Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Feb 1984, p. 16

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PAGE 16 -PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY^ FEBRUARY 3, 1984 Rainttealer Kicbmonb Office Hr». M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ^nainaeaier^ <Sa?cttcj AaSSlilCG Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of an error or ommission. the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for pnly the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Call Classified Display Ads: 815-385-0170. Private Party & Commercial Line Ads: 815-344- 4800 Richmond 678-2581 Paytnent in advance must be made for these ads: ^Babysitting ^Business Opportunites ^Business Services *Garge Sales 'Moving Sales *Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area •Political •Rooms, Appts. to Share ^Situations Wonted 'Sublease Re-rent, etc. "Wanted to Buy 'Wanted to Rent. 3 LINES, 5 DAYS *8.80 Shaw Fret Press PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS Newspaper Group •Woodstock Daily Sentinel 'Saturday Extra *Crystol Lake Morning Herald 'Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald *Elgin Herald "Richmond Gazette 'Marengo Beacon Republican News *Huntley Beacon/Republican News "Sycamore News •Cary-Grove Clarion *Barrington Banner 'McHenry Plaindealer •Genoa-Kingston-Kirkland News •Hampshire Register •Harvard Herald "Shopper Service 'McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper DIRECTORY DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND WED. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON .'12 NOON MON.-5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Announcements Cemeteries & Lots Card of Thanks. . Notices Car Pools. ™ Lost & Pound Personals . . InJtruction. Ai5ct ions .02 .03 .05 . 10 . 1 1 . 1 2 13 . 18 Help Wanted Child Care 19 Nursery Schools 20 SijMOtions Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wonted 24 Merchandise Wanted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales . 33 Merchandise Under $50 : 34 Antiques /.... 35 Bicycles & Sports Equipment 36 Lawn & Garden Equipment 37 Boats, 38 Musical Instruments 39 Cameras 40 Aviation 41 Pets & Equipment 44 Horses & Equipment 47 Farm & Dairy 48 Livestock 49 Machinery & Equipment 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real 'Estate Sales Wanted to Buy. . . 69 Business Property 70 Open House 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale. 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots & Acreage 75 Mobile Homes 76 Forms for Sale 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent 78 Rooms. Board, House Apartments to Share 79 Apartments to Rent 80 Homes to Rent 81 Condominiums & Townhomes to Rent A. 82 Stores, Office & Industrial to Rent 83 Farms, Farmland to Rent . . . 84 Miscellaneous to Rent. .,. ........ 85 Automotive Autos for Sale. 86 Wanted to Buy 87 Auto Parts & Accessories. 88 Trucks, Tractors & Trailers 89 Vans 90 Motorcycles & Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT ' Cemeteries & Lots 5 CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK& UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as $275, including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. 815/459-0547. Notices 12 Personals 13 Instruction 21 Notices CHOOSE FROM 100 Wallpaper Books 30% Off Sale ends Feb. 18 Lloyds Paint'n Paper 815/338 1180 815/459-1160 PLASTERING Restoration or New > Vernon T. Kopsell 815/338-1668 FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free 8. confidential stress line day or night. 81S/338 8080. "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS " 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 EXHIBITORS Needed Arts & Crafts Show, Apr. 7/8. For Info. & reservations, call 312/459- 4147. 11 Lost & Found • •NAME TAGS' F-oi1 your business or organlza lion. Logos and special shaoes available For details, call, r C.L. ENGRAVING 815/459 7877 v- We have - people in call age groups 'from 1 8 to 80 Call MEHENRY COUNTY COMPUTER •DATING SERVICE •15-338-2290 fry It! 7. It Works! LOST DOG, male Sheltie, tri­ color, Lakemoor, 12/24, cash reward, 815/344-5114. LOST, female cat, wt. blk., 4 orange. Blk. patch over l eye, orange over other. Yellow col­ lar, Lincoln Pkwy. vicinity. Reward. 815/459 4494 LOST, BLK. & wht. shepherd, malamute mix, 90 lb. male, East side Cary, friendly, Reward J12/639 5793 after 6 pm FOUND, Woman's ring, Calhoun Street, Woodstock, Call 815/338-8776 after 5p.m. 12 Personals J&J BUSINESS SERVICES For all your personal typing & business needs. 40 years ex­ perience in small business ap plications. All work confiden­ tial. For complete information, call 312/639-8821 PREGNANT, NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open9 11 a.m. And from 7-9p.m. Mon.fhruThurs. 24 hour answering service 815/385-2999 FOR MCHENRY CO Hrm, public interest Waste Disposal Policy. Vote A1 Coilins Dist. 3 (Pd by A. Collins). • Notices Truly Caring Services, INc. . oHmrs: HOME CARE FOR ELDERLY or HANDICAPPED 4 hrs. to 24 hrs. - 7 days a weelc Meal Preparation Also available: Shopping j^l.ight Housekeeping laundry Personal Care Nursing Care Registered Nurses Lie. Practical Nurses Home Care Assistants 24 Hr. Answering Services 815-568 54S8 Prtvat* duty In hovpltalt or nuritng homo*. Dm nr. too W Wt»hln«t«n St., Marrnyo. IL. Llccntfd A Bonded F mptoy men! Ayency WEIGHT WATCHERS is now meeting at the Shepherd of the Hills Luthern Church, 404 N. Green St., McHenrv. * MONDAYS AT 8 PH }A Help Wanted ELECTRICIAN .Able to read electrical schematic drawings. Must have experience with and ability to troubleshoot 3 phase 440 circuitry and have some experience with ,*e(edro-mechanicai devices related to industrial ap­ plication. We offer excellent fringe benefits. Apply in person or send a resume to: WOODSTOCK DIE CASTING An Allied Company 555 Wheeler Street Woodstock, IL 60098 An Eoual Oooortunlty E mpipyer M/F OVERWEIGHT? You are In ches away trom happiness. Let your lingers inch toward the phone. Call us. 815/338 M35. 1/2 PR ICE PERMS New Business Opening 312/658-4661 after 4 P.M. STOP INTRUDERS from entering your home! Call today for a No Obligation Security/ Fire Analysis. Mid- America Security Systems, 815/459-1069. • VALENTINE SPECIALS FEB.1 thru FEB.140NLY! Acrylic Nails $20.00 Fill-Ins $10.00 Pick Up your " Gift Certificate" for your Favorite Valentine. AMERICAN GIRL BEAUTY SALON Meadowdale Shopping Center Carpentersville 312/426 6565 STARTING new Bible study for Singles. If interested, call: 815/338-1749. Mon. thru Frl„ 9 to 5. Ask for Karen or Jay. ANYONE KNOWING present whereabouts of Evelyn Brandt and her daughter, Mary Lou, formerly of Chicago, please contact Gulllaume at P. O. Box 889, Crystal Lake, II60014. HAPPY BIRTHDAY With Love, MOM! CERAMIC CLASSES Starting Feb. 6 at 160 Ash Ave. in Woodstock. Mon. nights 7-9; Sat.9a.m.- noon; Sat 12:30-3:30 pm. For increase call daytime 312/697-8545, eves, 815/338-8626. PIANO & ORGAN lessons, in my home near East Campus High School, private 8i class lessons, all ages, 815/344-4295 Maria Thomas EDUCATIONAL TUTORING service. Increase reading & learning comprehension. Two yr. old to high school. Cindy Cory, 815/568-6721. DO YOUR childs grades need Improvement? "grades 5-12" tutoring services by certified teacher Call Barb Gomez 815/455-0729 N 19 Child Care LICENSED DAY Care in Cary has openings for full or part time, 312/639 0035 or 312/639- 3199. it WILL BABYSIT any age, $45 wk. includes: break., lunch, 8i snacks. Indoor playroom, out­ door play equipment 312/639- 3102 • SCUIPT'J9£DNA,LS $25 00 by Professional K's l Artist. Call Joyce for app't. 312/658 2019 WANTED: QUALITY Hand crafted items for Fox Valley's largest craft/gift store. 312/931 - 0850 or 741 9008. THANKS TOST. JUDE For Favor Granted. M. J.O. LOVE, Kathleen, Charleen, And Karen THANK YOU to St Jude Forpetilionsgranted L B.Z. I WISH to thank all my friends for visits, & prayers, while I was in the hospital. Mrs. Frank Blake PREGNANT? Need Help? Call: Birthright 312/695-7950 18 Auctions RARE COIN AUCTION February 11, 1984 Upstairs At Marengo City Hall Open at 9 for inspection Auction starts at 12 noon COINS: 1925-D $2 % gold AU; 1925-D $2 % gold AU; 1925-D $2 % gold XF; 1929 $2 ft gold AU; 1928 $2 % gold AU; 1914 $2 % gold VF; 1912 $2 ft gold VF; 1928 $2 ft gold XF; 1900 $2 ft gold AU; 1897 $10.00 gold VF; 1899 $5.00 Liberty gold coin XF; 1928 $2_ft Indian gold XF; 1929 $2 ft Indian gold AU; 1907 $2 ft Liberty gold AU; 6 late date dimes; 6 late date nickels; 1 1943-P nickel; 2 - 90% silver dimes; 1 -1916 dime AG; 1 1943-D dime XF/AU; 1 - Cana­ dian silver dime 1955; 4 - common date Liberty nickels; 1 - 1917 nickel AG/G;1 • 1936 nickel; 2 silver coins; 25 com mon 90% silver quarters; 14 common quarters; 52 com mon date silver W. L. halves; 82 common date Franklin halves; 1 1925-S silver dollar AU; 67 common silver dollars VG or better 5 common silver dollars AG or damaged; 5 - circulated Ike dollars; 3 Great Brittain - Churchill Crowns; 13- face value halves; 22 90% silver halves; 64 40% silver halves; 14 - common late date cents; 121 Indian cents damaged or discolored; 1 - Canadian cent; 7 WHeat cents (3 steel); 324 - Indian cents common date: 2 1865 Indian cents AG/G; 2 -1869 Indian cents AG/B; 1 1879 Indian cents AG/G; 12 standing Liberty quarters most no date; 171 Mercury dimes; 32 - dateless or damaged buffalo nickels; 26 4-digit Buffalo nickels; 2 Indian cents AG; 3 standing Liberty quarters G; 1 Barber quarter G; "1 1847 large cent G/VG; 1 com­ mon mercury dime; 1 1839 bust ft dime AG; 14 steel cents; 643 wheat cents; 20 1964 halves; 1 1893 Colum bian Expo; 4 Lincoln III. commom halves; 1 1856 seated Liberty dimes VG; 1 1923 $1 silver certificate; 1 1923 $1 silver certificate; 1 1914 $5 Federal Reserve note; 1 1914 $1 Federal Reserve note; 1 1902 $10 Natl, currency #6811 Woodstock, IL; 3 1902 $10 Natl, currency #1870 Marengo, IL; 1 1969 proof set; 2 - Great Brittain Chur­ chill Crowns; 1 1971 proof Eisenhower dollar; 4 silver certificates; 1 $20 Natl, currency 1929 Decatur, IL #5089 ESTATE OF CLARA K. NORTH EXECUTORS: Mtlvin Kunde and Raymond loeffel TERMS: Cash Situations Wanted 21 Situations Wanted SEAMSTRESS Experienced (25 years) Alterations & dressmaking 312/658-5106 PAINTING, Patching, wallpapering, light repairs. Quality work & material. Reasonable. David, Ken, 815/455-5536. OFFICE CLERK with good organizational skills needs per­ manent, part time position, 9 am to 3 pm, In Crystal Lake. 815/455-2343. RESPONSIBLE, experienced, 14 yr. old girl will babysit, or be mothers helper after school & week ends., excellent* references. Call Chris, 312/639 3672 ALBRECHT CONSTRUCTION Specialists in remodeling, repair & custom built homes. Free estimates. 815/653 6451. WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room $20, Additional rooms. $10 ea., 5 yrs. exp. 815/943-4793 PHOTOGRAPHER W/B.A. in photography, skilled in ALL D/W and color processes ind. photogravure. Have complete 35mm/4x5 systems. 815/459- 3357. • DAYCARE, in C.L. Meals, structured times, & TLC prov. Infants welcome, reasonable. 815/459 5272 LOVING MOTHER will pro­ vide childcare in her McHenry hem* Call Jttdy *U/W4 U13 WILL BABYSIT in my Woodstock home, 815/338-9542 CHILDCARE in my Hebron home, reasonable. Weekdays. 815/646-4314 EXPERIENCED, creative, child care, crafts, games, lots of extras, my Cary home 312/639 1055 LICENSED day care, my Lakeland Park home (McHenry) Call 815/344 3895. CARPENTERSVILLE-Loving Care when Mom can't be there! Hot meals, flex, hours. Call: Paula at 312/426-2193. RESPONSIBLE person will babysit your child in my home. 815/459 0937 PAINTING & STAINING, com­ plete Interior* decorating. Reasonable rates. 815/455-3559 TYPING, bookkeeping, resumes, Diane's Business Ser­ vice, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 6665. TOP NOTCH rlMnina lady has days avail., exc. ret. 815/459- 6585 WILL DO Thorough house cleaning. Exper. w/Excellent refer. 312/943-7240 HOUSE CLEANING done, exc. work and ref. Call after 5:00 p.m. 312/639-4061. 35 YEARS management 8. sales in wholesale & retail ser vice industry. Experienced in personnel & training, motiva­ tion, inventory control, inside & outside sales & warehousing. Background not only in in­ dustry, but in administrative aspects of non-profit organiza­ tion. Available immediately. Salary open. 815/459-6523 after 4 pm 24 Help Wanted 10% Painting, wallpapering, stain­ ing. "Quality work at Reasonable Rates." Call Rick: 615/338-8649 MECHANIC, Navy & civilian trained, Diesel-gas power HYDEIctric-Pneumatlc systems. Steve, 815/385-630$. Household 23 Help Wanted BABYSITTER, mature, in my home for infant, 2 to 3 days a week, varied hours. 815/455- 1861. MATURE BABYSITTER need ed, occasional eve. 8. weekends. Ref.' required. 312/426-5503 BABYSITTER NEEDED my home, hours vary, own transportation, Northwood school area. 17 month old boy, 815/338-2066. 7~ NEED MATURE individual to care for elderly person, part time, 3 hrs. per day, 2 days a week. Frisches SubDiv. 312/639-2505 before 3p.m. MOTHER'S HELPER,Gentle, dependable, exp. sm. child care, thorough hsekeeping. For prof fam. Full time. Long term position. 815/455-4775. MATURE Exp. babysitter needed in my C.L. home Part time. vari. hrs. Incl. some Set's. Own trsp. Ref. 815/459 6708. BABYSITTER NEEDED in my Woodstock home, mature, responsible woman. Some overnights, paid vacations, must have nwn fi*3n«pnrt»tlnn 8. rets., 815/338-6479. R E S P O N S I B L E BABYSITTER for occasional evenings in our McHenry home, for 6 mo. old. Own transport. req*d. 815/344 4534. WANTED! Single, mature, reliable, live in housekeeper, for a six day week. Must like children. Both children in school dally, driving necessary, (will provide car) ref. required, reply; Crystal Lake Morning Herald, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake, III. 60014 % Box AGA RELIABLE BABYSITTER within walking distance of Bull Valley Rd. In McHenry Shores to sit daily after school for half hour while Mom jogs. 815/344- 5656. SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM AIDE College degree preferred. Contact Mr. Rob Gough Johnsburg High School 815-385-9233 BANKTELLER Full time position is available. We are looking tor a person with a friendly personality, who works well with the public. Previous cash handling ex­ perience helpful. Good working condi­ tions, good benefit package. Apply in person only. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Crystal Lake 265 Virginia St., Crystal Lake II. PUNCH PRESS SETUP PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS Expanding our manufacturing fa­ cilities, we have openings for both Punch Press Set Up and Punch Press Operators. Must be experi­ enced in presses with automatic feeds. Excellent company-paid be­ nefit package. Call Or Apply To: GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201 East Brink St., Harvard, IL. 60033 815/943-7411 An Equal Opportunity Employer MlF Household 23 Help Wanted BABYSITTER wanted, my horn#or yours. In Huntley area. Mon.- Frl. (Kinder. & 19 mora.) 312/64H-SM6 24 Help Wanted AVON now offers 2 ways to make more money. Choose your own hours and earn even more through spon­ sorship bonuses. To buy or sell Avon call: 312/470-5747 OUTSTANDING SALES Posi­ tion in photography studio located in Algonquin Ideal for an energetic female) Must en- joy person-to-person selling of wedding photography. Sales background required. Must have own transportation. Should be well-groomed and know how to close a sale, 4 evenings and Saturdays re­ quired. Base salary of $5/hour + commission. Call 312/991- 4840, ask for Rich. • .> R N. position available,7 to 3:30 Shift. Apply in Person, Mon. thru Frl. » A.M. to 4:40 P.M., Olivette. Nursing Home, 355 Raymond St., Elgin. TELEPHONE CANVASSER, experienced, eves. & Sat., top commissions, flexible hours, 815/385-7623, ask for Dave. MACHINE OPERATORS NC LATHE DAY & NIGHT SHIFTS Outstanding career opportuni­ ty with well-established manufacturer of quality mechanical shaft seals! Ex­ perience in close tolerance work is required. Must be able to read blueprints and use precision measuring equip­ ment. Experience on Warner Swasy l-SC is a plus. Rexnord offers a good salary plus shift differential, and com­ prehensive benefits package in­ cluding sick days, medical/life insurance and more. Call for appointment: Personnel 312/537-8100 REXNORD MECHANICAL POWER DIV. SEAL OPERATION 634 Glen Ave. Wheeling, IL 60090 E.O.E.M/F COME JOIN with us and become a good Stanley dealer. Can earn {10/hr. Be agressive and earn more. 815/728-0226. MA)OR APPLIANCE Technl- cian, e yrs. exp., Woodstock area,send resume w/saiary re- ?uirements to Box A F F, Shaw ree Press Newspapers, P. O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, II60014. BABYSITTER, experienced for nursery age children for small day care center, A.M. on- ly, please call 815/459-4030. MONEY TALKS; but some people are too busy earning a living to make money. YurTka Foods gives you the products, the plan, the opportunity The rest Is up to you. Call 815/338- 5435 WANTED: Someone to restore 28' cabin cruiser, woodworking experience a must. 815/344- 1037. ATTENDANTS for locker room needed. Mature Individuals on­ ly. Hours vary. Apply at the fornt desk of Lake Region Y.M.C.A., 7315 South Rt. 31, Crystal Lake. IMMEDIATE Full Time open 24 Hrip Wanted 24 Help Wanted MOTEL MAIDS, exp. prtf., but will train. Mature & rellaWe, part time days. Apply in per­ son: Mon - Fri, 10 am to 2 pm, 6305 NW Hwv., Crystal Lake, MartintHI's Motel- DENTAL HYGENIST Tuesday 4 Saturdays 312/426-3402 EXPANDING ART & con suiting business needs creative person with flair for design, flexible hours - full jor part time, will train.312/438-2796: Ansll Art. PART TIME TEACHER need ed, hours: 2to6p.m.Call: Tom Thumb Day Care Center 312/426-9505 Inos for Machine Operator? Good Pay/Company Benefits. Staple Center, Harvard. 815/943-7446. 24 Help Wanted WANTED: lead singer for rock band. Types of music: Scor­ pions, Def Leppard, etc. Ask tor Frank 815/385-7692 or 815/728-1802 ' HOME FURNISHINGS SALESPERSON For country & traditional custom designer home fur­ nishings galleries. Must have sales & decorator experience. Part-time & weekends. Guarantee & commission. Old Volo Country Store. Call Gill Grams for appointment, 815/385-3896. WAREHOUSE Ambitious, conscientious self- starter not afraid to work. Keep warehouse neat & orderly. Prepare & Inspect home fur­ nishings for delivery. Loading & unloading. Full time, Monday Friday. Old Volo. Call Kevin for appointment, 815/385- 3896. GENERAL OFFICE Entry Level Our rapid expansion has created this opportunity for a talented individual to assume General Office duties in our Purchasing Dept. Responsibilities in­ clude placing and ex­ pediting purchase orders, calculating reports, filing and lite typing. Good figure aptitude is required. We offer a competitive starting salary, excellent benefits and a congenial work environment. Please Call or Apply In Person Personnel Department 312/639-2102 ACCUTRONICS 225 N. First St. Cary E.O.E M/F DIRECT SALES. People need­ ed, earn $300 to $500 per week or more. Residential Energy Management Systems. Direct Sales experience helpful but not necessary. 815/728-0441. WHAT'S NEW FROM AVON? NOW, EARN LIKE NEVER BEFORE. Your time and ef­ fort, and Avon's world famous products, give you unlimited in­ come potential...without a large financial investment. Call Avon today: 815/459 5757. DEMONSTRATORS NEEDED To demonstrate nationally known products. Weekend work, local area, must have own transportation. Call 9 am 2 pm. »312/823-1575» RECEPTIONIST/ Secretary, dependable, work well under pressure, type fast & accurate­ ly. Heavy phone. Send resume to P.O. Box 358, Crystal Lake II.600U, Attn: Julie. DESIGN ENGINEER High Tech leader in automa­ tion assembly equipment tor the electronics industry seeks experienced design engineer to establish and manage de­ sign/prototype shop. Must have experience in au­ tomated and semi-automatic small parts material- han­ dling/assembly. Qualified parties should contact: C. Shields THE SHIELDS CORPORATION 815/455-2611 MACHINE BUILDERS/TECHNICIAN Knowledge of cams, drive „ compo­ nents, linkage and timing. Ability to trouble-shoot & Repair mechanical packaging machinery. Full benefits, competitive salary. Call for appointment. NIMCO CORPORTATION Crystal Lake, Illinois 815/459-4200 LOAN SECRETARY We are looking for a mature experi­ enced secretary who can handle res­ ponsibility. This person must have typing skills and the ablilty to work with people. Good working condi­ tions and benefits. APPLY IN PERSON WITH RESUME First National Bank of I rv*<*l 1 .. irrr>- 265 Virginia St. Crystal Lake. FULLTIME TELLER Applicant should have typing skills and be able to work wall with the public. No experience necessary. PleaieCaM For An Appointment 815/455-3616 CARDUNAL SAVINGS & LOAN 7910 Route 14 Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 EARN MONEY working after school, Thursday & Frlday-5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. & Sat. morn­ ings In Carpentersville area. Call Linda 312/42M055. EXPERIENCED COOKS Breakfast & dinner. Night Waitress, Mon. thru Fri. Apply in person, between 12 noon and 9 prfl, Reese's Restaurant, 205 S. M^in, Algonquin. No phone calls, please. ° DEPENDABLE HELP Needed at amusement center at Spring Hill Mall. Part time, eves. & wk-ends. $3.75/hr. Must be bon- dable. 312/428-9008. E X P E R I E N C E D waitress/Bartender, day« & eves. Apply in person R. T. Dees, 88 Railroad St., Crystal Lake, 815/455 4466. AUTOSALES Potential earnings of 135,000 selling new & used cars. Experience prefer­ red, but will train qualified person. Benefits include f r e e a u t o m o b i l e & hospitalization. Call Mr. Sullivan VIKING DODGE Crystal Lake, II 815/459-8000 MONTGOMERY WARD Needs one full time mechanic, & two part time tire mounters. Apply In person, Mon. - Fri., 10 amto4pm. 105 NORTHWEST HWY. Crystal Lake, Illinois Equal Opportunity Employer NIGHT PIZZA MAN Experienced Call 312/639-7800 W E E K - E N D S A L E S Secretary. Position requires so­ meone with a pleasant smile and personality to greet the public, along with a proficiency for typing. Salary commen­ surate with experience. Con­ tact Steve Crnkovich, 815/459- 1855. Baird & Warner Inc. SALES MANAGER. Growing realty firm seeks result- oriented motivator, willing to recruit, train and develop peo­ ple. Realty background desirable but not a must. Good compensation. Call Mr. Kaplan at 312/639-2000. HOUSEKEEPER, part time, every weekend and on call. Ap- Ky in person: Woodstock esidence. 309 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, IL. ; , AUTOMATIC SCREWMACHINE -- DAVENPORT - LEADMAN Quality manufacturer looking for experienced set up and trou­ ble shooter, or set up operator. Top dollar paid to qualified in­ dividual. V Call Collect 312/459-7767 Wheeling EXPERIENCED Spot Welder. Apply between 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Keystone Metal Products, 11916 Maple Ave., Rt. 173, Hebron, IL NEEDED NOW: Secretaries - General office. Working World, 815/455-4490. Secretary/Receptionist Full time for well organized person to do typing, filing, phone work and greeting peo­ ple, in a model home located in Carv. Send resume to: Oak Ridge Investment Group Suite 200800 S. Northwest Hwy. Barrington, IL. 60010 FULLTIME MAINTENANCE MAN At least 2 years experience in electrical and hydraulic repair a must. All inquiries, contact: Richco Plastic Co. 1000 Northfield Ave. Harvard, IL. 815/943-6487 • CERTIFIED NURSES Aides & Orderlies, All Shifts available. Apply in person, Monday thru Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Olivette Nursing Home, 355 Raymond St., Elgin. Part-Time Supervisor Supervisor needed from 1 am-6 am, Mon­ day through Saturday for Chicago Tribune Distric Office in Mc­ Henry. Person filling this position must be reliable and be able to manage time efficient­ ly. Call Chicago Tribune Service at 385-3643 Monday through Satur­ day from 6 am until noon for appointment.

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