Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1983, p. 13

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I'AfiK 13 - PLAINDEALER • FRIDAY. DECEMBER !•. 1M3 •»-- -- ftiffrtumfe •Raiiniiealerf^f ild ssif icd Advertuers please check your od the FIRST insertion dot*, in the event of on #rror or pmmission. the paper will be responsible lor ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable •or only the portion of (he od which it in error. In cote of on error, notify the Clottified Deportment ot once. Coll Clottified Ditploy Ads: 815-385-0170. Private Party 4 Commercial Line Adt: 814-344- 4800. Richmond 678-3581 * . . : J . f f ' - , Poyment in odvonce mutt be mode for thete adt: 'Babysitting •Business ppportunites 'Business Service* 'Gorge Sale* • Moving Sales *Out of Shaw Free Prett Circulation Area 'Political 'Rooms. Apptt. to Share 'Situations Wonted 'Sufetaise. He-rent, etc. 'Wonted to Buy 'Wdnted to Office Hrt.M-F 8:30 a.m. -5:00 p.m. 3 LINES. 5 DAYS •8.80 PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS Shew Fr-- Pr#»» Newspeper Group Directory Announcements > DEADLINES: RICHMOND WED- PLAINDEALER V READERS MON. 5 P.M. N MON. 5 P.M. ) DISPLAY MON. 12 NOON - MON. 12 NOON ~m2 •Woodstock Dolly Sentinel 'Soturdoy Extra •Crystal Lake Morning Herald •Cardonal Free Prett Morning Herald 'Elgin Herald •Richmond Gazette 'Marengo Beocon/Republican Newt 'Huntley Beacon/Republican Newt 'Sycamore Newt 'Cory-Grove Clorion 'Rorrington Bonner 'McHenry Ptoindeoler •Genoo-Kingtton-Kirklond Newt 'Hompthire Register •Harvard Herald •Shopper Service 'McHenry Citizen Tri- Couflty Shopper FRI. PLAINDEALER WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON - Ctjnateriet t Lots . .02 Cofd of Thonks . . 03 Cor Pools .,..10 Lost A Found 11 Porsonols. .'. ...12 Instruction 13 Auctions.. ..; . .„ 18 Help Wanted Child Cora 19 Nursory Schools... . 20 Situations Wonted 21 Employment Agencies .22 Household Help Wanted ... 23 Help Wonted 24 trchandise Wanted to Buy 31 Mitcelloneous Merchandise 32 Goroge Sales 33 Merchandise Under S50. ., 34 Antiquet. .'.....ji 35 Bicycles 8 Sports Equipment 36 Lown 8 Garden Equipment . 37 Boats 38 Musical Instruments. . .... 39 Cameras 40 Aviation. .41 Pets & Equipment 44 Horses 8 Equipment . .. 47 Form & Dairy............;....... 48 Livestock 49 Machinery 8 Equipment 53 Butinett Opportunity. 66 Cemeteries ? *Loti MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS For Ml*. 2 or 4. At beeutlful Win- drldge, Cary Saw »%, from private party. I1S/33M1M af>r3pfw. CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK* UNION CEMETERY Chofca leti aval labia aa low at M7S, Including perpetual car* tlen. Ti Catholic tec I15/4W4S47 Terms. Card OfThank. THANKSGIVING NOVENA TO ST. JUDE Oh. Hoh St Jwh. Apotilt M«l Marly, giMt in vwlue and rch n matclei. naa« kwsman of Jems Christ. feilhW Inltussssr «H tl who nvokt your tpscis* pelrwwfi m imw ol need, lo you I have tecoursa hom iha depth ol my heart and humbly bog to whom God hai gwsn nidi gresi power to come to my ssMtnn c* Halp me in my present and urgent petition In return I promise to make youi tome known sad cause you to be in Say 3 Ha* Msryi. 3 Our Father's and 3 Glory Bat for 8 St Jude pray lor us el who in vote your aid AMfN This mwene hes never been known to fail I hewe hed my request granted Thanks lot many favors granted Publication promised F.P. Notices "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 14 HOUR HOT LINE 312/J34-W33 NAUTILUS Give a jjlft of health. In­ dividualized Nautilus fitness training. For froa consultation, call: I1S/4W-57S7 ask for Al. Nautilus training consultants. A. K. Walter & Associates. SPECIAL VISITS. Santa Is available for home or party. Phono lis/+44-4211 attar ».m. PLASTERING Restoration or Now VarnonT. Kopeell •1S/3H-1MI McHENRY AUTO U P H O L S T E R Y 1115 W. Rts. 120, McHenry Attention I Mora Than 20 years experience In auto upholstery. Simulated convertible tops, vinyl tops and sunroof repair. We also do boat, airplane seats & antique cars. Quality work guaranteed. Special price on convertible tops. 815/344-2022 Our Service is designed so that you can . virtually choose the type of person you want to date. Call: McHenry County Computer Dating Service I1S-33S-2290 H watkil \ II GERMAN found. 6 2 puppies, Wk. & tan, about • weeks old, maleJ1S/344-420S u Lost * Found LOST WATCH ladles, platinum band w/inscription on back • loot Woodstock square. 815/943- J7H aft. 5 p.m. IIS/331-1115 LOST KEY RING, w/bluaball, keys, Woodstock, reward. 1/331-1 lis/: 1-1317 after 5 pm. LOST BLK. CAT, neutered mala, daclawad, In vicinity of Irandywlne Townhouses, off of McHenry Ave. 115/455-5307 LOST: Gold Cross Pen. Monogramed, Compensation. Vic. of Bohn's Ace Hdwara. IU/33MM1. 12 Personals • SCULPTURED NAILS 125.00 by Professional Nail Artist. Call Jeyco for app't 312/A9a-201f BUSINESS SERVICES For all your personal typing l business naada. 40 years ax- parlance In small business ap il leaf ions. Alt work confidan­ te). For complete information, call312/4JMI21. "A TASTE^F E L^GANCE" Catering For AH Occasions 4W344-3M* Reolfestote Sales Wonted to Buy 69 Business Property . 70 Open House 71 Real Estate. 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sole 74 Lots ( Acreage 75 Mobile Homes.. 76 Forms for Sole. ...: 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent 70 Rooms. Board, House Apartments to Share.: .. 79 Apartments to Rent.,.*. SO Homes to Rent. . 61 Condominiums I Town home* to Rient. 82 Storet. Office B Industrial to Rent .83 Forms. Farmland to Rent .84 Miscellaneous to Rent. 85 Automotive Autos for Sale 86 Wanted to Buy 87 Auto Parts B Accessories 88 Trucks, Tractors & Trailers 89 Vont .. 90 Motorcycles B Snowmobiles .91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 12 Personals *** IT lYIrTT PREGNANT? Naad Help? Call: Birthright 312/m-TWD 13 Instruction THINK MUSIC this X-Mas. Crowley 6 Waters Guitar Studio. Classic. Modern, Folk. Elec. Bass. Instructions, 315 S. Main St., Algonquin. 312/451- <000. 19 Child Care BABY SITTER needed for Syr. old girt. Occasional day B avon. sitting, plus soma sktended sit­ ting. own transportation not re­ quired. Must bo In good health, have axp. with children k axe. ref Only the boot need to apply. 312/UMOM. WILL BABYSIT, my Carpentorsvlllo home. (vie. Sunny Hill School). Before or attar school or pre-schoolers, Infants. Reasonable. 1TJ/42B 71S2. LICENSED HOME, opening available, 6 yra. axp., preschool atmosphere, meals provided, 1 Mock from Nuobert * 312/MM3M CHILD CARE In my FOR River DttCOURAOID OVtR Health Insurance coetsT Let us help you develop a plan you can af­ ford. Permanent or temporary. Sundorlege Insurance Agency. I1S/33S-3M WITNESSES: Collision, cycle/pick-up southbound US Hwy. 14, ontrence westbound Wise. Hwy. 11 Walworth Co Wise., Sun. June S, 1*3, 3:30 pm. 414/273-7410.collect. A VISIT from Santa In your home or tor a party, calf for appt. 312/4H-51W PREGNANT, NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Offlceopont-lle.m. And from 7-»p.m. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour enswerlng service HS/3l5-2m care, Mt/wfc; Men. thru Frl.. \ rtlU I) 2 ctilnren/SM, 312/4JS- CHILD CARE needed tor my iwicnsnry wwninip nom#, two- ™ IIS/317- Notices Lost &Found SHEPHARD dog " tan, both POUND CAT on 12/10, female, Mack & white w/4 white feet B Mack beerd, 4 mos. old., very lovable, vie. of Lisa Rd. B 7tn avo., West Dundee, 312/421- 3543. MIXED BREED DOG, mad. size, needs a home due toflre,2 yra. old, good with children 115/344-3*33 Rising medical costs... a tough pill to swallow! $1,000,000 MAJOR MEDICAL EXPENSE Make certain you have the right policy for medical protection Call your Pekin Agent TODAY about reasonable rates for S1.000.000 Major Medical Expense Policy. FitzGeralds' Insurance Agency 4721 W. Elm Street McHenry, IL 60050 (815)385-8700 Yes, I am interested in a further review of my existing insurance program D AUTO D HOME O LIFE • HEALTH • BUSINESS • OTHER Name _i » Address Phone Mail To; FitzGeralds' Ins. Agency 4721 W. Elm Street McHenry., IL 60050 (815)385-8700 21 Situations Wanted ICAMSTRtiS Enperl (25 years) Alterations 1 dreosmaklng 312/6M-S1M ALBRECHT CONSTRUCTION Specialists In • remddellng, repair t custom built homos. Free eett mates. I1S/AS344H. LOCAL MOVING ft Rsasooabl# •rates. • II5/315-f3M Hauling. FAINTINO patching, wall papering, IMhfrepairs. Quality warfc ft mMerlaf. WeasonrMs. David, Ken. 115/455-5331 WILL STBAM clean living room SB. additional roams lit ooch. I15/M3-5513 DO GENERAL houoecleening, Woodstock erea. Good references. 115/231-1512. after s m- - . SNOWPLOWING, rates. Woodstock ft McHenry erea. 119/337-0490. iilp> NEED HOLIDAY RafleMe col logo gin avail. Dec. W-23, 9-5 tor floors, wtndgws. OVtntr M* ClilWrtfl' DtWnft- Have own trans. 312/431-7743. DRUMMER. I yrs experience m reck. |au ft dance music a band. Call iooklng to to MOTHER of ons Interested In sterttng smell child babysftttng coop Foxridge areo. If in- forested call 115/344-4447 SITTER NEEDED In my home, Wed. ft Frl. 1:30 am-5:3l pm, beginning after the noildeys, ref. required. 119/495- U73. after 4 pm BABY SITTER for 4 well behoved children. 5 yrs. ft under, some eft. ft even., ref., own trens., 14.00 an hr. 115/455- 1347. SCHOOL TEACHER Mom will babysit, my home. Pert-time welcomel McHonry/- Johnsburg. 115/305-4012. SEWING MACHINK ft Vacuum daanar repair. ft laABtrlRl in npnpipe • »nwtifiw« in how® MTVlc®. KJOOOT A Son. ii umun. 2L Situations Wanted HOUSECLCANING HELP. Need help potting reedy for Christmas? College senior looking tor |obe. Available Dec. M. Good work at reasonable rates. CaH Susan at OTS/455- 27M . CLEANING LADY, will do an exc.lob deenlng your home, ref. evell. MM hr., call I1S/3S5- 335» ask tor Bonnie after 1pm HOUSECLEANING, 2V> yrs. tMBrlntfi Good rtftrtnets Available tor new clients es of Jan. 3rd. CaH after 4 115/305-4744 pm. •WOOOSPL ITT ING* College student will ft wilt ft restock your wood during hoildoys. US/face cord; 30 mile redlus of Crystal Lake. Call 015/43t-4417. WAITRESS/OFFICE, part time hours, days, Sat., Sun.. Holidays. Call after 2p.m., 312/4504342 HANDYMAN coll. student, paint, otoc., minor carpentry, mechanic, window wash, misc. lager, exc. worker 01S/4W- HOLIDAY SPECIAL Cleaning. 2 reliable women to clean your apt., homo or office from top to bottom. Weekly or bi-weekly rates. 312/43M307, 5-10 pm; 0S0-00S7, after 4:30. CHtiDRENS LETTERS to Spnfe enewered personally, ptos elves newstoftor, ft girts. iis/4554e* Notices Truly Coring Services, INc. HOMC CAM to* aOCKLY ^ or HANDICAPPtD 4 hrs. to 24 hr». - 7 d«yi q week Meal Preparation Also available: Shopping Nursing Care Light Housekeeping Registered Nurses Laundry Lie. Practical Nurses Personal Care Heme Care Assistants 24 Hr. Answering Services 81S-5M SOB *m'»7* te^^wSBaSw^^r^^u.. 24 Help Wanted Major Medical and Short Term Hospital and Surgical Insurance * Batwoow Employment * On Vacation from College * Rocontly Graduated * On Strike * In Between Croup Enrollment Choose a policy term of 30 days to 6 months. Immediate coverage. No deductible JACK WALSH AGENCY McHmry • MS-3300 SUPERVISOR 2nd SHIFT Top CaRber Candidate Needed The person we seek should have a broad knowledge of plant oper­ ations including molding, assem­ bly and screw machine opera­ tions. Must be able to work with routings, and be able to super­ vise & motivate the work force. Competitive starting salary com­ mensurate wi th exper ience . Ex­ cellent employee family benefit program. A 4 day week, 10 hour day, Monday thru Thursday. Qualified individuals please call: PE RSON N EL DE PARTME NT 815-459-3200 THE SINGER COMPANY CONTROLS DIVISION 110 Woodstock Street Crystal Lake, IL60014 Equal Opportunity Employer 21 Situations Wanted TYPEWRITER REPAIR, manual ft electric. Free Pickup ft delivery. Keener & Son, I15/73*M72. ' WANTED VOICE teacher. Must be reesoneble 115/315- 1*1 or P.O. box 243 McHenry Household 23 Help Wanted RELIABLE HOUSEKEEPER, for cleonlng end Ironing. Mon., Wed, Frl.. e.m., 12 hrs. total. Must have pood references, re­ cent physlcel, end own transportation. West Dundee Location. Call 312/421-3520 aft. «p.m. BABYSITTER NEEDED In my McHenry Twp. home, 2-3 days a week, 115/337-0151 GRANDMOTHER TYPE, babysitter for 15 mo. old boy. My home, own transportation, hours very. Ref. required. 115/331-331* call between 9 a.m. and 11a.m. HOUSEKEEPER and daytime care for Infant, 2 days a week, Algonquin. 312/6514441 after 6 E MATURE SITTER Needed Im mediately In my Lakewood home. Must be dependable Flexible firs. Musi nave own transportation. 115/431-5421. MATURE BABYSITTER for II mo. old In my McHenry home, afternoons only, 115/344-0764 Household 23 Help Wanted CRYSTAL LAKE, sitter need­ ed, flew sWo hrs. top waoee, adults only, after 7 pm 115/455- 1625 RESPONSIBLE PERSON wanted to sff In my McHenry home, from 1:00 o.m. til 12:» frm. M-i Rtftroncti req. 115/315-7061 PULL TIME HOUSEKEEPER to cprefor elderly couple. Live- In is e must, week sndl off, Call for In- 5/J3I-7W1. salary negotiable 1erv»ew.lT5>33l-71 LAVANDE RA/PLANCHE RA. En Su Ceee. .Crystal Lake, Cary. Necesltere' References 115/4*3642 BABYSITTER NEEDED for 3 mo. i 3 yr. old, prefer Dean St. school area, non-smoker. I1S/3M-13M. CLEANING LADY, Whisper Ing Oaks, must have own transportation. 115/315-7»54. FAMILY SEEKING reeponsi bis, dependable Individual In Cary area to sit for 15 mo. old child and assist In household duties. Must have own transportation a be available to work versatile hrs. Some overnight 4 weekends. 312/6*- 5217. 24 Help Wanted EXTRA EARNINGS need 3 people who have 10 -15 flexible hours per week, depending upon time. For complete In­ formation call. 312/651-7402. WHAT'S NEW FROM AVON? NOW, EARN LIKE NEVER BEFORE. Your time and ef­ fort, and Avon's world famous products, give you unlimited In­ come potential...without a large financial Investment. Con Avon today: 115/4* 5757. help. Ira Grandma's Pleik 5pr- PART-TIME Counter ideal far housewives. Appl person. Grer " Ing Hill Mell, WE NEED a Happy Bartender. Full Time, nights. Apply In Person. Village Squire North Rt.l4,CrystelLaka. GIRL FRIDAY One person office In McHenry County. Accounting experience required. Will handle all nor­ mal office procedures. 40 hours per week et 1240 per week. Send resume to: Keletlne Corp., PO Box 317, Carpentersvlllo. IL. SECRETARY for Reel Estate Office, experienced Individual to handle phones, typing, light bookkeeping. Adaptable person who likes working with people. 20 to 30 hours 6 week. 115/455- 1114-Joy or Mary. LEGAL SECRETARY, full time, M WPM minimum, ex­ cellent grammar, experience preferred but will train. Send resume to Box A E M, Shew Free Press Newspepers. P. O. Box 250, Crystal Lake. IL 60014. WATCHMAN, pert Retired er semi-retired In- time. dividual welcome to ply In person Wellpeper Mills St., Crystal Lake o apply. Ap- to Statter Mills. 400 S. Main EARN EXTRA holiday cash. Temporery security officers needed In Crystel Lake & Huntley, 16 to 40 hours per week. College students A retirees welcotno. Apply In par- eon to Illinois Job Service. 425 Cley St.. Woodstock. II., Equal opportunity employer. Employer paio ad. 24 Help Wanted AUTO SALES Some sales experience preferred. Will pro vide training for right individual. Must be career oriented. Must possess positive atti­ tude and good work habits. We provide demo, hospitalization, reasonable hours and man agement support Apply in person: Steve Mertel Woodward Ford Mercury Rt. 47 Woodstock, IL 815 338 6680 REAL ESTATE SALES We have openings for persons in­ terested in becoming associated with our very active national franchise organization. As America's, largest electronic realty system, we offer proven sales tools and benefits to make listing and selling easier. Whether you are just starting out or are experienced and looking for a step up, call today for a confidential interview. Ask for Alan Moll 815-385-9394 ERA-RDG Realty of IL, Inc. 4507 W. Elm Street McHenry, IL 60050 WOWARD fjlECTRONICS, A Division of Shadlm Ltd., Is moving to Crystal Lake. I Wa remanufactura and fabricate electronic components for various industries. A vigorous, Innovative company, I wa are beginning our 5th year of I doubling sales. We need person with proven performance and management capabilities to assume key positions In plant management, electronics engineering and sales. Our Operations Manager (a former management consultant) provides dynamic leadership to an expanding tearrvof ptofulowati. If you are Interested In becoming part of this high-challenge team, forward your resume' to our Huntley office, P.O. Box 726, Huntley, IL 40142 or call Jeanette at 312/649-3373 24 Help Wanted HANDY-MAN, ( free for maintenance & securl- fywork. 312/6W-4572 CHARGE NURSE, full time, dey-PM exc. sterttng salary & benefits. Woodstock Residence, W AW*# fVOOOiTOCK •15/330-1710. ORGANIST NEEDED, for Woodstock church. Pipe orgen. Sunday Eucharist at 10:15 a.m. A specie! services. Cell I1S/33S-tr' PLORAL DESIGNER-Pert Time, experienced. Cell or Ap- In Person, Floret Creations, 31 (Orbit PlazalAipenquln. 312/650-2120 DELIVERY & GENERAL work, permanent part time. Same lifting req. Apply In per­ son, Busse Flowers. 710 McHenry Ave., Woodstock IMMEDIATE OPENING for technical services & training manager. Responsibilities In­ clude on-site computer system training & technical support. Accaunting knowleoege beneflclel. Flexible hours with excellent opportunity for earn- 3s A Growth. Cell 115/49* 4 for Interview. Mldlend Pete Systems. EXPERIENCED Snow plow driver. Must be reliable & Call S15/45V-SX7. SECURITY OFFICERS Immediate openings. Tem­ porery, full a pert time posi­ tions evellebie, good wooes, ex­ cellent working conditions. Some permanent positions evallaele to those who demonstrete good work skills. Telephone A car required. To apply call, 312/0054*2. WANT FINANCIAL FREEDOM? So did I. and I found It. My se­ cond month In the nutrition business I earned e 5 figure in­ come. Only those DEAD SERIOUS ebout their financial future need apply. Cell Ms. Mortell for persons I Interview. Phone I15/344-0S53. FARM MECHANIC. In Woodstock eree Small trac­ tors. pickups. A IH Crawlers. Call evenings, 6 to 8 pm, •1S/6SS-SSS3. WOMEN A MEN OF AMERICA TAKE NOTICE We ere looking for part time help day or evelnig. Eern dollars tailing people ebout our concept. Eern SSO-SIOO- or 1200 per week. Call Mel Feber et 312/651-2400. SECURITY OFFICERS Immediate openings in the Elgin eree only , full & pert time positions evell., Must hove F.O.I, end A.G.T. card and be willing to work eny shift. Also, must have own transportation. To apply cell 312/M54271. SEAMSTRESS. Pert Time. McHenry eree. Make pouches for smell machines. Excellent opportunity for supplements! Income. Cell Fred et 115/344^ 0670 evenings SHEET METAL WORKER, must be experienced In both commercial & Industrial work. Send resume A desired wage to. Box A E Q. Free Press Nswspepers. P.O. Boa ISO. Cry^afLake, Illinois, 60014. 24 Help Wanted NEEDED Serious keyboard player for top 40 R a R band, for week end work. Must have own equipment. Vocals prefer­ red, but not e must. Call Mark, 312/650-6031 or Larry, 115/640- 2611-Eves. EARN EXTRA INCOME marketing over 5,000 products, smell Investment required. Amwey Distributor, I15/3S5- l1M64ptn. DIE SETTER Wdnslbie per­ son wanted with some ex­ perience. We are willing to troln someone with e good working attitude. Cell before 6 p.m. 312/416-2233. ADVERTISING SALES Yellow Peges We are looking for 5 soles peo­ ple that are familiar with Kane and McHenry county. If you hove selling experience or ere seeking e new career. It will pey you to call Dave Michaels at 312/651-6160 for en Interview. Menegement opportunities evellebie NURSES AID, Certified, full time, afternoons Ploose eppty •" Tn# tVOOOSTOCK KttlOtOC®, •MO aa-* » A lifnn riain rlr ATT rwcntnry mvi , tyoooitock< 115/330-1700. NURSES AIDS, Certified, part time, on cell. days a nights. Please apply et the Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, I15/33S-1700. CERTIFIED NURSES AIDE Full end Pert time 11p.m.-7:30 e.m. Apply In Person, Olivette Nursing Heme, 355 Reymond St., Elgin. JANITOR Evenings, 3 hrs., Mon-Frl. Experienced 2nd cook, eves., Mon-Frl. No phone cells. Apply In Person, between 12 pm and 9 pm. Reese's Rosteurent. 205 S. Main. Aigon- quln CERTIFIED NURSES AIDES Full Time: 7-3:30p.m. and3- 11: J# p.m., Part Time: J -11:30 p.m. end 11 -7:30e.m. Apply In Person. Mondey thru FrMey. 9 a.m. to4:30p.m. Olivette Nursing Home 355 Reymond St. Elgin R T DEES, Crystel Leke, posi­ tions evellebie. experienced , only. 115/455-4466. ) DENTAL RECEPTIONIST ! Full time. Experience prefer- , red. Cell 312/436-3402. for app't. t •PART TIME OFFICE* 'J Individual will cover offices a t swltchboerd during breaks A * lunch period. Regular hours- 1 f :15 am to 12:35 pm, but flex- ! Ibillty is required. Employ- , ment dote, Jen. X lies. For ad- , dltlonel Information, contact > our MTionntl offict. McHENRY COUNTY COLLEGE 115/455-3700 60/AA Employer | MANAGEMENT TRAINEE The leedlno midwest | distributor of comsumer houseware products is now ac- . ceptlng eppllcatlons for full . time management trolnoes. In- > come overoge, 123,000 first 1 veer. Salary + Commission + ' Bonus. These positions are , evellebie Immedietely. exten­ sive trelning orogram provided In our regional office. Cell 1-S00/I92-SS02 Peul Rufflno PRE-SCHOOL TEACHER CARPENTER, pert time w/knowledge In beslc plumb­ ing a electrical helpful. 312/4*6-2371. quired. hours. Call Cathy at Kinder Care. 115/344 4970. SHORT ORDER COOK, mole or femele. modem kitchen. Ideel hours. Call I15/33S-9575. •• 24 Help Wanted Help Wanted Ford Experienced Mechanic Mitcbell-Lincoli»-Morc«ry Must have own'tools, 3 yrs. experience. Apply in person Joe Schuler, Service Manager 907 N. Front - McHenry 815-385-0403 Certified Nursing Assts. We are accepting applications for all shifts, full and part time positions. We are a 70 bed, am­ bulatory, intermediate care facility. No uniforms required. Nursing assts. are directly involved in each resident's overall plan of care. CONTACT HS. MAWDSIEY SHELTERING OAK, INC. Island Lake, IL 312-526-3636 GENERAL OFFICE available in modern Light typing, filing Position busy office & phone work Apply in person ONLY LENCO ELECTRONICS 1390 Beldei St McHMryJI * The William Tonyan Industrial Park r SALES/CUSTOMER SERVICE We are increasing the size of our inside sales/customer service department. We provide an extensive training program in computer use and professional selling techniques. We offer full benefits, competive pay, challenging work and the opportunity to grow and advance with a successful company. QUALIFICATIONS: Successful work record, good typing skills, good communication skills, be interested in learning and willing to dedicate yourself to a challenging career. If you feel you can meet these qualifications or if you know of someone else that may be interested, applications are currently being taken with a brief interview at our spacious headquarters at 640 In­ dustrial Drive, Cary, IL. (weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). If it is Impossible for you to apply dur­ ing these hours please call Mrs. Kaiser at 312-639- 5651 _ FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS, INC.

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