PAGE 8-PLAINDEAI ER WEDNESDAY, JANUARY lf>, 1984 McCulIOm Ldkc NeWSI VILLAGE BOARD RECONSIDERS INSURANCE COVERAGE There was a board meeting Tuesday evening, Jan. 10, and two representatives from Low Insurance gave a presentation for renewal of village insurance. They suggested an increase on the building. Board members were invited to attend a township meeting on mosquito abatement Jan. 17. The village is still looking for an Emergency Services and Disaster Agency (Civil Defense) coordinator. It is a volunteer position for a man or woman and so desperately needed. If you have any extra time on your hands and want to help out, please contact one of the board members or attend the Jan. 24 meeting. • Chief Murray read the December activity report, due to the absence of Trustee Roland Hughes. All residents are urged to purchase veh ic le t i cke t s before the Mar. 31 deadline. If residents do not comply, they could receive a ticket and fine, and costs could total $50. BEACH GALS The Jan. 4 meeting was held at Rosalie Hancock's home and five ladies were in attendance to set up the 1984 schedule of events. Plans were also discussed and finalized for the Jan. 21 and 22 Fish Derby. The girls will again be running the kitchen and serving their delicious food. The menu will be larger this year, so I've been told. Rosalie baked blueberry cake and served it with coffee and pop. There were also two grab bags; won by Laverne Loewe and Joan Seifert. Their next meeting will be Feb. 1, and all village ladies are invited to attend. TOPS MEETING There is a weekly TOPS meeting held on Tuesday evenings at the Cullom Knoll, in the front dining room. Weigh-in starts at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting is from 7 to 8. Anyone is welcome to join. Why not start the new year out right by shedding a few pounds and having a little fun while doing it? FAMILY HOLIDAY John and Marcella Kalash enjoyed a truly "wonderful Christmas this past year. Their daughter Carol, husband Don Maslowski, and children Michelle and Cheryl came in from California. Also present were their other three children and their families; ten grand children in all. This was the first time in 15 years that the whole family got together. You see. sometimes wishes really do come true! We are so very happy that they came true for the Kalash family; * BIRTHDAYS "Happy Birthday" wishes for this week go to Mike Regner, blowing out 11 candles on Jan. 20; Jay Caron shares Jan. 23 with Dawn and son Ryan Miller; and Heather Anderson turns 12 and Marcus Seifert reaches 13 on Jan. 24. May all your dreams for the coming year come true. L V SUITS-OUTERWEAR-SPORT COATS OUR GREATEST SALE EVER! FAMOUS NAMES, NATIONALLY ADVERTISED FASHIONS Home of: • Kilgour, French & Stanbury • Hart, Schaffner & Marx»Cricketeer • Van Julian«Chaps*Caumont*Lanvin*Jaymar* SAVE ON SPORTCOATS SAVE ON MEN'S SUITS SAVE 30% to 50% Suits-Sport Coats-Slacks-Top Coats ANNIVERSARIES "Happy Anniversary" wishes are sent to Frank and Bev Rourke, sharing 44 years together on Jan. 19; and Brook and Barb Elliot celebrate another year of bliss on Jan. 21. We wish both couples much happiness always. COMING EVENTS Jan. 21 and 22-Saturday and Sunday-Fish Derby, sponsored by the McCullom Lake Con servation Club-Hourly and daily prizes awarded-Liquid refreshments, good food, bait and fishing licenses available- All ages invited to attend. Jan. 24-Tuesday-Village Board meeting, 8 p.m.-in beach house-All residents urged to attend. - ° CITATIONS Donald C. Halvorsen, Ad dison, illegal parking Stanley Schufft, McHenry, illegal parking James H. Koch, McHenry, speed 51 in 40 zone City pays bill for engineering The McHenry City council passed a motion to pay B a x t e r a n d Woodman Engineerings $4 ,761 .98 fo r engineering work for the former Village of McHenry Shores. When the village was annexed, the engineering bill fo£ the McHenry Shores was inherited by the City of McHenry. City Councilmen are hoping that some of the engineering bill will, be reimbursed if a grant for a south sewer treatment plant is approved. The engineering work wasr^ndpcted for 4%f/, prehensive . Toad program in the village, but the p r o j e c t w a s sc rapped a f t e r residents objected to putting in roads, only to tear them up later for sewers. Another Name Pat ient - "Doc, i f there 's anyth ing wrong wi th me, say i t p la in so I can understand i t . " Doctor : "Very wel l , you are la /v Cat ient ' 'Gee, thanks. Doc Now give me the sc ien t ine name for i t . I ' ve got to repor t to my wi fe . " Fernando A. Perez, Wonder Lake, speed 51 in 40 zone Patricia S. Mathison, Rich mond, speed 50 in 40 zone Thomas bison, McCullom Lake, maintain unlicensed vehicle Richard M. Lindquisty Mc Cullom Lake, improper display of registration Mary A. Major, McCullom Lake, speed 30 in 20 zone Edith F. Hlousek, Wonder Lake, speed 33 in 20 zone Robin A. Wonnacutt, Mc Cullom Lake, speed 54 in 40 zone Danial W. Treasure, Wonder Lake, no valid registration Scott A. Metzler, Oakwood Hills, speed 50 in 4J) zone David B. Olson, Arlington Heights, no valid registration John E. McMillan, Wonder Lake, invalid registration, no safety test, transportation of alcoholic liquor in motor vehicle with broken seal David W. Gossell, McHenry, illegal parking at beach William P. Armstrong, Crystal Lake, speed 50 in 40 zone Gerald P. Glass, McHenry, speed 50 in 40 zone Donald R. White, McHenry, speed 50 in 40 zone Frank E. Sexton, Barrington, speed 51 in 4Q zone Douglas S. Cregar, McHenry, illegal parking Wonder Lake: POOR GORMET CLUB TO MEET E l SAVE ON COATS Choose from Damon Enro-Van Huesen-Jantzen Woolrich-Stratojac CASH & BANK CARDS ONLY All Sales Final! OUR ENTIRE STOCK LONG SLEEVED DRESS SHIRTS 30t% OFF AIL SWEATERS, SPORT SH* 5, SUBURBAN COATS JACKETS, SKI JACKETS, ZIP LINED ALL WEATHER COATS SAVE 40% No Exchanges-No Refunds Op«n Mon-Fri 9»m-5:30pm Sat. 9am-5:30pm Thursday Night until 9pm All Alterations Extra CLOTHING & TAILORING 58 N. Williams, Downtown Crystal Lake 459-6400 The Poor Man's Gourmet Club will be holding its semi-annual regrouping meeting Saturday, Jan. 21, at Christ the King hall, beginning at 7 p.m. ^embers are asked to supply their own liquid refreshments and they will be contacted about bringing a dish to pass. New members are encouraged to come to this meeting and they will be able to enjoy the fun and good food provided by the members. After the dinner, a sock hop, featuring music of the 30's, 40's, 50'sjnd 60's, will take place. Membership consists of young couples, middle-aged couples, and even retired couples, who enjoy meeting new people and getting together for at least three dinners in a five-month period. There are usually three couples to a group. Whoever is the host couple for a dinner must not exceed expenses of $20 and the other two couples contribute food or drinks that the host couple requests. The group may meet more often if they wish, but the by-laws state there must be at least three get-togethers. At the present time, about 20 couples are members and new members are needed. The only requirement to be a member is 'that you are a resident of Wonder Lake. You can joitfthe club either by coming to the Jan. 21 meeting, or by calling Kathy and Mike Spanbauer at 728-0937, or Bud and Jackie* Schau at 653-7728. The next regrouping will be held in July. FEED BIRDS Since Wonder Lake is a very wooded area, we seem to have a good share of the bird population. Earl Walsh would eat.his heart out looking out our kitchen windows and watching the beautiful cardinals sitting in the trees, standing out so vividly against the white snow. My bird watcher friends tells me to advise the residents to thinty about feeding the birds, either .with the commercial products available or by placing suet somewhere that is ac cessible to them and away from other animals during the winter months. One caution, though, once you start feeding ttnjm, you shouldn't stop because they become dependent on you. Don't start unless you are willing to continue. It is a pleasant treat to watch so many beautiful colors arrive to brighten up a dreary day. NO NEWS There is a saying, "No news is good news," but that's not necessarily so, for me trying to write a column or for readers who are waiting to hear what's going on. This lack of news seems to happen twice a year; first in the fall when summer activities come to a halt and again after the holidays when w^ all seem to take a breather. ^e would all like to hear about any special events that are going on with your organization aur familyVjuSt give me a at 635-9549.' or your call COMING EVENTS Jan . 18-Repor t ca rds fo r District 200 Jan. 18--LCW meeting, 7:30 p.m.--Nativity Lutheran Church Hall Jan . 19-Woman ' s Club Meet ing , 8 p .m. -Nat iv i ty Lutheran hall Jan. 21--Poor Man's Gourmet -Club~7 p.m.-Christ the King hall Jan . 21- -"Marr iage and Family"-9:30 a.m.-Nativity Lutheran Church Feb. 7 & 8-Registration at Marian Central for 1984-85 Lowest Price in Chicago • Remote t • Picture Search • Programmable Buy Now...No Payments 'til April! <AA' „ » -- * * ' • ' with purchase Wl >TPl ol 2 cartridges | Coleco Cartridges...$21.99 GAME SALE CORDLESS PHONE SALE 60% Off & More FINAL ClCARANCt Our Entire Stock including Cobra • Phone Mate ^Code-A-Phone From 69 All Mattel Carts, Reg. $3.99 - . All Atari Carts, Reg. $3.99 I nr det ' Air Parker Bros. Carts, Reg. $2&9T $3.99 1 All M-Network Carts, Reg. $2297. $3.99 All Coleco for Atari, Reg. . $3,99 MOVIE CLUB • Holders of the Lost Ark • Wifcy Business •Ftashdance • WbardotOi' • Dumbo » Jaws III SPBCiAL! $36.95 Rent from as low as... TWO DAY Minimum--ANY TITLE (New Releases A X's Incl.) 83^ [ Panasonic per day' Portable Video System PPMaqnctics~ $JL QQ NMCMM11M tm- %^a%iWfir tHuaisar 19 Color TV *299 • Special Effects • Function Remote • 14 Day Programmable Cable Ready Auto-Focus Newvicon Low Light Lens ^1 Jk