PAGE 7-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1984 Heath Bits'O Brickie | Vs!.00 Reg.97" Almond brickie chips in 6 oz. package. Handy Pax Snack Crackers "f»1.Q0 Rag.20' Choose from Malto Milks, I peanut butter, rye 'n cheese. Nestle Crunch Benus Pack Miniature Bars /S3.0O Reg. 1.97 20% more free package. 12 1/8 Kedite Large Trash Bags CTACULAR DISCOUNTS /1/ SELECT PLUSH / /2 ANIMALS / AEC •PHOTO ALBUMSy W" •PARTY GOOD*'*MUGS •GLASS WARE GIFTS IB •CARDS •PARTY GOODS DECORATIONS ORNAMENTS •CANDLES ft MORE Peorwi 0o"*' Mailt Milks h . GREEN ST • McHENRY • 315-6750 rrr̂ JANUARY 19-20-21 G.E. 2 DOOR 15 CU. FT. AUTO DEFROST REFRIGERATOR REG. $599.95 W.T SPEED QUEEN HEAVY DUTY ALL FABRIC GAS DRYER REG. $449.95 W.T. 48 Oz. Dove WESTINGHOUSE 2 DOOR 17 CU. FT. AUTO DEFROST^ REFRIGERATOR REG. $639.95 W.T. G.E. LIGHT N EASY SPRAY, STEAM, DRY IRON REG. $29.95 G.E. 5 SPEED HAND MIXER REG. $24.95 PORTABLE HOME & TRAVEL SMOKE ALARM REG. $16.95 G.E. 2 SLICE TOASTER REG. $23.98 Reg. 1.28 Smooth-flow formula. 2.5 ox 2 Bar Pack Shield HOOVER VACUUM BAOS REG. $1.25 EA 21$ 188 RIVAL CHROME MEAT SLICER REG. $87.95 WEST BEND SL0 COOKER REG. $24.95 ZENITH 12 BLACK & WHITE TV REG. $99.00 1 ONLY Prices effective while quantitieslost • CONTINUES! 7 MORE DAYS Streamline Playing Cards 'PI.oo Reg.96' Choose from poker or pinochle decks. 5 Peund Reyal Oak Fireplace Legs si.oo„ Reg. 1.47 Ea. Long burning fireplace logs. Single Rell Pack ef Beunty® Paper Tewels 4/s3.00 Bounty' towels...the "quicker picker upper" for all those spills. Economy Magic Fit Window Shaaes Reg.2.57 15 bags. Fits up to 33 gallon can. No. E3-1580T Dishwashing Liquid $2.00 Reg. 2.46 For long lasting suds that get: your dishes looking like new, use Dove liquid. Barbasol Glide Stick Deodorant 2.00 Reg. 3.97 $ 3 .'00 4 -'Choose from light filtering and room darkening styles. Num bers 12900 and 12901. Waffleweave Dish i Cloths Asst. Colors 'PI.00 Reg.47' I Handy, easy to use dish cloths in assorted colors. ! Assorted Print Kitchen Towels *1.00 Reg. 1.47 Many attractive designs to choose from Soap 3/s2.00 For an extra clean feeling, use Shield deodorant soap- now in 2 packs I Entire Stock Electric Blankets 20%. „ Regular Prices Energy saving electric blankets from Northern Electric" HOdRS: DAILY 9-9 SUNDAY 10-5 PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN. It THRU JAN. 24 mm o«erve tfc* r,®W YOUR . quality FIRS I „c McHENRY STORE cMiinr STORE WITH MORE ONLY SAWI ww •* slltC,,0N 4400 W.RT. 120