rand Cow Tar: McHENRY OPTICIANS 110 i RIVFKSiOE OR McHfNRY Itt "> • ! 8 I S 38S 9?J0 --WITH THIS COUPON Offer good Tues Jon 31 thru Fri . M BROWS SECTION PAGE 10 - PLAlNPEALER - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1984 general yci ICI HI News Cold weather brings certain health threats / Cloverleafs take tour of courthouse Our monthly meeting for January began with a tour of the McHenry County Courthouse, the county jail and a discussion with Judge Brody in a cour troom. Afterward a busines meeting was called to order by club president, Annette Freels. Secretaries' minutes were read and a treasurer's report given A letter on a 4 million dollar 4-H fund drive was read. By-laws for the dub were „ distributed for study, to be voted on at the next monthly meeting. PAINLESS HAIR REMOVAL N O N E E D L E S We olfe* the most modern safe and painless method of removing unwanted hair Mote than half ol oui cuttent customers are prior electrolysis users for a conf ident ia l consul tat ion and de monstrat ion of course There is no charge or obligation Call 815^455 4461 Debra McDamei Cert i f ied Technic ian o/Vew/" ffeflectioqs 455 Coventry Lane Suite 108 • Crystal Lake 815/455 4461 Mark Freels' reported a Federation meeting was held in Woodstock. The tubing pary has been postponed to February. Share the Fun will be held March 30 and we will vote next month whether or not our club will participate. I The officers met over Christmas vacation and com pleted our club calendar for the 1984 season as presented to the members. Theresa Smith, Club Reporter fijjNO OPENING SPECIAL % n 50% OFF /aMfU Fir tlN First TruUuit \V (with tkis «|] c.Pir«2 u »4 HH( AST PANtY I INI B ikini t iNI mm O ^ v Cold weather is here and with it, the threat of hypothermia and frostbite. Conditions don't have to be sub-zero temperatures, says Dr.' Michael Bowman. A skier ex posed to a cold wind and rain on a 40 degree day, or an elderly person living in a house heated to only 65 F can be at risk, says Bowman. Most hypothermia cases develop when the tem perature is between 30 F and 50 F in the presence of a strong wind and rain. Outdoor enthusiasts may risk frostbite if a limb is exposed to sub-freezing temperatures. Initally, a person feels cold, then pain followed by numbness or a tingling sensation. Injury, fatigue and alcohol can mask the early warning signs, says Bowman. But it's important to be aware of these symptoms, get to a shelter and warm the limb, he says. A frozen limb may be white or ' purplish in color, cold to the touch or as hard as frozen hamburger. As the condition progresses, ice crystals form in the tissues. Blood flow stops and the person won't be able to feel anything in the limb or be able to move it. Don't try to treat frostbite by putting the affected part in snow, says Bowman. Rewar- ming should be done in a medical center. It's important to avoid further injury until you can get there, however. Keep the limb stationary. Bumping the limb or exercising it can cause further damage. When frostbite is untreated, tissue dies and victims may RHf AST PANTY I INI Bikini liNf \\ hairline k SHAPING PUBLIC AUCTION Available At • Jl Plcnenr ym W Since 11 m The Following^ nam Hcaiei t Locations: •WHITE HEN •NORTHWEST * •J ft L GAS PANTRY TRAIN •ACE HARDWARE •BELL LIQUORS •ISLAND FOODS •LAKEVIEW •BOLGERS •CONVENIENT FOODS DRUG STORE FOOD •SUNNYSIDE •BEN FRANKLIN •COUNTRY FOODS •OSCO DRUGS CUPBOARD •ADAMS GROCERY •JEWEL •SULLIVAN FOODS •LITTLE STORE •HORNSBY'S •MILLSTREAM •FRED ft IRENE S TAP •KAREN ft GINNY'S UNION'76 •SUNRISE GROCERY •LIQUOR MART •COLE PHARMACY •DEBBIE'S GENERAL •McHENRY •SUNNYSIDE AUTO STORE HOSPITAL •COAST TO COAST •VILLAGE MARKET •FOOD MART •J ft R FOOD MART •McHENRY DRUG have to go through treatments similar Jo those of burn patients. Hypothermia occurs when the body's core temperature is less than 95 F, says Bowman. In a moderate case, warning signs may include shivering, fatigue, lethargy,, stiffness and lack of coordination. As the body's temperature drops to below 90 F, the person may become disoriented, confused and unable to move. If the victim is not warmed in time, he or she may lapse into a coma and die. Shivering is the body's in voluntary way to try to conserve heat. But .once a person's core temperature is below 90 F, the body's shivering mechanism shuts off and the body rapidly loses heat. At this point, vicitms should be treated gently, says Bowman. Don't increase movement, or give hot liquids or alcohol to a person with hypothermia. This will cause cold blood in the extremities to flow to the core of the body and warmer blood to flow to the extremities, leading to an ad ditional decrease in body temperature. In severe cases, this can cause cardiac arrest. x Protect the person from wind and precipitation. If you're in the wilderness, build a shelter. Remove wet clothing and in sulate the victim with warm, dry clothing, or the body heat of two unaffected persons. As soon as possible, seek medical at tention, says Bowman. To avoid hypothermia and frostbite, eat a small amount of food and drink non-alcoholic hot beverages periodically, exer cise-but not to the point of fatigue, take breaks and warm up occasionally in a shelter if it's available. Toteep warm, wear loose layers of clothing made of insulating materials such as wool; protect the head, feet and the torso with water-and wind- resistant outer garments. Voter registration at MCC Voter registration will be held at McHenry County College Jan. 23-25 from 6:15 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and on Jan. 30-Feb. 3 from noon to 1 p.m. The registration table will be located in front of the Nurse's Office in the lower level of the MCC Main Hall building. Only properly ,registered electors may vote at the March 20, 1984 primary election. The last date to register for this election is February 21. You can register if you are 18 years of age or over on or before March 20, 1984; if you have moved from one precinct to another within the county since last registered; or if you have changed your name since last registered. At the time of registering you must present two pieces of identification, one of which has your current address. Over 1,000 First Quality Metal or a a a Plastic 520 Frames Kid's < Frames 1 Metal or Plastic VISIT OUR BOUTIQUE DESIGNER SECTION Warning The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health IGHTS 10 mg "tar". 0 8 mg nicotirte. LIGHTS 100's 12 mg "tar". 0 9mg nicotine, ifER mg "tar" 1 1 mg nicotine. FILTER 100's 16 mg "tar", 1 2m(j nicotine, av per cigarette by FTC method SUNDAY JAN. 29th 1:00 pm McHENRY AUCTION GALLERY 120 & Green St. 3442 W. Elm McHenry, Illinois Antiques-Collectables Household: Fur Hats,, Brass hall tree, Brass items, Vases, Glass, Figurines, Bells Lead Crystal. Pewter. Record shop display cases, Fur niture. Stamps & Coins. CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED FOR FUTURE AUCTIONS (815)344-1119 0"983 R J Reynolds Tobacco Co Another first. CENTURY 100 s Taste that delivers IN THE MONEY SAVING 25 pack SENIOR «» » AAar WITH PURCHASE CITIZENS r*" OF LENSES 1 ®fn &tainet) $ane LEARN THE ART OF STAINED CLASS WINDOW 6UIL0INC •Sold»rlrq *D««ign •Glo*» Cuttln| •I»ad Coming BEGINNER & ADVANCED CLASSES ONE BASIC ffl IHCLUDfS •4Iw0(2)Hourl,i ,0" •Tool Rental •Small Clott Sll* COMPLETE TWO LEADED PROJECTS CLASSES BEGIN TUES , FEB. 7 REGISTRATION DEADLINE FRI FEB, 3 FOR INFORMATION CALL 815-344 4724 Q)on ffieau/y ffc/voo/b. >(Jnc. 2350 E. ROUTE 120, McHENRY 385-2290 Offer good Tues Jan. 24 thru.Fr --WITH THIS COUPON -- Jan 27 HAND DRY & MARCEL oi HAND DRY & RENAC Glasses made while you wait! (Single vision plastic only) EMEKOLNCY REPAIRS 8 FRAAU RF PI AC EMENTS DAILY 8:30 5 :30 (815)385 9240 ^.VsV,