. PI .MNDKAI KH -KKIIKW. DKl KIVII tKH IC. IWO meet your Lakemoor/Lilymoor: brownies visit seniors Residents of Royal Tr.race, McHenry, shared a feeli tg of Christmas when the Brownie Troop 413 visited them to sing the joys of Christmas. This was the first time the v Brownies added to the Christ- CHILDREN HELP LIBERTY STATUE Ring wood News: The children at Ringwood School are into the true spirit of Christmas giving. During this holiday season, they are collecting moneys which will be sent to the Statue of Liberty fund to preserve our famous "Lady of Liberty." Time \and weather have eroded the large statue and restoration is needed to preserve this famous land mark. The first graders recently had a most informative assembly directed by Kim Perkins, pin- cipal. They decided instead of havmg gifts for their Christmas party, they would give money to aid with this wonderful historical event. It is hoped that the revamping will be complete in time for the lady's one hun dredth birthday. Anyone desiring to make a donation to this worthwhile project may do so by stopping by or calling Ringwood School. sample some delicious cookies. Thirteen ladies participated in the exchange and it is very nice now to have a variety of cookies on hand when unexpected guests drop in. The ladies were all for* trying this delightful experience again next year. CONVALESCING We are happy to report Harry Dziewior is now home and recuperating nicely after surgery at McHenry Hospital. BIRTHDAYS "Happy Birthday" to Flora Carr on Dec. 21; and to Ed Betts and Allen VanEvery on Dec. 22. Dec. 23 is that special day for Dick Zell, way out there in Colorado; with Patty Jones celebrating her special day Dec. 24. Dec. 26 finds Lee Miller, Helen Barker, John Mough, Gary Rein wall, Tracy Naber and Gina Visconti all adding another candle to their cakes, the day after our Lord's birthday. We wish all of you wonderful people a very happy day and many more to come. We also want to wish a belated "Happy Birthday" to Suzie Huinker, who celebrated Dec. 6; her father James Huinker, whose day was Dec. 9; and Mick Daurio, whose birth date was yesterday, Dec. 15. COMING EVENTS Dec. 18-Worship Service~9:15 a.m.-Ringwood Church. Junior Church-9:30 a.m.-Ringwood Church Dec. 18--U.M.Y. Christmas Caroling. Dec. 20-Choir Practice, 7 p.m.-Ringwood Church. Dec. 23-Last Day of School for Crhistmas Vacation-School Resumes Jan. 2. COOKIE SWAP Dec. 24-Christmas Eve Ser- £2 Thoracal you „ who could not vices-11 p.rif.-at Gre&wood. Dec. 252comMl*cl) Worship Services-Christmas Day-9:30 a.m.-Ringwood Church. GOD BLESS BAPTIZE INFANT During worship services last Sunday at Ringwood United Methodist Church, little Jillian Marie Sturm, daughter of Don and Jayne (McMillan) Sturm, was baptized by Pastor Gordon Smith. Jillian was born Aug. 5. Her godparents participating in the ceremony are uncle Steve and aunt Lori Gerhardt. Jillian was dressed in the lovely gown which had been worn by her cousin Meagan McMillan at her own baptism. Among those witnessing the Sacrament of Baptism were maternal grandmother Dolores McMillan; paternal grand parents Dr. Donald and Mrs. Esther Sturm; and several aunts, uncles and cousins. Following the service, Don and Jayne served brunch at their home in honor of this memorable occasion. rOOKIE SWAP Tho*Ml y could not attend the cookie exchange at Nancy .ftaurio's last week missed a very enjoyable af ternoon and the opportunity to their final meeting for 1983. Wishes for a healthy, fulfilling 1984 are extended to all these dear ladies. COMING EVENTS Dec. 16--Pre-school Story Time--10:30 a.m.--McHenry Nunda Library. Dec. 17-Children meet Father Christmas--10:30 a.m.-- McHenry Nunda Library. SECRET SHOP Members of the Hilltop Parent Teachers Organization gave time and energy to the success of Santa's Secret Shop at Hilltop on the 7th and 8th of December. Students were given the op portunity to shop for reasonably priced and appropriate gifts tor all members of their families. Handmade items also had been donated for the event, making it an enjoyable shopping ex perience for the children and a chance for the adults to share ways of intelligent buying and budgeting. Some of our area volunteers included Tracy Charsha, Barb Tennutti, Barb Polis, Jan K., Dottie Mentzer and Phyllis Croswell. Phyllis, secretary of . _ , the HPTO, had one tired com- Citizen Center, where she is a^ orient as of 4 p.m. Thursday, volunteer receptionist. The «And it is .over » Through the was an experience for the singers as well as the listeners. Dottie Mentzer, Audrey Kostach and Linda T\irner were the arrangers for the event. The 21 Brownies sang six songs, and had even learned to 'sign' "Silent Night" for anyone who couldn't hear. What a happy way to share the blessings of Christmas! L.L.L.L. Lakemoor's Ladies League met Wednesday, Dec. 7, for its bi-monthly get-together at the Lakemoor Municipal Building. Ann Brzezinski, as hostess, supplied the treats. Winners of the evening's bunco playing were Sophie Patterson with a first and special; Millie Nejedly, second; and Helen Para, booby. Julia Kraus was unable to be at the meeting as she had ex pended her energy at the Senior Christmas party for the seniors is being held at the Moose Lodge Dec. 22, so many of our residents will be attending. The Lily Lake Ladies League had its Christmas party at the Warsaw Inn Dec. 10. This was efforts of all the volunteers and the staff at Hilltop, another learning experience was given to our youngsters at our grade school. ADD A YEAR Dec, 13 finds library assistant Lorry Deeke another year older and wiser. Andreas Kowal of Lakemoor will be wished bir thday happiness by his devoted Alyce and friends on Dec. 14. Josh Ornberg will have 12 candles to blow out the same day. ... Alfred Dember and Norm Croswell, Sr., share Dec. 15 as their birthdate. Alfred M. Dember adds to December birthdays on the 17th. Joel Thomas Bennett of Lilymoor will be two years old on the 18th, which will make for a happy time at the Jeremy Bennett household. Leonard Ray Narcaroti, Ralph and Kathy's son, will be starting the "terrible threes" on the 19th. RECUPERATING Marie Hyatt, mother of Lakemoor's president Richard, has been in the McHenry Hospital. She is now home, eating better and gaining strength, due to the care given her by Dick, other family members and friends. NEW TREASURER Rusty Croswell is now the treasurer of the Busy 3 4-H Club, which meets once a month at Ringwood School. Rusty and his sister Tracy have been mem bers of the Busy 3, the oldest 4-H - Club in McHenry County, for the past three years. Both Croswells did well at the McHenry County Fair where Rusty earned a second in the rocketry division and Tracy took a first in ceramics and a second in baking. 4-H has long been an organization that has given young people an outlet for their talents while teaching responsibility and leadersdhip. Congratulations to Rusty and Tracy on their participation, and for the support given to them by parents Phyllis and Norm. -- SNOW BIRDS Two pairs of cardinals are adding color to the snow covered landscape. Our bird feeder has had many samplers, including the austere grey junco, the delightful black capped chickadees, <the happy sparrows, the upside-down nuthatches.. One blue jay has visited, and every so often, nature's uglies the starlings move in. The little downy woodpecker enjoys the suet bag. Husband Bruno also enjoys the crows and finds they like bread slices. What birds have been eating of your largess? Let me know. It will be interesting to note the type of birds and what food they enjoy eating. ANNIVERSARY It's 20-year time for Peggy and A1 Gorsld of Lakemoor. Dec. 14 marks their an niversary. May grace and peace always be with them. GOD BLESS TEENS WANTED FOR NEW CLUB Any boy or girl between the ages of 13 through 19 interested in starting a new teen club is urged to contact Joan Seifert of 4615 W. Park View (344-1504). Joan and her group are planning on going out Christmas caroling Dec. 17, from 6:30 through 9:30 p.m. All village teens are invited to meet at the Seifert house on that date. Come on and join in the fun of meeting new friends and maybe meeting some old ones. was blessed Nov. 15 with the birth of twin girls. Sara Marie, weighing 5 lbs. 12 oz., measureing 18% in., arrived at 10:53 a.m. and sister Noellie Gail, weighing 6 lbs. 11 oz., measuring 19 in. arrived at 11 a.m. The proud parents are Richard and Carol Dina, and the proud big sister is Renee, age four. Maternal grandparents are Mitchell and Victoria Korzec of Chicago. Richard and Doris Dina, also of Chicago, are the paternal grandparents. This set of twins makes the second set born in the village to Wendy Turner, who was hospitalized last week in McHenry. We hope that by the time she reads this, she is resting comfortably and back on her feet soon., Mary Kantorski has been hospitalized. You are in our thoughts and prayers for a full recovery, Mary. Bev Rourke is home after surgery and doing well. We are glad to have you home for the holidays, and we wish during the last four months. The grou all a healthy and prosperous JPatricia J. Roberts, McHenry first set was boys, born to Erie *New Year. .»•»•» < • . •> speed 83 in 20 zone. * g|P7|-|D/\YS ' ^ 'W' ' "nprank Brostek, McCullom Venable, who will be celebrating 12 years of happiness Dec. 18. We wish you both many more happy years together. COMING EVENTS Dec. 20, Tuesday- Conservation Club Meeting, 8 p.m.-at the Beach House-All Residents Welcome to Attend. CITATIONS Mary E. Money, McHenry, speed 31 in 20 zone. 1 and Pat Swanson. GET WELL Get well wishes are being sent Wonder Lake: CHRISTMAS SERVICES ANNOUNCED There will be two worship services on Christmas Eve; one at 7:30 p.m., and the Candlelight Service at 10:30 p.m. There will be one worship service at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 25. If you wish to donate a poinsettia plant for the services, you may do so by signing up in the Narthex. The cost is nominal and you may take the plant home with you after the service. PERFORMERS ,• In order to get your holiday season filled with spirit, the "Tell the World Singers" will be performing their Christmas Package of Songs Dec. 18, at Christ the King Church. This is not only for members of Christ the King, but for the whole community to enjoy. The program will run from 11 to 11:45 a.m. GRADUATING Lynn Raske, daughter of Jerry and Evelyn Raske, will be receiving her degree from Northern Illinois University Sunday, Dec. 18. After a well- deserved break from finals, papers, and projects, she will be out into the working forces after the new year begins. The Raske family sounds very proud of Lynn, along with her brother Jerry, who is attending college in Ed wards ville, EL. BASKETBALL Now I'm going to sound like Earl Walsh bringing in basketball to my column! He knows all about the technicalities, but I'm mostly interested in seeing familiar faces. Attended a sophomore tournament a couple of nights last week at McHenry West Campus and "was pleased to see two of our Wonder Lake athletes on the court. Mark Jinga and J.R. Wright are members of the sophomore team from McHenry High. SPECIAL DAYS * Dec. 16 will find Ela Cowell celebrating her birthday. Special day for a special lady! "Happy Birthday" on Dec. 19 to Gina Rizzo, daughter of Dan and Barb, who will turn five on that day. Also on Dec. 19, our Patrick will be celebrating his twelfth birthday. How can our baby already be 12? "Happy Birthday" on Dec. 20, to Kim Powers. Dec. 20 is also the birthay of one of the Marian Football Championship Team members, Chris Brown. Chris is the young man who scored one of the touchdowns in the championship game and now he has made the transition to the basketball court. CONCERT The Northwood Junior High Band and Chorus will be putting on their Christmas program the evening of Dec. 20, beginning at 7:30 p.m. The concert will be held in the school cafeteria. SNOW COURTESY Now that the snow has arrived, I've been receiving telephone calls asking me to remind snowmobilers to stay off private property. Many little bushes and shrubs become covered with snow and are damaged when riders can't see them and ride over them. Please remind young riders that even though they have completed the snowmobile safety course, they cannot ride without being accompanied by another snowmobile being driven by someone over 16 with a driver's license. Also riding on roads is forbidden. Belated birthday wishes are extended to Joanne Weisen- berger and Barb Elliot who toasted another year Dec. 8; Laverne Loewe shared Dec. 9 with Seth Elliott; Edith Brendle celebrated Dec. 10; Kitty Greaney shared Dec. 11 with Gert Walter and George Walter; and Nancy Yates opened her presents Dec. 12. "Happy Birthday" wishes for this week go to Janet Mathison, sharing Dec. 14 with Connie Kalsch, who blows out two candles on that date; Johny Lawson opens his cards Dec. 15; Sharon Walter and Jimbo Mass (celebrating his eighteenth) on Dec. 16. Alice Hughes shares Dec. 17 with Andy Miller; Barb Svoboda toasts in another year Dec. 18; Cindy Svboboda blows out 13 candles Dec. 19; and Rose Sacco, Phyllis Venable and Jim Brown's special day is Dec. 20. May all your birthdays be merry and full of joy. ANNIVERSARIES "Happy Anniversary" wishes are sent to Les and Phyllis Lk., maintain public health nuisance. , Karen B. Maras, McHenry, speed 51 in 40 zone. Charles F. Gale, Wonder Lk., speed 50 in 40 zone. Luise Ortmann, Wonder Lk., speed 50 in 40 zone. Leonard J. Piklor, McHenry, speed 51 in 40 zone. Richard A. Puzzo, McHenry, no valid registration. Daniel D. Kaiser, Wauconda, speed 52 in 40 zone. Frederick L. Schmidt, Mc Cullom Lk., speed 54 in 40 zone. John J. Spears, McCullom Lk., speed 31 in 20 zone. William P. Wilson, McHenry, speed 50 in 40 zone. Nicholas V. Metropoulos, Crystal Lk., speed 51 in .40 zone. John A. Grether, McCullom Lk., illegal parking. Sandra K. Guenther, Wild- ftood, speed 54 in 40 zone. Kevin D. McCrory, Gray slake, speed 51 in 40 zone. Amy J. Nelson, Fox Lk., improper passing. Sena Dee Groh, McCullom Lk., speed 32 in 20 zone. James P. Verisek, McHenry, speed 31 in 20 zone. Join Us For Our CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR'S SUNDAY BRUNCH 11 a.m. -3p.m. 7" All Children Under 12 Featuring a variety of hot dishes to tantalize the taste buds, a wide assortment of pastries and cakes all prepared by our chef and many more breakfast items to choose from. Also included, o complimentary glass of champagne. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL:(015)678-2431 HUNTER COUNTRY CLUB 5419 KmmIm St. IlklMMad, N. M071 Rt. 172 1 Bft. U»t •f M. 12. (•ISWMMt SUNTANNING WE TAMED THE SUN.. .AND MADE IT COMFORTABLE Ask About Our Gift Certifiers 804 Mill St. McHenry, II. 6 SESSIONS *40 HAVE A TAN CHRISTMAS CAUL 144-2201 F«t APOT. McHenry Nautilus .. Hl'ALTH h FITNESS CLUB M DISTRICT 156 DISTINGUISHED GRADUATES NOMINATION FORM NAME OE GRADUATE DATE OE GRADUATION C DECEASED CURRENT ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OEGRADUATE Area Code ( ) DESCRIBE THE ACHIEVEMENTS OE THIS PERSON: (Be sure to outline the scope of achievements as to international, national, state, or local influence.) (Nominator's Signature) (Address) Area Code (* ) Return to Norb Wolter, District 156 Administration Office, 3926 West Main Street, McHenry, Illinois, 60050.