PAGE7 -PLAINDEALEK -WEDNFSOAY, JANUARY 11, 1984 Extension People: Force flowering bulbs indoors for an early spring Using spring flowering bulbs, home gardeners can create an early spring indoors while outside conditions are still dreary. Forcing laulbs is a relatively simple procedure where na|Vral flowering processes are speeded up in doors. All that is needed is a basic understanding of how flowering is induced and to follow a few simple guidelines - Begin with clean pots thai have holes for drainage, and are at least twice as high as the bulbs to be used. Partially fill Hospital nutrition service Specialized nutrition services relating to im proved health care are an important part of the com munity efforts p r o v i d e d b y Memorial Hospital f o r M c H e n r y County, Woodstock. Dee Budelier, head dietitian, and other dietitians in the department also provide specialized food services for patients and plan menus for over 300 employees. For improved community health, they plan diabetic detection programs, offer advice on caring for the diabetic on an outpatient basis, and provide ex tensive outpatient nutrition coun seling. R e g u l a r b i monthly classes for d i a b e t i c s a n d family members of d i a b e t i c s a r e presented to discuss the disease of diabetes and help the diabetic func tion. Included in the c l a s s e s a r e discussions con cerning the value of d i e t c o n t r o l , e x e r c i s e a n d medication. A program of free blood testing for screwing in con junction with the Northern Illinois affiliate of the American Diabetic A s s o c i a t i o n i s p r e s e n t e d e a c h y e a r . O n g o i n g d i a b e t i c p u b l i c e d u c a t i o n i s provided throughout the year b y M e m o r i a l Hospital's Patient E d u c a t i o n a n d Nutrition Services departments. T h e P a t i e n t Education com- m i t t e e a n d Nutrition Services department work with the diabetic patient on an out patient basis. the pots with soil made up of equal portions of garden soil, sand, and peat moss. Place the bulbs firmly on the mix with pointed ends up and cover with more material. Very large bulbs do not have to be completely covered. Water thoroughly. Bulbs need a cold, dark treatment to break dormancy and begin forming roots and - Dln/irt fV>rt rvl otif/yl. i|f> OUUUkO. X 1UVV Viit f/miibVU pvto A A A a location that will remain around 40 degrees F. for the next 8 to 12 weeks. For our area, locations such as garages, breez^ways, and cool attics or basements work well. Refrigerators, window boxes, and balconies are favorable locations for apartment dwellers. Roughly 8 to 12 weeks later, the bulbs will be ready for ^bringing into warmer locations to begin flowering. The actual time varies with varieties, so *chsc!t*thcm cftcTi. CnK shoots have progressed wel^out of the bulbs and roots have developed extensively, it is time to move them. Ideally, they should be moved to a location with tem perature around 55 of 60 degrees F., which also receives plenty of indirect (but bright) sunlight. The pale shoots will soon turn green and flowering should begin within a month. To help prolong flowers, place them in a cooler location (but not below 40 degrees F.) at night. Also keep them out of direct sunlight. Once the flowers iaafe, the bulbs cannot be forced again and probably will not perform wdl replanted outdoors. But if you want to trv. wait until the foliage withers before transplanting, j Jus^about all spring flowering bulbs can be forced indoors, including crocus, hyacinths, narcissus, and tulips. Some varieties are much better for forcing than others, which is usually indicated in catalogs or in literature at garden centers. There are certain kinds of bulbs that will flower indoors without uie long'coiu treatment. Paper white narcissi and large hyacinths are two examples. Place about 1 inch or more of gravel in a glass bowl, set in the bulbs (pointed end up) and pour more gravel between them for supports Aquarium gravel or similar material works well. Now add water so that just the bottom of the bulbs are covered. Keep these in a cool place for around a week, checking the water level daily. Hyacinths will take longer to develop a good root system, unce roots and shoots are developed, move to a warmer, well lighted area as previously mentioned Discard bulbs forced in this manner after bloomina MODELS MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN to complete MODE I COMPOSIR BOOKLET SU M I lit Rt Ol IRII) I or I rce Infomuilion V\ rite: MODELS PLUS PO BOX 393 McHENRY . IL 60050 f \ Start losing weight today Beam losing weight immediately witn maiomum strength Super Od rinn reducing tablels anrl Diet Plan II takes ovei where your will power leaves ott A government appointed panel o' medical and scientific e« pens has leview"' dmical tests o! the maximum si, h .ngredient •in Super Odrlnei. nn3 has termed il ' sale and effective fo- appetite con troi and weight loss You eat less and turn ford and e>res' tat into bumed up energy instead of rxfra weight Use.only as dnected Try Super Odrlnei today It works or your money back Mftiim 50 TABLETS-$3.33 ISn, 110 TABLETS-55 43 YOU need all "REVCO vou ean ({el r M 8 ill Eil SALTI\ES © * 5 ̂ Z m «/> $