PaGE 16 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, |FEBRUARY 1984 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted EARN WHAT YOU ARE WORTH We are Interviewing both licensed and non-licensed In dividuals for a profitable career In real estate. Extensive training available. Classes start soon. Call Don Wolf: ERA Wolf & Associates 312/639-5574 5 AND FREEDOM program, earn $100 to $1000, no Invest- ment, call Ted, 815/344-1656. SALESPERSON Telemarketing experience a most. Aggressive, outgoing in dividual needed for inside sales to national accounts. Salary commensurate with ex perience. Call: JIM GROSSMAN 312/658-8584 CHOOSE THE ARMY AND TAKE YOUR CHOICES. When It comes right down to it, the Army Is an Army of choices. You can choose the kind of training you want, from over 300 skills, many of them technical, many of them with civilian job applications. If you qualify, you can choose to go into certain Army skills that offer you a cash bonus for making the choice. You can choose to train in cer- tain designated places. You can even choose a European Buddy enlistment. This mean that from two to five people from the same town can train together and stay together for 12 months In Europe. You can choose a skill that en tities you to participate in the Army College fund. You can choose to enlist for on Iy two years in some skills. Check out how many choices Keen make. See your Army ruiter. Woodstock 815/338-1900 ARMY RESERVE BE ALL YOU CAN BE 24 Help Wanted SALES EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY Due to our expansion program, there is an outstanding op portunity for both men & women who wish to become part of a well paid profession selling consumer housewares. Experience in our Industry is not necessary due to our com prehensive training program. There is excellent management potential, profit sharing & in surance programs ana all of your appointments are provid ed. No cold calling; no canvass ing. Draw & commission ar rangements will be discussed at your Interview. Call 1-800/892-8802 EXPANDING Finance Com pany is now seeking career- minded individuals for our col lection department. Light traveling; salary plus ex penses. Excellent growth potentia&Call 815/338-6080 for Interview^ ~ JLulltime ( SECRETARY Woodstock location, experience preferred, good typing skills 8< pleasant telephone personality required. Send resume to SECRETARY, C/O The Daily Sentinel, PO Box 709-FE4, Woodstock, 111.60098. CARPENTER/LABORER Full Time, Experienced Call 312/639-0100 ALTERATION WOMAN for fine Dress Shop. Must be able to work on expensive clothing. Please send resume to: BOX AG J Shaw Free Press Newspapers Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 CONSTRUCTION TRADES person, experienced in new construction, remodeling & ad ditions for small local contrac tor.815/728-1555 afterSpm. NIGHT WAITRESS Apply in person at Castleview Restaurant, 412NWHWY., Fox River Grove. CHILD CARE CENTER DIRECTOR KINDER-CARE, America's first name in childcare seeks an energetic, sincere indi vidual with proven leadership, administra tive, supervisory and communication skills to manage learning center in McHenry area. Must be a selt-starter who thrives on chal lenge. Minimum requirments: 18 hrs college credit in early childhood education or closely related tield, OR 2 years daycare experience and 10 hrs college credit in early childhood- related courses. Daytime hours, benetits, room tor advancement. E.O.E. Send resume or call: KINDER-CARE ZONE OFFICER 500 Park Blvd. Itasca, IL 60143 -- 312/773-4466 Kinder Care MACHINISTS Experienced Assignments include on site machining in power plant construction and maintenance Travel required with l iberal expense allow ances paid Applicants must be available for f ield as signments Overtime available Call or send tesume to POWER CUTTING, INC. P.O. BOX 3000 1 Energy Drive Lake Bluff. IL 60044 312/680-8100 opportunity employer m t WANTED: responsible in dividual with mechanical abili ty to run night shift. Also, fac tory help needed. Dana Manufacturing. Please call for an appointment, 312/639-3431. RECEPTIONIST, part time. Saturdays & Sundays, 9 to 5. Write P. O. Box 117, Cary, IL <0013. HOUSEKEEPING Service wants responsible person w/pleasant personality. Car necessary. Good work attitude. 312/639-5180. OUTSIDE SALES person for travel agency. Commission basis. Call Chris or Norm at Cary Travel. 312/639-0595. PACKAGING and light assembly. Full and part time. Apply In person 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Braeside Plastics Cor poration, 1020 Rollins Rd. (Vj block east of Fairfield Rd.), Round Lake Heights, II. SALES REPS., part-time, multi-level. Call 312/888-8816, preferably after 10 pm. SALESMEN If you have the self-confidence to sell on a commission bases, we have the products and train ing necessary for you to earn a very rewarding income. Send resume Including phone number to T-L P, P. 0. Box 504, Crystal Lake, IL 60014. DENTAL ASSISTANT Full or Part Time Experienced preferred. 312/381-5120 SECRETARY, experience preferred, full time, Woodstock, excellent typing skills needed. Good salary & health benefits. Call 815/338- 9040. PART TIME assembly work, experience preferred. Apply in person to MAL Co., 17816 Washington St. Union, IL. Equal Opportunity Employer 24 Help Wanted THE ELGIN AREA Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee will accept applications for consideration for entrance Into T H E E L E C T R I C A L (CONSTRUCTION) APPREN TICESHIP training program for the 1984 term, from 8:30 A.M. to 12 Noon and 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. each week day, from March 22nd thru April 4th, 1984. Basic requirements 18 to 24 yrs. of age (Military Service Time Avail.), High School Graduate (noG.E.D.), lyr. Algebra. 312/888-0117 IBEW Local Union 117 400 Federation Place Elgin, IL. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE For local major fast food fran chise. Apply at Illinois Job Ser- vice, 425 Clay Street, Woodstock, IL.(Employer paid ad.) ___ SCHOOL BUS DRIVER for a.m. & p.m. routes. Starting pay, $6 per hour for 1 st year driver. Call Transportation Director at Central High, 312,464-5206, Community Dist. 301, Box 396, Burlington, IL, 60109. PART TIME receptionist for faculty offices. Mornina or late afternoon hours available. For additional information, contact the personnel office, McHenry County College, 815/455-3700. EO/AA Employer, M/F. • O F F S E T S T R I P P E R •CAMERA/CONTACT Experienced people need ed at a rapidly growing trade shop in Roiling Meadows. Full and part time positions available. H&S GRAPHICS •312/392-5050* PART-TIME DRIVER We are looking for a part-time driver available on an " as needed " basis, to make deli veries throughout surrounding area and Chi cago. Ideal position for semi-retired /retired person or others with hours available between 8 am and 5 pm. Position requires reliable transportation (mileage is reimbursed), neat appearance and the ability to deal with cus tomers in a courteous manner. Apply in per son. Lark Fisher, SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPERS 250 Williams Road Carpenteisville, IL 60110 No phone calls equal opportunity employer AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHEVEI Davenports 2nd Shift [Opportunity for individuall Iwith Davenport set-up experi-| fence. Will also consider otherl lmulti spindle background on| Brown & Sharpe. IWe offer excellent starting! [salary and benefit packagej jptease call for an appoint- •ment: _ 815-675-2321 NTERMATIC Intermatic Plaza Spring Grove, IL 60081 Equ«l Opportunity E mployar M/F COST ACCOUNTANT Expanding area manufacturer need* cost accountant. Degree, minimum 2 yrs. experience in manufacturing job cost en vironment. Salary commen surate with experience. Submit resume & salary requirements to Box A G L, Shaw/ Free Press Newspapers, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014. Equal Oportunlty Employ* I THE LEADER The new AVON. •Dramatic new earnings plan •Professional new sales training •Unlimited new growth potential . Call now: 815/459-5757 We currently have several Secretarial/Assistant positions available. A strong secretarial background is necessary for our very busy of fices in Carpentersville and Crystal Lake. Excellent typing skills a must, dictaphone a plus and good general office knowledge and. skills necessary. Send resume to: Crescent Corporation 8001 Route 31 P.O. Box 859 Crystal Lake, IL. 60014. Attention Personnel MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Potential candidates should have at least 4 years ex perience in process plant mantenance. Knowledge of QDffips, boilers, and electric Nafcuitry is desirable. Apply at CARGILL, INC. Lake Marian Rd. & Cottage Ave. Carpentersville, IL.60110 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F 24 Help Wanted IF YOU LIKE working with people and en|oy a challenge in doing a job well done, then we can help you. Immediate open ing for full time days ana se cond shift positions available. Need wlrers, solderers, and printed circuit board assemblers with some ex perience preferred. Pleasant working conditions with ex cellent company benefits. Call: RHONDA at 312/658-4525 for interview appointment. PARTTIME COACHING POSITIONS •AAen's Tennis- March 1 • May 12,1984 •Women's Tennis Aug. 24 - Nov. 10,1984 For Additional Information Contact The Personnel Office McHENRYCOUNTY COLLEGE •815/455-3700* EO/AA Employer, M/F LOCAL JANITORIAL service needs help with floor maintenance, between 4 am 8> 8 am. Call Weiler's /Maintenance 815/459-3363 between 6 pm 8i 8 pmONLY. CLEANING PERSON, niohts only apply in person Phlfiy's Sport Bar & Grille, 5016 Nor thwest Hwy, Crystal Lake, IL. RECEPTIONIST Looking for: Energetic, hard-working person. • Good pay • Pleasant working conditions • Future advancement Call: Todd Davis 312/742-5940 We are looking for sharp, responsible people to deliver the Crystal Lake Morn ing Herald in the Fox Ridge, Winding Creek, and Whispering Oaks subdivisions in McHenry Monday thru Friday mornings approximately 5:30 a.m.-7 a.m. You jnust be at least 10 years old and very dependable. Earn- money, participate in contests for prizes, $$$ and trips while learning the basics of managing your own business. To apply, call today, (815)459-4040. <#> Ft## P'9\S N**ipooe' G«ouc Crystal Lake Morning Herald MAINTENANCE ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS Brake Parts Company, a leading mannufac turer of brake replacement parts, has two positions open for Maintenance Electronic Technicians (1st and 2nd shifts) Must have two or more years of electronic maintenance experience on CNC equipment plus background in general machine mainte nance. We offer a good starting wage plus an ex ceptional benefit package. Please apply in person. ~^I_ Bwaki Pants Company CAREER SALES opportunity female/malt In local area with large insurance company. Degree, salary plus commis sion, will train. Submit resume to: Box AGH, Crystal Lake Morning Herald, P.O. Box 2S0, CrystalLake, II. 60014. PAINTER w/2-3 yrs. ex perience In Interior & exterior. Economy Pride Painting, 815/439-2686, between 6 8i 8 pm. BILLING . CLERK We have excellent full time day positions for Billing Clerks with public contact skills and previous experience in Medicare, Blue Cross, com mercial insurance and public aid. We provide a good starting salary and comprehensive benefit program. Please con tact the Personnel Department at 312/381-9600, ext. 5017. EVANGELICAL HEALTH SYSTEMS Good Shepherd Hospital 450 W. Highway 22 Barrington, IL 60010 aqual opportunity employer m/f AMBUTAL COFFEE SHOP MANAGER We are seeking a Daily Part Time Manager for the crystal Lake Ambutal Coffee Shop. Experience preferred. For In formation call after 6 p.m. Carol 815/455-2071 CRYSTAL LAKE AFFILIATE SHERMAN HOSPITAL AUXILIARY equal opportunity employer m/f 24 Help Wanted CLERICAL Entry level clerical position available. Pay starts at $4.00 an hour with the opportunity to Ad vance according to your per formance. You must be neat, organized, and able to type ac curately. Apply In person at 640 In dustrial Drive, Cary Illinois 60013 (8:00a.m. to4:30p.m.). If Care unable to apply during t hours please call Mrs. Lutz at 312/639-5658. FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS INC. ENTRY LEVEL Entry level mechanic and mail room positions available. Pay starts at $4.00 per hour with the opportunity to advance depen ding upon performance. Must be mechanically inclined. Job requires no smoking and being on your feet for 8 to 10 hours. Applications are being taken with a brief interview at 640 In dustrial Drive, Cary Illinois (weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to x4:30 p.m.). If you are unable to apply during these hours please call Mrs. Madden at 312/639 5658. FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS INC. INSIDE SALES We are increasing the size of our Inside sales/customer ser vice department. We provide an extensive training program in computer use and profes sional selling techniques. We offer competitive pay, challenging work and the op portunity to grow and advance with a successful company. If you have good typing skills and our interested in learning and dedicating yourself to a challenging career please app ly in person at our Cary head quarters at 640 Industrial Drive, Cary Illinois (weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). If it is Impossible for you to apply dur ing these hours please call Mrs. Mack at 312/639-5658. FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS INC. $36,491 That's the mi(t 1983 earning* of the account exectme* employed by our company for a full year And the top 25% of our people averaged $63,622 Interested? There's more Complete professional training, full company benefits, and management opportunities. Your successful background 6 communication skills could qualify you to join in the NATION'S largest search I recruit ing organization For professional satisfaction as unlimited as your income, please call ULatJ 312/639-1112 MANAGEMENT RECRUITERS' Of Harrington Hills |̂ 1 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, IL. 60050 (Located behind Hornsby's Shopping Center off Route 120) Equal Opportunity Employe* M F MACHINE REPAIR MECHANICS Internal promotion has created a need for highly skilled mechanics to trouble-shoot, repair and maintain high-speed assembly equipment. We would like to talk to you if you have superior trouble-shooting skills and the abil ity to identify and solve electrical, mechani cal, and pheumatic machine problems. These second and third shifts, positions will challenge your skills while offering ex cellent salary-benefits plus job security in our rapidly growing company. To apply, call or visit 312/639-2124, Ext. 212 1106 North Silver Lake Rd. Cary Illinois 60013 Equal Opportunity Employer M F WANTED: Lead vocalist for rock band. Experienced. 815/385-7692 or 815/728-1802. METAL SPINNERS, all levels of skill, pay commensurate with experience. Give us a call. East Dundee, IL 312/426-3459. COOK We have an excellent op portunity for a Cook with 1-2 years hotel, restaurant or in stitutional experience in terested In a full time 40 hour work week position. We prbvlde a good starting salary and com prehensive benefit package. Please contact the Personnel Department at 312/381-9600, ext. 5017. EVANGELICAL HEALTH SYSTEMS Good Shepherd Hospital 450 W. Highway 22 Barrington, IL 60010 equal opportunity employer m/f BILLING CLERK, CREST PHOTO LAB, ELGIN. We are currently seeking part time employment from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. - 2 or 3 evenings per week with alternating weekends. $3.60/hour to start. Excellent benefits. Apply In person only, between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. at 955 Brandt Drive, Elgin. DUNDEE TOWNSHIP PARK DISTRICT Looking for Part Time position? If SO call: 312/428-7131. Various jobs available thru the Recreation Department In cluding Program Leaders and Instructors. Ask for Jan or Rich. FARM HELP, live- in person for light yard work & maint., 4 acre hobby farm in Woodstock. You may have outside work. Lovely area, own private apt. Retirees welcome- great op portunity for the right person. Call 312/337-2900 days. R.N OR L.P.N., full or part time, 7 am to 3:30 pm. Sunset Manor, 920 North Seminary Ave., Woodstock. WAITRESS for nights. Apply at Cat Ballous, 110 North Main St., Crystal Lake. 815/459-8700. WAITRESS Si SUPERVISORS, Experienced. For second 8i third shifts. Apply in person to restaurant manager. Union 76, 1-908t U.S.20, Hampshire. COCKTAIL WAITRESSES & Bartenders. Full 8, part-time. The Competition, 312/428-7610 for appointment. LIGHT ASSEMBLY/ MACHINE OPERATOR Full time position 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Apply from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. only. ALPHA PLASTICS MFG. Tonyan Ind. Park 3905 W.Albany St. McHenry COOKS Bartenders. Ex perienced only. Chicago Avenue Saloon 8, Dining Room. 312/658-6700. WEEK-END COOK needed. Martinettl's Coffee Shop, 605 Northwest Hwy., Crystal Lake. 815/459-6130. FULL TIME Secretary/ Receptionist. Apply In person only to H.P. Nor ling Co., 7406 Virginia Rd., Crystal Lake, II- llnols. SALES POSITION Manufac turer of mowing equipment seeks an aggressive sales per son to assume full responsibili ty for sales to the commercial and industrial market. Our line is proven and thousands of units are already in use. Distributor and dealer organization established but needs to be expanded. Equip ment sales experience re quired. Send resume with salary history to Mathews Equipment Co., PO Box 70, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014. Equal Opportunity Employer EXTRA EARNINGS need 3 people who have 10 -15 flexible hours per week, depending upon time. For complete In- formatlon call. 312/6S8-7402. COOK WANTED experienced only, references. Apply at Cat Ballous, 110 North Main St., Crystal Lake, 815/459-8700. DELIVERYPERSON wanted, full time or part time. Apply in Person at Rakow's, 100-102 River St., East Dundee. 312/426 3522. DIAL-A-SERVICE •Home Maintenance •Secretarial •Tailoring •Landscaping •Plowing •Firewood •Much more A Listing of Business Services offered in McHenry County and the surrounding area. Dial •A* Service 344-4800 GARAGE DOORS Garage Door Sales Service 8i Repair Electric Door Openers APPLIANCE A-1 APPLIANCE Sales & Service New & Reconditioned Appliance Sales We Service Most Makes & Models 815/338 6335 All Work Guaranteed DRAFTING ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING Residential Designs Additions • Remodeling Kitchen 8, Bath Design REASONABLE RATES J. LARSON •815/459-0M4* DECORATING FARM SERVICE EXCEL Decorating & Papernanging All Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES •815/385-0922* KRIEGELS BADGER SERVICE John T. Krlegel 312/613-2705 Badger P & O. Humane Ritchie Vermeer Ribs tone Silos Silo Repair All Work Guaranteed 25 Years Experience In McHenry 115/305-2662 BENCH Garage Door Co. HOME IMPROVEMENT J&L HOME IMPROVEMENTS Remodeling & Room Additions Garages & Aluminum Siding Sofflt*Fascla*Gutters Roofing & Decks Low Price*ft Free Estimates Fully Guaranteed ft Insured 115/455-4226 If No Answer, Call Iiy49»-3MI, Ext. Z HANDYMAN ELECTRICAL PLUMBING DRYWALL TILE WALLPAPER PAINT KITCHENS BATHS APPLIANCE REPAIR CUSTOM FURNITURE Results Qulckl Call Dick 815/459-3888 Extension C 815/455-6353 AfterSp m. » INSULATION HAVE YOUR INSULATION CHECKED Blown in or Batt Insulation FREE ESTIMATES 815/653-6822 INSULATION ENTERPRISES ^JJ/oodeH^akeJL MOVERS LOCAL MOVING ANDHAULING' Reasonable Rates 815/385-9386 PAINTING R.T.&R. PAINTING CO. Commercial ft Residential Interior ft Exterior. Low prices. Insured Free estimates Ron 815/721-0176 PAINTING DECORATING Commercial ft Residential Custom Service at Competitive Prices! Interior Painting & Wall Papering Guaranteed Work-Quickly ft Professionally Done Ask For Roger-815/455-0190 PLUMBING GUNDERSOH PLUMBING Septic-Sewer Water Remodeling and All Repairs Power Rodding Commercial and Residential Emergency Service 115/(53-710* REMODELING QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Senior Citizen's Discount REMODELING. •Kitchen •Bath •Window & Door Replacement WE BUILD •Garages •Decks •Room Additions •Construction ot New Homes • NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL!! . WE AIM TO PLEASE •15/315-4937 312/359-4339 or Answering Service: 815/459-3181. Ext. 'Q* PHONE INSTALLATION PHONE JACKS PREWIRING REPAIR*INSTALL RESIDENTIAL SMALL BUSINESS TOMSCHROEDER 815/344-5411 RESALE SHOP VILLAGE RESALE SHOP NEEDS YOUR DONATIONS •Furnifure •Clothing •Any Re Saleable Items Tax Receipts- Evaluation Assistance REMEMBER donations of PERSONAL PROPERTY are the same as donations of cash on your state/federal income tax returns. 65 East Woodstock St. Downtown Crystal Lake 10 AM to 5 PM Mon-Sat 815/459-3401 All ProcMds Go To Th« Shtrman Hospital Auxiliary (Crystal Lake Branch) SEWING MACHINE SEWING MACHINE & VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR Household & Industrial In Home Service KEENER81SON •815/728-0672* SHOE REPAIR MORNING STAR SHOE REPAIR 105 N.Jefferson Woodstock (East of the Square) Mon., Tues., Thurs..: 9-5:30 Frl., 11-7; Sat. 9-2 Closed Wed. A Sunday UPHOLSTERY McHENRYAUTO UPHOLSTERY 1015 West Rt. 120 McHenry, Illinois Complete Auto Upholstery Special Price On Convertible Tops S250 & up Vlnvl Tops 20% OFF Top Quality Materials & Work WATER CONDITIONING Introductory Offer RENTA QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For $3.00 per month for the first 3 months Free Installation Call Collect 815/338-3344 Quality Water Conditioning WOOD RESTORATION JENSEN WOOD RESTORATION Accurate and careful restore tion of antiques, furniture and kitchen cabinets. Also chair reglueing. 815/315-4024 •815/344-2022*