Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1984, p. 5

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t i PAGE 5-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1984 Lakemoor/Lilymoor: LUCKY CAUSES A SCENE McCullom Lake* A runaway dog caused great excitement in the parking lot at the McHenry Nunda Library Dec. 30. Sam Sances,'on foot, was calling "Lucky", a man in a pick up truck pulled in and gave chase. The driver of a station wagon stopped and she and a young girMried to -catch Lucky, \ who thought; all this attention was the best game around. Margaret Karas 385-4934 i •' / Lorry Deeke, library assistant, who has an inborn affinity for animals, was wat­ ching and decided it was time to help. She went outside, squatted down on the library ramp and Lucky, spotting the open arms, practically jumped into Lorry's lap. Sam returned to his car parked on Lily Lake Rd. and 120, backed into the parking lot, just missing an oncoming green truck, and almost getting stuck in a snow bank, opened his car door, and Lucky happily jumped in. Sam had not been so lucky, however, as this all started when another motorist had banged into his car as he was driving to the gas station to get some milk. As Sam opened his car door to talk to the other motorist, Lucky took off. Sam got him back in the car and continued on his mission. At the stop sign at 120, Sam had to open the car door-and away went Lucky again. Sam never did get his milk that second to last day of 1983. All this excitement was just too much to take in one morning, especially when one has lived through 92 years. PNEUMONIA John Kmetz, Betty and Bill's youngest son, was one of the many youngsters who developed pneumonia this past month. He hadn't been feeling too well, but went to school anyway as there were only six more days before Christmas vacation. On the 15th his parents took him to the doctor, who admitted John to the hospital immediately. IV's were started and he was in an oxygen tent. Four days later John was able to come home, but is still feeling the after effects of the severe case of pneumonia. During all this cold worrisome time, Bill and Betty had only one car operating, requiring a lot of scheduling for Bill to get to work, the hospital visits, and the still uncompleted Christmas shopping. Mike, John's brother, is still home from his school in Wisconsin, and has been a big help with the "preparation for Christmas and helping the time of recuperation pass more quickly for John, n REMEMBER Jan. 12--Lakemoor Village meeting, 8 p.m. Jan. 13--Story time feff pre- s c h o o l e r s - - 1 0 : 3 0 a . m . , McHenry Nunda Library-Call 385-6303 for information. Every day-Call Margaret Karas, 385-4934, with items of interest. SPECIAL DAYS Harold Nixon aged a full year since last Wednesday's column. He had been wished happiness on the beginning of his seventy- second year of life and now tells me it was his seventy-third birthday, May all 73-year-olds still be able to go bicycling and enjoy the scenery and waving to friends as this gentlemen does, weather permitting. The 11th of January finds Patty Rae Chambers and Kathy Jean Thurow also adding a year. Pat Zabroski celebrates her birthday on the 12th. A first birthday will be a joyous oc­ casion in the Ward household, with Holly Nicole having one cajidlfi on hercake Anniversary^ wishes go to Peggy and Bill Hendricksen of* the Bungalow, on Jan. 13. Ah, to be 81 again, says dear friend Myldred Rowe of Lakemoor, as her eighty-second year is recognized on Jan. 14. Myldred does not mind bir­ thdays, for as our number one daughter Maggie D. says, "What's the alternative to having a birthday?"... May your eighty-second year be one of warmth, health, and the love of friends and family, dear Myldred. You have given so much to so many these many years, not the least of which is the many feet and hands you have warmed with your hand­ made slippers and mittens given to the Willing Workers in McHenry. May the Lord grant you the strength to always go forward with your indomitable spirit. GOD BLESS FISHING DERBY THIS JAN. 21-22 Wonder Lake: SURVEYORS AT WORK ON HANCOCK DR. A surveying party has been spending time on Hancock Drive doing the preliminary work for improvements that will be started when the weather permits. Our downtown area will certainly be getting a face lift. The street will be three lanes with curbing and sidewalks, continuing down the length of Hancock Drive. ANNUAL The Annual Congregational meeting of Nativity Lutheran Church will be held Sunday, Jan. 15, following the 10:30 a.m. service. All members of the congregation are encouraged to attend. Every Sunday at 9 a.m., two classes are being held. You may attend a New Testament Class led by Leonard Benson or "Monday Ministries" led by Kathie Anderson. Phyllis Mueller will be leading a group entitled "Marriage and Family" beginning at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 21, and breakfast will be served. It will also take place Saturday, Jan. 28. The teen group will be looking forward to a sledding party at Maple Hill in Spring Grove during the month of January. For the ladies of Nativity, the LCW will hold its monthly meeting Wednesday, Jan. 18, at 7:30 p.m. SKI TRIP All sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students at Northwood Junior High School were able to take part in the first ski trip of the season Thursday, Jan. 5. They left the school at 3:45 for Lake Geneva and returned at 9 p.m. A mixed group of the very beginners to the more advanced enjoyed a warm evening of sking pleasure. Lessons were included for the students to take advantage of. It was fun listening to one of the first-time skiers telling of his experience of falling down face first on the tow rope, dropping his poles half way down a hill and trying to retrieve them, falling off a lift, and then adding, "And some of the kids think 'War, Peace' program is Jan. 15 On Sunday, Jan. 15, from 7 to 9:30 p.m., - in St. Patrick's hall, there will be a presen­ tation on the pastoral letter on "War and Peace," - written by the U n i t e d S t a t e s Catholic Bishops. The pastoral letter will be explained by the peace volun­ teers of the diocese. The presentation will be followed by a film, "Gods ' Of Metal," followed by a discussion with a question and an­ swer period. Everyone is in­ vited, and welcome to bring a friend. skiing is fun!" Maybe when some of the muscles stop aching, he'll give it another try, but then again........ STUDENTS HOME It's nice to see the smiling faces of some of our young people, enjoying their Christ­ mas vacation back in Wonder Lake from college. Angela Anderson was back at her job in a local store making some extra money before returning to school. Classes begin again for Angela on Jan. 12, so she returned Jan. 10. Kelli Williams had a busy Christmas vacation, first visiting with her family down Texas way at her grandmother's home where they all spent CrfHstmas together. She then flew back to Wonder Lake to spend some time visiting friends before taking off on a ski trip to Utah. Then it was back home again to Wonder Lake where Mom could spend some time with her before it was back to school in Arizona. Now there is a "Jet Set" young lady!! Joe and Janet Sullivan are both off again to Marquette University where Joe is a Junior and Janet a Freshman. Joe will be looking forward to the coming sailing season with the Marquette Sailing Club and I think Jan's thoughts will be to a summer vacation and the W.L. Ski Club! CLUB MEETING Members and guests of the Woman's Club of Wonder Lake will be attending their first meeting of the new year Thursday, Jan. 19, at 8 p.m., in Nativity Lutheran Church hall. After the business meeting, a program entitled "Your Neigh­ bors' Secrets" will be given by Pam Voss and Fran Stake. Hostesses who will be sup­ plying the desserts for the evening are: Ruth Moore, Mary Jane Ahren, Mary Lou Singer, Anne Sowers, Ruth Kinzie, Hazel Cavins, and Ann Weiskopf. CALENDAR Jan. 11 & 12-Semester Exams at Marian Central , Jan. 13-No School-Marian Central and District 200 Jan. 18-Report cards, District 200. Jan. 18-LCW meeting: 7:30 p.m.; Nativity Lutheran Hall Jan. 19-Woman's Club meeting; 8 p.m. Nativity Lutheran Hall Jan. 21 & 28-"Marriage and Family"; 9:30 a.m. Nativity Lutheran Hall The McCullom Lake Con­ servation Club will be holding its annual fishing derby Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 21-22. There will be daily prizes and hourly prizes from 9 a.m. through 4 p.m. Bait and fishing licenses wiH be available at this event. There will be a big drawing Sunday, the 22nd, at 4:30 p.m. There will be liquid refresh­ ments and food which will be prepared by the good cooks in the Beach Gals Club. CONDOLENCES - Mary Kantorski, a long-time resident and our oldest, at age 91, passed aw&y last week after a long illness. Our deepest sympathies are expressed to her daughter and son and their families. Mary was a charter member of the Ladies of the Lake. She was a very active lady and a very good cook, cooking for many local clubs and at one of the rectories in McHenry. She was preceded in death by her husband and one son. She was loved by many and will be sadly missed by her neighbors and friends. GET WELL Roland (Ron) Hughes was hospitalized recently. We wish him a speedy and full recovery and a healthy New Yeai^ VISITORS P a t r i c i a T o m a s e l l o ' s household will be adding four more people to its rooms soon. Pat's son, Staff Sgt. Richard Greig, his wife, Sun, and sons Steven, age 17, and Richard, age 3, will be moving in. Richard retired Dec. 29, 1983, after serving 20 years in the Army. His latest tour of duty was in Seoul, Korea. We welcome the Greigs to the village. Another memorable event took place on Dec. 29. It was the birth of Pat's tenth grandchild, a jjW, born to her daughter, Sally, and husband DarrellSeliga, of Ringwood. CLERKS HOURS The 1985 vehicle stickers are in and available for sale. The prices are the same as last year. Office hours are on Wed­ nesdays, from 2 p.m. through 6:30 p.m. Please call 385-2211 if this day or time is inconvenient for you. Other arrangements can be made. BIRTHDAYS Belated wishes are sent to Maurice Pendleton, who celebrated Jan. 4; Sherri Groh's special day was Jan. 6; and Maria Tomasello shared Jan. 7 with Amy Wiesenberger, blowing out six candles on her cake. "Happy Birthday" wishes for this week are sent to Michael Krumsee, sharing Jan. 11 with Fred Groh; Gene Frost opens his cards Jan. 12; .Ruth Gumm celebrates Jan. 13 and BJ Walter blows out five candles Jan. 16. ANNIVERSARIES Belated anniversary wishes are sent to James and Bee Brown, who toasted in another year Jan. 5; and to Skeets and Bette Morris, who celebrated 3an. 6. "Happy Anniversary" wishes for this week go to John and Lorraine Boyle, sharing 40 years of happiness Jan. 15. Area man stable after shooting A 3 5 - y e a r - o l d Lake In The Hills man is listed in serious but stable c o n d i t i o n a t Sherman Hospital, Elgin, after he was shot by county deputies. McHenry County Sheriff's Police officers responded a to domestic dispute at a residence near Lake In The Hills late Sunday night. Upon arrival, of­ ficers were in­ formed that Wilfred L. Wills, 35, 10514 Dennis, Lake In The H i l l s , h a d threatened his ex- w i f e a n d f a m i l y with a loaded revolver. Wills feld prior to the arrival of police. Wills was found b e h i n d t h e M a r a t h o n g a s station on Huntley- Algonquin Road. T h e o f f i c e r r e p e a t e d l y t o l d Wills to drop the gun, but he r e p o r t e d l y c o n ­ tinued to threaten t h e o f f i c e r . W i l l s was disabled by two shots fired by the deputy, according to county police. The investigation is continuing into the incident. PI McHenry McHenry Herald (USPS 335 200) Established 18.75 381 2 West Elm Street Phone 815 385 0170 McHenry. Il l inois 60050 v Published Everv Wednesday & Friday at McHenry Ill inois Second Class Postage PAID at McHenry. Ill inois b^McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTER Send address changes to McHenry Plamdeaier 3812W. Elm St., McHenry, Ill inois 60050 Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice of change of address to the McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W Elm St. McHenry, III. 60050 A deduction of one month from the expiration of a subscription will be made where a change of address is provided through the Post Office department Thomas C. Miller-Publisher Adele Froehlich-Editor fltoarb Winning ilttoapaper MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION 1 Year SUBSCRIPTION RATES S19.00 --* i Y»or $27.00 In McHenry County Outside McHenry County Rod Oedeiui Held Coach USA 84 Baseball Turn Limited Time Only! $6995 Value USA Baseball Team Jacket The official jacket of the USA Baseball Team. 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