PACK 4 -PLAINDKALER- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1,8 , 1984 general News Lauds community good of late city attorney Crime This week Crime Stoppers is seeking information on an in cident of vandalism that oc curred in McHenry's Peterson Park. On Thursday evening, January 5, extensive damage was done at several locations in the park. Evidence at the scene indicated that as many as five people may have been involved in the incident. Extensive It wasearly morning when the phone rang and' Lieutenant Kranz told me that John Looze died. > That hit me wit!) a bang. Guess I didn't thinjr John would rime PERS 459-4800 damage was done to a new concession facility, which is under construction. Washrooms in the park were also damaged. Police investigators believe that the people involved in this incident entered and left the park through the Lakeland Park Subdivision. Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards of up to $1,000 for in formation leading to the arrest and filing of criminal charges against offenders such as these vandals. If you have ai formation on this damage done to Peterson Park lVMcHenry - or information on >any other crimes, call Crime Stoppers at ,815-459-4800. • Crime Stoppers, which is sponsored by the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce, assigns secret numbers to anonymous callers who provide ^ in formation. Callers are in structed to call back at regular intervals to find out if any suspects have been arrested as a result 6f confidential in formation given. , If there are arrests, the Crime Stoppers board of directors then meets to determine an ap propriate reward. A secret meeting is arranged to make the cash * reward payments. MOBILE HOMES Marilyn L. Janke, Nunda Township assessor, has ari^ nounced that the Illinois Mobile Home Registration Forms are in the mail to all mobile home owners in the township. Owners who do not receive the forms within the next few days should contact her office immediately. Assistance or information can be gained by calling 459-6140. So I Hear by Earl Walsh leave this earth before my departure. In fact, we used to joke about it. John and I had adjoining of fices for several years. We had many friendly exchanges of wonts. I accused him of using ree-dollar words. John served McHenry as City Attorney for 23 years and did more for the good of the com munity than many ever recognized. He was a true friend to me. When the chips were down, John was there. I have been using a certain machine prescribed by a doctor. As I see it, the results are going - beyond expectations. My double chin may be gone before treatments end. i . * That fish-catching, fish-eating group which puts on a blue-gill fry every now, and then at the Fox Hole invited us one night. Since we couldn't get out that night, we had to decline the invitation. SURPRISE! Helen Rodenkirk came to see us and brought some of those delicious blue-gills. They are fried in a special batter called "Better Batter By Red". Such kindness and thought- fulness can only happen in a small town like McHenry. Helen also gave me a news item. Cliff Olson, former McHenryite, is going to be a marshall in the Phoenix Open golf tournament this coming weekend. Haven't seen a listing for TV coverage, but will be watching. Dear SIH: The picture on the first page of this morning's Tribune, a fireman holding two tiny kittens he had rescued from a fire, rates my vote for "The Picture of the Year". I'm sure you agree. 1 K. Brown Dear K: I'll go along with you for "The Picture of the Year". That brought joy to children. In a year past, I saw a picture of a fireman carrying two children out of a burning building. That one really got to me and brought joy to parents. S.I.H. I've been working cross-word puzzles every day and finding new words I'll never use. Pulling on boots this winter is a pain in the neck --- and elsewhere. „ How one little squirrel can e$tj so much corn at one setting is a* mystery. We were ajust discussing utility bills and wondered about future phone bills. . O If people have to make a choice, they will have the phorte' taken out before they will have1 the heat shut off. *> It isn't so many years ago (after smoke signals) that many" people hiked to their neighbors' to use a phone. PICKUPS No wonder a hen gets discouraged. She never finds things where she laid them. Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives-you something to do, but, doesn't get you anywhere. It is unnecessary to travel far or hunt long for a place to do a kind deed. Fishermen seem to catch the most early in the morning, or when they get home late. The best after-dinner speech vet -- "Give me the check". POLICE TICKETS II nil. UK Alt [FHutton TALK ABOUT SERIOUS MONEY INVESTMENTS We're holding special seminars that we think ev ery investor should hear. We will be talking about CD's, IRA's, tax shelters, mutual funds, stocks, and annuities. We will place special emphasis on strategies aimed at generating in come, reducing taxes, and pre^rving existing capital. Frank Brechon and Tom Vosburgh wil l be lead ing the seminar. Call now to reserve a seat. It 's free, but seating is l imited. Call Pat to make a reservtion 815-226-9330. Time 7:30, Tuesday, J ant 24 Place: John Evans Inn 6607 N.W. Hw] Crystal Lake IIJ E.F. Hutton & Company, Inc. 1111 Alpine Road, Rock ford, IL 61108 W H E N E F HUTTON talks, people listen M e m b e r S I P C The City of McHenry Police Department has issued the following citations. Lawrence J. Palmer, III, 2819 Michael St., Wonder Lake, speeding, 55 mph in a 35 zone, fleeing and attempting to elude and driving under the influence. Richard J. Ohlenroth, 2923 Regner Road, speeding, 46 mph in a 30 zone. Darrel D Lorenz, 1700 Rogers,, leaving the scene of an accident. Barbara J. Hardgrave, 8509 Memory Trail, Wonder Lake, driving too fast for conditions. Steven P. Moehling, 305 Timothy Lane, open liquor in a motor vehicle. Daniel R. Malo, 3711 W. Anne, negligent driving and open liquor in a motor vehicle. Miller, 3802 High St., ii- disobeyed a red light. Kenneth J. Bottari, 413 Kensington, disobeyed a stop sign. Lynn T. Corey, 1801 North, disobeyed a stop sign. Robert L. Wunschel, 2603 Jonathan, speeding, 44 mph in a 30 zone. Thomas G. Barry, 808 N. John St., failure to yield the right-of- way. David Allan Gordon, 2121 Beachside, unattended motor vehicle. Gene Allen Fish, 5321 W. West Shore, speeding, 55 mph in a 35 zone. 'James M. Olekszy, 2905 Oak- wood, improper right turn. Kim A. Freund, 5505 Route 31, Ringwood, no valid registration. William J. Boeka, 2311 Oak- wood Court, no va^id test Brian P. Truckenbrod, 2921 Kama, speeding, 51 mph in a 30 zone. Gerardo C. Jaimes, 410 Glenwood, failure to yield the _ right-of-way. Joanne Hansen, 4108 W. * Lillian St., no valid registration. Louis J. Poll, 34795 Iroquois Trail, disobeyed a stop sign. Brosius Darcy, 8499 Richardson Road, Spring Grove, speeding, 49 mph in a 35 zone. Nick Russo, 7204 Delaware, Wonder Lake, speeding. 44 mph in a 30 zone. Michael J. Parth, 908 Plymouth, driving with a suspended license. James A. Pogatetz, McHenry, no valid registration. Leo Weiss, 5212 Eisenhower, Wonder Lake, no valid registration. B. BANDARI, M.D. 9 * Is Pleased To Announce The Opening of His Practice In PEDIATRICS and PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY CRYSTAL LAKE MEDICAL CENTER 6317 Northwest Highway'Crystal Lake 815/455-0666 ^ M I D - W I N T E R a f c j f o j e s j e s f c j j c j l c **HOME DECORATING SALE- \ PAINLESS HAIR REMOVAL NONEEDLES We offer the most modem sate a>id painless method of removing unwanted hair Wore than half of our current customers are p-ior electrolysis users For a confidential consultation ar.i l oe monstration of course There is no charge or obligation Call 815/455 4461 DtbriMcDmiti Certified Technician Reflections 455 Coventry Lane Suite 108 • Crystal Lake 815/455-4461 Helen M. Burlack, 7716 Beach, Wonder Lake, failure to yield the right-of-way. James R. Stedman, 2003 Park Lane, disobeyed a traffic control device. Sunita Narang, 505 Thorn- wood, speeding, 49 mph in a 35 zone. Diane K. Doyen, 5221 Shorehill, speeding, 48 mph in a 35 zone. Judith M. White, 1011 S. Lily Lake, no valid registration. Rosemarie C. Spoor, 5311 Marshall, Wonder Lake, im proper lane usage. Denise R. DuChemin, 3208 W. Terrace, disobeyed a stop sign. Vikki M. LaRocco, 1815 Sunset, driving too fast for conditions. Roberto Blanco, 1217 Circle Court, no valid safety test. GRAND OPENING SPECIAL! % ' 50% OFF /jKlfVl For tkc first ditfetlisai) iipifc*2 4 84 H K f A S T P A N T V i I N f -A BIKINI LINE , _ i \ MAlHllME T SHAPING UP T, r r\ iv*) dis- COUNTS ,30% UP TO O OFF ON WALLPAPER PLUS 30% OFF ON ALL STOCK WALLPAPER, 100 PATTERNS IN STOCK-CANVAS & PREPASTED. TAKE IT HOME AND HANG IT!! 3 00 OFF PER GAL. \ M P A I N T AQUAVELVET LATEX EGGSHELL FINISH ' ALL 1600 COLORS IN BOTH FINISHES ARE ON SALE! ! STOCK UP NOW 33 Vz % 3 MINI-BLINDS •GENUINE LEVOLOR OVER 100 COLORS NARROW SLATS CUSTOM MADE INST. AVAILABLE FREE QUOTATIONS OFF LEVOLOR COMPLIMENTARY DESIGN SERVICE WITH EACH ORDER-WE LL CHEERFULLY ASSIST YOU WITH ANY OF YOUR COLOR, TEXTURE OR PATTERN NEEDS AND, AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE. . I PAIN IS Sale Ends Jan.28 \ •CUSTOM WINDOW TREATMENTS -DRAPERIES • WOLVENS -MINI'S -SOFT SHADES 411 W. Elm McHenry 385-7353 HOURS: Daily 7:45-6 Fri. til 8, Sat. 8-5 IS <S& 6 DAYS OF / $$$$$ COUPON $$$$$ good for 20 ®nrouu ; °*»ER •' r_J^^Sjeathers & Furs) i Good when coupon presented L dt time of Order. ] • ^Mr. Don's Cleaners, Inc. A DRIVE-IN WINDOW ' ' McHenry, IL - 385-2011 1207 N. Third Street East of Ace hardware IF YOU: •f NEED! A ! BEST! FRIEND check the .PET | SECTION in Classified