PACE l- PLAPiDBALER - WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY IS. News and Views rotection for elderly faces assembly Viewing pay comparability Bam much should w* be earning, we people in the business world? On first reading It sounds like * quf itlon that might provide lor only a few friendly The reality is that it is blood prt ana ti to rise the backers of new legislation and thoae who oppose it M usin' &, anderin BY KAF The legislatioo calls for the fnlaMifitMnpnt within the U.S. Department of Labor of a national "pay comparability' panel, board, or office, modeled after the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Members would be charged with determining bow much a certain job is worth; whether painters, for example, should be paid more than secretaries, or wnetner nurses are worth more or less to society than zoo keepers. The "equal pay for com parable work" was given a boost by a recent federal court decision which ordered p^xgnnlgp fm 95<P SPOnS 1 Spectacular m sc. SUPER BOWL • OLYMPICS -SEE THE ACTION BETTER ON A ZENITH! \ NOW 278 nsnKM ̂ Model 21310 A/PT • Reliable Z-1 Chassis-100% modular design • Tri-Focus Picture Tube-- for outstanding picture sharpness • Dependable iOO*o modular Z-i Chassij, • Zenitt> Chromasharp 90 P»clure Tube • Super Video Range Tuning wrtfi Rerma - Set Fine -Tuning control SAVtHOW! COLOR TV ONLY $299 X COLOR TV now $493 Computer Space Command 2400 Remote Control Mobet SZ1927W • Electronic Keyboard Tuning comptrter-ooertf accuracy • 157 cnanne< capability mcJudmg 101 CaO*e TV channels* • Cnromasnarp 90 Picture TuOe »or outstanding sharpness • Dependable 100% modular 2-1 Cnassis ! Serving the McHenry Area For Over 50 Years. CAREY APPLIANCE SALES ft SERVICE 1241 N. Green Street M5-5500 Washington State to inreaae the pay of some 15,000 state em ployees. mostly women. Backers of the proprosed legislation are taking a strong stand in favor of something they feel is fair sod perhaps wOl give women a better chance for a share of the work dollars to be paid. Opponents argue that this is not a feminist issue. They warn that it is a two-edged economic sword. If the government or courts assume power to determine the "worth" of various jobs, they say. it is by no means certain they will decide you're being paid too little. Maybe, they corteud. you could find you're being paid more than the bureaucrats say your job is worth Ibey point to the dangers of economic regimentation, higher tax burdens and less freedom for all. Proponents bebeve the price tag is not too high for the equality that would emerge from passage of the legislation. Of one thing we are certain. This is something new under the sun - something that will be watched with interest by a growing number of people It is sure to be an issue that sends phone calls and letters to the Capitol. As the number of eMetly in Illinois has increased, so has the public concern about elder abuse. In far too many Distances elderly family members are abused physically, mentally or financially. The state's Domestic Violence Act, which allows for protection of abuse victims and the prosecution or counseling of abusers, provides a base from which to work, but a new emergency proposal now before the legislature would give the elderly more effective protection from abuse. The proposed Elder Abuse Act outlines guidelines for the reporting, investigation and evaluation of elder abuse cases. The legislation also details procedures for protecting the elderly from abuse. Hie Domestic Violence Act does include the elderly tmder its provisions, but it is Ahngn»H primarily for the abused spouse. As a resiit, it aeon* the wtnen a trail eftoerty on is Also, for enforcement nltimalely lies with the victim Victims who dont testify against the are left without legal Springfield REPORT Under provisions of the Elder Abuse Act, specific gniripHnrs would be spelled out for the reporting of abuse cases. Doctors, social workers, nurses, nursing home employees and others would have direct contact with the elderly person would be encouraged to report cases of Helping '84 election campaign By simply placing a check mark in the appropriate block on the federal income tax form, taxpayers may participate in finanring the 1984 presidential election campaign, the Internal Revenue Service said. The fund was established by Congress to support public financing of presidential election campaigns, according to the ms A taxpayer wishing to designate $1 of his or her tax money to the fund should mark the "yes" block on the form On a joint return both taxpayers may choose separately to ripgigm»t» or decline to designate to the fund. If one or both decline, the "no" box should be checked. Designating $1 of tax money to the fund does not increase a taxpayers bill nor decrease a refund, the IRS noted. Hie "yes" designation does not mean that the $1 qualifies as a political contribution for a tax credit, according to the IRS. Seek to exempt S.S. benefits McHenry, IL State Rep. Dick Klemm has introduced a measure to help relieve the impact of a new federal law that requires recipients of Social Security benefits to include those benefits as part of their income for tax purposes. Klemm's measure exempts Social Security benefits from inclusion under Illinois' State Income Tax regulations. January of 1905. all recipients of Social Security will be required to pay income taxes on their benefits." Klemm said.' "Unfortunately, most of the people who receive Social DIRECTORY JACK WALSH. AGENT EARL R. WALSH. BROKER INSURANCE & BONDS KUAMJ COMPAMO »«* B«V »11W McHENRY COUNTY OFFICE MACHINES urn temcit tmm W 9-%-J n ow w DENNIS CONWAY WTO 1*1 State Farm Ins. Co. m o w F W i f c c H w , m MS 7111 DR. LEONARD BOTTARI W MMM . JM-4IH m mmi J AMES M. McINTEE, LAWYER a v Aft ah f to PtAcnci m TrWl ktnmC^nki 1.11, Wertew • Cl»ll fx < • *»>• McHENRY DENTAL CENTER DR. C.J. LUDFORD DR. KEVIN WEGRZYN om 1 MMNCt A «W UNTIMirAIMT form Equipment GEORGE P. FREUND. INC. 4 i « w C'rind . M mcHmi IM mUM IM Mi*717 llRELlI KAOtAi ran to* ALL CARS EUROPA MOTORS, INC. I) l« It* IM MrtWy •IS-] koe. Peraon who reported potential abuse situations 'in good faith" would be Immune from prosecution After receiving the report of a poariWe abuse situation, the regional Area Agency on Aging would investigate to determine whether protective service* were necewary. Each Area. Agency on 'Aging would be required to " establish a protective services unit, and In cases where protection was necessary, the agency would provide appropriate "case management services and client • <|• mg. „an.f »f advocacy. This new proposal would allow the Area Agencies on Aging to nrmfcp the *»!««« agflimrf the abuser and appear in court to the This relieves the elderly victim of the responsibility for enforcing the protective service. The bill is expected to be amended to provide the estaliiMMiient of rider abuse programs in two or three "pilot" areas. The pilot programs will give lawmakers valuable In formation about the ad ministration of such a program. For instance, In one pilot area professionals such as doctors, social workers and nurses will be required to report cases of elder abuse, and in another pilot area, this reporting will be encouraged, but not mandatory. Other variables wffl also be introduced in the pilot areas to help determine the best means of implementing the elder abuse program. After the successful com pletion of the pilot program, implementation on a statewide basis wfll be easier. The intent of this legislation is to provide further, more effective protection for the elderly, and, "To ensure that the rights of our ever-increasing elderly population are protec ted." Security are on fixed incomes. Hie last thing they need is to have to pay taxes on their Social Security." "Social Security recipients paid into the fund when they were working, and taxes were assessed on those con tributions." Klemm said. "Now, when recipients are getting benefits from the fund, they will have to be paying taxes on it again. That's a form of double taxation." "As a state legislator. I can't affect the federal law. but I can work to reduce its impact in Illinois," Ktemm said. Your Legislators State Senator Jack Schaffer (R), 32nd. 56 N. Williams St Crystal Lake, HI., 60014 Phone: 455-0309 Springfield Phone: 217 782-6525 State Representatives Dick Klemm (R), 63rd. 3 W. Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake, HL, 60014 Phone: 455-6330 0-2 Stratton Bldg. UL, 62706 217 782-8000 Ronald Wait (R), 64th 110 E. Second St Belvidere, DL, 61008 UA Representative Philip M. Crane (R), 12th 1450 New Wilke Rd. Mount Prospect, QL, 60005 Phone: 312 394-0790 U A Alan J. Dixon (R) 230 S. Dearborn Room 3960 Chicago, QL, 60604 Phone: 312 353-5420 600 E. Monroe Room 108 QL, 62706 217 4924126 United States Senate Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C., 20510 Charles H. Percy (R) 230 S. Dearborn Room 3892 Chicago, UL, 60604 Phone: 312 3534962 ME. Monroe Room 117 Springfield, UL, 62706 Phone: 217 492-4442 United States Senate Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C., 20510 House of House Office Bldg. Washington, D C. 20515 McHenry County Office 56 N. William Street Crystal Lake, HDL, 60014 Phone: 459-3399 vtl n m McHenry.. fsmirs lamdealer McHenry Herald (USPS 335 200) Established 1875 3812 Wes» fclm Street Phone 815 38S 0170 McHenry. Illinois60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday of McHenry Illinois Second Class Postage PAID at McHenry. Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTER Send address chonges to McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry Illinois 60050 Subscribers ore requested to provide immediate notice ol change ol address to the McHenry Ptoindeoler, 3812 W. Elm St.. McHenry III 60050. A deduction ol one month from the expiration of a subscription will be mode where a change of oddress is provided through the Post Office department. Thomas C. 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ION JO:/5 5-8660 - . j ' 5 :.i~ ' - - 3 0 c T w e e k >t.y r«»c 3^ tederat a<?.t<nmem arc n&i trown *+iere •c rJst~ And 'jw 3V?' v •e<€f'a5 D* aefsora *t>0 *ei oc* Mr' tnow to f«tc" Ten «>ec««;s at the CWe' » NATIONAL RUN AWAY SUI rCHBOARD Illinoi; Pho^«:800-972-6004 ifv cor.^KJe^ Tia1 corwsatons or p»o«ems run i^a» ch*>en.l MOVING HOTLINE Phone 800-424-9213 'io^wtrn at»jt mtefstate mc-mr*) &, corf'wraes Doses v vans. Soon sofec t>» tniefs'ate townerce commisKjn STATE CHAMBER GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS HOTLINE 217-522-5514 BIRTHRIGHT Pfegnar-' NeeS Help7 Counseimq Sefrt^ 385-2999 24 hour Ans*enng ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES 2 4-Hours Ct*k! Abuse Hciiine TOLL FREE: 800-252-2878 CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISION 800-638-2666 ' Opefates t*e Ta'on» fcnes A.rtswers «ouiries about or recoiling on the sa<?'» o* ;-:-ojck kuchen aspterces to cfukJren's toys I NATIONAL SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING INFORMATION CENTER 800-523-2929 POBci 1607 %»«#e. Md 20850 Dspenses -nto- -laior- or. srsterts tor heating and cooling to anyone *0"' a'cfwuts to w* iookng tor a sun powered hot watei sys ter> YOUTH SERV ICE BUREAU FOR McHENRY COUNTY 4719 W Elm St M:Henr> Phone: 344-3240 24 fws Crs«s lntervem«ry" and Contdertai Caunseimg tot youth and NATIONAL HIGHW AY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION Phone 800-424-9393 (Answers questions about sutonrabie satetv detects o> whether a particular r-vj<»: nas w beer recaled VaiuaWe »or t^ose nteiesed m buymg a used MENTAL HEALTH 1-800-892-6900 Crisis Center Lne tor McHenr* Co 24 hour Emergency number and professional staf wit answer your ca* Sponsor rig agency McHenry County Comprer>ensi»e Mental Heatttt Servce System NATIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH ASSOCIATION. Pest Qttce Box 17400. Washington 0 C 20041 Pbooe< 703)471-0404 CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION 312-793-3580 Chicago. II ILLINOIS STATE CHAMBER HOTLINE Phone:217-522-5514 Answer ui uut&iuns oil uuve< nmeoi leoutatmns McHENRY COUNTY CETA OUTREACH CENTER 6B6 Russel Ct Woodstock. II60098 Phone(8l 5)338-7100 Job I taming Ottered McHENRY COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THF. RETARDED Hobeit li lamboutn. Executive [lirectw Phone:344-1230 AI.COIK)LICS ANONYMOUS (815)455-1311 McHENRY COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL 800 892-3272 Monday thiough Inday 8 ,10am to4 30pm PRAIRIE STATE LEGAL SERVICES. INC. 800 942-3940 free legal mpimentation Vi civil cases to low income persons landtord tenant disputes domestic violence 01 impi oper denial ot benehts surti as Social Security. IHibl* Aid. food Stamps General Assistance & Unem ployment Insurance SUPPORT GROUP F^OR MEN WHO BATTER M e e t s e v e r y I h u t s d a y 6 7 p m lot information call 338-8000 COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS McHenry County Chaptet Itor beieaved paientsi Call W5-5732