V Audubon wildlife films in sixth Opera House season si :< , ION i • I»AC;K7 - I*LAINI>K/VI.KH - FRIDAY. DEC EMBER IC. IM The sixth series of Audubon Wildlife films will be presented at the Woodstock Opera House early next year, at 2 p.m. on Sunday afternoons. They are sponsored by the McHenry County Audubon Society, the Environmental Education Committee for the McHenry County Conservation District, and the McHenry County Defenders. The first film, to be shown Jan. 8, "Sky Island: Arizona's Chiricahua Mountain Range", will highlight the abundant variety of wildlife, including coati-mundi, jeweled hum mingbird, and gila monster. On Jan. 29, "Okavango" will depict the green and tranquil Delta situated in the northern section of the Kalahari Desert in Botswana, Africa. Finally, on March 25, the film "Saguaro Country" will show how all life in the Sonoran Desert, from tiny desert wild- flowers to the world's largest cactus, must adapt to withstand the extremes of heat by day and cold at night. Series tickets are available now by contacting the Wood stock Opera House Ticket office, 121 Van Buren, Woodstock. 111. 60098. general yci iciai News a Christopher Columbus brought Christmas holiday to America The Irish potato came to America from Ireland; the English Sparrow from England, but how did Christmas come to America? Shortly after Columbus discovered America, the first American Christmas was celebrated. On Christmas Eve, the Santa Maria ran aground and Columbus and his men worked in vain to free her. At last she was stripped of much of her gear which was tran sferred to the Nina. This extra load on the Nina, in turn, forced Columbus to leave some of his crew behind in a new fort which was named in honor of the holiday, Le Navidad, meaning the Nativity. ITAFf PHOTO WAYNI OAVIOK) TOYS FOR TOTS-Phil Oeff Unci holds sons, Nick, 5, and Brad, 3, as they donate a package to Corp. James Dick of the U.S. Marines. Give toys to needy The Marine Corps is the sponsoring organization for the annual Toys for Tote drive to provide a finer Christmas for the needy. The toys that are collected are used within the area they are collected, up to the saturation point of need. SrtliltQ oiiff Beyond that point, they are centrally collected at the base in Wauki egan and distributed in the neediest areas. The bulk of the toys collected dX. Pearl Street Park are use<rT)y the FISH organization to provide the needs of McHenry Countv. Trsnjo fcom 10 yii&up 10 > wvwi WO. >->Apiv«n FRIDAY NIGHt FISH FRY ALL YOU CAN EAT FEATURING: LAKE PERCH. SMELT or SCROD SOUP & SALAD BAR FAMILY SPECIAL (Frl. Only) OCEAN PERCH, COLESLAW, FRENCH FRIES ALL YOU CAN EAT »3" OR ORDER FROM OUR EXCELLENT EGULAR JYIEMU SATURDAY AND SUNDAY EVENINGS I ENJOY OUR SPECIALS.TT L I V E W H O L E s i p s TRY OUR SUNDAY BRUNCH MAINE LOBSTER AVAILABLE EVERY DAY THAT WE ARE OPEN -ALL YOU CAN EAT- F R O M 1 0 A M - 2 P M • SUPERB PRIME RIB • ROAST DUCK FEATURING MADE TO ORDER OMELETS. CREPES, BELGIAN WAFFLES. FRESH FRUITS PLUS MANY OTHER FINE FOODS PLUS MANY OTHER DELICIOUS ENTREES! M A K E R E S E R V A T I O N S F O R N E W Y E A R S E V E N O W ! CHAPEL HILL COUNTRY CLUB 2500 N. CHAPEL HILL RD McHENRY 815-385-0333^ I ( . ( K K I I R Lower your heating bills 20% or more with the SYSTEM. If rising fuel bills are putting a dent in your pocketbook, you need The SYSTEM. It fights high fuel bills thr^e ways... ( 1 ) A F u e l - S a v e r T h e r m o s t a t automatically turns temperatures down when you're asleep or at work. (2) Electronic Ignition ignites the pilot only when you need it to light the furnace. (§> An Automatic Vent Damper traps all the heat you pay for and plugs up a major source of cold air infiltration. The SYSTEM pays for itself and may qualify for a 15% energy tax credit. Saves enough to pay for itself in three years or less! Honeywell WESTERN SERVICE CO. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING _ WONDER LAKE, ILL • 728-1053 •SALES ^SERVICE •INSTALLATION <9 YOUR PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS OPEN WEEKNITES 9 to 9 PM SATURDAY 9 to 8 PM SUNDAY (STORE) 9 to 7 PM SUNDAY (PHARMACY) 9 to 3 PH *WHILE SUPPLIES LAST 4ftOU40SQ.FT. I, 1327 RIVERSIDE DRIVE - McHENRY, ILL. (815)385-4426 4-8:00 P.M hristmal X Qui/lV-* M Savings! 1 simas Gift Wrap m • 6 9 Dynam Laundry etergent 1 4 7 Hjrt rrirLAffUrl B89i Canfields^H^H MUM Cfcristn Lite Set IMulti'ColorH 32 02 Scot Towels Curling 69' iriilmn J Star Bows 39* Ribbons As si Color-- 400 It Christmas Cards a Tag 100 ci * 30 Ass! Color Stick on I OZ, SOLID MILK CHOCOLATi Automatic 10 cup CIHM Makar - 21.99 4.00 Dishwashing Liquid ~ c INFLATION FIGHTER WttCE! EGG NOG QTS. Ill hnal coal Garland Snow M Silver x Grn/i"-* x mrti AMERICAN GREETINGS BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS . FT. a % M || 1 in LIMIT 41 Vb COUPON GOOD WU/99 ?2/1«/W 1 1 - McHENRY I ( t o m i M COKE. DIET COKE 8-16 OZ. BOTTLES MILLER BEER CARLO ROSSI WINE SHMM 6 PACK N.R. BOTTLES A 750 ML 3 LITER $ mmmm mmm PLUS DEPOSIT