Riverside Di recently parftci^ EN'waliant Ushei 1625" McHei / ONE Da y ,n9 rou, A 'n 0n« I,ii y r*duc0d ""on Th, Urc^o«„ ">• *j/„ Q r'mo,nir *"°C <•„ 1 JI yo» cho. " *»'« b. KOor ,0 'Oke r9*o the i° °N ai 'N STOCK ^oupon pe COUPON 1V\(;K 13 - IM.AINDKAI.KB - KIlllJA *, Dht hMHhK M, n 50 YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Dec 28, 1933) The Plaindealer recalled many events that occurred during the past year The firm of N. J. Justen & Son celebrated a golden jubilee year in ob servance of 50 years in business in West McHenry and the Plaindealer celebrated its fifty- eighth birthday. Simon Stoffel also has completed 50 years of business in this community and with many business enterprises having years of service to their credit, a feeliQg of , security should dispel all doubts as to the future success of business in this locality. TWICE TOLD <T TALES Edited from our files of years gone by - During the past year Peter Doherty was elected mayor and Nick Justen as alderman of the first ward, at the city election when daylight savings time was adopted. The city was saddened by the death of the city marshal, Jack Walsh, and the city was declared to be in a state of mourning for 30 days. John Wirtz was made policeman in his place. 40 YEARS AGO (rTfil(pn frnm fKa r\t T\a/> ' 1 «""ii iiuifi tnc nits Oi L/Cc. 30, 1943). M. L. Schoenholtz left the faculty of the public grades school after 15 years of teaching for service. Not only has the school lost an able instructor and principal but the young boys of the community have lost their Scoutmaster of 15 years. Since he began teaching here, Mr. Schoenholtz had taken a great interest in Scout activities and had trained hundreds of boys, many of whom became Eagle Scouts. Himself an Eagle Scout, Mr. Schoenholtz received the much coveted Silver Beaver, one of the highest Scout awards, less than two years ago. Land known as the Owen property was purchased by the high school board of education. At an important meeting held this month, members of the board discussed bids submitted on the reconstruction of that land for a practice football field and also for a baseball diamond. A. P. Freund received the contract for the job and it is expected that work will begin in the near future. 25 YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Dec. 30, 1958). Our local postal installations report an increase of 28,638 Pack 162 observes holiday with party Den 1, Pack 162 opened the evening festivities with reciting the Law of the Pack to remind that Christmas is a time of sharing and giving of self to others. All joined them in singing "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer", and the pledge of allegiance. Den 3 kept up the spirit with the Christmas skit they put on, explaining that Christmas is love and peace, •••b 4,j y*" - ' , Awards were pigreptpd to Doug Young with, 1 gold arrow and 2 silver, and John Finch. 1 gold arrow. Both boys are from Den 4. Refreshments were provided by Den 2, and this time the parents were served first, while the boys and girls waited patiently for the Santa to visit. Suddently, the children Service news STINE Marine 1st Sgt. E^mald R. son of Mary L. $tine of Drive, 84- e is a member of Battalion Landing Team 3-3, 31st Marine Amphibious Unit, Marine Corps A i r S t a t i o n K a n e o n e B a y , Hawaii. A p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 , 8 0 0 Marines and sailors of the 31st Marine Amphibious Unit were involved in the unilateral am phibious exercise that was pieces of mail cancelled this Christmas period over last year, which again breaks all previous records. Due to the splendid cooperation, the two offices were abte to dispatch and deliver all incoming outgoing mail on schedule. The weatherman has helped this year, although he did order enough snow and cold tem- peratueres early in the season to remind the carriers that they might have to battle the snow and ice in true post office tradition. T h o s e r e m a r k a b l e "Warriors*' of 1958 came through in beautiful style with another clutch victory in the North Suburban conference race as they defeated Zion 65 to 61 on the losers' floor. The victory made our record 8 and 0 and 4-0 in conference play. It kept us a full game in front of Dundee and Libert yvi lie. 1p YEARS AGO (Taken from the files'of Dec. 27, 1973). McHenry police are in vestigating ihe burgalry of the Jefferson Icc Co., and service station on Waukegan road, which occurred sometime after general News and 2 :*o Friday morning. Officers HCfllth (ICpi irtment looks said entrance was gained ^through a rear window which was forced open. Missing were Si ,500 in currency, some change and cartons of cigarettes. A complaint was filed in Circuit court by Martin and Dorothy Stoffel, ftene F. Grass and Howard P. and Hansen doing business Hansen Marine Service judgment against Worldwide Fireworks corporation . for The complaint at dangers of cocktail party $36,367.71. charges that the corporation was engaged in the business 6f manufacturing selling an<£ transporting fireworks and 4$r; the course of the operation caused or suffer&l explosion on the 9, 1973. CXlB T.V Bureau of Census tp conduct new survey of income on Jan; 1 stopped eating and a chorus of "Here comes Santa Claus" rang out. Each den went up to talk to Santa and to receive a little gift. Each boy was presented a Pinewood Derby Car to be built by father and son and to be made ready for the future Pinewood Derby Race. When the boys were finished the other children present, and all the den leaders had the chance to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what they wanted .for Christmas. Eacl) person receive(f ^ little s o m e t h i n g f r o m S a n t a , r . , ( Then Santa left, saying that the reindeer were parked out front arid that he had better be off because he had many things to do before Dec. 25. Den 4 and Den 7 closed the ceremony with singing "Silent Night." Beginning Jan. 1, local r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f t h e U . S . Bureau of th^jCensus will visit selected households in the area to conduct the new Survey of Income and Program Par ticipation (SIPP), Stanley D. Moore, director of the bureau's regional, office in Chicago, has announced. The SIPP program is being conducted in response to the need for better information on the economic well-being of the U.S. population. Information collected will be used to determine' how • selected government programs are working, and help policy makers to consider what changes are needed to make programs more effective. ' • * ' > * ' • - V " Area households are among 18,000 nationwide taking part in the survey. Interviewers will gather information on jobs, earnings, participation in various government programs, and population characteristics. The ,r McHenry County Department of Health observes that the New Year holiday is a festive time of the year and a • part of many celebrations in the traditional wassail bowl, cocktail or eggnog party with 1 which many toast the old and new year. Unfortunately, many people tend to overdo the holiday spirits and tragedy is often the result. Alcohol is a factor in half or more of all high way fatalities. Medically, alcohol is a drug which depresses the central nervous system, as a general anesthetic and slows the' activity of the brain and spinal cord. The body does not digest alcohol as it does food, but rapidly absorbs it directly from the stomach and intestines into the blood stream. „ .Often people who have had a few cups of cheer attempt to drive themselves home. Even the social drinker who thinks he is all right and not affected by alcohol is dangerous behind the wheel. That person is, after all, driving while the central ner vous system is depressed and brain activity is slowed down. Contrary to popular opinion, the only effective remedy for removal of alcohol from the blood stream and from affecting the reaction time is to allow a period of time to take pla£e. Cold showers, fresh air, black coffee, exercise and any other famous remedy has no effect on the blood alcohol content. Therefore, if the person knows he is going to be driving, he should not drink alcoholic-- beverages. Those who have had some alcoholic beverages to drink should let someone who has not had an alcoholic drink • take them home. Defenders urge public's resolution to recycle conducted in the Lancelin Army Training Area of Western Austrailia. WHITE Chris B. White, son of Phyllis A. White of 2903 Knoll wood Drive, McHenry, has been promoted in the U.S. Air Force to the rank of airman first class. White is an antenna in s t a l l a t i o n m a i n t e n a n c e S p e c i a l i s t a t M c C l e l l a n A i r Force Base, Calif., with the 1849th Electronics Installations Squadron. He is a 1982 graduate of McHenry Alternative High School. These members of Den 3, Cub Scout Pack 162 perform a Christmas skit for fellow Boy Scouts, explaining that Christmas represents love and peace. STORMS Severe winter storms produce more total damage in Illinois than any other form of short- t e r m s e v e r e w e a t h e r e v e n t s i n c l u d i n g t o r nadoes, lightning and hail, says the Illinois State Water Survey. The group made a study of winter storms tfnd their effect "Dn the state during Winter Storm Prepared ness Week last month. "Th® McHenry County Defenders urge all residents of McHenry County to make a New Year's resolution to recycle! In announcing 1983 totals for materials recycled, the Defenders also recommend that aill consumers consider the recyclability of a product before purcha&ing or using it. / 50id Bill Howenstine, executive committee member, *.*fWe recommend, for example, that all consumers use the brown kraft paper bag rather than the new plastic bags at supermarkets. They can be recycled easily. Plastic bags ^canufet ' i M-akl consumers wuf .. conscientious in their pur chases, we could really increase levels of recycling. The Defenders have put their policy into action and have written area supermarkets, urging continued use of the recyclable paper bags. TTie Defenders also announce*4 that record levels of recycling for newsprint, alunv'nm, and used oil were achieved in 1983. Total Of 1,287,000 pounds of aluminum, and 3000 gallons used motor oil were collected from c6nsumers and shipped t$. manufacturers for production df new products. Glass recycling dropped somewhat to 173,999 pounds. A total of 35,840 pounds of steel cans were recycled. i The value of the recyclables collected by the Defenders in 1983 exceeded $125,000. Most Of this was returned to citizens who sold aluminum cans and to cooperating community groups that provided volunteer labor at recycling drives. ; Thes£ revenues are indicative Of the boost that recycling can provide • • \ma\ eeonowyif citizens had not recycled fhese materials, valuable resources would have been lost and less money would have circulated throughout the c6unty. * The Defenders urge all citizens to recyle 'ri 1984, beffinnir>« vrilli oottles and cans ten after New Ye^'s Eve revelry. For further information about recycling in the county, call 815- 459-0450. Entire Stock of Misses, Petites, and Junior Winter Coats . Now 34.99-119.99, orig. $50-*200 Heat up the new year with big savings OR a new winter coat There s pientv of cold weather yet to come -• be prepared1 • Wool and wool/nyjon coats Save 30% • Wool active jackets , Career Furs • Quilted stadium jackets .. ,«.« [ ' .warmhned No« S249-S949, »ri*. SJSMUOO \ storm coats Intermediate marhdowns taken. \ • Fabulous takes . £)Q- Infermediate markdowns taken the best quality costs less at OO CACjKCV Spring Hill closed Sun,, Shop Mon. 11-5, Tues.-Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-5:30 (312)426-9100