Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1983, p. 15

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I'AliK IS - IM.AINDKAI FR - FRIDAY, DECEMBER It, IMS Misc. 82 Merchandise KINNMORE, por t ib l t tIC butchtr working cood> mIi Mock top. oooo m 171011/544-W3 •J.STOVI wlf cleaning, herveet oold, 7 yr». new, exc CO*.,OSfclnfl »306 SH/434-6410 WATIRMD, king ill*. Mo tlonless mottroes, bookcase heedboarO, Ilk* new, linens In­ cluded, 1300 Coll 3H/W-31W. COLICO VISION w/Jcer- trWoM. 1 yr. old. Asking 1225 Ui/XS-TX*. 0.1. Retrjg. frost guard, 010J; mn iv jnowDiowir iim rnw» 0m3H/4»-4M7. 0.1.REFRIGERATOR with too cub* maker, Ilk* new 0100. HlflM-WI • CONIOLI MWING Mochlno w/ettechments. With chair. 07SJMWNM0M. • SANYO VCR Ju*t In tlm* for Chrlstmes Llk* now still In box. Still under warranty. : Front loading system iFreeietreme(Bete III) :Bete Seen (Bete Ml) :l function remote OBS or beet otter . 015/453 7441 SEWING MACHINE, Bornln* Modal HI/ uaed 3 mo*. Best of tpr. 015/455-2740 SKIS. K2-140, Slalom bindings, i. sit* appralM Ski Shop. 000. 015/305-4073 *ft*r 5 p.m. b*glnn*r to intermedlete. 7, Nordic* boots. olsod at 88 Garage Sales CARPENTERSVILLE GARAGE SALE (Hooted) sOAsoonLeno Frl-Set Sun-DEC. 14,17, IMS Ideal X-mes gifts, Porcoleln 1 Brese Hems, musk boxes, col lector Items, tome entloues, play t*bl*s/toys. vary BASEMENT SALE Set., Dec. 17 f emtoJpm Mc Henry 4714 W. Bonner Dr. (Behind B*s*l*y* Phillips 44 J Toys, games, dolls, books, skis & boots, crofts. Household Items. 4-15" white spok* wheels. 175; 1-HR70-U redlei snow (never used). 010; 1-B70- 13 Poly Snow (never used) $10, 4 cost shall Xioo-iow-oii. so e cose. Miscellaneous smell 35 Antiques MOO SO. FT. werehouse of en- ttauos of the moet reesonable prices In the arool John Ken­ neth Funderburg B Sons. Antl- quartans, wholoeale B Retell. 1111 Newburg Rd.. Belvldere, IL. 115/547-4104. ANTIQUE STOVE, coet Iron, wood B cool burning, exc. cond. 311/43M500 after 4 pm ANTIQOES-Swonsoe English Too service Circe 1030, 1325, Primitive Ponnoylvonle Fine •rtfcsT-M 015/334 OAK BUFFET, 41 In. long. 3 drowers, l door, roflnlsned, >m. 015/455 4350, eves. FORD 1452, 4 dr. sedon. 3»,000 original miles, mony extra ports. 11.300.• Bulck 1477 V-4 eng., $125; Frezor Nosh. 1434, Roedster (replica). Invested will sell for 15.000; 1442 Crown Imporlol. exc. , low ml lege, 4dr., >1700. 815/385-7236 Chrysler COM., Ion OAK TELEPHONE, rere dou­ ble box, S245. Greet Chrlstmes Gift! 015/344-0440. Bicycles & Sports 36 Equip. MSPD. BIKE Columbia needs frome & pedels. S45/offer. 318/430-0453 before 4 P.M. Musical 39 Instruments GUITARS- Brend New et wholesale prices, seve 40-50%. Accoustlcs. electrics & bass guitars plus strings, straps, picks, drum sticks, cases & much much more. 015/305-0303 for eppl. PRE-CHRISTMAS WAREHOUSE SALE A smell deposit will hold the Pleno or Orgen of your choice et the lowest ovallable price. SAVE BIG • SAVE NOW Cell: RoselleMusic 312/4*7-3344 Mon- Thurs.-1 A.M. to* P.M. Set.-»A.M. to 4 P.M. FISHER PIANO Service. Tun­ ing B repelr, guaranteed. No electronic tuning eldi used. 311/450-4143. THINK MUSIC this X-Mos. Aree Pro II B Deen Electric Guitars. Crowley & Waters Gutter Studio, 315 S. Main St., Algonquin. 311/450-4000. PRE-HOLIDAY Pleno & Oroen Sole. Prices stort et $345. Sell Morford Pleno <i Orgen Com oeny, 72 Founteln Square Plaie, Elgin. IL. 312/741-0700. ELECTRIC GUITAR w/emp. Like new. Exc. Chrlstmes gift for beginner, $125,015/453-4717 DRUM SET 5 pc., blue, Sl- Ingerlend, 5 cymbels. $250. ORGAN, Hommond E100, con­ sole. Full pedel. Exc. cond. Asklnp $1400.312/434-4442. GORDONLAUGHEADCon sole Piano. Ilka new, $750. 312/431-1540 Pets & 44 Equipment FREE TO OOOO homo, pup pies. Lob mix, In time for Chrlstmes. 313/414-1370 GERMAN SHEPHERD Im ports. AKC, Sire Benno Von Hous Kuhn. Exceptional quali­ ty. brad for temp., dlsp., raised with children 015/4234400. CANARIES-Home raised Mele/Femele, Good singers. 015/330-1301 AKC TOY POODLE femolo, 7 mo., oil shots, silver (moved to apt.) 0125 015/4534434 BOUVIER PUPPIES B YOUNG ADULTS 311/424-2040 FREE to good homo, 4 mth mole grey kitten. 015/434-5274. FREE KITTENS, 2 meles, 1 female 115/3057340 AKC STD. POODLE, reedy now, or Cocker pups, ell with Titled Dams, shots, wormed. Also, Titled, buff, Cocker stud 312/444-5033 CANARIES Good Singers Oi Cages 312/434 2422 FREE TO GOOD HOME Leb. All Shots. 015/344-3524. DRUM SET by Grotch, 5 pes.; Tome B Rogers herdwere, MOO/bost. 015/455-5040. SAXOHPONES, Bundy, like now, 0425. Other reconditioned, 1310.015/443-7301 or 443-7310. 45 Longh Mock 2 femele, 1 mole. Litter trelned. 312/350-4041. PUPPY, 4Vi months, free to good home, 015/344-4423 FREE IRISH setter, 5 yrs. old. greet w/chlldren, housebrokon. 015/305-7041 COCKER SPANIELS, block, 1 mole B 1 female. AKC, 2 yrs. •twrttafrti 015/455-3127 Offer 5 pm. MUST GIVE ewoy, 5 year old Collie mix. Cell 015/337-0010 or 330-0174 PUPPIES, Pekingese, moles. Sheltles. Trl, Blues, Mlnloture Schneuxer, mole. 313/403-4477 FREE TO loving home 'Spot', 10 mo. old, AKC, blond, Cocker Spaniel, 015/704-4400 •PUPPIES FOR CHRISTMAS* Amerlcon Esklmo/Brlttony Sponlel mix, peronts reg purebred. Cute B cuddly, 7 wks., shots. $15/00. 311/434- SIBERIAN HUSKY/?? MIX puppy. 0 wks. old. Choose mole or femele FREE TO GOOD HOME Cell 015/454-6430. Machinery & , Real Estate Real Estate S3 Equipment 72 For Sale 72 For Sale IH 3000 4 whl. drive Idr. w/beckhoe, 4-ln-i bucket, cob, dlosel, 04,450; Ford 3000 tractor w/ldr, 3 pt, PTO, 5 ft bucket, DP, $3,000 IH 700® tractor fork lift w/10 ft. most, side shift, Shuttle, $4,750; Ford 3000 utility frector w/3 pt, PTO, $3,450; IH 3414 utility trector w/3 pt, PTO, PS, $3,000; 71 Brown 40 ft. flot treller w/slldlng fondems, bulk hood, $2,000; 77 Chevy C-20 pickup truck * ton, PS, outo, top- 0450; Dyne Hoe 140 trector w/ldr, cob, ** yd. bucket, $2,100; Mlty Moc OC skid Idr., 25 HP, ROM, $1,450. For Info coll Powers Equip. Co., 0733 Rldgefleld Rd., Crystel Lake, 015/455-1444. FOR SALE '74 Chev. C-30 Crew Cob with '77 Owens 10 ton gooseneck machinery houler, Soever toll ramps. '77 Ford F- 350 1 ton stoke bod $2750. '75 Dodge window von (no soots) new point, $1000. '71 CMC 55001 ton crew cob with If flet bed 5 tpd V-4 eng., $3450. 2-1471 Frueheuf 40' elr ride flot beds $3250 eech. Hlghwey 40' sproed oxle flet bed with elum. dock, $1500. 1472 MF 30 Industrie! trector loader back hoe, ges. $4050. 1472 MF 30 loader trac­ tor, $4050. Michigan 55A Series II 4x4 dlosel loooer, $4500. Ford 4000 ges T.L.B. $4500. Fermell Super A Hl-Cleerence 1 row cultlvetor, excellent condition. Ingersol-Rond 315 dlosel Gyro- Flo elr compressor on wheels. $3500 Hobert 400 AMP. welder self-propelled unit with cob, $3400, complete Adam Fritz Co., P.O. Box 570 ( 33 Old McHenry Rd ), Lake Zurich. II. 40047, 312/430-5101. ATTENTION HUNTERS, pup pies ecddentol breeding of rere curly coetod retriever 6 flet coeted retriever Excellent hunting prospects. Two 12 wk.' old meles I en. All shots $35 ee 015/454-0030 days & 015/494 3222 evenings AKC OLD ENGLISH Sheep Dog Pups. Shots B wormed, Reedy tor Chrlstmes. $200 Teklrig orders now Cell 1/414- 710-4413 lie, ed> FREMITTEN, griB-". whl! about i* MOnrhr Sped' famole, long fur. 311/450-4300 • •CANARIES* Super Singers! Chrlstmes Speclel-$401 Cell 015/454 7434 4 KITTENS. 7 wks. old free to good homes. 015/453-4447 GERMAN SHE PAR D pups, AKC. Exc. blood lines - must socrlflce$75. $15/640 4350 FREE GERMAN Shoperd, AKC femele. IV] yrs old. Good with children. $15/640-4350. POODLE PUPS choc, brown. 5 wks. old, females Perfect for Chrlstmes. 015/454-6143. MIN. DASHUND, free, registered, femele. 3 yrs., exc. with children 311/414-4664 or 154-1410 FREE GUINEAPIGS! 5 months old. both sexee. 4 long helred: 2 block & white. 2 cornel color; 1 short-haired camel color. FIRST COME- FIRST SERVED! Cell 015/338- 4457 CABBAGE PATCH PUPPIES, born Dec. 4. Gift certlflcotes for Chrlstmes. Adorable mix of Alesken Malemuto end Toy Collie, 6 meles B 6 females to 'Ing for children, or e lonely adult. This yeer give companionship end lots of love. Give a puppy. SIS/455-0906 SIAMESE KITTENS $15/455-5444 POOOLE BABIES A K C. toy & tiny toy. champion sired Also stud service. Professional a dog grooming, 20 yrs exp. •15/338-2155 FREE 5 mo. old mele dog. looks like a chocolate let) w/green eyes. Could be hunter. $15/344-2371. 47 Horses & Equipment PUREBRED Reg Arob- beeutlful. very typey grey, 14.2 hends, exc. troll horse, colm, well monnered. $1,250 . 312/347- 2474. 49 Livestock FEEDERS, 12 heed, BWF, everege 500 lb., 70</lb, before $ em, $15/305-4076. Business 66 Opportunity START Your Own AMWAY Business & eern financial In­ dependence (get the whole story). Under nq obligation 312/434 5417. 69 Wanted To Buy LOOKING FOR 20 unit or lerger opt. bldg. Hove $100,000. Desire short controct sale Minimum 2 yrs, no Interest. 015/305-1341. WANTED Bulldeble homesite In or neer Crystel Leke aree Prefer wooded locetlon Cell Jon, 015/454-0344 70 Business Properties TAVERN with living querters on 14 acres Meln hwy North Wise. Must sell due to Illness. Reesoneble Pictures & details, write c/o TAVERN, Woodstock Dolly Sentinel, P.O. Box 709 DC1, Woodstock IL 40040. SMALL RESTAURANT, for sole. Downtown Woodstock. Soots 25. $15,000. 015/330-1430 between 4 p.m. end 4 p.m. LAKE IN THE HILLS, McHenry County, commercial Ing. rtoW'vtonf.'frrMitf W below coet et $52,500 Owner ' needs test sole, cell Bill Jury et t Reelty World Durben-Stovell, ' Cory. 312/434-5527. Real Estate 72 For Sale CENTURY 21, Fermtown Realtors Homes Ferms-Vecent 312/664 3777 or $15 56«-7119 TOM WILDE IN McHENRY & Leke Coun­ ties. repossessed homes es low es $1,500 down. Priced thousands below velue. Homes starting at $27,000. Fixed rete flnenclng. 312/400-437$, Amorlcen Homes W E H A V E V A / . F H A Forclosure Properties. Low In­ terest rotes; very low down peyment. Cell for more details. Realty World Durbln Stovall, 015/454-3145. REPOSSESSED HOMES, ell counties. $1000 down (0%/30 rrs. Sutton Reelty. 312/625- £>. MOVE RIGHT In, completely rodocoretod, 2 or 3 bdrm. ronch. Cell todoy for financing, Re-Mex, Gloria, 312/396 X50 SPRING GROVE Assumable FHA 11Va%, 2 BR Rench, 2 car oar. frplc. over 1/2 ecre lot. Eliminate high closing costs. $46,000.312/507-6688 6 UNIT APT. BLDG Nr Spring Hill Moll -Dundee Cell bet- weon 7 & 9 P.M. 312/991-1623. WONDER LAKE, sm 2 bdrm. sterter home, completely renovoted. New siding, doors, windows, deck, drywell & carpeting. On nice high lot w/treos. Will consider con- trect. $2$,500. Cell $15/653-9964. WONDER LAKE $35,000 on Nlpperslnk Cr. 6 rms., 3 bdrms., full bsmt.. Ig lot. McHenry Co. Reelty, 815/653- 2061, esk for JAK CRYSTAL LAKE, by owner. 4 bdrm., 2 bath trl-level on 1/3+ ecre lot. besement, C/A, flreplece & boomed celling In femlly room. Herdwood floors, enclosed petlo, fenced yard, beeutlful trees, 2 car garege. Immeculete Inside & out, most rooms expensively peneled, $01,500. By appointment, 015/459-1350. ORIGINAL OWNERS Sherp ronch hes 3 bdrms.. 1'4 be., fem. rm. On prlvote C'vllle lot w/meture trees & fenced yerd. Neet es a pin. Vou won't want to change a thing. Reduced to $52,900 Cell Algonquin Realty, 312/650-5031. Petsfc 44 Equipment ORGAN, professlonel Hem mond B-3 end Leslie. Includes bass and keyboerd syn­ thesizers. $2500 or best roosonable offer. $15/750-7517 fordomonstrotlon. YOUTH SIZE violin 0. cose. Ap­ praised velue, $100 015/720- 0546, offer 5 pm BALDWIN BABY GRAND w/bonch, beeutlful noturol cherry wood. 0445. Coll 015/454 'CUf AMD SAW -**"-- $2.00 OFF WITH THIS ADMI! DOG GROOMING All Breeds Professionally Styled & Bathed No Tranquilizers Agape' - J.E.M. Kennels 4 7 I I W . C r y s t a l L a k e R d . McHenry j. 81 & 344-4205 living rm. Lgio mosfer CRYSTAL LAKE By Low molnt. Worm i cozy 2 bdrm., 2 both, frplc., bemnt. ivj cor gar. Completely renovoted Inside t out. Vi Wk from leke, neer schools. Cethodrol celling w/skyllght In t, closers In Mony extreO. Asking $54,400. Negot. $15/459- 5145. MC HENRY 3 bdrm 125 ft. on Fox River. 2 car aer., frplc., fem. rm., wooded lot. 4% Int. $74, $50.015/305-6566. INVESTMENT Tex Shelter. 4 unit opt. 4% Int. $114,750. 015/305-6566. CARY for sole by owner 3 bdrm. 1</> be home w/ flreplece In llv rm. On approx. V; ecre, 3 blocks to froln. $65,000.312/634-5513. TIMBERLAKE BARR Con temporery trl-level on 1.2 ecres. 3 barms., 3 both, llv. rm. & din. rm. w/cethodrol celling. Fom. rm. w/frplc. & finished bsmt. 2 cer eft. ger Ad|olnlng 0 ecres olso evall. $144,500: 312/526-7543 1 BEDROOM house on wooded lot, will trede equity for pickup or outo of equel velue, good In­ terest & low peyments. some work. 815/720-0120 offer 3p nr JOHNSBURG, 4 bdrm Vic tor Ion, built In 1070.2,500 sq.ft.. mony unique feetures, $74,460, $% Interest. $15/344-1632, $15/305-654^, 815/344-0748. JOHNSBURG, for sale by owner, rench house w/fm. rm., 3 bdrms., corpet, $59,000,0V]%, 30 yeers. 015/344-1432, 015/305- 6566, 815/344-0748 SMALL 2 BDRM. house Cloee to McHenry Good investmwnT. $31,500.Cell: $15/385-3490. McHENRY COUNTY-By owner. 13 unit apt bldg. et $23,000 per unit for total of $229,000 Older brick w/gross Income $42,780. Call: BIS/385- 3490 McHENRY-3 BR home, A/C, full besement w/peneled rec rm., eft. l cer ger., sided, In town, new carpeting & stove In- d $59,900 $15/385-6905 WOODSTOCK. 2 bdrm. duplex, eft gar., c/a, carpet, stove, refrlg. rods & drepes, utility room for your own washer & dryer $400 t sec dep.. call for appt 815/3387030 or 815/330- 0509. CUSTOM BUILT, 2 femlly home In nice eree. Eech unit 1000 square feet, Includes bese­ ment, garage, appliances, con­ trol elr, etc Extra Income reduces your payments Bauman Real Estate, Inc 015/338 2725. MCRRY Christmas special. Brend now 4 bdrm. rolsed ronch. $45,000 homo for $70,000. 312/430-0044. AFFORDABLE ranch |ust right for the family. 3 bedrooms, full portially finish- Kaaiwwt mnliui 1A/«|I •O MlfiTUnT/ minp fi9i. ""ill kept, oftrectlve neighborhood close to schools. $50,000. Boumon Real Estate, Inc. 015/330-2725. 74 Townhomes CARY, Bright Oaks, cozy 2 bdrm. ronch, la. kH. w/petlo windows, lots « closet spoco, geroge, pond, pine trees, pool B tennis courts. By owner, $44,400. 015/455-0354 or 312/434 4444. ' CRYSTAL LAKE, Four Col onles. club house privileges, 3 bdrm., 2V> both. S*TS00, 015/454-0342. CARPENTERSVILLE, Morn Ingslde townhouse, 3 bdrm., garage, control air, fully carpeted, recently painted. 034,500.312/741-1000 or 741-1305. 75 Lots& Acreage 5 VACANT ACRES. Rolling hillside, perfect for eertn home Woodstock eree Owner flnenclng. $34,400 Boumon Reel Estote, Inc. 015/330-2725. 76 Mobile Homes CRYSTAL LAKE, Royol Oeks Mobile Homo Comm., offers new homos on site, down pey­ ment of $2,000 with $170 mon- Ikly noumoittl IJi| n«6o A.Hit!4 TTiiy ptyrnvnri. no pvri. rtBun Comm., 015/455-4400, USED MOBILE Homes for sole. Moduler buildings, por- teble desKOoms. Ideel for nun- ting cabins, Sunday Schools, etc. Used mobile home tires, exles end fremos. 015/494-4405. Rooms, Board Apartments 79 To Share ROOMATE WANTED to shore modern 3 bdrm. IV* both homo on l ecre wooded lot, turn. w/eppls., full bsmt., per. Imm- Od. occup., 015/455-2057 even- HSL CARY COUPLE, wiH shore 4 bdrm. homo with edult, 1 child Ok, $200 + utlls. 312/639-7043 CRYSTAL LAKE, room, cook­ ing Oi laundry facilities evall., femele would like to share w/somo, 015/454-0704. McHENRY DEPOT Hotel, sleeping rooms, kitchen, cable, convenient to center of town, from $45. 815/305-4730 offer 4 pm, 3939 W. Main St. CARY- Room for rant w/klt- chen privileges. Near shopping B trains, Idoel for mature edult. 830/wk. + depoett Coll 312/634-3100. ROOMATE WANTED to share house In e forest. New ronch w/4 acres of woods, pond 8i creek. $200/mo. Bsmt., 6lr.. B eppls. Immod. occ Woodstock eree. 015/443-7733. 80 Apartments To Rent HARVARD 2 bdrm. deluxe 0t stenderd opt., wooded eree. swimming pool, welklno distance to northwest troln B town, 015/443-4144. SPACIOUS, 1 B 2 bedroom opertment. Air conditioned, op pllences, dishwasher, 015/301- 2101. 80 Apartments To Rent 80 Apartments To Rent MCHENRY new largo 1 bdrm. opts., energy efficient, securi­ ty. laundry facilities, full size •si., Immediate occupancy. 815/305-3192 WOODSTOCK* 1 or 2 BR, boomnt, crpting, gar., w/offlco, appl's. Loose, dep.. 0323/mfh. 0lM43-3114oft.4p.m. WOODSTOCK Lg. 2 aOx, stove B fridge, /mo., loaeo B security, no oofs. Avail. Doc. 15. Phone Mr. Titbits. 015/330-3711 days. 040- 2274 nights. McHENRY. modern 1 bdrm. apt. on waterfront, welk to stores, corpot, stove, refrlg., gets. $205 + sac. dep., 015/3 FAIRDALE, two 2 bdrm. apt. 0200. Garbaoo. water, ap- plloncos. 015/a04-. «1 no >-5250. GRISWALD LAKE, efficiency duplex opt., part. turn, for one. Utllimes furnished. 015/34+ 4295 WEST DUNDEE, 2 bdrm., uptfelrs, Immod. occupancy. $320 plus security, Includes Utilities 312/42M674 MCHENRY, 2 bdrm. opt., w/w corpet. eppl. B hoot, 1 yr. loaeo, no pets, ref. Avell. Feb. 1, S400/mo. plus, security 015/305-5467 CRYSTAL LAKE (downtown eree), 2 bdrm. upper, 2 flat, gar., 02M/mo., no utilities, even. Jon. 0. 015/454-7232 doy or eve. MARENGO 1 bdrm. opt., cleen. hoot furnished, no pets. $235 $15/540-7540. Apartments 80 To Rent MCHENRY Ig. 2 bdrm. est., Vj Wk. from hospltol. Kit., dining, Iv. rm., full bemnt., eppl.. Ion of spece. Coll 015/305-3142 bet­ ween 4 em. 45p.m. 78 Wanted To Rent CRYSTAL LAKE, employed femele wonts to rent 1 bdrm. opt. In older home. S200S300 mo., 015/455-4740. Rooms, Board Apartments 79 To Share ROOM FOR RENT, Non smoker only, Crystel Leke. 815/455-4516 efter 5 P.M. 72 Real Estate For Sale FORECLOSED HOMES McHtnry County V.A..-10%-30 yrs. Fixed rate mortgages, HUD & lender's homes also are available. CALL SHAMROCK REALTY 7514 Hancock Dr. Wonder Lake, IL 60097 815-728-0424 McHenry 2 bedroom apartment. Kitchen and bath: $325 per month includes all utilities and garbage pick-up. 815-385-1066 72 Real Estate For Sale CRYSTAL LAKE, 2 bdrms. on 1 st floor, hoot, stove & fridge. 8350/mo. + deposit. Avell. Jon. 1. Coll 015/454-3035 McHENRY, Idee! locetlon, ovell. Jon. l, $270/mo- no pets. Coll 015/305-4400 CRYSTAL LAKE 2 bedroom, aer., elr, eppl., Jan l occup. 0400/month, no pots. 015/4M- 4357 Homes To Rent JOHNSBURG HOUSE 2 bdrm., full bsmnt, family rm ,control air, w/weshsr & dryer. 0350/mo. + Sec. Deposit. 015/305-4304 offer 7 p.m. MC HENRY On the Fox River. 3 bdrm., 2 car gar., flreplece. 0445/mo. 015/30W544 CRYSTAL LAKE. 3 bdrm.. full bosomont, 2 cor gar., all opol Inc. $575/mon., plus security. No pots. Carol Hoofer. ERA Byrnes Bros. 015/454-5400 CRYSTAL LAKE, coiy 3 L -J -- -- hatomorrf Im 1 KLA DOTfTiw DoSeniefiT, ly lOTf low rights. 0415/mo., 015/455-3424 POX RIVER GROVE 3bdrms . etudy, fom. rm., IV* car ger., fenced yd., neer trens. Avell. Immod. $525/mo. 312/430-4143 or 400-3744. CRYSTAL LAKE, 3 bdrm. ranch w/2 baths. 1 car garage B full beeement. Available In Mld-Januery. $535/mo. + security. Call $15/454-3044, Essex Costello. CRYSTAL LAKE, 3 bdrm, kit., living room, both, full bese­ ment. $375. month + security, no pats 312/434-3105 offer 4 pm. COZY 2 BDRM. house on large lot w/garoge, $425 month plus eec. dep., $15/720-012$ or 015/72O-OM7 CRYSTAL LAKE, coxy 2 bdrm. home, geroge 1 woter furnish­ ed, lake rights, $315/mo Avell. Jan. 1. Call 015/455-2004 before Noon. CRYSTAL LAKE 3 bdrm.. bemt., close to schools & downtown. Immod. occup.. month to month lease. S450/mo B sec. dep. Coll Janet Reeding " - - - - - Estote. at Century 21. John Jung Reel itote, 015/454-4300. WONDER LAKE. 2-3 bdrm coder house on woter. $34S/mo. + utlls. 312/423-7544, 4:30 am-5 pm. Monday through Friday. CHOICE HOMES FOR RENT 3 bdrm. duplex.. .$42S/mo. 2 bdrm. home....$300/mo. Reelty World Durbin-Stovell Assoc., Inc. 015/454-3145. 81 Homes To Rent ,Q CRYSTAL LAKE, 2 Mrm*! house. garsMO, en 2 fenced Ms. * near schooC 034S mth. Eves., 115/334-0054. NEW HOME In new sutiM-' slen for solo or laaae. S bdrm^ t"4 beths, living room S. kitchen with m. rm. with flreplece, hat woter hoot, 2 car attocfiod gar. Ideal for femlly with In-lows. 015/720-0131. JOHNSBURG SCHOOLS 4 bdrms., iv» baths, frptce., wesh t dryer : $345. Century 21 Care, Mary Ellon Shlnt: 015/344-1033. CARPENTERSVILLE-4 BR. t ' bth, fom. rm, 2 car gar. $535, mo. 312/420-4444 or 312/594- 5350 1 CRYSTAL LAKE, 4 bdrms., newly redecorated. Immod. < occ.. fm. room, 0570 + eec. < dep., 312/4)4-0202. WOODSTOCK/HARVARD Location. Beautiful 4 BR. brick home on 3/4 ecre wooded let. Avell. Immediately. 0450/mo." REALTY WORLD, G. Q. B F., Inc.. 015/443-4077 WONDER LAKE 2 bdrm: w/ger. $400/mo.. sec. B ref. 815/720-0120 or 720-0407. WOODSTOCK, 2 bdrm. new carpet, B rodocoretod. Rango. rofrlgeretor, weshor, petlo, cor port North wood School area. Loose end referencee. No pofs. Socdop. 015/330-4270,5-4 p.m. RENT with option. Large older home lust blocks from Woodstock cfty square. > • bedrooms, besement, geroge. $42,000... mako offer. Bauman Reel Estote, Inc. 015/330-2725 WONDER LAKE for rent w/ap-. • tton to buy. brand now 4 bdrm. rolsed rench. 0d90/monffi., 312/430-0044. CRYSTAL LAKE 2 bdrm., !• both, llv. rm., din. rm., 1 Mock - from lake. No oofs. $345/mo. B sec. dep. Avail. Immod. 015/455-1174; If no answer, 4S5- 3070. Condos.,; Townhomes 82 To Rent WATERFRONT CONDO. St.", Pete Beech. 1 bdrm., IVi both, < hooted pool w/Jacuzzi. Avail. Doc., Jon. 0i Fob. 0450/mo. ' 015/454-2033. ] CRYSTAL LAKE, 4 Colonies. ' beautiful, 2 bdrm., condo. ' Flreplece, control elr, gar. , pool, clubhouse. Avell. Jon. 1. , Call Mon. 312/301-5414, or Tues., Wed., Thurs. B Frl. efter 4. or Sun. 10-2. PURR-FECT! Outside, Inside, one look and you'll know It s HOME! Seller just reduced this quality Lake in the Hills raised ranch with its endless list of EXTRAS! 3 bedrooms, 2'/a baths, family room w/fireplace. So much more and all for only *74,900 can Algonquin Realty 312-658-5031 4 BEDROOM CAPE COD-near beach. Living room has beamed ceiling and woodburning fireplace. Many trees on 105' x 125 lot. 2nd fireplace, vinyl siding Heated garage/workshop, 30' x 30 A lot of living for only $64,300 MODERN 6 ACRE FARMETTE--4 bedrooms, 2 baths, dining room, family room, 2'/2 car att. garage, 32' x 50' barn and 3 dog runs. Enjoy country life for only $99,900 5.73 BULL VALLEY ACRES-partially woodod with 672 frontage on Cherry Valley Road and 463 frontage on Boone Creek $35,900 < .11 Mtr» ;<:im ;»h:.o 'II* mvlltu H|NO. > Hill HARDING REAL ESTATE HOI 14 tf K i Al HOI N sTRiri V*4M4|Ht11 W'fc II I.IMMs RESIDENTIAL FARMS INDUSTRIAL APPRAISALS Ontuiy. MAIN OFFICE SHVIMG THE GtfAHR NcHEWY AKfi ROM TWO Off l« LOCATIONS 815-344-1033 • k fe <**» o » MANCN OfflCf 4 STtBT, MdftNKf, I ^t20, 3717 w an 815-385-8821 HI! Jttoshrf Im4 Ndtei. ft CARE REAL ESTATE If you're looking for a choice home we offer a wide selection. ALL ASSOCIATES ARE MEMBERS OF BOTH McHENRY & LAKE COUNTIES COMPUTERIZED MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICES!! $76,900 Tie a Big Red Bow around this lovely 4 bdrm. home in town! Spacious and immaculate! Fireplace, garage and many extras! 1210,000 Winter Wonderland! Waterfront estate! 4 bdrm.. 3 bath Hillside ranch w. finished basement. '/« acre and brick boat house! $290,000 Hang stockings on this fireplace! Plus 5 bdrms. and formal dinig rm., 16 acres ond 4 plus stall barn! Fen­ ced corral and in-ground pool! $44,900 Jack Frost special! 2 bdrm. ranch w/aluminum siding, formal dining rm. and large wooded lot-! $64,500 Perfect home to decorate for Xmas! 3 bdrm., 2 bath tri-level. Central air, formal dining rm., and attached garage. HOMES IN THE ISO's!! 3 bdrm., IVi bath ranch w/all appliances! $51,500! Near Country Club! 2 bdrm. ranch w/wooded Vt acre! Reduced to $53,000 3 bdrm.ranch w/fireplace & att. garage! ASSUMABLE! 151,900 $55,000 Put lights on the evergreens in front of this 3 bdrm. ranch near town! Full basement and det. garage. I $60,500 Serve Christmas dinner in this largo dining room! Quality built 3 bdrm. all brick ranch with many extras! $79,900 Enjoy a Traditional Christmas in this lovely 3 bdrm. Cape Cod w poss. in­ law arrangements. 2 car garage. In Whispering Oaks! REDUCED TO $03,500 Perfect living rm. for Christmas tree! 4 large bdrms., 2V» baths and full bosement. All brick 2 story! MLS $55,000 Santas cozy cottage! 1 bedroom w/new roof, furnace, windows ond siding! Att. 2S car garage and mature trees. •* 1900 Century 21 Rool EtiolB Corporation * R< lachoHko IB oration" e^oictad Trademark ol Cantury 21 tool f tlol« Corporation. Printed in U S A.

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