Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Dec 1983, p. 15

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Kirbmonb nMr llenry a > aindealer# git (fia-jftte • iassified Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date In the event of an error or ommission. the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion The newspaper shall be liable or on y t e portion of ihe ad which is in error In cose of on error notify the Classified Department 1° Classified Display Ads 815 385 0170 Private Party & Commercial Line Ads°: 815 344- 4800 Richmond 678-2581 Office Mrs. M-F 8:30o.m. • 3:00 p.m. 3 LINES. 5 DAYS '8.80 PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS <F> Shaw Fr-- Prt»» Nowspapor Group Payment in advance most be mode for these ods "Babysitting 'Business Opportonites 'Business ervices • orge Sales "Moving Sales 'Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area "Political "Rooms. Appts. to Share "Situations Wanted "Sublease Re-rent etc "Wonted to Buy "Wonted to Rent. •Woodstock Daily Sentinel "Saturday Extra "Crystol Lake Morning Harold "Cordunol Free Press Morning Harold "Elgin Harold "Richmond Gazette "Marengo Beocon/Republican Now* "Huntley Boocon/Republican News "Sycamore News •Cory-Grova Clarion "Barrington Bonner "McHanry Plaindealer "Genoo-Kingston-Kirkland News "Hampshire Register •Harvard Harold *Shopper Service *McHenry Citizen Tri- Courtty Shopper - - DIRECTORY DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. PLAINDEALER - MON; 5 P.M. MON. V NOON FRI. PLAINDEALER WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Announcements Cemeteries & Lots Cord of Thanks Notices. Cor Pools Lost 0 Found Personals Instruction Auctions 02 03 05 10 11 12 13 18 Help Wanted Child Core 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wonted 23 Help Wonted 24 Merchandise Wonted to Buy Miscellaneous Merchandise Garage Soles Merchandise Under $50 Antiques , . Bicycles & Sports Equipment Lawn & Garden Equipment. Boats Musical Instruments Cameros Aviation Pets & Equipment Horses & Equipment Form & Dairy Livestock Machinery & Equipment Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales 31 Wanted to Buy . . . 6 9 32 Business Property . . . 7 0 33 Open House.; . . . 7 1 34 Real Estate. . . . 7 2 35 Condominiums for Sale . . . 7 3 36 Townhomes for Sale . . . 7 4 37 Lots & Acreage . . . 7 5 38 Mobile Homes. . . . 7 6 39 Farms for Sale. *... . . . 7 7 40 41 44 47 48 49 53 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent 78 Rooms. Board. House Apartments to Share. 79 Apartments to Rent 80 Homes to Rent 81 Condominiums ft Townhomes to Rent # 82 Stores. Office,ft Industrial to Rent 83 Farms. Formlond to Rent. ........ 84 « Miscellaneous to Rant 85 Automotive Autos for Sale 86 Wanted to Buy. 87 Auto Ports ft Accessories. . ..; 88 Trucks, Troctors ft Trailers 89 Vons 90 Motorcycles ft Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Cemeteries 2 & Lots MAUSOLEUM CRYPTS For sale. 2 or 4. At bMutlful Win drldge, Cery Save 20%, from private party 815/338-8180 after 3 pm CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK ft UNION CEMETERY Choice let* available as low as 1273. Including perpetual cart. Catholic section. Tarmi 81S/4JHH47. Card a Of Thanks WE WISH to thank our fr land In McHanry who hava boon so generous In thora phono calla. cards, ft prayers In this, our moat difficult year. Wt wish you a healthy happy holiday season Roland ft ~ Orayion Sylvia THANK YOU St. Juda For favor received AR.C. We wish to thank all the people who were so kind and consider ate after the loss of our sister and dear aunt, Mary. K. Schmitt. A special thanks to Msgr. Schryer, Father Parker, Father Petit, Father Lutz and Fa­ ther Holdren who concelebrated " the funeral Mass. Sincerely, Agnes Freund, Sister Nieces and Nephews A thank you too, for Spiritual Bouquets & other donations. Notices SNOW REMOVAL. Genoa residential driveways, $7.50 Contract In advance, M OO. Call George Sol linger, 115/784-2545 PLASTERING I Restoration or New Vernon T. Kopeel I 815/338-16H MCHENRY AUTO P H 0 L S T E R Y 1815 W.Rts. 120, McHenry Attention! More Than 20 yeers experience In auto upholstery Simulated convertible tops, vinyl tops and sunroof repair. We also do boat, airplane seats ft antique cars. Quality work guaranteed Special price on convertible tops 815/344-2022 ' SANTA ft MRS. CLAUS have arrived from the North Pole to ••'alt your home to party. '315-0140. 11 Lost & Found LOST KEYRING, w/blueball, 2 keys, Woodstock, reward, •1S/3M-1517 after 5 pm. LOST BLK. CAT, neutered mala, daclawod, In vicinity of Brandywlno Town houses, off of McHanry Ave. >15/455-5307 LOST: Gold Cross Pen, Monogramed, Compensation. Vic. of Bohn's Ace Hdware, 115/331-4051. LOST White Dog. LoSks like German Shepherd. Answers to Snowball. No tags. 312/426-5160 or *69-5111. FOUND, 3 mo. old, black, female, puppy. Corner Rte. 72 ft Annie Glldden Rd. 115/756 M03 LOST Male Siberian Husky. 12/10, Oakwood Shores Subdivi­ sion. I15/72I-124I. CALICO CAT POUND Dec. 10, vicinity Thompson Rd., Wonder Lake, young female, wearing black flea collar. Owner may call 815/72S-1710. LOST SMALL wt. dog, brown spot on hood, vicinity of Well­ ington ft Kingston Lane, no tags, answers to Sparky, reward 815/4S9-7771 FOUND GRAY mala cat, ft youno female gray calico, vlnlclty, Randall Rd ft Big Timber, to claim or adopt 3T2/742-24M 12 Personals • 19 Child Care SCULPTURED NAILS 125 00 by Professional Nail Artist. Call Joyce for epp't. 312/651-2019 JftJ BUSINESS SERVICES For ell your personal typing & business needs. 40 years ex perlence In small business ap plications. All work conflden Hal. For complete Information, call 312/639-4821. MOTHER OF 2 will do babyslt- tlnp In my Crystal Lake home full or part time, days only. Call 115/459-6194. CHILD CARE, needed, part time. In the Algonquin area, call Lynn 312/651-2101 21 Situations Wanted "A TASTEOMELE GAN&" Catering FOP All Occasions 41S/344-324* PREGNANT? Need Help?Call: Birthright 312/695-7950 PREGNANT, NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Otflceopen9-11a.m. And from7-9p.m Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service 115/315-2999 SEAMSTRESS Experienced (25 years) Alteration! *• <!re»»malrlng 312/651-5106 PAINTING patching, wall papering, light repairs. Quality work ft material. Reesonable. Davig.Ken, 115/455-5536 room $20, I rooms each. 115/943- •WOODSPLITTING* 'HOLIDAY SPECIAL' • $20.00 Call: MARY 312/426-6565 Collage student will ft spilt ft restack your wood during holidays. 815/face cord; 20 mile radius of Crystal Lake. Call 115/459-6617. 19 Child Care BABY SITTER needed for 3 yr. old girl. Occasional day ft even, sitting, plus some extended sit­ ting. Own transportation not re­ quired Must be In good heelth, have exp. with children ft exc. ret Only the best need to apply 312/651-6022. W ILL BABYSIT , my Carpentersvllle home. (vie. Sunny Hill School) Before or after school or pre-schoolers, Infants. Reasonable. 312/428 7152. SITTER NEEDED In my home. Wed. ft Frl. 8:30 am-530 pm, beginning after the holidays, ref. required. 115/455 1473, after 6 pm HOLIDAY SPECIAL Cleaning. 2 reliable women to clean your apt., home or office from top to bottom. Weekly or bi-weekly rotes 312/428-9347. 5-10 pm; 651 -6657 , a f t e r 4 :30 . References. ___ WANTED voles' teacher. Must be reasonable. I15/MS- 80»1 or P.O. box 243 McHanry LOVING MOTHER Will babysit full time, Mon thru Frl. >45/ wk. 312/639-9562. HOUSECLEANING 2V> yrs. exp. Gd. ref's. Available for new clients, as of Jan. 3rd. ll5/3>5-6744 after 6 pm. LOOKING FOR full, or part time work with horses or cattle 10-15 yrs. exp., good with anlmalsll5/344-4302 Household 23 Help Wanted LAVANDERA/PLANCHERA. En Su Case.. Crystal Lake, Cary. Necesltare' References. 115/459-3642 24 Help Wanted WHAT'S NEW FROM AVON? NOW, EARN LIKE NEVER BEFORE Your time Ond ef­ fort, end Avon's world famous products, give you unlimited In­ come potential...without a large financial investment. C"«lT Avon today: 115/489-5757 REAL ESTATE SALES Posl tions available for career- mlndod self starters. Top notch training program. Commission advances paid for qualified listings ft Mies Eiarn what you ' r e wo r t h w i t h ERA Household Realty Call Bruce Kaplan for confidential Inter­ view. 312/639-2000. CHARGE NURSE, full time, doy-PM exc. starting salary ft benefits. Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, •15/331-1700. BABY SITTER for 4 well behaved children, 5 yrs. 8. under, some aft. ft even., rtVT own trens., 14.00 an hr. 015/455 1347. one's In my christian home. Sandy 312/421-4617. Sleepy Hollow. MATURE LADY will care fori or 2 children New Years eve. Baby welcome. >15/315-1206 Household 23 Help Wanted GRANDMOTHER TYPE, babysitter for 15 mo. old boy. My home, own transportation, hours vary. Ref. required. 115/331-3319 call between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. FULLTIME HOUSEKEEPER to care for elderly couple. Live in Is a must, week-ends off. salary negotiable. Call for In- tervlew. 615/330-7991. FAMILY SEEKING responsi­ ble. dependable Individual In Cary area to sit for 15 mo. old child and assist In household du t i es . Mus t have own trensportatlon ft be available to work versatile hrs. Some overnight & weekends. 312/639- 5217 WATCHMAN, part time. <g BailMy mm ' * In RfrnW w IPWrrflWW ir dfvMuei welcome to apply. Ap- Sy In person to staffer allpaper Mills, 400 S. Mam St., Crystal Lake. EARN EXTRA INCOME marketing over 5.000 products, small Investment required. Am way Distributor, 815/345- 9188 6-9 pm.c Accepting Applications, for part time help. Mature young woman to work on horse farm. Exp. helpful but not necessary. 115/7*4^44 ADVERTISING SALES Yellow Pages We are looking for 5 sales peo­ ple that are familiar with Kane and McHenry county. If you have selling experience or are seeking a new career, It will pay you to call Dave Michaels at 312/658-6160 for an Interview. opportunities Notices Bathroom, Kitchen and Den REMODELING and Installation at Reasonable Rates J.D. Brome Construction Tel: 312-658-4878 24 Help Wanted WORKING SUPERVISOR-MAINTENANCE finraastir division of Emerson Electric is cirrntly surcbiig tor a qualitiod candidate to supervise it's •aiatouace department activities. Applicant should pos­ sess a strong electrical background I a basic knowl­ edge (eqiivalent to 2 to 3 years trades training) of pro­ duction machine maintenance I repair (electrical winding oqnipment is a definite pins), coupled with 1 to 2 years supervisory experience 14 to 5 years experience in all phases if plant maintenance operations. We offer a com petitive rate, complete benefit package I an excellent opportunity for advancement. If you are a professional individual who desires to ase your skills t knowledge to achieve growth for yourself & the company, send re- sume or apply at: GEARMASTER DIVISION Emerson Electric Company . Industrial Relations Department 1809 S. Route 31. McHenry, IL 60050 Ni Art As Equal Opportunity LMploytr M f TAX PREPARER Needed tor small growing E Igln office. Tax schooling or experience necessary. Must tie dep oabia Elgin Tax Service, 312/697-5300. 24 Help Wanted CERTIFIED NURSES AIDES Full Time: 7 • 3:30 p.m. and 3 - 11:30 p.m., Part Time: 3-11:30 p.m. and 11-7:30a.m. Apply In Person. Monday thru Friday, 9 a.m. to4:30p.m. Olivette Nursing Home 355 Raymond St. Elgin R T DEES, Crystal Lake, posl ttons available, experienced only, 015/455-4466. DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Full time. Experience prefer- red. Call 312/426-3402. for app't. 24 Help Wanted DIRECT SALES people need­ ed, eern 13004500 per week or more. Residential Energy Management Systems. Direct soles exp. helpful, but not necaaaary 115/305-7364 PRE-SCHOOL TEACHER wanted, 4 year degree re­ quired, flexible hours. Call Cathy at Kinder Care, 115/344- 4970. DISHWASHER Days, 8 am - 4 pm., Mon. thru Frl. No Phone talis. Apply In Person, bet- PAGE 15-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY DECEMBER ZL 1883 24 Help Wanted . Misc. 32 Merchandise DENTAL ASSISTANT Experience required. Sond reeume to 3429 Meet Elm Street, McHenry, >L, 60050. REGISTERED NURSES for Xvisory positions. Ex-t opportunity in health care. Send resume: P.O. Box 412, Crystal Lake, U. 60014 LAUNDRY HELPERS, apply In person: Crystal Pines Nurs­ ing Home. 335 N. Illinois St* Crystal Lake' FULL TIME Individual will have a variety of duties. Must be able to type 40 wpm, enloy filing & light accounting work. Keypunch e plus. Send resume to Bay A E R, Free Prees Newspapers, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake, III. 60014. MECHANIC part-time morn­ ings, light melntenance. >15/455-5*00 COOK-Pert Time. Week-ends or nights. 115/455-4130 NEW DECORATING COM­ PANY how hiring dispiayars A manaoers. Earn S190 par week, pert time. Complete training provided. Call >1S/3»M061. DISHWASTER Part-time. Im- medlete opening In small Barr- Ington Area cafeteria. Mon. thru Frl. 11 am to 3:15 pm. Per- menent. Must be dependable. Perfect for student or seml- retured person. Call 312/241- 7000, Exf 295, Mon. thru Frl. between 1:30 am & 3 pm. Misc. 32 Merchandise GENOA GREENHOUSE now taking orders for grave blankets. cemetery wreaths, cemetery boxes, etc. In Hemp ehire call Shockey's Jewelry 312/603-2*00. In Klrkland call Evelyn Llttlelohn (15/522-3533 A In Genoe cell Genoe Greenhouse, 8JJ/784 5510. Free CLEANING Speciellsts. Call ServlcoMaator for ell your cleonlng needs. Cerpet, Fur­ niture, Floor (Tile, Wood, Slate), and wall deenlng. Free Estimates. 115/455-3776. DINING RM. SET, all wood, hand-crafted In Cat. Glass top­ ped tobie, 4 side A 2 captain's cha i r s , se r v i ng s t and . 1650/flrm. Call 815/4S9-4401. GUNS SNW Model 57, 62*, 506, 606.2*. Also Ruger mini 14 from t305. Alee Nighthawk. * mm carbine. *4*5 Dealer. 815/345- *141. • • REPLACE your old furnace with e new high efficiency natural gas flreo furnace For detolls about the *6% Efficient Hell Marshall hi. call Harold Johnson Hooting A Air Condi- flowing. 815/439-M78. SECRETARY Pert-time Secretory. Shor- thend A travel Industry ex­ perience preferred. Pleese call I15/4S5-2W0. BABYSITTED WANTED, around Olson School, for one child. >15/330-0403. PART TIME, teller position. Aree financial institution has en opening for e pert time teller. Ideol candidate must be meture, dependable and ex­ tremely flexible. Ability to work on Friday, Saturday and on short notice, Is a prere­ quisite. Applicant must be pro­ ficient In Typing and arithmetic skills. Salary shall be comen- surete with experience. Pleese send resume with salary history c/o Daily Sontinontef, P.O. Box 709-DC2, Woodstock, IL 60090. ager available. NURSES AID, Certified, full time, afternoons. Please apply at the Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, >15/33>-1700. NURSES AIDS, Certified, part time, on call, days A nights. Please apply at the Woodstock Residence, 30* McHenry Ave.. Woodstock, >15/33>-1700. JANITOR Evenings, 3 hrs., Mon-Frl. Experienced 2nd cook, eves., Mon-Frl. No phone calls. Apply in Person, between 12 pm end * pm. Reese's Restaurant, 205 S. Main, Algon­ quin WAITRESSES. Dishwashers. Chlcego Avenue Saloon A Din- X ago A Rm., Algonquin, 312/654- MANAGEMENT TRAINEE The l ead ing m idwes t distributor of comsumer houseware products Is now ac- cepting applications for full time management trelnoes. In­ come overage, 123,000 first year Salary + Commission + Bonus. These positions ere ovailable Immediately. Exten­ sive treinlng program provided In our regional office. Call 1-000/092-0002 Paul Rufflno iking responsible Individual to fill a self-starting position in sales with new business. Position In­ cludes other misc. duties. Salary baaed on tales Must have own transportation and available for a versatile work­ ing schedule. 312/639-6011 A leeve name and number. LIVC ACCOUOTICactewMOad for open stage. Call Cat Balloi7s: 010/4*0700. Ask for *£ TEACHER AIDE to work with Teacher In Special Education class room in Carpentersvllle. To apply: call 312/623-0021 bet ween 0A.M. and 4:30 P.M. Special Education District of Lake County. An Equel Op­ portunity Employer. Restaurant, 205 S quln. i pm, f Main, Algon MORTGAGE LOAN Services Clerk. Apply In person. Car- dunal Savings A Loan, 704 W. Main St.. W. Dii HIGH SCHOOL IRS, SRS, AND GRADS We offer a 4 year full tuition college scholarship, good pay while qoing to school and two full months of summer employ ment, scheduled so you won't miss school. Great be nefits and much more for just one w e e k e n d e a c h month. The II l i n o i s N a t i o n a l Guard still has an opening for you L i k e t o k n o w More? Call 815 338 2086today.< MORTGAGE LOAN Officer Apply In person, Cardunal Sav­ ings A Loan, 704 W. Main St., W. Dundee. ». LIGHT ASSEMBELY, machine operator needed due to plant expansion. Much varie­ ty, benefits, full-time 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Must be dependable A willing to work, good dexterity required. Alpha Plasties 3900W. Elm McHanry, Illinois A T T E N T I O N I Our Woodstock phone center has immediate full A part time » »»-- * SXCillfftT 31 Wanted To Buy OUTBOARD /MOTORS, runn­ ing or not. 3-75 h.p. prefer Jonnson or Evlnrude. 312/037- 2012. H.C. STAMP A COIN CO. We-Buy A Sell 10 Crystol Lake Plaza *) 15/459-3940* BUY, SELL, or trade guns, old shells, end reloted Items. •15/330-4731. 24 Help Wanted average producers eorn S5 per hour. Phone 115/330-3960. REGISTERED NURSE/LPN. privote nursing home needs tull-tlme p.m. charge nurse. 115/455-0550 ask for Ellen. SECRETARIAL POSITION, McHenry, small manfactures representee firm requires ex­ perienced person for vorlous duties; lignt bookkeeping A typing, & telephone sales follow uc. Should have an understen- dlng of electro-mechenicoi devices, 35 hrs. wk. coll Tues. 12/27/03 for oppt. 312/507-9577 SECRETARIES Wanted: Secretaries with good work record Must be organized, willing to learn, and possess strong com munlcatlon skills. Applications will be taken with o brief inter­ view at our new headquarters at 640 Industrial Drive, Cary, Illinois (weekdays from 8 00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). If It is im- Clble for you to apply during e hours please call Mrs. Keller at 312/639-5650 Fox Valley Systems Inc 24 Help Wanted SHORT OF CASH? TRADE IN those unwanted Class Rings, broken or unused Jewelry, Coins or Sterling Flatware. What better way to get rid of those unused Gold or Silver Pieces CASH NOW for those extra Christmas Gifts? FAMILY COINS & INVESTMENTS 366 Virginia St (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, Illinois 015/455-6190 LAWN MOWER, Hohn-Edlpse Rotary, new or used. 615/459 6060, ask for Elaine. AKI RACK For station wagon luggage rack. Reasonable. 312/695-0775. Misc. 32 Merchandise WASHER A DRYER, heevy duty, oil cycles Si settings; REFRIGERATOR, ell like new In excellent cond. 312/695-3375 or 695-0775. BUY YOUR Mattress factory direct, save S50 to $100. Woodstock Mattress. 2720 Raf- fel Rd. Hours: 10 AM to 2 PM, or by eppt. 115/330-6674 or •15/330-3979. PHEASANT HUNTING By Rte. 47 A 176. 2 bird limit. S30/hunter. Guide A dog S25. 015/943-0976. RENT new RINSE-N-VAC lightweight steam carpet c l eane r • • made f o r heavywe igh t Jobs . BEN FRANKLIN STORE, Dundee WASHERS, DRYERS rofrlgeretors, reconditioned ond guaranteed. 115/305-6431. FIREWOOO R & M Lawn Ser vice. Seasoned firewood, ook, cherry ond white birch We doilvor. 015/344-0515. * APPLIANCES Refrigerators, weshors A dryers, electric gas ranges. Cleon & like new of reasonable prices. All recondi­ tioned ond gueranteod. Wohl Used Applloncos. 120* Court St., McHenry. 015/305-1072. BEST QUALITY, used railroad ties. New londscaped timber. Bulk gross A pasture seeds. Purina Chows & much more. Woodstock . Farm A Lawn Center. 2020 S. Rt. 47. 115/330- 4200 PLAIN PAPER Copiers, used, 12*5. Others, $75, Volley Office Mech., 015/455-3050. WANTED: G lasswa re - Depression, Hoisey, Com- brldge, Fostorla, Candlewlck. etc. Pottery-Fiesta, Hall, Waller, Rosevllle. etc. 115/0*5- 6033. LINEN OUTLET open Satur days only, 10 am-5 pm, 10004 Main St. Hebron, II. Why Pay More for flannel sheets, down pillows, comforters A towels? EUNICE'S EGGERY (All items Made From Reel Eogs) Christmas Tree ornaments, Jewe l r y , G i f t s . Open weekdeys. Coll first for eves. A weekends, 015/455-4056, 164 North Moln, Crystol Loke. WHY PAY MORE? Twin size mattress sets. $09; Full size mattress sets, $109; Queen size mattress set. $109; Bunk Beds complete with mot- tresses. $109. Lenny Fine Furniture 312/742-7001 McHenry Apartment Complex Seeking person with a well-rounded background in main tenance and janitorial work. You will be asked lo supply own basic hand tools. The work involves minor main lenance and repair and continual cleaning of common areas. Our cleaning standards are very high. Applicants must be willing to exceed those standards to be successful with our company. Applicant must be bondable. Assigned part-time hours. Apply in person: Tuesday, December 27 and Wednesday, December 28, between 4 and 6 pm at: HILLCREST APARTMENTS 1916 North Orleans Street E X E C U T I V E S E C R E T A R Y Position available immediately for a se cretary for company president. Must be professional in appearance and possess above average typing ability, dictaphone and shorthand skills. Position requires ac curacy in spelling, organizational skills and is for an individual who is detail ori ented. Other responsibilities include tra vel arrangements and report preparation Please send resume to: LARK FISHER SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPERS 250 Williams Road Carpentersville, II60110 equal opportunity employer GENERAL OFFICE Position available in modern busy office. Light typing, tiling & phone work Apply in person ONLY LENCO ELECTRONICS 1330 Beldei St McHeiry, II The William Tonyan Industrial Park Night Custodian Wanted Hours: 3 pm-11:30 pm, 5 days a week. Contact Mr. Van Bosch . Johnsburg Jr. High School for an application 815-385-6210 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Because of our continued growth and our strict policy of promoting excellent employees, we have several oppor tunities available in entry level positions: •Clerical, with typing skills 'Computer programmer trainee (No experience in computer programming necessary) •General Maintenance (part-time, mechanical ability a plus) All entrv level positions begin with a trial period and offer the opportunity to earn a permanent position Pay starts at $4.00/hr. with the'opportunity to advance depending on your performance Applications will be taken with a brief interview at our new headquarters at: 640 Industrial Dr., Cary. II (Weekdays 8 am 4 30 pml If it is impossible lor you to apply during these hours, please call Mrs. Karger at 312-639-5658. FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS, INC. HAPPY GRAMS S ing ing Tetegrams. Male/Female Bal- ly Danctri. Call 311/m-30fl). GOLF CLUBS • irons. 3 wfodt S12S up, metal woods, IS place sats, /for 1 coupon books, save up to 50% off list. »1S/72HH77. NATURAL RATTAN sofa. 2 arm chairs, cushions, solid green, reversed side flowered; 2 end lamp tables; 1 tall tomp table. 1 cocktail table. Perfect Cond.,MS0.»lS/344-S10t. SNOWTHROWER, Toro 200, 1120; Ward's Trash Compactor, 1125. Call aiS/4W-0029. ' NORMAN ROCKWELL , original lithograph, entitled Ichebod Crane Need cash, must sacrifice. 312/272-fKX), ext. 2177, before 4 pm Mon-f rl, or ai5/344-561? after 5 pm weekdays & weekends Aslrfor Susan. •* LARGE INGERSAL RANffalr compressor, with owijers manual-strong enough to run 2 small air hammers, or 11g, air hammer S1000. One emerald & diamond ring, 12 diamond* n emeralds, set In gold. Appris­ ed S2t00, must sail, 11500 •15/453-9413 or 653-4451, aflfcr 5 pm . TRAIN SETS, two complete HO guag* Track switces and transformer. $60. Call after 6 p.m. 312/421-1110. HANDMADE DOLLS now for Christmas. 6M7 Read 312*21 VILLAGE RESALE SHOP (Owned & Operated by Sherman Hospital Auxiliary Crystal Lake Branch) 65 Woodstock St. (Across from Depot) Crystal Laka.lL LOVE SEAT gold velvet, *w, reasonable 312/42»-37l0. ; ZENITH TV, "1» portable Si stand $150. Record Player tplth 2 speakers, & Hover vacant I15/4W-3W4 £ OAK FIREWOOO , $50 Per Face Cord ^ 115/544-2411, eves * COUCH, full size, excellent condition. $150 ai5/499-532txall after 6 pm. ^ ZEROX120-11 Computer Inch disc drives. $1975^* 115/344-2566 C STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS Holiday Sale! For more. In- formation, call 115/721-0226- SEWING MACHINE. Berolna Model 801, used3mos. Beat of­ fer. 115/455-2790. --- GAME TABLE, 4 chairs * 2 end tables, all In bamboo, OKC. cond. Best offer. «15/455-5»» E N C Y C L O P E D I A BRITANICA 30 vol., $1000 value - brand new condJ in boxes. Make offer. 312/639-t>49 GIVE THE GIFT of HeaH well being. Personalized nosls for stop smoking, control, and stress redu Fox Valley Hypnosis _kL (All Donations Tax Deductible) • HOLIDAY SPECIAL! 20% OFF labor on painting con­ tracted through Dec. 31, 19S3! Economy Pride Painting, I15/459-16M days; 459-26M evenings. • WHY PAY MORE? Flannel sheets, down pillows & com­ forters, towels & more! All at below suggested retail prices! The Linen Outlet, 10004 Main St., Hebron, IL. Open 10 am-5 pm Saturdays only. SPECIAL SALE Bedroom Sets (4 pc.) $1,195 & Up. Kroehler & Filllpp! Sofa Sleepers - $399 to $499. Welter's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176, Crystal Lake. 815/459- 3363. BULLY VALLEY Firewood, Hickory and oak delivered and stacked, $47 face cord. $135 full cord. 815/33R-339B. SAVE $10 on any Maytag Disposer with this coupon through 12/17/13, Sherman Plumbing & Heating, 6119 NW Hwy., Crystal Lake, 815/459- 6060. Great gift Idea for Christmas Cooks! 24 Help Wanted REFRIGERATOR, works wall, 140; Electric dryer, $100; 73 In. console color TV, $60; Hospital bed, $300. CelH15/72H5M.. GAS STOVE, & refrloera)or, both avocado, best offer, .gd. cond. !15/3>5-7932 after 5 pm. CURLY LAMB jacket, size mod., worn twice; $195115M55 3544 after 1 pm. RIDING LAWN MOWER Hip, Craftsman. Needs some welding work. Runs gd. COO Firm. II5/385-9266. £ SNOWBLOWER Internet Harvester, 26 In. 8 hp. m exc. cond. Sell at Vi orl| price. $300 firm. 312/311-1 KENNMORE, po r t ! dishwasher, gold, buf block top, good working $75815/344-1953 G.E.STOVE self cleaufhg, harvest gold, 7 yrs. new,4kc. cond., asking $300 815/459-64)8 WATER BED king slze.->o tionless mattress, bookcase headboard, like new, llnerieln- duded, $300. Call 312/639-3W. SHAVINGS & SAWDUST^ pick or we deliver, bag or I also seasoned oak tirev 815 /675 -2216 o r 815 / 1639 .anytime COLECO VISION w/3 mt trldges, 1 yr. old. Asking M25. 815/385-7368. V v-& 1 COMPUTER OPERATOR Batch Data Eitry i Wort Processing k Must have experience (IBM System 34 helpful)^ Accuracy and speed a must Ability to composer letters & reports necessary Full time employment.'^. We are a small growth oriented manufacturer of<»^ medical device,s located In Cary Full range of£ company benefits No smoking office Call between^ 8AM & 10AM. weekdays yr SAGE PRODUCTS. INC. Cary, minis 312/6384100 :: % HOWARD t LECTRONICS, A Division of Shadlm is moving to Crystal Lake. ^ I We remanufacture and fabricate electronic I components for various Industries. M A vigorous, innovative company, I we are beginning our 5th year of I doubling sales. We need person with proven performance and management capabilities to assume key positions In plant management, electronics engineering and sales. Our Operations Manager (a former management consultant) provides dynamic leadership to an expanding team of profaaitanta. If you are Interested In becoming port of this high-challenge team, forward your resume' to our Huntley office. P.O. Box m. Huntley, IL 40142 or call Jeanette at 312/44* 3373

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