in the softest velours and fur felts. And to add to the spirit of the holiday season, remem ber the gift of scotch for which these men's fashion awards arc named. Gifts of food make a hit at Christmas Christmas can be just plain hectic -- there are hol iday goodies and decora tions to prepare, special meals and parties to plan and presents to select. An easy-to-follow guide, Betty Crocker's Christmas Cookbook < Golden Press, $14.95) helps you get every thing done with time left to enjoy the holiday season. Be creative For example, this Christ mas apply your creative hand to making special homemade gifts of food from the recipes in Betty •Crocker's Christmas Cook hook. By starting now and working at your own pace, you'll have quite a stockpile of delectables to choose from at Christmas time. Range of recipes There are recipes for jel lies and jams, herbed vine gars and dressings, bottled cordials and sauces, and much more to help you avoid the throngs of last- minute holiday shoppers. Your special gifts deserve special wrappings. Start saving unusual and attrac tive cans, bottles and jars now: with a few decorative touches, they can become personalized packagings for your gifts of food.