Abundance of pets for adoption at shelter FAG^^^LAINUEALtlj^^HllJA^^EBRlJAFn^ u t 1»M All pet adoptions must be validated by the signing 0f a contract along with the adoption fee which includes the cost of spay or neuter surgery from a vet of HP's choice, or, a deduction from the cost of the surgery if done by a vet of your choice. When adopting a pet through Helping Paws, please keep name, address, and phone number of the person from whom you adopted pet. Make the check for the adoption fee payable to Helping Paws. ADOPT DOGS Shepherd-Collie, 5-month, black-brown female, shots, housebroken, 459-6813. Poodle mix young adiiR, black curly male, 338-2763 after 7 p.m. Eskimo-Sheltie mix 10-month female, short hair, shots, older children, 815-678-4297. Samoyed mix 8-month, white female, housebroken, 338-3228. Husky-German Shorthair puppies, 3-months-old, 815-943- Labrador mix, 2-year, gold- white male, housebroken, 459- Irish Setter 2-year male, shots, housebroken, neutered, 459-0057. Manchester Terrier-Labrador puppies, &-weeks-old, 344-0199. St Bernard, small size, 2-year female, long hair, shots, 312-576- 6859. Labrador black, 6-month female, 338-6764 after 4:30 p.m. Border Collie 4-year tri-color male, housebroken, 312-526-2860. Dachshund mix, 3-month female, 312-639-4345. Cocker Spaniel, 2-year male, shots, 338-6226. Siberian Husky mix, 1-year blonde female, shots, 338-7646. English Pointer, 4-year female, shots, housebroken, spayed, 338-2344. Terrier-Toy Pinscher, 1-year female, shots, housebroken, 815- 943-4004. Large Poodle type mix, 4- year, black with white, short hair female, shots, spayed, housebroken, 455-5679. Labrador-Shepherd puppies, 9-weeks, 459-8264. German Shepherd mix, 1- year, female, housebroken, 344- 3582. EDB use is debated The recent debate over use of the chemical EDB (ethylene dibromide) has left many consumers wondering if the grain products they have stored on their shelves are safe to use. According to University of Illinois Extension Home Economist Nancy Moore, amounts of the chemical in the food supply - even in those products found to have higher- than-recommended levels - are too small to do any immediate damage to those who ingest them, and long-term effects are not known. "The EPA has recommended that grain products that will be further cooked in the home have a maximum permitted level of 150 parts per billion (ppb) and that ready-to-eat foods only be allowed 30 ppb, Moore said. The difference between the two levels can be attributed to the fact that normal mixing and cooking procedures destroy about 98 percent of the EDB present in the dry mix, she said. "That means that the pan cakes made from a mix that had 100 ppb EDB would wind up with only 2 ppb of the chemical after the mix is combined with milk and egg and cooked." The maximum allowable amounts of EDB in ready-to-eat baked goods are only 30 ppb because in most cases they will not be cooked again before they are eaten. "It's hard to even imagine how small two parts per billion really is. But to put it into everyday terms, it is the equivalent of two kernels of corn in 7,400 bushels of grain." According to Ms. Moore, there are no research data that conclusively link the con troversial pesticide with cancer in humans. "Most research on food safety is done by feeding laboratory rats or mice ex ceptionally large doses of a particular substance. The doses that the animals ingest are usually completely beyond what any human would consume in a day or even a lifetime of eating. But that's the best we have to go on, and in this case the ex tremely large doses have been shown to cause cancer in some of the rats tested." Since the EDB debate sur faced recently, some con sumers have been wondering why there seems to have been such an increase in the amount of EDB in food in recent years. Part of the answer may lie in the more efficient movement of foodstuffs from farm to market, Moore said. "EDB decomposes naturally over the course of time. Some of the grains that now have high levels of the chemical are being put in storage for three months. By the end of that time, enough of the EDB will be gone so that the grain will be safe to use. "In the past, this natural decomposition was counted on to occur during storage, tran sportation and milling of the grain. Now, however, as these processes take less time due to increased mechanization and automation at the processing plants, there is less time for that decomposition to occur. Therefore, more of the sub stance is present when the final product reaches the consumer." Ms. Moore said she does not expect to see many empty shelves at the supermarket as a result of the EPA's recom mendations. Only about 1 percent of all the wheat-based products and about 7 percent of the corn-based products currently on the shelves will have EDB concentrations greater than the new limits. Here in Illinois, since Gov. Thompson asked for spot-checks of supermarket products to determine what levels are present, only one lot of each of two products has been found to exceed the recommended levels. These products, one brand of pancake mix and one brand of rice, are being removed form grocers' shelves. The analysis of other products continues and if any other products are found to exceed the limit, they also will be removed, Moore said. Helping PAWS ADOPT CATS Grey-white tabby 4-year male, shots, neutered, 455-0552 after 5:30 p.m. White semi-long hair, 1-year male, shots, neutered, declawed, deaf, 459-2677. Grey short hair 6% -month male, 312-658-4457. Smoke blue tabby, semi-long hair, 11-month male, shots, 459- 2677. Tortoise short hair, 3% -year female, shots, spayed, declawed, 385-1386. Gineer strioe, 1-vear short hair female, 459-7816. Orange-white 1-year short hair female, shots, 312-497-4638. Persian mix grey young adult male, 312-639-1407. While with Diack 3-year short hair female, shots, spayed, 455- 1242. Persian 9-year smoke grey female, shots, 344-2676. Two black short hair 15- weeks, male; female, shots, 455- 2890. Two adult: grey tiger short , hair male; grey tiger short hair female, both spayed-neutered, declawed, shots, 312-934-1750. Calico short hair, 1-year female, 344-3582. LOST DOG German Shepherd 2-year female, choke collar, Prairie Acres, Ringwood, 815-675-6371. FOUND DOGS Doberman mix young, large, black-tan male, Spring Grove, 815-675-2168. German Wirehair type young adult, large, male, grey-black spots, Royal Terrace, McHenry, 385-0342. Great Dane mix large adult female, white with black spots, green collar, Bull Valley Road and highway 31, 385-6960. FOUND CAT Orange-white-grey tabby young adult female, semi-long hair, Winding Creek, McHenry, 385-7116. Please call Animal Control when you find or lose a pet. They also have pets for adoption, 338- 7040. Information on Helping Paws lost and found and adoptions, call 459-2641. general yoi ivi ai News State makes DUI arrests Driving Under the Influence (D.U.I.) is a very serious problem on the highways of Illinois. According to Captain Richard L. Stone, district commander State Police District 2 in Elgin, "The following statistics have been compiled to let the motoring public know what is being done to curb the problem of D.U.I.". These statistics are for the area covered by the State Police in District Two in McHenry County and only en tails state police arrests for calendar years 1981, 1982, and 1983 (January - October)." "To some people," Stone continued, "this might not appear to be a great amount of arrests, but considering the lack of manpower, vacations, days off, other details, officers ill, court time, and enforcing other laws, this is a tremendous amount of work done by very dedicated officers." He closed by adding, "With our efforts in law enforcement and more public awareness about D.U.I., the number of D.U.I, drivers will ^either decrease, or we will continue to arrest drunk drivers and in crease our totals." ARRESTS: AGES: MALE FEMALE 16-20 51 7 21-30 141 11 31-40 60 11 41-50 40 2 51 & over 25 3 Post office on holiday schedule The McHenry post office will operate on a holiday schedule Monday, Feb. 20, in observance of Washington's Birthday. Postmaster LeRoy Smith said regular residential and business deliveries will not be made, and usual post office lobby services will not be available with the exception of post office box service. Delivery of certain expedited mail services will continue during the holiday weekend. These include special delivery and express mail. Mailers should call the post office at 385- 0816 for information about holiday schedules. Mail pickup from collection boxes also will be on holiday schedule, as posted on in dividual boxes, or determined by calling the post office. ME DO RENT WATER SOFTENERS BLOUSES $500 $700 g goo 4 GOOD SELECTION ALL SIZES 6 18 38-46 PANTS W0 or 2 for MO00 While Quantities Last forget This One Is Differ*nt No Eloctriclty KINETICO it tho ONLY automatic wator conditioner that uso* no oloctricity! A turbino wator motor doo* it all! Unitod Statoi Patent No.2891552 Twin Softening Tanks All othor homo wator conditioner* have only one softening tank I KINETICO'S twin tanks alternate so you ore never without soft water. An EXCLUSIVE benefit that is impossible with single tank systems. everything you know about water conditioners. WHY? Ten odvfnttf*! 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Johns burg" McHenry. 11.60050 Service On All Mokes •15-3S5-3093' 24 Hours Get to Know Kinetico- HUIMANN WATER CONMTMMINt Div. of Huemann Water Mgt.. Inc. SERVING NORTHERN ILLINOIS FOR OVER 20 YEARS Free Water Test A Rental Rates On Request McHINRY 'EMTABLE I ' Open Weeknites 9-9 pm Saturday 9-8 pm Sunday (Store) 9-7 pm Sunday (Pharmacy) 9-3 pm We reserve the right to limit quanti ties. Prices in effect while quantities I last. PHARMACY (815)385-4426 1327 Riverside Drive McHenry, IL Sh«w Free Pr»n Rrop«pw Croup \ R E I P t f t s C R i P I l u N [ ' I I I v / r K ' T S i R v > ( f M Q T j . I h k l l SALE Early American BY Clayton Marcus la Your Nom m AVOW Home IY FICK 385-2336 CHUCK LEWANDOWSKI 385-2304 1308 N.PARK McHFNRY wn mm ttamis mam uh SUIIJtl fhn/iCI Ullll+m ^ P l j o t o t i r u s h i n g FREE RSI F e b 1 5 T H R U F e b 1 9 TOM CHOKt _ MOO REBATE PROGRAM USS HUM) 1.00 «T C0S1 iFTEl KFM0 '0.00 20ft 15 it 10 d 1 ct Mull in Sl«n SAVE ON TWIN PACKS 'Sh NATURE MADE 099 VITAMIN E-400IU J it- .* Arm * Hammer i Detergent !pj.29 UFEBUOY UW:*>K /00c iCOTTIES Facial Tissue* r A C Arm & Hammer BAKING SODA ' * 3 / $1 CANFIELDS - Ktebler Cookies UKJQ< W _ ^ 79c MHKtl CMS-1) • mtmmm- \ ? j • earns-n •> •WHIM MADE jjfig VITAMIN C-SOO IK L 7T. JOSEPH BABY ASPIRIN LUDEN'S Cough Drops 59! SCOT BATHROOM TISSUE ^0 S.ns SKIPPY PEANUT BUTTER 1 39 reamy •• Colonial coordinates with deep cushion seating. Upholstered arms, exposed wood ac- . cents. Long wearing fabric, button tufted backs. Superior qualitly at a special price. Double cone coil springs hand-tied 8 way for permanent comfort. 20% OFF ALL SPECIAL ORDERS Sof3 Reg. From *866.... *692 love Seat Reg. From *686 ... s548 Companion Chair Reg. From *466 *372 [jf ST. Iri A: JOSEPH^ f f A S P I R I N YJ »oe CNUOOI Arm & Hammer^ DOVE Carpet Deodorizer Dishwashing Liquid c ifccA 21 oz Ottoman. Reg. From *137 *109 Strode's Colonial Vermont Furniture MAIN ST. HUNTLEY, ILL. (3121669-3500 Only 8 Miles West of Spring Hill Mall ST0REWIDE SALE NOW IN PROGRESS coMre^eji COMTREX " WM• Tabs ?4 s KSk Caps 6 s CHUBS BABY WIPES 1 9 9 SUck MENNEN Sf«e4 Stick DccfcrMt 1 3 9 CREMACOAT Couth Medicine / 2™ [1 u u (1 , • AFFINITY Shampoo l59 ALLEREST SUMS tm Forimla PREMESYN PMS r fremmitnul HWOKJTW ^ 9 9 DULCOLAX! Liutive Grape Jelly *our ' Choice AFRIN Nasal Spray IH2-. >239 o DRIXORAL SA 239 M Regular Store Hours Sunday 12 to 5 Tue. thru Sat 9 to 5 Fri. 9 to 9. Closed Mon. RC, RC 100 & DIET RITE 8-16 OZ. BOTTLES OLD MILWAUKEE 12 PACK CANS 6IAC0BAZZI 7S0 ML 6