PAGE 6- PLA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1984 Social £ Guild sponsors card party The annual Valentine Card Party will be hosted" by St. Patrick's Ladies Guild Wed nesday, Feb. 8, at 11:30 a.m. in the church hall at 3500 W. Washington St., McHenry. Advance tickets are on sale now for an afternoon of prizes, card games of one's choice and a delicious buffet luncheon. They may be purchased by calling Helen Koblitz at 385-3516. Those interested are urged to call early to reserve their tickets. Everyone in the community is invited to attend. Present program on communicating An informative program entitled, "Communicating With Your Child" will be presented Monday, Jan. 30, at 7:30 p.m. Ronnie Schweit of the "Counseling Center" in Crystal Lake will present the program at the center, 5006 Route 14, next to the Showplace Theatres. It is free of charge and open to the public. For more information about the group, please call Mary Beth Powell at 312-639-5264, or Muffie Slater at 459-5858. DIANE HEARD AND JEFFREY BARTAAANN ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs' James W. Heard, Sr., of 1911 W. Sunnyskie Beach Drive, McHenry announce the engagement ol the'rr daughter Diane, to Jeffrey P., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillilp E. Bartmann, 400^ Bl;tsch Piatt Mr Henry. A June 15, 1985 wedding is planned. Women's Aglow hosts lunch Women's Aglow Fellowship of Crystal Lake\ v. ill ' < a luncheon Thursday. Feb.. 2. ;>t 10:30 a.m., at John Evans Inn. Crystal Lake Guest speakers will be Karen and Sue V •< Elmhurst, who attest !<> ha\ing seen their lives transformed since being born again uid baptized in the Holy Spirit Karen has been involved with the Oak Park W omen's Aglow Chapter as hospitalit y chai» man since 1973 and just recent 1\ served as vice pr»ident ol Ojitreach on tin (ireater Chicago Area Women's \gUn\ Fellowship Board She feels that she has been delivered from occult bondage and physical dliuen^ Sue. a graduate of the Christian Outreach School of Ministries in Hillsboro, MO; has :h«ve song tapes, plus an album entitled "Blossoms in the Dust." She claims to have found t'-eedom through inner healing nt oast broken relationships and vounds K ervone is invited to come tor a time of. fellowship and singing. The deadline for '•mt vat ions is Sunday, Jan. 29, and those interested in attending are urged to call> Mrs. Dale (Lois) Koss, 385-0814, or Mrs. fames (Mikil Hayden, 459-4077. Community Calendar JANUARY 26 Friends of the Johnsburg Library-Meeting, 7 p.m.-At the Library. Hopi Neighborhood Girl Scouts-Monthly Meeting, 9:30 a.m.-St. Patrick's Catholic Church, McH. JANUARY 28 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot, 1 p.m.- Public Welcome. Johnsburg Pigtail League-Registration, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.-Pistakee Highlands Comm. Club. JANUARY 29 McH. Area Soccer Federation-Meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Parkland Jr. Hi. Learning Center. JANUARY 30 ' U.M.W. Mission Team-Executive Committee-Meeting, 9:30 a.m.~ First United Methodist Church Parlor. St. Patrick's Ladies Guild-Executive Board Meeting, 1 p.m.-McH. Pub. Library. St. Patrick Ladies Guild-Executive Board Meeting, 1 p.m.-McH. Pub. Library. JANUARY 31 Aux. to No. IL Med. Ctr (McH. Hosp.)-Cocktails, 11:15 a.m.~ Lunch, 12:15-McH. Country Club-"Cartooning Is A Funny Di ' t«APnf«imfiAnc< T-Tnlan T nrcnn QAA--AAQt* and emotional Business"--reservations, Helen Larson, 344-4435. BIRTHS Brigitte Kristine is the name chosen by Darrell J. and Sally E. Seliga, 4914 Barnard Mill, Ringwood, for their first daughter. The 8 lbs. 1 oz. baby girl entered the world in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock on Dec. 29. -She was welcomed at home by Prize waterbed rates high A boy, William Eric, weighing 9 lbs. 5 oz. was born Dec. 30 in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington, to Pete and Shelia Keith of Wauconda, IL. He has two brothers, Charlie, age six SELIGA* her five-year-old brother Michael James. Mr. Sam Tomasello of McHenry is the maternal grandfather. Paternal grandparents are Irene Be ran of McHenry and Chester Seliga of Chicago. Great-grandparents are Mrs. Michael Seliga and Emily Brya, both of Chicago. KEITH and Joseph, four; and a two- year-old sister Angela. Maternal grandparents are Carl and Juanita Ellison of McHenry. Mr. Eric Keith of Tupelo, MS is the paternal grandfather. "Dancers who ' tis.- t- most money for the »•'.;• ste'i S ai Society of McF "in ' m i it the upcoming 24 hou. ! s .i Thon will receive some great prizes-and-after dancing for M hours, doesn t a waterbed sound wonderful'. ' ' asked .Jennv Van Treese, public relations director. Registrations are due .Ian J<) at 708 Washington. Woodstock for the event scheduled Saturday and Sunda> Fel i and 5 at McHenr\ ( ouniv College, from !1 am until 11 a.m. Live bands w!l b< <.p ha"d to provide the music and •('"'oratory will be admitted at a \ or\ low charge In addition to the waterbed, ..air other prizes will be of- tei ed and a traveling trophy will be awarded to the school or organization with the most lancers Monies will be used to help offset costs from Easter S"als' sliding scale of fees. For more information, contact I "a>t<\r Seals at 338-1707. Pledge In mv are available at all M( Henr\ County high schools, McHenry County College and the hval radio stations in < rvstal Lake and Harvard. MAGNINE David F. and Leah D. Magnine, Lake in the Hills, announce the birth of their first child on Dec. 30. Nathaniel David was born in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington, and weighed 9 lbs. 1% oz. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Gaul of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Magnine of Wonder Lake are the paternal grandparents. PETERS Ruth and Donald Peters, 5213 Amby Ln., McHenry, became parents of their second son Jan. 2. Russell Lee was born at Lake Forest Hospital, Lake Forest, IL and he was greeted at home by his brother Daniel, age three and a half. Maternal grand parents are Martha and Reuben Kantola of Duluth, MN. Ellen and Howard Peters of McHenry are the paternal grandparents. Elda Law of Deerfield, IL is the great-grandmother. Iatniary l<M|' ARIZONA SUN TRADE IN SALE HELPING OTHERS EQUALS SAVINGS FOR YOU! HI 'Y Nf \V l!< >' . | i \ V . ! . ! ( . K RFC LIVE: $15 to $50 . . . . < /FT) R< X ) I S [ $15 to $40 O! > • ' • ••< n \ I ' $ 5 t o $ 1 2 ' - » l n I M n T ^ - I A C K S ! $5 to $12 < »i ! , | i iU i S $5 to $10 . . • n | . | ) | | \ \ S Brit . 111!.. I' , - . \|., , ... I. RIZONA SUN ST0REWIDE SALE BUT GET MORE | WI1H TRADE-IN Annual J WINTER CARNIVAL SUNDAY, JANUARY 29th At MacNeal's Holiday Park Resort Located Vi mile East of Rt. 12 On Rt. 134 In Ingleside, IL Registration Is At 11 A.M. Events Start At 12 Noon EVENTS • SKIING: Downhill, Slolorr. & « Cro&s-Country • Catalog Race • 3 Legged Race • Basketball Free Throw • Snow Sculpturing • Bunko • Golf Contest • Snowball Throwing • Sled Races • Build A Snowman Contest • Pizza & Pie Eating Contests • Fishing Booth • Break-A Balloon • Las Vegas Games • Award Ceremony • Torch Light Parade Plus Balloons, Clowns & Our Very Own Mascot."CHU-CHU"!! Lake County's Own "LEGEND" Will Entertain From 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. PRIZES Will Include: A SEASON SKI PASS And Many Morel! For Mor» Information Colt Sandy MacNoal At 312-546-8222 ' m:W MR. AND MRS. AAARK HANSEN WUTTKi STUDIO The former Trudy Lynn Koch exchanged promises of marriage Oct. 1,1983, with Mark Alan Hansen. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max N. Koch, 1508 N. Flower St., McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen, 1021 Wisconsin St., Lake Geneva, WI, are the parents of the bridegroom. Father John Stringini was the officiating clergyman for the 2:45 p.m. ceremony celebrated in St. Patrick Catholic Church, McHenry. Attending the bride was Michele Hautos. Other female members of the bridal party were Kathy LaFreniere, Stacy Hansen, Debbie Hart wig, Jill Crawford, Denise Koch, Therese Koch and Bea Koch. Eric Koch was the ring bearer. r The best man was Martyn Hansen; and other male members were Brian Katyenberg, Tom Gelderman, Tom Unti, Butch Nocek, John Koch, Marc Koch, Danny Koch, and Wayne Hibbard. Following the nuptials, a reception for 280 friends and relatives, with dinner and dancing, was held at Andre's Steak House, Richmond, EL. Later, the newlyweds em barked on a one-week honeymoon in Cancun, MX. The new Mrs.. Hansen graduated from Marian Central Catholic High School and is employed at the YMCA, Camp Duncan. Her husband, a graduate of Badger High School, is employed by Broadway service. I Greg Hajek, center, 5th District Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary Voice of Democracy Essay Contest winner, is shown with Ladies Auxiliary Chair man Gerry Kuckand Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600 Chairman George Loser. Hajek honored at banquet Over 150 people attended the 5th District Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary Voice of Democracy Awards Banquet when Greg Hajek was named as the student who will represent the fifth district at the state Voice of Democracy competition. Greg, representing Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600 and Ladies Auxiliary of McHenry, is a student at McHenry East Campus High School. His essay, placing first in the local contest, was forwarded to Veterans of Foreign Wars 5th District competition, where he competed with 18 students, representing VFW posts and auxiliaries in the fifth district. The next step in competition is with the students who will represent the other 18 districts in the state of Illinois. The 19 district winners of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary will be honored guests at the annual State Voice of Democracy Awards Banquet to be held in Springfield Saturday, Feb. 11. Greg was awarded govern ment bonds from the 5th District of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and VFW Post 4600 and Ladies Auxiliary McHenry West Campus High School student Ron Naus placed second in the fifth district competition. He also was awarded government bonds from the 5th District Veterans of Foreign Wars and VFW Post 4600 and Ladies Auxiliary. Rick Schaller of Johnsburg High School was awarded a government bond by VFW Post 4600 and Ladies Auxiliary. Making the presentations for the local post and auxiliary were Gerry Kuck, Ladies Auxiliary Voice of Democracy Chairman, and George Loser, Post Voice of Democracy Chairman. A banquet honoring all of the finalists from the 5th District Veterans of Foreign Wars was held Saturday evening, Jan. 14, at the VFW Post 4308 in Lake Villa. THERE'S STILL TIME TO ENJOY OUR SALE WALL PAPER BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS (SELECTED) UP TO O OFF Moore PAINT BUNDS ALL COLORS 33/4% OFF 3411 W. ELM McHENRY 385 7353 - Hours/ Dally 7:45 6:00 Frl til 8 Sat 8 5 HURRY SALE ENDS SAT. JAN.2«th I*CUSTOM WINDOW TRE ATMENTS'DR APERIES* WOIVENS'MINI'S'SOFT SHADES