< PAGE 2: I'LAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18 1984 News and Views Capitol Update: TEACHERS CAN ORGANIZE, STRIKE Remember the needy throughout the year At the risk of appearing to be ungrateful, we feel compelled to pass along a message we have often heard from some of McHenry's most active volunteers. "Don't just remember them at holiday time, but throughout the year" for the last two years, the generosity of McHenry residents has been evident in both the Thanksgiving ati(^ Christmas collections for the needy. For many it was no doubt M usin' &, ^anderin BY KAF a sacrifice and the giving was madeJn the) true philanthropic spirit. Some remember beyond the holidays, but the number who do is greatly reduced. Hunger is an ongoing feeling, and so is cold. Long after our Christmas goodies have been delivered, and the recipients are forgotten by us, they remember. They are still hungry; they need clothing and an assortment of .household necessities for which there is no money. Nursing homes - or even individuals living alone - have different needs that extend far beyond Christmas. They are old. ysome without families, whose aay would be brightened by a visit, or even a card. We were made aware of this particular need through a letter written on behalf of the residents of our own McHenry nursing home. In part it read: * "If we weren't smiling as you passed, please forgive us. If we looked tired or sad, please don't misunderstand. We were very glad to see you, but it made us sad to think that in a a few days the holidays would be over and once again our halls would be quiet and the joyful,*youthful voices would not come again until next year at holiday time. "We enjoyed so much the joy you shared with us. The smiles, laughter and caring that comes with that special time of year was invigorating. We identified with those pf you that couldn't remember or find the right words to say^what they weise feeling. We were just happy thau you brightened our day and made us-feel special. "We only wish we could find a way to preserve some of those special feelings for the long winter months ahead". What applies to the hungry and cold also applies to those who are cared for but need someone to tell them they are special people Maybe the generosity so evident at Christmas time could be extended throughout the year. Legislation creating Illinois public employee and public school teachers' collective bargaining acts and a state freedom btioformation act were among bills signed into law recently in Springfield, ac cording to state Rep. Dick Klemm (R-Crystal Lake). The collective bargaining acts for public employees and public school teachers (SB 536, HB 1530), give state authorization to these groups to organize and bargain collectively, and to strike. House Bill 1530, which affects only public school em ployees, went into effect Jan. 1. The bargaining act for all other public employees, with the exception of firemen and law enforcement personnel, isn't effective until July 1, 1984. Illinois' new Freedom of In formation Act will provide greater public access to the records of public bodies. Beginning in July, public bodies will have to keep indexes listing the information they have on file. People who want to obtain information from these files will have to submit a written request for it, The new law, which goes into effect Juiy 1,1984, stipulates the amount of time public bodies have in which to comply with requests and lists exemptions to the policy. Other legislation signed into law includes the following measures: -- Property Assessment In formation (SB 97). Requires that property assessment notices include certain in formation about the assessment process to make it easier for taxpayers to check the accuracy of their official property assessment: Property assessment records •(SB 919). Updates state law regarding the maintenance of property assessment records to make record-keeping more efficient and more accurate. Under this law, the transfer of property that is listed as exempt from taxation must be reported to the Supervisor of Assessments by the new titleholder. Veterinarians licensing act (SB 576). Establishes qualification standards, fees and licensing procedures for veterinarians, and sets up disciplinary procedures. This bill became effective Jan. 1. Licensing of surveyors (SB 697). Makes changes in the statutes regarding the licensing and qualifications of land sur veyors This bill became ef fective Jan. 1. Additional forms may be needed by taxpayers KEEPING WATCH LOOKS LIKE A LOW INFLATION VGARF Approximately 3.7 million taxpayers in Chicago and the northern 26 counties of Illinois received their tax packages the last two weeks of December. J.R. Starkey, IRS district director for Northern Illinois, s^id that taxpayers received a 1983 tax package based on the forms they used to prepare last year's tax returns. "Many taxpayers will need additional forms because of changes in their filing requirements. Others may want copies of our free publications," noted Starkey. "We encourage those taxpayers to either use the order form provided in their tax packages or call IRS." The order form is sent to . Internal Revenue Service, 1500 E. Bannister Road, Kansas City, Mo., 64131. Chicago taxpayers should call 435-1040 to order forms by phone All other northern Illinois taxpayers should call 1-800-424-1040. Tax forms will also be ^available at participating banks, savings and loan associations and post offices. Many public libraries will not only have the most frequently used forms available for distribution, but also an ex tensive file of individual forms available for reproduction. Give 780 million pounds free food In 1983 over 780 million pounds of free food -- mostly ch££££-a«4 butter -- worth -m^rethan a billion dollars were provided to the needy, according to Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Mary C. Jarratt. "Wa gave away nearly four times^i^re food this year than- we did\ast year," Ms. Jarratt said. "This feat is a tribute to the commitment of thousands of people who are working to get surplus foods into the hands of the needy." In December, 1981, President Reagan announced the distribution ot surplus cheese to needy families. USDA distributed 203 million pounds of cheese and butter worth $300 milion to needy households in 1982. Ms. Jarratt said. Happenings at STEAK HOUSF COMING JANUARY 29TH 17-PIECE Bit BAND FEATURING 40's Music and Dinner Buffet NOON-4PM s9. 95 198^ DINNER THEATRE Jan., Feb. and March Performances Ml FINAL WEEKEND! PERFECT SIT UP" TICKETS NOW ON SALE FOR: WEEKENDS OF FEB. )0th, 17th I 24th "HOI TURKEY Af MIDNIGHT WEEKENDS OF MAR. 9th. 16th t 23rd "CHAMPAGNE COMPLEX" DINNER THEATRE PACKAGE: FRI & SUN. *14.50, SAT *17.50 DINNER: 6:30 PM Fri. & Sat.. 1:30 PM Sun. SHOWTIMES: 8:30 PM Fri. t Sat.. 3:30 PM Sun. SEASON TICKETS AVAIIAB^T*"*'"^ $40 50 for Friday & Sunday, $49.50 fpr Saturday tmurs Evening Specials Friday Fish Fry 3 OPEN FOR LUNCHES MON FRI. 11 AM TO 2 PM Banquet Halls Available PARTIES FROM 25 TO 750 •Wedd "qs 'Showers "Bridal Rehearsals •Fashion Shows^Prom.s'Reunions^Rehrements etc Call (815)678-2671 12, Richmond For Reservations or information. Mile North of Rt 173 on U.S. k ' ? Mi le HOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE RMcHenry v msmcnui aindealer The McHenry Ploindeoler 3812 W Elm Street McHenry, I I . 60050 3 YEARS - $43.00 2 YEARS - $30.00 1 Y£ A 6 MO AR • $19.00 iNTHS - $10.00 Name Address City Prices good in McHenry County Mondale leads in state & Pi «Mclleiwy* lamdealer McHenry Herald USPS 335 200, Establ ished 1875 38)2 West Elm Street . Phone 815 385 0170 Mc"t-teuty I l l inois 60050 Publ ished Fvery Wednesday & Fr iday at McHenry I l l inois Second Class Poytage PAID at McHenry I l l inois by McHfclWr PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASfERSend address chanqes to McHenry Plamdealer 3812 W Elm St McHenry I l l inois 60050 Subscr ibers are requested to provide immediate not ice of chonge of address to the McHenry Plamdealer 3812 W Elm St McHenry III 60050 A deduction of one month from the expiration of a subscription will be mode where a change of address is p iovided through the Post Off ice department Thomas C. Miller-Publisher Adele Froehlich-Editor StoarD ©inning ihtospaper MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION 1 Year In McHenry County SUBSCRIPTION RATES 00 ' Yeor $27.00 Outside McHenry County Illinoisans favor Walter Mondale as the Democratic candidate for President, this finding is from a re vent statewide survey conducted foy the ( enter for Opinion Research, in which the question was asked, "Which of the following Democrats would make the best candidate against President Reagan." Nearly four out of 10 (39 percent) respondents favored Mondale in the six candidate field. Support for Mondale is greatest i in Chicago and the suburban area of the state. The second choice of Illinoisans, John Glenn, shows just the reverse support Glenn's support is the greatest m^outhern Illinois and decreases northward. Even in the south, the contest between Mondale and Glenn is about even. All other candidates fared poorly in PI.KM WI N' I IIMUUI \!(T\ .M 4302 W Crystal Lake Rd. Suite C Whispering Point • McHenry. IL (815) 344-3640 or (312) 658-3696 Summer is just around the cor ner & you'll, want to look your best, lei me give you the in side lads on how you can look fantastic in your bathing suit Electrolysis is safe, comfortable and the only medically ap proved method of permanent tacial or body hair removal FREE MINI TREATMENT Illinois. After Glenn the next favored Democrat is George McGovern. Jesse Jackson, the possible "favorite son" candidate, garnered only three percent of the respondents Alan Cranston afirt'Gaty " Hart were selected by only two percent and one percent, respectively. v Nearly one-fourth were undecided for of the respondents their selection of a i Democratic candidate The greatest in decision lies with people having a family income of less than $KUH)U a year (36 percent), a family income greater than $48.ooo a year (32 percent) and those people lietween the ages of r>8 and 64 (36 percent). This undecided group will play a crucial * role in the next several months during the primary campaign International Guild ol Provisional Eleclroloqists W o n y / i W o i ' t / A ! ) , - ( J r x c 23S0 E. ROUTE 120 McHFNRY 385 2290 Oiler good lues Jan 17 thru f WIIH THIS COUPON SCALP TREATMENT & SHAMPOO & SET HAND DRY & MARCEL or HAND DRY & RENAC l£/2 WITH 1 HIS COUPON Offer good I ues Jan thru Ft i Jan. 27 SERVICE LINE: A IISTING OF NGN PRQFIT ORGANIZATIONS \ COMPIIFD AS A PUBLIC SERVICE TO McHENRY \\< I IKNK't CI (AMBER OF COMMERCE 185-4300 I AMIl t si RV 1(1. & MENTAL HEALTH CENTER • '• We-,- l.rystal Law- Hd U iiwiry, It 60(JbU 4 81)-385-6400 ILRNING P( JIN r DOMESTIC VIOLENCE STRESS LINE M- <•• • . •, l hours a day. / days a week • .i,r,frni,us meeitrigs on Tuesday • • C all 81 5-338-8080 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT <•! NERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 202-755-8660 Hi.'irr, ill a p. to S 30 p m week day, ifvc-r \i-l -i p •" .(living the federal government and not knoyyn • ' "en given the runaround or referrals by pw')• *' ' • '• :r : ki nw how to help7 Ten specialist;, a..claim- r NA I K >NAL RUN AWAY SWITCHBOARD , lillinots Phone: 800-972-6004 riversations on problems dealing a,it runanvo, Jiildier MOVING HOTLINE Phonr 800-424 9|I3 •'* 1 .'ate' moving by companies, buses or. trams Spot y '• '<• ' Tierce commission I SI A IE CHAMBER GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS-HP! LINE 217-522-5514 BIRTHRIGHT ^rMQiiant7-Need Help"'i.iijnst:"!ig Seryire 185 2999 : 4 fin / Answering Service ILLINOIS Dl PAR I MEN I <>! CHILDREN AND F AMILY SERV ICES I OLE (RLE 800 252-2878 CON'Sl'MI R PRODUC1 SAI EH COMMISSION H()() <)3H 2666 •Opera"- . . ' la. . i . . Ai . . . . , , . . ; safety u! i trim > : >' aw. .a > • NATION AI SOLAR I IE A IING AND COOLING INEORMAI ION CF.N 11 R 800 523-2"Jy (Dispenses mini:- r • , • , , • • , ' r If on aii tin- ' • ' • • , . , • system 1 . YOU HI SERUM HUREAI EOR M. HI NR1* ( < X ; : •I v ... . I 'hour: 344 324(1 NAIIONAI HIGHWAY ERA I ! U SAI-I n \DMINIS I R VI ION Rhone 80(1 424 'H9? Ans'w>" at .- i • • |-. , • v; • buying a i-i-' i' ' • MEN I AIM IL^LjJ I I 800 89f8%U L-iSi:.' i.'" it i'r' professions • i" vU ai . r f. i't |i-('t »• ,-.'U Men'll I'. -I"- S< NAIIONAI. NEIGHBORHOOD W AIM I i ' H - h . . . Phone (70 J) 4VLI -0404 N I > ION CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION 312 793 3580 Ct agn II ILLINOIS ST ATE CHAMBER 110 IT .INI Phone: 217-522^5514 An ,wi-i ' i rj lestions on govemmeni n-, ,i.r in McHENRY COUNTY CETA OUT REACH CEN IER Hfjf Russel Ci, JVoodsturl. U.tjll 'IH Phone (815)^3^100 Job Ir ri l ing Ofmred McHENRY COUNTY ASSOCIATION EOR THE RETARDED H .!,•• • : Larnbuurn. Exp-:uiivt- Phone:344-1230 ALCOHOLICS ANON UK >U.S (815)455-3311 Mr HENRY COUNTY SENIOR CI 11/I \S( UUNMI S 800 892 3272 H/hii'da-, :i.rjugh ft -lay, » .i •> 1 • , i -- PRAIRIE si A I E LEGAL SERUC ES.1N( 800-942 3940 f:i-e iegat-rnpre-.i'iiiatiim m civil ;.ases -u i"w . "me; • ti-nani disputes ilni'iestu violence or imptop^f dt-ni.ii nt t,. <. f.rr n I3t Sl'Ml' 'y P,t . Am frttit} Sianip-, In A-.. • <-,' I !• < vmerit jnsui-a'K c. SUPPORT GROUP FOR MEN WHO BA I I I P Mi'i'ts evt", Thursday f> | m , l or information call 3 *8 808(1 COMPASSIONATE ERIENDS W- Hem y i .uuniy thapier if or bereaved |mi • • • Call 385-5732 HIGHER SCORES ACT And SAT Preparation Classes Start Next Week! Held At Crystal Lake Central High School N 18 Hours of English Thursdays 1/26 thru 3/22/84 AND/OR 18 Hours of Mathematics Tuesdays 2/28 thru 5/1/84 All Classes 7 tp 9pm For Further Inforpnation Call 815/455-3407of3l2/639-1451