J.*.* .-Â K̂ î W '* • ̂ v*v • $•#<> Vs-t^ *V ' t™i?>* *̂tf* • -̂ JfcViV i ̂ k̂ AA\M£ ateiv. a ..xc i -. yk^2^ ̂.L ̂ MCP*1̂ >ac'. 35 w ? xwr'~, a-' ' jiip-j ( *i >-i r - . i . § 53 Spy • * 13 1 * !£< f /* f; * îi*r*'] v-.-y 'f; ;< I"' ̂ f> J Why you need the PROTECTION PLUS Hospital Plan It's a well-known fact that the cost of hospital care continues to climb at an alarming rate. That's why most of us carry some form of health insurance--whether it be a group policy, mjyor medical coverage or even Medicare--to share in the cost of a hospital stay. But have you stopped to consider that as hos pital charges go up, so does yonr share of the bill? Most health policies pay only 80% of your hos pital bill--and in years past, that may have been enough. But today, with the average cost of a trip to the hospital reaching over $2,100.00*, your share could be difficult to handle. If you were just returning home from the hos pital, would you be able to write a check for you share of the bill? If not, would you have to tak( money out of your savings? Or worse yet, woulc you have to look for help? That's why we've designed the all-new PRO TECTION PLUS Hospital Plan. The cash benefits you collect could mean the difference between getting through a financial crisis and having to look to your savings or elsewhere for help. That's why we say; We're here when you need us. ' American Hospital Association fcStkJl; @QA*CSL JfrtbvO duĥ w+colf (W&'d stikt. /(&4*aJI<Y Physicians Mutual Insurance Company Omaha, Nebraska 1 r- Gentlemen: During the late afternoon hours of Monday, March 15, I mailed you a claim for my wife's hospitalization from mid-January to early February. Yesterday afternoon our postman delivered a Physicians Mutual Insurance Company letter to our house. Coming this soon after my claim had been mailed, I assumed that your letter was a request for some additional information concerning my wife's chronic illness, and her latest hospitalization. However, when I opened the envelope, I was amazed to find it contained your claim settlement check, dated March 17! ' Considering the time normally required for mail to travel between Texas and Nebraska, your claim settlement actions must have been accomplished the very same day my claim was received in your office! Although I have become accustomed to your usual prompt claims settlements, I would like everyone involved in processing this particular cla^n to know they have established a new record for "3peedy settlements" for which Physicians Mutual Insurance Company can be proud. God Bless All! Sincerely, Lewis C. Williams, Jr. ; t 'm 7X ,•>* , •<«* y 7SCT»»-.5K r v-w ••>*4?* - ••<ar.w5»r tr~ m• . . I. - v . , / i j . , . .