>6? F'AGE 17- PLAINDEALER- FRIDAY,. JANUARY 13. 19K4 89 Trucks, Tractors & Trailers TOYOTA SR-5, 197g longbed pickup w/cap, 5 sp., am/fm radio, new tires & battery, $2,800/be#t. Call 815/385 9153. 90 Vans CHEVY'75 Heavy 1/2 ton Van, $400. Needs engine. 815/455 2925 FORD VAN Economy Line '74, 6 cyl., 3 spd., runs good: $850. 312/639-5133, FORD Econ 0 Line '77,E150 Club Wagn, 8 pass ex. cond. new paint, $3,000/best offer. 312/639-8642 eves. CHEVY BEAUVILLE '79 350 auto., good cond, ps, pb, radial tires. $4500 815/653 3276 CHEVY'77,1 ton. P.s.,p.b.,ti(t wheel. Runs gd. Must See. $1800/best. 815/338-4140 Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles HONDA XR75 Trail bike, very good cond. Asking $250. 815/459-8625 ACCESS TO OVER 200 miles of trails. Be a member of, Elgin Cold Ducks smowmobile club. Families invited. 312/658-6169 MOTO SKI '80. Mirage II, 370 Oil inj., 250 mi.. Like New $1000.815/459-3139. SNOWMOBILE extended track Yamaha, less than 40 miles. 815/338 5251 HONDA, '73, 450, elec. start, original paint, one owner, like new, must sell $500/best 815/344 5897 '83 KAWASAKI KDX 80 under waranty exc. cond., seldom rid den, never raced, 312/658-6689 '79 JOHN DEERE Spitfire, 340cc under 400 mi., mint cond. $950/offer. 312/888 4979 aft. 5 '76 SKIROULE Laser Kohler 440, fan cooled. Excellent cond. $800/best offer 815/653 9549 '78 KAWASAKI liquid cooled, 440 snowmobile, handle bar warmers cover cleated track xtra belt exc. cond. 815/385 2977 HARLEY DAVIDSON, 1957, 1200 cc, $1500. Exc. running cond . 815/385 525? Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles YAMAHA 125 3 wheeler w/helmut: $600 . 815/385-4388 ask for Shawn. POLARIS COLT SS, '73, 340 Free Air, low miles, $475/offer. Call 815/728 1752. YAMAHA 340, & 300, including frailer, exc". cond., $2500 815/728-^216 after 6 pm SNOWMOBILES '83 Yamaha Bravo: $950. '82 John Deere Trailfire LX 440: $1795 '80 Yamaha SRX 440: $1895. Cycle Craft, Woodstock 815/338-6454. '78 8i '79 ARTICAT JAG, 1, two place trailer, low mileage, exc. cond., 815/568-6884, after 4 pm. RUPPNITRO, '76, 440 L.C., all around trail & lake sled, good looking, mechanically exc., $995/best. Call Rob at 815/455 3563 after 6 pm or 312/595 1890 days. RUPP 1973, Nitro 340, running cond $250 . 815/455 4489 after 5 p.m. JOHN DEERE Liquifire. '80, like new, under 2,000 miles, $1,675 815/344 4562 or 815/385 0699. SNOWMOBILE TRAILER, 2 place, good cond., i250/best of fer. Call 816/455-2155. 2 SNOWMOBILES Evinrude Gd.cond., reasonable. 815/385 2967 SNOWMOBILE INSURANCE $50,000 Liablity Just $25! Fit zgerald Insurance, 815/385 8700. __ '82 HONDA, XL 500, 5000 miles, adult driven, exc. cond., $1100 312/658-4493 '78 KAWASAKI liquid cooled, 440 snowmobile, handle bar warmers cover cleated track - xtra belt - exc. cond. 815/385- 2977 SUZUKI, RM 125, '83, ridden 2 hrs., paid over $1400, $1200/best 815/385 4013 SNOWMOBILE TRAILER, '72 Trail Car, 2 place w'spare tire, like new, $300, 815/459 2300 or 815/385 3797. JOHN DEERE Snowmobiles JD 440 & JD 400. Ex. cond. Pair $1725.815/728-1149 aft. 6 p.m. SUZUKI GS1000L, '81, faring, KM Cassette & more. $2650 or trade 312/428 6958 J 72 Real Estate 1 For Sale NIPPERSINK CREEK ESTATE Imagine sipping morning cotfee f rom the large wooden deck over looking mature, graceful t rees & N 'PPersink Creek. Home features cathedral ceiling, 2222 sq f t . . 12 f t . snack bar & spiral sta. i rcase leading to basement, 5 large bedrooms, 2 '3 baths on 1.1 acres Community parted fa^e nearby tor sai l ing & f ishing exclusively for neighborhood residents. Adjoining pond and 1 acre avai lable. $104,900 RURAL PARMETTE Mini rust ic f ive acre horse ranch wi th fenced corrals, 4 barns-one large 33' x 100 wi th si lo. 7 room, 1 ' 3 bath, 4 bedroom home with oak shaded yard. Si28 OOO . A MAN S AMBITION-A WOMAN S DREAM! You wi l l adore this br ick and stone ranch wi th a ful l basement wi th in easy walk ing distance to schools, churches and dovyntown. The wise wi l l cal l now! S58 900 LIGHT MANUFACTURING/WAREHOUSE 5 plus acres in Richmond, bui ld ings and barn enclosed by 8 cyclone fence Addi t ional industr ia l acreage ad jacent avai lable Total ly remodeled duplex (under leases) on si te Excel lent owner f inancing. $310,000 QT MEMBER LAKE & McHENRY MLS Ornluji- jtTZI R.E. MAY INC., REALTORS® 9716 N. Rt. 12-Richmond (815)678-4575 8 / ' 'Revolting Transaction' Tells Engrossing Story Richmond Gazette 815/678-2581 McHenry Plaindealer 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT A REVOLTING TRANSAC TION. By Barnaby Conrad. Ar bor House. 256 Pages. $16.95. Very few writers ever get a chance to try to solve the murder of a great-grandmother. But Barnaby Conrad did, with a case nearly 100 years old and one of the most bizarre in the an nals of criminal jurisprudence. It was a national sensation for two years or so -- and chronicl ed long afterward -- as "the first murder ever committed by mail." • The victim was a richxvidow whose morals were questic Even so, she and her high-level friends the White House. Author Conrad Was intrigued when he came upoq musty fami ly papers relating to events he had heard about as a child and afterward. He decided to try to find out what really had happened. He spent a great amount of time and travel in research In the process he unveiled dark deeds of a dismaying nature' among his ancestors, their friends and authorities of tlir time. In the end, Conrad's efforts strongly intimated, the doctor convicted of the crime and sentenced to death wasn't tin culprit. The reader is given all the evidence to decide who was. - Almost anyone should enjoy reading the book because of its engrossing story plus an ex cellent job of research and writing. Frank Stilley For The AP J.FJ. Donleavvs 'Leila' Is Indulgent LEILA. By J.P. Donleavy. Delacorte. 380 Pages. $17.50. x Reginald Darcy Thormond Dancer Kildare returns from Dublin to his estate, Andromeda Park, to find everything and everyone a little older and a lit tle more shabby -- except for Leila, a new servant girl, who has raven black hair, dark eyes and smooth white skin. Candles flicker, a bat flies overhead and the dressing cup board door in Darcv Dancer's bedroom falls off its hinges with a loud crash to the floor -- these are among the torments that greet Darcy Dancer back at his home, which could be viewed more like a prison, or a mental institution, where all the residents seem a bit crazy. Dar cy suffers numerous indignities -- from clothes that no longer fit to a cracked chamber pot and rats scurrying down the hall. "Leila" is J.R. Donleavy's se- auel to "The Destinies of Darcy •ancer. Gentleman." This se quel is almost as indulgent as Darcy himself, who has a large appetite for food, liquor and women. Darcy spends a good deal of time worrying about how long the supplies at Andromeda Park will last -- particularly with his servants' inclination large quantities of cream and butter and to liberally provide the best wines to guests who call at the estate^ Darcy tdls himself that U: would neveKstoop so low as tn- consider a servant-- y et he pro claims himself to Leila, who 11 - mains a teasingly elusive tanM Darcy pursues other women with a not-too-discriminating eye He also falls victim, repeated ly, to an old acquaintatu e. Rashers Ronald, who manat:-^ to steal the family silver. When Darcy confronts Bashers with the theft, L)ar<.\ seems more concerned about Rashers' opinion of the qua lit > of the silver than the return of the family's goods. "Are you ... tell ing me my silverware is of poor quality?" Darcy asks. And Rashers replies: "No, No Never. And 1 assure you the bet ter stuff is' with the in<• >t reputable pawn merchant Darcy pursues his servant uul Leila, but is as succu^sful in this endeavor as he us with most everything else in life, which i> not very successful at all. "Leila." entertaining in part-, is perhaps more enjoyable to a reader familiar with Pares and the other characters from the previous book. Carol Deegan Associated Press 72 Real Estate For Sale EH a ERA-RDG REALTY 4507 W. ELM ST., McHENRY 815-385-9394 We Offer,Complete Computerized MLS Service For Buyers and Sellers NEEDS QUICK SALE Sel ler moving out of state so needs fast sale on this very nice wel l -kept home. New carpet, f resh paint , care f ree aluminum exter ior large fenced back yard and Buyers Protect ion Plan al l make this home a very at t ract ive buy. Convenient c lose to town locat ion. $46,900 Cast-Net Thrower's Got Rhythm -v j iJ 'JwWP.' NET WORTH -- Carolyn Nelson of Montgomery, Ala., shows her cast-net style that landed a mullet. The art of net-casting is her favorite pastime and she's challenged other grannies to throw the net better than she does. By GARRY MITCHELL Associated Press Writer JOSEPHINE, Ala. (AP) - Carolyn Nelson, a grandmother who prides herself on being a skilled cast-net thrower, says it takes rhythm to excel at casting, and adds: '.'Be careful with your teeth." She's so confident of her skill that she's jokingly challenged "grandmothers from Key West to Corpus Christi" to a cast-net casting contest at Gulf Shores. Some of that confidence, she said, lies in the low number of women Who throw cast nets. Mrs. Nelson, an elementary school teacher, lives in Mon tgomery, but her heart still belongs to the dad who taught her how to throw a cast net as a teen-ager on Alabama's Gulf coast. "About the time Wonder Real Estate 72 For Sale Woman came alongl was trying to come up with a CB handle. My husband said, 'Why don't you be Wonder Woman?' But I decided to be Mullet Woman." Cast nets catch mullet. "You throw right at the edge of the dock," she said in a telephone interview. "Imostly throw Wind. The ones I catch are just pure luck. I throw at night a lot, throw toward the noise. "It takes practice. A lady said she'd learned last summer but hadn't caught anything. There's iust some special thrill when you throw that net 50 times and something hits it like a ton of bricks. It s the biggest thrill in the world." But they don't catch mullet in Montgomery anymore. Dams closed their river route. So Mrs. Nelson often visits her parents. Fosdick and Lorraine Cunn ingham, at their retirement home in coastal Josephine. "I guess the challenge is how good a circle you could make with net. The object is to make a complete circle with the net," she said. Don't worry so much about the mullet. Concentrate on style, she advises. "Fish may happen by and may not, you never laiow, ' she savs. It's tne joy of net-casting that counts. Mrs. Nelson keeps a net at home in Montgomery, anyway She took it to her Normandale Baptist Church Sunday School class picnic once "and taught them all how to throw one." "It takes rhythm," she said. "And you don't want to lose any teeth holding the weight. My dad dy has false teeth, so ne holds the weight on a clothespin around his neck." TURN THIS handyman special into a -super invest menl proper ty and put v < money work for you 81 * 1.00 lo l V ! Inns ( i ty sewer Only S21 500 1NTRY CLUB ESTATES s e e .»hru f i replace f rom fami ly room to v ing room plus rec room large lot , 2 car garage, huge deck, central a i r and more. A*must to see $73,900 America's only Bel ieve i t -a 10.5 ° o assumable mor tgage! Must see this 3.350 \ f t home si tuated on over an acre of woods in ex elusive Glacier Ridge and.fra 'ured in the Sun Times. Qual i ty bu • 11 throughout, loaded wi th features including wine cel ler jacuzzi . 6 panel doers, f rench doors, decks, skyl ights 3 cai qar w 2nd f loor and much more Pr iced below market at $184 900 Multiple Listing Service Beaut i fu l ly remodeled home with very nice v iew over Iqke. Large l iv ing room with plush carpet and marble f i replace White oak cabinets no wax f loor and Corian counter tops make this huge eat n ki tchen a real bea«4y . Pr iced for quick sale. $43 900 Met icu lous quad en come • or the grcJwmg fami ly C large be 'd iooms spcic i f in ished i et loom forma and c lose to new hospi to ; pr iced for qu ick sen assumable lo t pe i fer t ip le te. w 3 S c losets • Ming i oom won t la*- ' • S69 900 NEED HELP WITH FINANCING? Very n ice home wi th large rooms and maintenance f ree exter ior Sol id con st ruct ion and wood t r immed thru Out Owner wi l l ho ld contract a t lower* in terest ra te wi th 5°t> down Beach and r iver r ight inc luded WOODHILLS BAY Luxur ious pr ivate conn i ando wi th lake v iew Al l appl iance uded cen t r a I a i r many ext ras Sv. • m ing pool c lubhouse tennis cou i c l ' dock c Cham of Lakes ' . C lose ! . • im stat ic Commuters ' l ive u 'ca iefu* e legant l i fe for S79 <500 - SERVING THE GREATER McHENRY AREA fROM TWO OFFICE LOCATIONS 815-344-1033 3717 W ELM STREET. McHENRY IL (die. & Rle 120 Elm SUeet) Tf~l CARE REAL ESTATE II you'ic looking lor a choice home we offer d wide selec lion. 815-385-8821 2313 Johnsbu g I toad, McHenry BUYS OF THE WEEK ALL IN THE $60's!H $59 500 Al l br ick 2 bdrm Ranch w fu basement and at t garage 2nd k i t chen on lower level F i rep lo ie $63 500 In I own locat ion 1 3 "bdrm Ranch fu l l basement par t ia l ly f in ished Plus Im qe fami ly i m and 2 car qa i aqe Ad| . lo f^ fvot lab l IN TOWN! 3 bdrm. Cedar Ranch w full basement and 2 Cjar garage! 67,000 $210,000 WATERFRONT ESTATE 1 1 3 sec luded acre w 4333 sq. f t br ic | r fqnch_Eui l walk out basement 1 ; ' Workshop br ick boat house and more ' WATERFRONT! $84 900 State I bdi in 2 srory on contract 1 River 1 3 mer i t . WiUi o lder home on ' s forv 'w fu l l base 2 bdrm. Doll House on River! Mature trees! $64,500 $49 900 New furnace and pump Newly pain ted 3 bdrm Ranch w wooded lo t Lake r iqhts ' Don t miss th is one $89 500 2 6 acres ' 1 3 bdrm energy ef f ic ient Hi l ls ide Ranch w fu l l basement and SGipened he u.sc 2000 sq. ft. Tri-Level w formal dining rm. & family rm. on large lot across from River! $67,900 $83 500 Reduced' , 4 bdrm wel l mainta ined Cape Cod in hear t o f McHenry Fu basement- f in ished 1 2 . baths and 3 p lus car garage $41 900 Assumable mortgage o" -h is neat and c lean 2 bdrm Ranch v. 2 . ca i qa i aq LOTS OF EXTRAS! 3 bdrm. Tri-Level w fireplace, central air and 2v2 car garage $68,900 $35 000 Good star ter home' New 30 * 22 garage w furnace 1 Alummun s id ing Ideal for s ing le or couple $130 000 10 ACRtV plus - bdrm Cape Cod home New carpet 1 Hardwood oors ' Oak t r im' 2 car garage MLS . „ . r . . . . N e g n l e i e d l i a d e m o r k u t C e n l u i y i l H i d l l » l a t « _ I n c h l » I n d e p e n d e n t l y o w n e d o n d o p e ' o l e d E q u a l H o o t i n g O p p o r t u n i t y