Wr- SECTION 2 - PAGE 12 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1984 general News w c P V i H ! N C - U S UP TO 1 40% OFF County serves public with mim&l control program ENTIRE STOCK! 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH i o q u a i i t i r n b j n n s M A K T IJS A HiA S O N A B I E o i r r w w r ' K E k't AD Y T O DEAL _ _ 1 -ffllli t LARGE SELECTION OF PICTURES AVAILABLE! ! y$£ Qyj ) ALL OUR FURNITURE IS WOOD NO PLASTICS OR SIMULATIONS "LAYAWAY" H 385 8200 <618 # >TI. 120 FREE SET UP 9 it«wiu H0™ i ymrniKhintiK T h e S 'ore T h o t C o r e l T o S o v e Y o u M o n * y & SA1 9 6 SUN * ^ S iiTTOTiaTroa T^mslllSIIKY ltom« hauvni»hiNu» t h . ( m , . T h o l Cr, r a t T o < i n „ • Y n . , M o n e w FREE SETUP I DELIVERY ^ne of the major programs of the\McHenry County Depart ment TJf^Health's Division of Veterinary Public Health is the Animal Control Program. This program includes five elements which contribute to the effective handling and control of animals in McHenry County. These elements are a practical and enforceable ordinance, a good and centrally located sheltering facility, an ongoing program to inform and educate the public, an efficient field service program and a method to finance the total program. The McHenry County Public Health Ordinance provides the enforcement tool by which dog o\*fifers are required to vac cinate their pets against rabies, keep them under their control or on their premises at all times, provide for proper food, shelter and humane care of their pets, requires reporting of animal bites and registration of their pets annually with the McHenry County Department of Health. Efficient and uniform Animal Control services for the entire county are provided by the McHenry County Department of Health by a centrally located sheltering facility and animal control agreements with 23 of the 26 municipalities in the county. Information to the public is provided via news media and pamphlets as well as staff giving talks to school children throughout the county. During the past year, a block grant for prevention was received which enabled the department to go door to door to educate pet owners regarding rabies and dog bites. This has increased the level of rabies protection throughout the county by ob taining additional vaccination of pets against rabies. The McHenry County Depatment of Health Animal Control Program provides service to the people of the county 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Five Animal Control officers are scheduled so that response time to requests for service is minimized. Two maintenance people provide a 7- day duty cycle so that animals are exercised and fed" and kennel facilities are cleaned and sanitized regularly. Based on the estimated dog population in McHenry County, 84.4 percent of the dog population has been vaccinated against rabies and registered with McHenry County. This level should provide an effective barrier between the rabies in the wildlife population and the human population. This barrier would be enhanced by a similar percentage of the cat population in the county being vaccinated against rabies. Check coverage for winter casualties Bitter temperatures plaguing the Mid west are leaving many Illinois homeowners with casualty losses caused by frozen water pipes. According to Illinois Insurance Director John E. Washburn, most homeowners' insurance policies will cover such losses. type of coverage they have or are con cerned that special circumstances may affect their" coverage would be wise to contact their insurance agenct or the Consumer Division of the Department of Insurartce before a problem arises," Wash burn suggested. Generally, the homeowners' policy form HOI will not cover perils caused by weight of ice, snow or sleet, nor damage caused by frozen plumbing, heating and air con ditioning systems. Policy form HO-2 will protect against these perils, but not t damage to awnings, fences, patios, pavement, swimming pools, foundations or retaining walls. Policy form HO-3 will provide the same coverage as form HO-2, but also extends to awnings. "As a final ^precaution, I would remind Illinois residents that no homeowners' policy will provide protection if the home is vacant or unoccupied and the homeowner fails to maintain heat or drain the plumbing system," Washburn said. Water safety class set A Water Safety Instructors class is being presented by the McHenry County Chapter of the American Red Cross, Jan. 18 at the Lake Region YMCA, 7315 Route 31, Crystal Lake. The class will be conducted for 14 weeks starting Wednesday, Jan. 18, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., and will meet every Wednesday. The instructor is Gary Carter, WSIT. Interested persons may contact the Lake Region YMCA, at (815 ) 459-4455, or the Red Cross at (815 ) 338-1050. 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