I PAOft SATURDAY. DIC. 17 0 JumIm «l N*tr* Dam* qj Week lii Review 9 (9 Star Search O NBA RasketfeoR: San Antonio at Atlanta 7:30PM o IB S4v Sflim Derail com Ridiy Mo us ing Kit computer to figure the Q Twilight Zona ® m ® Hying Qrtui O Night Night CD CD MOVW: TaMe For Wvo' CD Alice O I9N«W*IPMW CD I lodi of Ago* NHi Hodioy: Now York 10:15PM CD TRS fvening 8:00pm 9 o & © MOVM: 'Rocky N' Rocky marries Adrian and stoges o imiukli with Apollo Ciood. Sylvester e.-U T--I: -- fL;ra a ^T**lKXW, I OfKi wVIIFw, DUf̂ Vil Meredith. 1979. • rfW ** * - 1 *** * ' -(flOnnirtll Lnoie liWI to prevent torn* big city hoods from turning an Appalachian Ho tol into a big gambling cotino. (60 min.) O Lynn's Christina* Card 0 0 Lav* Root (3D A O MOVW: 'Sis S.i - -t»--I »IWM 'H • -1J 4_ nofwini nnimiiy yin comn TO By* with locial unci*. Judy Can- ova, Bob Crosby. 1941 0 MOV* 'Shoot tho Moon' 0 MOVWRlack Venus S Wvo MR* Gn*k CP Art* Playhouse: Curious COM Of Santa • (9 •:30 PM flH (2® Way of Deliverance O ® NsisM *f Trvth 9:00PM O MOV*. (D Refcfcy Rar* and Friends O IE) CP Pony Csms's Christmas in Now York O News Q AMrod Hitchcock Hour ID Nolvrt tl Things CD K*nny Loggini in Concert Q9 MOVIf: 'ChaNongo' ffi Ylliw Ro*a Whit's implica tion in lh* shooting of HoHister is colled into question and Juliets* decides to make peoce with her father. (60 min.) ® Tho Cay o® Gary Groonwald CD (J® Christmas legend* of 9:15 PM @ Making of a Song Q) Unknown War 9:30PM CD Charlie ROM & MOVIE: 'Summer of '72' ® (8> W.V. Grant Paul Yonggi Che 9:45 PM © At tho Mot: Metro. Cat* 10:00 PM o a CD 10:30PM IO0 9D i Memphis State at UCIA Q MOVRfc 'Trsukls In Ten*' Outlaws go to a rodeo and try to steal the prize money. Tex RHter, Rita Hoyworlh. 1937 P/UCNnn o MOVM: Murderer's Row' A former counter-espionage agent is summoned from his life of idleness to rescue o renowned scientist from foreign powers. Dean Martin. Karl Maiden. 1966. CD SpartsConter CD Kup's Show (33) O ® Dr. ' CD MOVMh 'Oenerotion' A father confronts the generation gap when his daughter and son- in-law announce they're going to have their baby deHvered at home. David Janssen, Kim Darby, Carl Reiner. 1969 CD MO VIC: 'Confessions of a O Wrap Around Nashville Champions I9R3 Champion CD Hsalthkne CD R*cksh*wt Paul McCart- <3$ Saturday Night Sing MOV*: The lien- Hearted leads Crusades to the 12:00AM Holy Land, lot otto Young, Henry so Wdcoxon, Ian Keith. 1935 » TV i I MOVW: 'Mbacte On 34th fimi fo bt ill# ftol ̂ fonto Clout, brings a now mooning to Christ mas to oil IHom wHo rocouo r̂i Him. Sebastian Cobot, Jono Altx- andor, David Horlmon. 1973. • flOfc » - * • • • - » - -- *OTUfOOy f*t̂ "T '*y IB (0 Laugh In Chomp^nihip Wktiling 11:30PM • Svssltiod AV^KMIM mniii | n MOVW:'Mack Vonu*' © <2$ World Te m MACC-A-Thon (centin- UMI) CD Staraky and Hutch CD MOVW: 'Ryan's Daugh ter' The willful daughter of a tavern keeper during the 1916 Ir ish uprising weds o mild school teacher, has an affair with a shellshocked British mafor and is condemned by the town as an in former. Sarah Miles, Robert Mit- chum, Trevor Howard, Christo pher Jones, John Mills 1970 O CM) What a Fellowship CB O Throe's Company CD Rocing From Roe*ov*h 10:45 PM O MOVW H Condor' Two prisoners escape from a chain gang and set out to lind a gold-filled fortress in the Mexican desert. Jim Brown, lee Van Cleef, Patrick O'Neal. 1970. SB Artist and Athlete flD Night Track* 11:00PM o MOVW: La*l of the Rod Hot Lover*' A middle-aged man yearns lor an affair to perk up his humdrum existence. Alan Arkin, SaHy Kelt erman, Paula Prentiss. 1972. O ® MOVW: P. Scan Fitzgerald and tho latt of tho ReNo*' The story ol the fictional ized meeting of Zelda while Fitz gerald was in the army. Richard Chamberlain, Blythe Danner, Su san Sorandon. 1974. of Quarter hoi so CD MOVW: 'Anna Kunhta' The classic slery of a married woman's blinding passion for a dadiing army officer. Oreto Garbo, Fredric March, Maureen O'SuRhron. 1933 CD 9 *•»< Yongpi Che 9 (3B 700 Oub WmuklDmc I#-OK. Bono's ^kstrc^E^c O By Lillian Bono ABSL (March 21-April 20) Trying to prevent someone from mak ing e mistake might put you in lh* middle ol a anuatton you •houW gat out of aa quickly as possible IAUBU& (April 21-May 21) ANoMng your pereonei fssiinps to cloud your Judgment could put a damper on a financial venture Maintain a proiaesional stature QRBilMI ̂ (May 22-June 21) Watch the antics of a youngster ctoeety This parson might Pa trying to follow m your tootstaps Playing games with a flirtatious acquaintance may prove Inter eating. CANCER ii (June 22-July 23) n will take all of your energy and stamina to complete a difficult profeci on tune unteea you requeet the aid of a co-worker LEG ft (July 24-Avg. 23) Behaving m a stubborn, impulsive man ner may jeopardize a budding romance with someone wlto shares similar traits Try to keep a low profile until you have a better idee of how to relets to this individual XIBfifi <4* (Aug. 24-Rept 23) Align yoursett with colleagues who are tn sync with your way of thinking ano operating Your concern over a younger person could interfere with thoughts about an taaua requiring concentration LIBRA fa (Sept. 2*-Oct. 23) Your lascination with someone more well traveled and educated than yoursett may not be heelthy 8COWPIO qg (Oct 24-Nov. 22) Reliving an unpieeaant experience is not m your best interests Be yourself when introduced to mftu- entiei people lAQimmus (No*. 23-Dec. 21) Buainess propositions should be cerefulty pondered before eny specific actions are taken Refrain from investing eny tunds until all the tacts are unveiled CAPRICORN ̂ (Doc. 22-Jen. 20) Your current litestyie could undergo s serious disruption because ot circumstances beyono your control Keep your temper unoer control when addreaaing colleagues AQUARIUS Ik (Jan. 21-Feb it) Go through possessions ceretuliy before discarding them You could throw away valuables that win be missed ElfiCES . S (Feb. 20-March 20) Set asioe enough time 1or aociai engagoments you have been postponing Travel piens pro ceed without s hitch ano make you happy T