Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jan 1984, p. 2

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PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 25, 1984 News and Views Most businesses, whether small or large, deposit various types of tax using Federal Tax Deposit (FTD) forms. Recently FTD forms were significantly changed to enable processing through use of optical character recognition (OCR) equipment. In order to acquaint taxpayers with the new guidelines to follow in depositing taxes with these forms, Starkey encouraged taxpayers to reveiw the following questions and an­ swers. Q-I have received a book of 15 coupons. May I use them now? A-Yes. The coupons may be used immediately for the types of taxes listed on the coupon and for any tax period. Q-My new FTD forms were not pre-printed with the type of tax and tax period. Is this a mistake? A-No. The new forms are designed to be used with several types of taxes and for any tax period. The instructions will show you how to enter this important information on the form by darkening spaces; be sure to fully darken the spaces so the OCR machines can read m . ^ Will IRS mail me coupons automatically? A-No, the taxpayer must reorder using the form in the coupon book. Allow two to three weeks processing time. --- Q-May I continue to mail my ^payments to the-IRS Service ' Center? A-No, payment will be ac­ cepted only at authorized government depositories or Federal Reserve Banks. If you mail a payment to the Service Center, you will be charged a 5 percent penalty. Q-If I have not received any coupons, what do I do? A-If you have neither FTD cards for the tatx nor coupons and a payment is due, go to your local IRS office for a form. l̂ Spectacuiar SUPER BOWL • OLYMPICS...SEE THE ACTION BETTER ON A ZENITH I 13" COLOR TV tlAGOHH. CUSTQI1I ONLY Model 21310 A/PT • Zenith Tn-Focus Picture Tube for outstanding sMarpness •Dependable 100% modular Z-1 Chassis • Transistorized VHF/UHF Super Video Ranqe Tuning • Siim-ime cabinet, choice of Almond or Pewti.r Color Model S1906C SAVE NOW! 19" COLOR - XV only $299 • Zeriith Chromasharp 90 Picture Tube • Dependable 100% modular Z-1 Chassis • Textured Dark Brown cabinet finish 1 Super Video Range Tuning with Perma Set Fine-Tuning control • • • • • COLOR TV Model SZ1927W NOW Computer Space Command 2400 Remote Control • Electronic Keyboard Tuning with Computer-quartz accuracy •157 channel capability including 101 Cable TV channels" • Chromasharp 90 Picture Tube for Outstanding sharpness » Dependable 100% modular Z-1 Chassis "SERVING McHENRY AREA FOR OVER 50 YEARS" CAREY APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE 1241 N. Green St. 385-5500 McHenry Parting with an old friend-a painful moment Errors noted on FTD forms He strode into our life four or five years ago - a big, orange tomcat with all the bravado for which these specimens of the animal world are known. It is impossible to pinpoint the exact date of his arrival because of his curious nature. His very appearance on our property indicated some willingnes to be a friend, yet his reluctance to accept more than food as bond of an amicable relationship left some doubt in our mind. Two years of this on-again, off-again existence took an abrupt change on his part Christmas Day two years ago. Suddenly, he was ours to pet, feed and play with proyiding we let him choose the time and place. Before the friendship was cemented, however, there were warlike moments when the M usin' &, anderin BY KAF kitchen ftroom was required to send him on his way after he a\ta^ked our own, less belligerent feline. We are sure Cat, by which I'Ju <i • » rwtooEE EVEIRUT NOW THIS GRANADA! McHENRY S A V I N G S 4 i 0 I I ftSIOCiA* Ol STATEMENT OF CONDITION at the Beginning o#Business I, January 3, 1984 ASSETS Cosh on Hand and in Banks $1 Mortgage Loans 43 Real Estate Sold on contract Real Estate In Judgment Real Estate Owned l Installment Loans 3 Secured Loans on Savings Accounts Federal Home Loan Bank Stock %... U.S. Government Obligations 1 Other Investments ..7 Fixed Assets: Land and Building <tr ... Furniture and Equipment Prepaid Secondary Reserve-F.S.L.I.C Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets $62 FSUC 920,785.38 478,010.80 141,214.60 666,302.80 212,354.10 232,628.09 379,935.26 449,600.00 486,020.68 654,394.40 969^977.76 .61,331.71 .54,376.31 293,773.49 050,105.38 LIABILITIES * Savings Accounts $58,390,885.57 Borrowings 122,927.06 Loans in Process 679,545.97 Member's Escrow Accounts 810,501,40 Income Taxes Payable.. ..- 21,569.48 Accounts Payable 112,554.10 Accrued Interest Payable *. 61,624.78 Uncollected Interest Reserve 50,097.64 Deferred Income and Unearned Discounts 539,521.01 Reserve for Losses 49,910.59 Regulatory Net Worth 1,210,967.78 $62,050,105.38 I, Chas. M. Adams, President and Treasurer of the below named Association, do hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above Statement of Condition does accurately reflect the condition of said Association. Chas. M. Adams, President-Treasurer Subcribed to and Sworn to before me under oath by Chas. M. Adams, who I personally know to be the President-Treasurer of said McHenry Savings & Loan Association this 21st day of January, 1984. * Rosemary Bielawa, Notary Public (Published January 25, 1984) No. 840034 I 209 North Gippn Stf M< Henr y 815 38S 3000 10520 Mo.n Street Richmond 81 S 6/8 ?06l 1040? North Vine Street Huntley Centpi on Rout* tely 312 669 3333 SERVICE LINE: A LISTING OF NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS COMPILED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE TO McHENRY McHENRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE * 385-4300 FAMILY SERVICE & MENTAL HEALTH CENTER 4302 G West Crystal Lake Rd McHenry. II 60050 815-385-6400 TURNING POINT-DOMESTIC VIOLENCE STRESS LINE McHenry County 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Parents Anonwaous meetings on Tuesday Call«15-338-8080 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 202-755-8660 Hours 7 30 a m to 5 30 p m week days lEver had a problem involving the federal government and not known where to call' And then been given the runaround or referrals by persons who meant well but didn i know how to help? Ten specialists available at this center I NATIONAL RUN-AWAY SWITCHBOARD lillinoia Phone: 800-972-6004 IFor confidential conversations on problems dealing with runaway children I MOVING HOTLINE Phone 800-424-9213 (Complaints about interstate moving by companies, buses or trams Spon , cnred by Interstate Commerce commission I STATE CHAMBER GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS HOTLINE 217-522-5514 BIRTHRIGHT Pregnant" Need Help7 Counseling Service 385-2999 24 hour Answering Service » ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES 24 Hours Child Abuse, Hotline TOLL FREE: 800-252-2878 CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION 800-638-2666 (Operates five national lines Answers inquiries about oi reporting ui; 'he safety of products from kitchen appliances to children's toys I NATIONAL SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING INFORMATION CENTER 800-523-2929 PO Bo* 1607 Rockville, Md 208bLi (Dispenses information on solar systems for heating and uoiing to anyu-i* from architects to home owners looking for a sun powered hot w.iier system I YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU FOR facHENRY COUNTr 4719 W Elm St McHenry Phone: 344-3240 24 hours fnsis Intervention and ('oofidP!'<al l.',.inse >ng ' r you't families NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SyfrETY ADMINISTRATION Phone 800-424-9393 lAnswers questions about autqmobile safety defect* or whethm a par ticular model has ever been recalled Valuable for those mtere^Md n. buying a used car ! - MENTAL HEALTH I -800-892-8900 Crisis Center line tor McHenry Co 24 hour Emergent» number arid professional staff will answer your call Sponsoring agency McHenry f.nun ty Comprehensive Menta l Heai ' t Serv ice Sys ' e T NATIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH ASSOCIATION Po t Ott.:e8o* 17400. Washington, 0 C 20041 Phone(7031471-0404 ¥ CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION 312-793-3580 Chicago, IL -ILLINOIS STATE CHAMBER HOTLINE Phone: 217-522-5514 Answ> • tn questions i;n government reqijilalions McHENRY COUNTY CET A OUTREACH CENTER fifiR Russel D , Woodstock, IL 60098 Phone (815) 338-7100 Job Training Offered McHENRY COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE RFTARDF.D Robert G lambno'f f <e;:u'tu.e Din nor Phone:344-1230 ALCOIIOLICS ANONYMOUS (815)455-3311 McHENRY'cOUNTY SF.Nldk cn I7ENS COUNCIL - 800-842-3272 Monda, st- > jgh f- iv .b i an • 1 ; r,. PRAIRIF ST ATE LEGAL SERVICES. INC flOO 942-3940 libt: iegai representatiot ases to low inu.-nit* persons landlord tenant disputes domistii-i->leni> .r improper denial ,it benefits such as idi Sei.trf'ubi A>! luutt Stamp:, (icohmI Assistance & Uneni ployment Insurant e SUPPORT GROUP FOR MEN WHO BATTER Meets ever, fhijrsday 6 7 p n For information call 338-8080 COMPASSION AT E I RI ENDS MrHeru, County Chapter (for bereaved parentsi Call 385-5732 name he came to be known, had a home, but increasingly it was necessary to remember that. At the beginning he left at regular intervals, but as time went on they became fewer until he was almost always in our presence. Wth the approach of winter 1982 we set up a small house on •-the front steps for him, complete with pieces of old carpeting to keep him warm. He ignored the housing unit, preferring instead a blanket on the top step. His refusal to leave at any time, together with some severe mid-December 1983 weather that covered his makeshift bed with snow, made action necessary. At first he was moved into the unhealed garage and provided a deep box insulated with old blankets and pillows. The record pre-Christmas week tem­ peratures made that unac­ ceptable and a further move was made to a Warm basement. Big supply of Breakers now Lieutenant Governor George H. Ryan said that his two Senior Action centers now have a plentiful supply of 1984 Circuit Breaker forms. The centers are located in Springfield and Chicago. The Circuit Breaker program provides two cash grants for eligible senior citizens: a rebate for property taxes and a rebate for sales taxes. Homeowners and most renters are eligible if they are age 65 or older or totally disabled, and if household income is $12,000 or less. Volunteers at the Senior Action centers will mail the forms to senior citizens upon request. Eligible citizens can call toll-free, 1-800-252-6565. The volunteers will also assist senior The accommodations suited both owner and freeloader. It seemed to be a mutually satisfying friendship that would go on and on. But this was not to be. A decreasing appetite, plus other signs of illness, culminated in a seizure last week that sent us to the veterinarian. Cat, who in recent months had been more suitably named Redfred, was found to be old, almost minus teeth and definitely in need of more than friendship, food and warm living quarters. Non-animal lovers would never understand. Only those who have had to part with a loved pet can realize the emp­ tiness that comes with a per­ manent parting. Call us ec­ centric, it's something some of us cannot deny - an act that inflicts on us one of life's very painful moments. Circuit available citizens in filling out the forms. The centers are located at: Office of the Lieutenant Governor, State of Illinois Building, 160 North LaSalle, Suite 1427, Chicago," and Lieutenant Governor's Senior Action Center, 3 West Old Town Mall (Downtown), Springfield. RECOGNIZED Diane Wiechmann, head nurse on the surgical floor at Memorial Hospital, Woodstock, has been chosen Employee of the Month for January by a committee composed of em­ ployees who select the monthly winner from among nominees submitted to them. Mrs. Wiech­ mann was praised for her ability to care for patients. The com­ mittee called her "a super head nurse". Pi McHenry McHenry Herald (USPS 335 200) Established 1875 • 3812 West Elm Street Phone 815 -385*0170' McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage PAID at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTER Send address changes to McHenry Plaindealer 381 2 W Elm St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice ol chonge ol address to the McHenry Plaindealer, 38T2 W. Eim St., McHenry. III. 60050. A deduction of one month from the expiration of a subscription will be mode where a change of address is provided through the Post Office department. Thomas C. Miller-Publisher Adele Froehlich-Editor gfooartt ©inning iittospaper MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Yeor $19.00 1 In McHenry County $27.00 i McHenry County illteHSHS- IQUOR MARTI Old Sty 1< 12-12 OZ. N.R. BOTT. $*79 YOU COULD WIN $3,000,000 THIS WEEK PLAY LOTTO Pabst 12-12 OZ. CANS SALE BEER NOT ICED PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN. 25 THRU JAN. 31 * 1 1 •1 Fleischmann's Vodka $JL98 1.75 LITER RC, Diet Rite RC 100 8-16 OZ. BOTT. Canadian Club 3 ijJ I MB* Hannah & Hogg Gin 1.75 LITER 1 39 PLUS DEP. Gallo Vermouth 750 ML S ̂ 59 Usher's Green Stripe 1.75 LITER Champion Pizza Cheese 4 Sausage 22 OZ. Jim Beam Bourbon. _____ $J98 LITER J-'SMf R S Carlo Rossi $498 4 LITER

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