Waste advisory committee views recovery rate ideas SECTION 2 - PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY The McHenry County Board's Waste Advisory Committee held its last meeting Monday, Feb. 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the McHenry County Courthouse. The agenda included sub-committee reports, planning trips to visit innovative solid waste facilities, and discussion of the legal authority of the county in waste management. Some of the members of this committee are collecting data on materials presently being diverted from the solid waste stream in McHenry County through various forms of recovery. These figures are being compared to national and worldwide figures. Ideas for methods of incresing the recovery rate in this county are being explored. Other committee members are gathering waste generation figures for the county. Plans also are being formed to visit various alternative solid waste systems in use in other com munities, including a refuse derived fuel plant and a modular incineration system. A Washington based research group, the World Watch In stitute, has discovered that throwing away just one DEER SEASON Illinois deer hunters took a record 27,252 deer during the 1983 firearm season, according to Forrest Loomis, forest game biologist for the Department of Conservation. During the season, hunters recorded a 33.3 percent success ratio. aluminum can wastes as much energy as filling the can half full of gasoline and then pouring it on the ground. A committee member said not only is throwing away reusable material wasteful of energy and resources, but it is an un necessary use of landfill space. Waste advisory committee members feel that space should be reserved for no-recyclable and non-reusable materials, thus lengthening the life of any landfill. By minimizing the amount disposed in landfills, more attention could be devoted to solving other waste problems, including the detoxificaion of landfillwastes. The Estimated 1984 population of McHenry County is just over 161,000 people. County staff members estimate that the amount of waste generated daily by each of these people is 4% pounds. This includes each individual's share of com mercial, industrial, and residental waste. Translated, this means that in 1984 over 132,000 tons of waste will likely be generated in McHenry County. It also is estimated that if current rates of recovery are maintained, 4,550 tons of this will be recycled through the various programs now in existance. This means that groups and businesses in McHenry County will recycle just under 3% percent of the wastes being generated within its boundaries, a significant figure considering that no curbside recycling program exists. Curbside programs are most convenient and, therefore, generaly have the best par ticipation rates. With the emphasis on recycling in Crystal Lake, McHenry, and Woodstock, these towns are reclaiming between six and seven and one-third percent of the solid ̂ wastes. Although this is about double the county average, even these communities have a long way to go before they reach the 20-25 RACING PROFITS Illinois' combined horse-racing programs are leading the nation in terms of dollars returned to the participants. The Standardbred Breeders Fund Program set the national record in pari-mutuel purses paid, and also set the top mark in g r o s s p u r s e distribution at a state fair. The Thoroughbred Breeders Fund r a n k s f i r s t nationally in total awards distribution. T h e I l l i n o i s Department of Agr icul ture i s responsible for administering the two programs. percent recycling rate that is regularly achieved in other communities in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world, a committee spokesman ex plained. The study committee welcomes suggestions from the public, which may be submitted in writing to Richard Wissell, McHenry County Courthouse, 2200 N.o, Seminary, Woodstock, 111., 60098. ' Visitors are en couraged to attend study committee meetings. general ^•|ycMcioi News Install new associate judge Feb. 16: An installation ceremony is planned for the recently ap pointed associate judge, Ward S. Arnold, who will fill a hewly authorized judicial position in McHenry County. The ceremony will take place at the McHenry County Courthouse, Court Room No. 305, Thursday, Feb. 16 at about 3 p.m. Peforming the oath of office will be Chief Circuit Judge Jack Hoogasian. The ceremony will be followed by a coffee and cake reception. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE nMcHenry « «sinc i8?5 aindealer Th« McHvriry PlaindcaUr 3*12 W. Elm StrMt, McHvnry, II. 60050 McHenry County • 1 YEAR - $19.00 • 6 MONTHS -$10.00 Outside McHenry County • 1 YEAR - $27.00 • 6 MONTHS $16.50 Name. Address City _State_ Zip SALE Early American BY Clayton Marcus Colonial coordinates with deep cushion seating. Upholstered arms, exposed wood ac cents. long wearing fabric, button tufted backs. Superior qualitly at a special price. Double cone coil springs hand-tied 8 way for permanent comfort. 20% OFF ALL SPECIAL ORDERS SO*3 Reg. From *866 *692 Low Seat. Reg. From *686.... *548 Companion Chair Reg From »466. . . . *372 Ottoman Reg. From M37.. . . *109 Strode's Colonial Vermont Furniture MAIN ST. HUNTLEY. ILL. 13121669-3500 Only » Miles West ol Spring Hill Mall STOREWIDE SALE NOW IN PROGRESS Regular Store Hours: Sunday 12 to 5 Tue. thru Sat 9 to 5 Fri. 9 to 9. Closed Mon. 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