PAGE l( - PLAtNDEALER - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER M. 1W Swapping stockings for family fun Oive Santa a break this holiday season -- hold a family Christmas stocking exchange! Stocking stuffing can be a pleasurable privi lege for every member of the family to share. After drawing names from a hat several weeks be fore Christmas, each family member is responsible for filling another's stocking on the big day. With a bit of imagination and a lot of en thusiasm, a stocking ex change can bring the family eloser together as well -at lighten Santa's heavy load during the seasonal rush. Giving Santa a break doesn't have to mean going broke. Many super gifts can be created from miscellane ous household objects, in expensive items found in 3? and Of stores and packages or bottles of Hit* Dye. Tty your hand at these surpris ing stocking stuffcrs: • Fill a stocking with colorful mini-stockings stuffed with delicious Christmas goodies. Dye white cotton baby socks in your choice of colors fol lowing Rit pack age instruc tions. Embellished with decorative trimmings, these mini-stockings double as peat tree ornaments. • Transform white cot ton handkerchiefs into cus tomized gifts for different family members. Dad might enjoy a touch of color in nis pocket instead of a plain white hanky. And a large handkerchief dyed a pretty shade becomes a fashion able scarf for Mom or Big Sister. For solid color, dip han kies into a Rit dye-bath fol lowing package instruc tions. Or. to give a subtly shaded *'ombre" effect, dip sections into the dye-bath for different lengths oft ime. • fmm ii»nf urroc-Uinci icntintfic sories include: nylon stock ings dyed in seasonal hues . . . perfect for today's "leggy" fashions: bril- WHAT'S IN STORE ATS ALLMARK? liantly-dved cotton socks for a "run feet" look: brightly-dyed shoelaces to accent plain sneakers, act as hair ribbons, or use as an al ternative to gift-wrap rib bon. • Surprise the athlete in the family with colorful sporty t-shirts made from white cotton undershirts. Try tie-dyeing them for a trendy new look reminis cent of the W60s! ° • A practical gift he- comes fun when you turn a white cotton pillowcase into a cheerfully-colored laun dry bag. Take your pick of dye techniques: solid dye. tie-dye or ombre using the favorite colors of your kicky recipient. For more creative dyeing ideas, write to RIT/3N3. P.O. Box 307, Coventry, CT 06238 dvatuxe. i doxnucofiLa 3402 W. Elm St., Rte. 120, McHenry Givi THE GIFT OF HEALTH 1 | Need i little soften** for a Gracious Hostess or a Favorite KeaHive? 0« Ciistoiii-nade Dried Fruit, Not and Snack assortments Hake great gifts. We will: tAGTHEMUP •FILL YOUR CONTAINER •CHOOSE FROM OUR SECTION OF DECORATIVE CONTAINERS TO FIU •MMI STOCKING STUFFERS •Sugorfree Corob Santos •RtcoTaffy-07' % lb. o(A< •••! I !•!••• aI Aur Annular HOLIDAY BAKING SPECIALS English Walnuts-$3.02 lb. Turkish Apricots-$2.30 lb. Msins-$1.5glb. --While supplies last-- r&m. •Hallaarfc Pea I Pencil Sets •Oetightfnl Assortment Of Mask Boxes •Dolls Theyl Treasure •Princess Gardner Wallets •Christians Pozzies •Bright Holiday Candles •Plush Tors •Bahy's First Christmas. •Gift Wrapping, Cadi. Parft Goods And More! ax/j'x 123dN. GREEN ST.. McHENRY. 385-6750 J03S5XJBS31 ARIZONA SUN • BOOTS •SHIRTS • HATS For Men. Women & Children • Western Ores* She For Men & Women • lad® (m® Pm CMr" X Kenny RoJ§ers-'Jeans • Uather Jackets £ Vests For Men & Women • Belts, Wallets • Part* • Moccasin* • Skint (Weslern and Prairie) • leather Skirts, Dresses Z Tops (£0 Whirlpool model MW8550XL 3321 W. Elm (Rte. 120) McHenry (816)385-183 ol microwave oven with MICROCOMPUTER TOUCH CONTROLS offers exceptional cooking convenience! Just the touch of the com mand and number pads lets you easily program a series of cooking functions, defrost or set the fully independent Minute Timer. And you can program any combination of 2 different cooking cycles plus Defrost for up to 99 min utes and 99 seconds each. See it today' SHOP TODAY AND SAVE SEE A DEMONSTRATION TOftAY! S3* LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. FRONT ST. (S. RT. 31) McHENRY (SI 5)315-0882 CHRISTMAS norms 10-8 Mon.-FrlK 10-5 Sat. 12-4 Sun " ~