PAOtii DAYTIME 6:45 AM ( 7:00 AM ® CD (9 [Claud Captioned] CD 9 Varlad Ei*»am» 0 Tiî i Î mW W##cfy Woudpniiii S) I Uv* Lucy OftralgMT* •:00 AM 0NMMbNM SOl0MMiW«W t NMslibwHsod 9 Aft** and Watt ̂OWi Ca«naa4*r 0 Yea and Ma, KM TMH A Jerry 7:30AM 0 Twit A Jury and 8:30 AM Q @ tfahard timmarw O HMbMa* Q CD 9 too <%* 0 Wilmni ta Nali (3D CD ® VMa Alagr* Soap Beat For moot of the test dec- •0* ABC won the daytime TV ratings largely on the strength of its "big throe" soaps -- "All My Children." "General Hoep«- taf" and "One Lite to Live." Early this summer, however. CBS started win ning individual ratings weeks and this tall, started winning many consecutive weeks. This surge was partly due to the increasing duality of two CBS main stays. "As the World Turns" and "Guiding Light." but mostly to Its highest rated show, 'The Young and the Restless " "Y & R" has recently been placing a consistent third m the ratings behind "GH" and CBS' game show "The Price Is Right." "Y & R" shot to the top oi the ratings within a year ol its 1973 debut Viewers • cottoned quickly to its youthful story lines and beautiful faces, which were the idees ol producer John Con boy (now producer ol "Capitol"). By the time Con boy left. "Y & R" had drooped several notches in tne ratings H Wesley Kenney. a veteran Holly- wooc sitcom director end Dast producer ol "Days ol Our Lives" took over the 9 • lit 9 CNN 2 9:00AM | CI CD MWiaiH Strata* 0 A.M. Oilia|i O •& Maw $35,000 Captioned) 03) m ® s O Yavnf and Hia lullia CD AR My Children CD & Shape Up CD (9 Jafcar'* WU Sticking to basics, 'Y&R' retains its popularity By Comili PmmIscqiii v* snow (along witn co-exec utive producer Bill Bell) and has since guided it back to the top Why do many viewers preter "Y&R" to ABC S offerings? Probably because "Y & R" remains close to the essence of traditional soap opera storytelling The story lines evolve solely from the char acters and their feelings: It has never featured surreal istic stones •VST". concentrates only on the human involve ments of the Abbott and WHliams families and its Genoa City locale, m whicn everyday happenings resemble a real town "Y&R" also has good actors m believable story lines such as Betn Mau- land. who portrays college studeni Trac Abbott, whose problem with excess weight led to bulimia aod die; pit; addiction Terry Lester has turned the role ol Jack Abbott from a cac to a sympathetic equivalent oi •Dallas' " J.R Ewtng Unlike many competing soaps "Y&R" promineni- ly leatures older characters such as those played by Jeanne Cooper (Kay Chancellor) and Julianna McCartny (La Brooks) ©' 9:30AM OSSMaaflha Century Ofawdawg* B Ufa al Night O <9 Pre** Yaw Luck 3D CD CD ® VaHad C9 v3$ Ta Ba Annaunced 00 Wtmon H Wimin tp (SI AnatKar Ufa ® (3® Tk Tat Deugh 1000 AM O Haw $25,000 Pyramid OCD© WHaai al Fortune o Dorxin USA CD <3$ •>«" lakker @9 Breakaway (D ® Varlad Pnyami © ® Family S) Cartint 0Oal Omo O <8 Yavdf and fka RmiWM C3 NmNy C8 USA Mavia IB Al My Chddran (DO® Varlad Pre**** i (S CI I Pacta all O ORkkord Q Parry M 11:15AM 11:30 AM O ® © >• (D Mr- tafar*' Neighbor hood (0 betignt far living (D Banian ID CaMa Health War Id ® (SD A«k an Expert @J) Lavarna A Shirley A Co CD Tax at 11:00 AM O TatflataWt CB Search Par Temerre* O Opryland m $tage CD (3D CD (3D CD OtaiOa Kaaa Shaw CD Bkawi CD 3$ Adian 12:00PM m Day* al Oar Uva* Q0la O CD CD Maw* BBS (9 *00 Oak I AN lit tk* Pawtiy I A t ' 9) Oaad New* Aurka B CD Mavia 12:30PM 0 BIO Qv, CD (33) V CM Mr. kaear*' N*ighh*rlf̂ C9 Hara't Lucy V 10:15AM ® '2S> Sro<l. Mar Vat 10:30 AM O Vaw Luck < O CD © Oraam Heuae o Yau Can 0* a Star O CD Uvine CD Bactrk Cam pony CD Yawl' Mae Mr Woman CD Naw Way Gourmet CDJID &D 8$ Varlad CD M Minute Workout 1:00PM BSC Wane o O bkfc Van byk* CD fcanch Owl (3D B <39 CD Senya CD Human SaxwaMy CD IS CD Mavia Op Mary Oriffin © today-* Special 1.15PM m C Mark at