A PAGE 14-PI.AINDEALER-WEDNESDAY JANUARY 11. 1984 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted GENERAL OFFICE Airport flight operations. Full or part • ime. Answering phone, scheduling aircraft and in structors, greeting customers, light bookkeeping & typing. Will train Call Pat, 815/455 1220, ! PART TIME Sales person, for retail store. Hours include Tues., Thurs, alternate Fri., 11 to 6; and alternate Sat's., 10 5. Must be responsible. For inter •jtiei«xaiU4I?/y l •--- LIBRARY CLERK for Algon quin Young Peoples Dept. Library background & patience a must. Computer experience helpful. 30 hr. week. Some evenings & Saturdays. Come downstairs to fill out an ap plication. Algonquin Library, 115 Eastgate Dr., Algonguin. GENERAL FACTORY All Shifts Excellent wages & com- EXPERIENCED COOK part i time. Mimimum 6 yrs ex perience in catering and/or banquet. Purchasing, prepara tion & attractive presentaton of food, & management of food | service department required in this position. Excellent op portunity for mature responsi- ble individual, Send resume to SALES Box A E Z, Free Press Newspapers. PO Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 Apply in Person ACCUTR0N1CS 225N. Firsts*. Cary, IL equal opportunity employer m/f DENTAL ASSISTANT, ex perience preferred Approx imate 30 hr. week. Must be self motivated & people oriented, i Send resume to Box A E Y, Free Press Newspapers, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014 ROOFING Experienced shingler 3T2/426 4837 EXPERIENCED Restaurant Help Needed. Week end Waitress Sat & Sun. Night Waitress 4:30-9, Mon thru | Fri ; Cook's Helper. Night shift; Exper. Breakfast Cook Mon. thru Fri. Apply in person, between 12 pm & 9 pm, Reese's I Restaurant, 205 S Main St., Algonquin. NEW FACTORY OUTLET Im mediate openings available full ; & part time. Excellent pay. training 8. benefits. Students considered Mr. Martin 312/449 1920 PART TIME days, The Sand wich House, apply in person after 3 PM. no phone calls, 31 North Rt. 12, Fox Lake, IL. Medical Opportunities RN EMERGENCY SERVICES Our progressive community hospital has an excellent part time evening or PM shift posi tion available to an RN with previous Emergency Room ex perience. This fine opportunity could lead to a full time position In the near future We provide a good starting salary Please contact the Personnel Depart ment at 312/381 9600, ext. 5017. EVANGELICAL .HEALTH SYSTEMS Good Shepherd Hospital 450 W. Highway 22 Barrington, Illinois60010 eoua! opportune* employer m f "WAITRESS Full or Part Tjme Nights. Apply in Person I Village Squire. McHenry 8'5/385 0«00 SGT. "PEPPER'S is hiring lunch route drivers for DeKalb aod Sycamore, 3' i hours, Mon. Fri. Call GAR Y, 815/756 3566. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Full time position for highly organized, efficient secretary Must be able to work on a varie ty of duties. Speed and ac turacy in typing & shorthand essential. Apply in person, Mathews Co, 500 Industrial Ave.,CrystaMake, IL 60014, CLERICAL WORK in small of ficr : 'J'jring school ^ours Must have excellent tj'pirg <ki'>s. 312/426 8484 CABINET MAKERS with for mica experience needed by company located Fox River Grove. Call Jim Smail 3'2 639 75. TELEMARKETING Learn all about sales from some of the area's finest Sales Trainers. We will teach you everything we know to become successful. We are in the home furnishings business and show our clients how to save substan tial money on home furnishings by buying directly from the manufacturer. Besides telemarketing, we also offer you the opportunity to deal with people personally in our showroom. We are hiring for our Algonquin/Crystal Lake Showroom and our Schaum burg Showroom. For personal interview, call Mr Ross at: 312/894-6104 TRAINING for Crisis Line begins weekend of January 21. 1984 Mature, responsible peo pie over the age of 19 are need ed as volunteers Call: 815 756 4875 JOURNEYMAN TOOL & DIE MAKER Die Repair & New Tooling Excellent wages & Company benefits Apply In Person ACCUTRONICS 225 N. First St. Cary, IL 312/639-2102 E O.E .M/F RN'S & Certified Aides needed for private duty nursing 8. staff relief. Full and part time, all shifts. 312/892-H11. EXTRA EARNINGS need 3 people who have 10 15 flexible hours per week, depending upon time. For complete in formation call 312/658 7402. CLEANER FOR apt complex located in Woodstock area Must clean vacant apts. 8, all common areas jon premise Competitive salary 8, fringe benefits. Call 815/338 2383 WELCOME NEWCOMERS to WOODSTOCK Introduce new families to their new hometown Work by ap poinfment. Part time Flexible hours Must like people, have car and live in Woodstock. For information and inter view appointment, call; ROYAL WELCOME 312/566-0520 HELP WANTED Alterations Seamstress, part timeevenings & weekends. Apply in Person BERGNER'S Spring Hill Mall Dundee PRESSCREW TRAINEES Growing printing firm needs willing dependable workers for entry level positions t. 'cy press room. Excellent com pany paid benefits. APPLY IN PERSON GRAFTEK PRESS 6704 S. Pingree Rd. Crystal Lake, IL. PART TIME Housekeeper, 6 to 2:30 P.M. for smali Nursing Home. Call JILL: 815/455 0550. MOTEL MAIDS, Exp. pref., but will train. Mature & reliable, part time days. Apply in person: Mon Fri, 10 am to 2 pm., 6305 NW Hwy , Crystal Lake, Martinetti's Motel. X-RAY -- TECH' /(ARRt) ' Immediate part time opening for a Registered Tech to work days, some weekends and night I call at our Crystal Lake facili- i ty. »' We offer an excellent salary and benefits including differen tials and tuition reimburse I menf. Contact: 312/888-8708 .SHERMAN HOSPITAL 934 Center Street Elgin,IL 60120 E.O.E I ATTENTION. Needed \ telephone sales people to staff ! our new Round Lake Otf ice No | typing required Also, evenings & weekends available. Salary + bonus For personal inter view, call 815/338 6950 or 312/546 8060 STITCHER V Instruc tion/Sales Good money and op portunity for self Starters. Public contact. Car required Mostly evening hours. 312/639 5567. TEACHERS &COOK needed at Kinder Care in Crystal Lake Full 81 part time teaching posi tions available for infant through 3 year old groups. Seeking people with 2 year col lege degree or more. Pleasant surroundings, responsibility 81 an opportunity to work with children 8, families. Call 815/459-5490 for more informa tion IMMEDIATE Full Time open ings for Machine Operators. Good pay/company benefits. Staple Center, Harvard. 815/943-7444. WANTED, Experienced mechanic. Must have own tools. Company benefits. Apply in person to Jay Pontiac, see Steve. PART TIME/ Pull time, for plowing snow & other duties pertaining to township work. Must have class C license Prefer mature person. Call Thomas Belmont, Highyvav Commissioner, Hebron Township, 815/648 2258 I OFFICE WORK, part time, McHenry. Exc. future growth | potential Send resum^ 8, salary requirements to BuK^A F B, Shaw Free Pres Newspapers, P. O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL60014. STRUCTURAL Steel Layout Person MUST BE EX PERIENCED Knowledge of | running beam line helpful. 312/381 4900 Misc. ' Misc. Misc. Misc. Misc. 32 Merchandise 32 Merchandise 32 Merchandise 32 Merchandise 32 Merchandise WHY PAY MORE? Twin size mattress sets, $89, Full size mattress sets, $109; Queen size mattress set, $189; Bunk Beds complete with mat tresses, $189. Lenny Fine Furniture , 312/742-7801 • WAITRESSES, apply in per son, Sorrento's Piz^ria, Rt 72, Hampshire ATTENTION! Our Woodstock phone center has immediate full 81 part time positions available Excellent working environment Must be 18 or over Guaranteed $3.35 per hour plus bonus Our average producers earh $5 per hour. Phone 815/338 3962. HAPPY GRAMS Si T»lpcr*mc MsWFe 31 Wanted. To Buy DAY CARE TEACHER need ed, full tffne Experience & 2 year degree preferred. Call Shannon, Island Lake Pre School. 312/526 6122 FULLTIME TELLER • Applicant should have typ [ ing skills and be able to ; work well with the public. No Experience Necessary ' Please Call For An Appointment 312/428-3639 -CARDUNAL SAVINGS & LOAN West Dundee EXPANDING ART 8, con suiting business needs creative person with flair for design, flexible hours full or part time, will train.312/438 2796: AnsilArt. BASS PLAYER wanted with vocal ability for working varie j ty band. Call Chns 815/344 4697 or Bob 31; 526 2479. E X P E R I E N C E D SALESPERSON wanted for ex 1 isting single family develop , | ment in Woodstock, IL. Full I time position available. Call | 312/255 3890, 9 am to 5 pm j weekdays. H.C. STAMP & COIN CO. We Buy 8, Sell 10 Crystal LaketPlaza *815/459 3940» BUY, SELL or trade guns, old shells and related items, 815/338 4731 ANTIQUES wanted Furniture, toys, lamps, wicker, items, stained glass. Paying cash. 414/248 3796. SLOT MACHINES wanted Paying cash. Any condition Also old Juke Boxes 414/248 3796. 78 RPM Wurlitzer Juke boxes, old slot machines plus any related parts or, items, cash 312/464 5661 • • Misc. 32 Merchandise CLEANING Specialists Call ServiceMaster for all your cleaning needs. Carpfit,...Fur niture, Floor (Tile, Wood, Slate), and wall cleaning Free Estimates, 815/455-3776. WANTED Glassware Jepression, Heisey, Cam- 'bridge, Fostoria, Candlewick, etc. Pottery Fiesta, Hall, Weller, Roseville, etc. 815/895 6033 LINEN OUTLET operi Satur days only, 10 am 5 pm, 10004 Main St. Hebron, II. Why Pay More for flannel sheets, down pillows, comforters & towels? 1 > BEDROOM SET dresser, chest of drawers 8. night stand, exc cond. 2 sets (4 ea.) wooden kit chains CaH 815/459 7831 after 4 pm. Mike's Budget Shoppe 6li LSNT JANUARY $ALE TOYS-GIFTS-WOOD REPRODUCTIONS 10% 30% DI$COUNI$ OFF OUR ALREADY LOW PRICES Kerosene Heaters 981)0 BTU >89:95 15,000 s109.95 WE ALSO HAVE TOOLS A? LOW, LOW PRICES SHOP NOW AND SAVE .<60:<W ELM SI MrHLNRY H iBeiwet.n Cilywifli; Carpel & Justei; f unetai Homel lyDartcers. Call 312/888 3060 Tftl CHEM crafts 8. gifts. New 1984 catalogs and supplies available. Register for instruc tion classes each Tuesday. 8 in structors needed 815/544-6600 FIREWOOD DRY OAK DELIVERED8i STACKED CALL 815/568 7792 SPECIAL SALE 50% Off Suggested Retail on all Rockers 8. Recliners in stock Weiler's Furn Factory Outlet, 4612 W. Rt 176, Crystal Lake. 815/459 3363. _____ BUY YOUR Mattress factory direct, save S50 to $100. Woodstock Mattress, 2720 Raf fel Rd. Hours: 10 AM to 2 PM, or by appt. 815/338 6674 or 815/338 3979. WASHER & DRYER, heavy duty, all cycles 81 settings, REFRIGERATOR, all like new in excellent cond. 312/695 3375 or 695 0 775. APPLIANCES Refrigerators, washers & dryers, electric gas ranges. Clean 81 like new at reasonable prices. All recondi tioned and guaranteed. Wahl Used Appliances, 1209 Court St., McHenry. 815/385 1872. PLAIN PAPER Copiers, used, $295. Others. $75, Valley Office Mach., 815/455-3050. SNOWBLOWER 24" 5 hp. 5 for ward 8.2 reverse. Chains new. Used 45 min $450.815/338-0207. COMMERCIAL Cooking System. Super Chef NSF ap proved. Ind 36" grill, 2 fryers & 4 burner range $1500 4 x8 Arrow sign. 1 yr old. $400 Com mercial coffee maker, nacho machine, quartz oven & steam •able. 312/497 3766, after 4 pm FURNITURE, 4 peice liv. rm. set, earth tone colors, like new, $1000 firm 312/658 5081 ' ' MUST SELL 7 ft. high back sofa: $100. Black naughahyde DOWNHILL SKIS Fisher I Superglass 205CM w/step-in bindings, Scott poles, Munari | Boots.'Excellent cond., $150 j 815/459 8721. ' j CARPETING 5 rms. Gd. cond. Sell all or parts. Best offer. 815/344-3753, after 6 pm. VHS Video records: One RCA, , ! full featured, 14 day, 8 event, ! table model. One Panasonic j portable with 14 day 8 event j tuner/ timer Like new. i 815/338-0839 after5p.m. j RABBIT FUR COAT Woman's, ' size 14. Good cond. $50 . 815/455 4975. ; ANTIQUES and Collectibles. Oak tables, chairs, dressers, , beds, kitchen cupboards 81 roll top desk and much, much more 312/669 3166. CRAFTSMAN 20", 4 horse I snowthrower, self propelled, j gas engine, needs carb. adj. 1 $100/best 815/344 5812 j COPIER PAPER all sizes. Century Business Systems, j 815/455 3717 or 312/658 8800. CHEST FREEZER diving tanks 81 regulator, TWO, 78 ; 15 i radial tires, 20 " snowblower, i Scott fertlizer feeder 815/459 9377 QUEEN SIZE matress 8, box springs, exc. cond., $50 815/344 1836 UNCLAIMED USED PIANOS From $200 to $500 815 385 2224 or 312/526 2655 W A S H E R 8 , D R Y E R Whirlpool 3 cycle, elec dryer, stackaoles. 815/459 1537 SEASONED FIREWOOD white oak pal left wood, full pick up load delivered & stacked, $50 815/385 9609 AIR COMPRESSOR 10 hp. 1978 model. 120 gal tank. Bad motor.. $650 815/344-0358. SOFABED ex, cond $250 of fer; White gas range, gd cond. $60/ofter. 815/459 5957. SOFA 3 cushion floral, $500; Blue Queen Anne chair, $125, Two months old hand made Cabbaqe Patch Kids to order, $30 each. Call 815/338 4059. console. $65. Queen size bed & frame: $20 Class C Reese hitch; $100. Gas logs, fireplace unit: $75. All reasonable offers accepted. 815/344 2455. HEAR ING AID Sales 8i Repair Service. All makes, free loaners, batteries at wholesale, 30 day trial plan, HOUSE CALLS. Wednesday only, 10 am 5 pm, McHenry Hearing Aid Center; 3937 West Main, McHenry, IL 815/385 7661. APPLE COMPUTERS, winter sale, only $450. Fantastic prices onhardwareandsoftware Pin cor Electronics 312/896 0015. TRS-80, color computer w/printer, cassette, modem & software: $550.312/639-1205. HOSPITAL BED Sterns & Foster, electric, adjustable, vibrator. Used less than 1 month. Must sell Best offer. 815/459 6875. GAS HEATER & parts, 70,000's BTU, $75, 2 E78 14 used snow tires on 5 lug Mercury rims, $25. 312/639-3521 after 4. FULL SIZE ping pong table. Solid 3/< plywood top with stur dy legs & frame. Needs refinishing, $35.815/459-2835 $1.00 BAG SALE Shop for only $1.00 at Sycamore Municipal Hospital's Thrift Shop 225 Edward St. Sycamore FOUR DAYSONLY! JANUARY23 to JANUARY 26 Fill an entire bag with merchandise for only $1 00. R IDG ID 300 pipe vise on stand; 318 oiler; 65 R ratchet ratchet set $600 815/653-3276 CONVERSATION PIT 10 pc. never used, still boxed 100% antrbn nylon, oak construction. Cost $2,399, Sell $850. Can deliver. 312/741-5229 SAVE ON Your heating bill. Wood burning stoves & fireplace inserts. Majestic, Russo, 8. Applachian models. Pine Tree Specialties, 815/653- 6589. Mon thru Fri. - 5 pm to 9 pm. Sat. 8amto9pm. CLOSEOUT • IN STOCK BEDSPREADS All ready made $25each All custom made $50 each •CHRISTMAS&JUVENILE Cutouts 8. Baby Quilt Tops 50% OFF OLD GRIST MILL 39 E Main Carpentersville 312/426 6455 SOLID OAK desk by Pulaski + swivel chair, like new; Dark pine hall tree, Honey pine youth bedroom set, chest of drawers, desk w/hutch top. 815/459 6585. SKI BOOTS N^-dica, Downhill. Size 5, $35 AC; 815/568 7163 STEREO Equipment-Pioneer SX1250-( 175 watts) per channel reciever, MARK 150 equalizer, Teak A 105 Cassette deck, Sony PST3 Turntable, 2 Boss speakers, 2 Corwin Vega speakers, $1,000 or will separate. 312/497 3339 FRIGIDAIRE side by-side, $150 Sears cont. dean., double oven range, S350. Avail 1 14815/648 4250 WASHER & GAS DRYER Maytag, large capacity. Heat sensor in dryer. $200/ea or $350 both 815/385 5549. REC ROOM FURNITURE, Nyghalide sofa bed & chair, pool table, 815/338 2477. MATCHING SOFA Loveseat & chair. Like new $600 H.D Snowmobile, $150 Doberman pups, $150 815/34 4 3 776 BALLOON BOUQUETS for all occasions. Standard groupings or make up your own. We deliver in costume or you can save and do it yourself. Fan tasy Festival Costume/Magic Centre, 432 Virginia St., Crystal Lake. 815/455 4910. MC/Visa. HOT POINT, refrigerator freezer, almond, no frost, side by side, 23.5 cu. ft., ice maker/water server Top of line. $800/best 815/455 24^0 after 6 pm EUNICE'S EGGERY - (All Items Made From Real Eggs) Decoupaged Eggs, Music Boxes, Jewelry, Gifts. Open weekdays. Call first for eves. 8, weekends, 815/455 4856, 164 North Main, Crystal Lake. VILLAGE RESALE SHOP (Owned & Operated by Sherman Hospital Auxiliary Crystal Lake Branch) 65 Woodstock St. (Acrossfrom Depot) Crystal Lake. IL Hours: Mon.-Sat., 10-5 815/4593401 (All Donations Tax DeductibleV- BUSHELS OF BOOTS! For men 8, women! Name Brands infirst quality footwear at No- Name Prices! You'll find them at The Spare Pair, 53 Brink Street in Downtown Crystal Lake. IL THE LINEN OUTLET/ Bargain Basement positively the LOWEST PRICES in McHenry County! Why Pay More? Sheet sets, comforters, pillows, blankets, 8. towels at below retail; mattress sets at close out prices. The Linen Outlet, 10004 Main St. (Hebron Mall). 10 am-5 pm, Saturdays only. MICROWAVE, GE, 3 mo old, $300; collectible china, 7 pc. place settiruj, service for 12 + many extra pieces, $300, Magnavcri Stereo, resembles chest of drawers, $300; burnt orange lounge chair, $50, Black Persian Lamb stroller w/mink trim, size 12, $400; Call 815/459 3735. REPLACE your old furnace with a new energy efficient natural gas fired furnace by Heil! Harold Johnson Heating 8. Air Conditioning, 815/459 0078. 1/2 PRICE SALE All Winter Clothing Jan 3 thru 31; Daily 10 5 pm Closed Sunday 8, Monday DUNDEE RESALE SHOP 10S. River St. E.Dundee 312/426 8070 CRAFTSMAN SNOWBLOWER new 5 horsepower, used twice: $400 815/72$ 0824 ECONOMY PRIDE Painting has a ver'y special offer for you! See January 17 Shopper Stopper Page for details - Economy Pride Painting, 815/459 1688 or 459 2686. TERRIFIC BARGAINS New ceramic tile for floor, 50 sq. ft., tan color, reg $250, now $75. Call Elaine at Sherman Plumb ing 8, Heating, 815/459-6060 R C A C a b i n e t T V 2 5 " perfect cond. 815/338-3453 COUCH & LOVE SEAT, mat ching. Sofa bed, rediner, 5 drawer dresser, patio umbrella table. Truck tires, 4, 15", fair condition. Murray riding lawn mower, 8 hp. Honda 350, '71, s o m e w o r k n e e ° d e d . A l l reasonable. 815/344 2020. NEC GREEN monitor, can be used with Commodore, Atari or Apple., $110 NEC Dot Matrix 100CPS parallel printer, $425. After6pm, 815/344 2020. TERRIFIC BARGAINS New ceramic tile for floor, 50 sq ft., tan color, reg $250, now $75. Call Elaine at Sherman Plumb ing 8, Heating 815/459 6060. REFRIGERATOR Gibson, one year. 17 cu. ft. 815/338 7063 evenings NORDICA DOWNHILL ski boots, size 8; $30, 8. bindings $20, 312/428 2751 after 3:30pm ATTENTION Oil Furnace owners! Cut heat bills up to 50% with an INTERburner system. Mention this ad and save an additional 10% off our already low price of $475 Call Elaine at Sherman Plumbing 8< Heating, 815/459-6060. (Expires 1/31/84). HONDA ODYSSEY, '81, very low hrs., exc. cond., $1250 815/344 2078 GAS RANGE, COCKTAIL RING, 11 emeralds & 12 diamonds set in gold Ap praised, $2,800. must sell, $1,500 Call 815/653 9413 or 653 6451 after 5 pm. ^ L A R G E B E A T L E COLLECTION, includes records & toys, promo picture discs, many groups, also 500 collector comics. 815/344-5897 GULBRANSEN, upright piano, good cond. $375. Lee, fiberglass, egg stereo chair, like,new, $400. 815/344 5897' AM/FM Stereo MW model 300, turntable 2 speakers and 8 track. $300/offer 312/428-2282 aft. 5. • FREE TALKING Balloon with every regular order placed. Of fer good 01/10/84 01/17/84. We UPS balloons! Bloomin' Balloons.815/459 RAVE. METAL DESK 8, chair (Ig. of IICC ucw; UVTTT ••• ywvv VW|I*I 312/639 9082 afrer 5 pm • BABY CARRIAGE English Best offer 815/337 08T3 WASHER & DRYER, Maytag, $50. Washer needs work 815/4598256 DRYOAK FIREWOOD $55 Per Face Cord 815/544-2411 or 547 8362 Misc. 32 Merchandise EARLY AMERICAN small handmade desk, never used, $75; Early American stereo cabinet, $25; never used sit up bench, paid $65. asking $35; Hardrock maple twin bed, com plete, exc. cond., $75; 815/459- 2103 after 8:30p.m. UPRIGHT FREEZER JC Pen ney's best. 19:2 cu ft. 5 yrs old. | $200 or best. Dinette table, $20 or best. 815/344 5293. R A D I O -- C O N T R O L L E D PLANES, (2), ready to fly, wradios, will separate. 815/728 1752. FOR SALE 350 sq. yards, red Shag carpeting, like new, $3.00 per sq. yard. Nego tiable, will divide. 815-385-0335 WAREHOUSE SALE 100's of Cabinets , to Choose From MEDALLION Cabinets AND Kitchen Compact Cabinets Slightly damaged kitchen and vanity cabinets at great savings. Large assortment of cultured marble vanity tops at astounding low prices. A wide choice of colors on all remnant counter topsjat specialprices. For free estimates bring in your room dimensions. Cash & Carry All Sales Final Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m, Top Form Co., INC. 7616 Hancock Dr. Wonder Lake 815-728-0203 y 110 / M<H " I" s I* DIAL-A-SERVICE •Home Maintenance •Secretarial •Tailoring •Landscaping •Plowing •Firewood •Much more A Listing of Business Services offered in McHenry County and the surrounding area. To Place t Your Dial •A* Service Ad Call 815-344-4800 GARAGE DOOR OPENERS AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR OPENERS! KARLOLSSON CONTRACTOR Ringwood, IL •15/653-4936 DECORATING FARM SERVICE EXCEL Decorating 8. Paperhanging All Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES •815/385 0922* KRIEGELS BADGER SERVICE JohriT Kriiegel 312/683-2705 Badger P40 Humane Ritchie Vermeer Ribitone Silos Silo Repair GARAGE DOORS Garage Door Sales, Ser vice & Repair. Electric door openers. 25 years ex perience All., AOrk guaranteed. 815/385 2662 HANDYMAN SENIOR CITIZENS Handyman Special Low Rates Free Estimates Call 815/385 3934 Jim Klapperich HOME IMPROVEMENT J&L HOME IMPROVEMENTS Remodeling & Room Additions Garages & Aluminum Siding Softit»Fascia*Gutters Roofing & Decks Low Price* 1 Frtt Estimates Fully Guaranteed & Insured •15/455 4226 If No Answer, Call •15/459 3888, Ext. Z INSULATION HAVE YOUR INSULATION CHECKED Blown in or Batt Insulation FREE ESTIAAATES 815/653-6822 INSULATION ENTERPRISES Wonder Lake, IL. PAINTING R.T .&R. < PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential Interior & Exterior. Low prices Insured Free estimates Ron 815/728-0176 METALS SSALUAAINUAA CANS$$ We also buy copper, brass, Jprtteries, aluminum, radiators, gold and silver. T & C M E T A L S C O . 24 Woodstock Street Crystal Lake, IL 815/459-4445 Monday through Friday 19:00-5:00 Saturday 8:00-4:00 PAINTING DECORATING Commercial 1 Residential Custom service atj competitive prices! Interior painting & wall papering. Tiling ceramic, quarry, mosaic. Guaranteed Wor k Quickly & Professional Done Ask For Roger-I15/4SM190 PLUMBING GUNDERSON PLUMBING Septic-Sewer Water Remodeling and All Repairs Power Rodding Commercial and Residential Emeryfhcy Service 815/6^3-7906 / REMODELING REMODELING SPECIALISTS 30 YE/RS Ba»«mentj»Porches Room Addi'tions»Garages Concrete«Repalrs rRooting'Slaing I Prom* Service E\ CONSTRUCTION r-'115/344-1432 yf 115/383-6566 115/344-0741 WOOD RESTORATION JENSEN WOOD RESTORATION *ccurate and careful restora tion of antiques, furniture and kitchen cabinets. Also chair reglueing. 115/315-4024 REMODELING QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Senior Citizen's Discount REMODELING. •Kitchen •Bath •Window & Door Replacement WE BUILD •Garages •Decks •Room Additions •Construction ot New Homes NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL!! WE AIM TO PLEASE . 815/385-4937 312/35* 4339 or Answering Service: 815/459-3888, Ext. 'Of WATER CONDITIONING Introductory Offer RENTA « QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For $3.00 per month for the first Smooths Free Installation Cail Collect 815/338-3344 Quality Water Conditioning WRECKER SERVICE CLIP & SAVE! 20% OFF ALL SERVICES. With This Ad! Towing«Winching»Tune Up Emergency Smarting Trucks & Cars SNOWPLOWING • Free Towing For Junk Cars! DENNY'SWRECKER SERVICE Complete 24 Hour Road& Wreeker Service Call 815/385 2224 Or 312/526 2655 O'ter E «pir»s Fet 1. 1984 WATER CONDITIONING Having a Water Softener Problem? Call 815/344-2662 Reliable Repairs On All Makes Lindsay Water Conditioning Salt Delivery, Service, Sales , And Rentals