PAGE 12-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY », 1984 ;;; Misc. •32 Merchandise >IREWOOD, quality seasoned, oak & hickory. $56 per face cord, delivered, 115/933-4150, after 4 pm. CONVERSATION Pit, >0 pc. never used, still boxed. 100% - 'antron nylon/oak construction. Cost: 12,300; Sell $850. Can • .deliver. 312/741-522?. MOVING SALE. Living room jMt. bedroom set, kitcnen set .iw/chalrs, riding mower, many odds A ends. 312/428-4553. BAR & STOOLS, dark oak color w/black vinyl front, 76" wide, entertainment center w/glass doors, dark oak color, 51" wide, holds large sz. TV, stereo, tape deck, recorder, record » •machine, etc. w/easy roll | ̂ casters for moving. Both in good cond., reasonable, no checks please, 815/455-5971. TOPIERS, new 8i used, from • '495 and up. Valley Office • Machines, 815/455-3050. - DINING ROOM SET table w/1 ' leaf. 2 arm & 4 straight chairs, 8500/best 312/639 8821. GREENHOUSE 8x12, tables, Theater, bricks - Complete: %900/best. Brown wool rug 9x10, "best offer. Gold & brown tweed rug 10x12.312/658 8139. "STORE WIDE Inventory Clearance Sale. Huge selection . of vanities, tops, faucets, & ac cessories, 10% to 30% off. Now through March 15, Sherman plumbing & Heating, Crystal Lake. GAS DRYER, Sears heavy du ty, good cond., $125, kitchen -table & 4 chairs, $125, Queen size water bed, complete, $125, Coffee 8i end tables, $40/ea - 815/455-6918 • BALLOON SOMEONE Anywhere in the U.S. Only $8.00. Local delivery in over 40 costumes. Fantasy Festival, •432 Virginia St., Crystal Lake, •<15/455 4910. MC/Visa. CLOWNS, CLOWNS . Crackers the Clown or Easter . Bunny. Parties, balloon del. -,815/923-HEAR. SEWING MACHINE 810 Bernina.$285. 815/459-4691, after 6 pm. Misc. 32 Merchandise USED BICYCLES All Sizes 312/669-5902 BEES and Beekeeping supplies at Webb's Beekeeping Sup plies, 1421 Prairie Ave., Rockford. Call: 815/962-6225 WATER BED, king size w/mir- rored bookcase headboard, • drawers, night chest incl., exc. cond., $1,000,312/639-6879. FREE FIREWOOD FOR THE CUTTING Weekdays 312/639-6690 WOCDBURNING STOVE cast iron. Excellent condition. S160. 815/338-2128. DRESSER 5 drawer, dark brown. $25 or best offer. 3 beds, (2 twin, 1 youth), 2 dressers (5 drawer each), corner unit $65 or best offer- 3 drawer. 2 dr. buffet, mahogany. 1920's. 60" length, $50 or best offer. 815/344-3557. CITIZENS BAND Base station, Realistic, 23channel, $150. Call 815/385-2834 LOW BAND, 2 way, radio base, 100 watt, Motorola, 2 mobile & 2 pagers, Handle Talkie, remote phone new base, antenna. 815/385 1097 aft. 5:30. MOVING SALE 5 h p. 24" Toro snowblower, $275. Desk, coffee table, metal file cabinets, armoire. 815/338- 2281,815/338-3125. Musical Heal Estate 39 Instruments 72 For Sale 72 Real Estate For Sale 72 Real Estate For Sale 33 •NAME TAGS* For your business or organiza , tion. Logos and special shapes 'available. For details, call: C.L. ENGRAVING . " 815/459-7877 TAPPAN Elec. self cleaning ^built-in oven, like new $225, ..ROPER 36" elec range with 4 " Seating elements plus grill. $100.815/568 6805 ' STEREO CABINET, 60 in. long , X 18 in. wide X 36 in. high, walnut finish, $50; occasoional chair, deep blue, $20; brass 8. walnut pole lamp, $10; ceramic pole lan-,p $20, 3 decorative mirrors, $20/all; Also other miscellaneous items alt like ,-new. Call 915/459-4646 after 5 .» pm ,-SAMPLE SHOE SALE! Ladies -'sizes 4, 5, & 6, High Fashion to . Casual Spring Styles All 50% or more OFF! The Spare Pair, "•jSi Brink St. in Downtown Crystal Lake. sEND TABLES 2, coffee table 4 •octagon lamp/tbl., all with glass tops Mediterranean Istyle. 815/344 1722, after 6 pm $350, or best METAL OFFICE Desk 8. mat ching file cabinet. Swivel chair, • telephone answering machine ' PacVige $500 Will separate. 815/459-6532. CAREPTING & PAD, wool gold 12 * 15, $60 railing heavy iron 1 pr for 3 steps, $50; 815/459-/768. ;:6" SCHWINN BiKe mans 3 spd $40. deep cycle battery 12 volts, 10 size amp, $80 Elec. - Drill press Duracrest, $100; » Duracrest belt and disc sander, $80 312/741 4092. TRAILER,tilt bed, like new, 6x8 Originally $550, asking $300/best. 815/728-1563. FREE FREEZER, large upright GE, runs good. , 312/658-3659 mornings. STRAW With some mold. Good for concrete work & landscap , ing. $l./bale, delivered 312/428 5616. EARN EXTRA income or for professional home use VON 'SCHRADER dry foam rug Shampooer $600. 815/568-6805 THREE C--Bs Rhapsody Stereo; Tack Dwell; minor tools. Call 312/426-6994. DINING RM. set, oak, table. 6 r chairs, china cabinet, extras, ' exc cond, $850. 312/658 7980. GAS RANGE, Magic Chef 30 'inch with broiler Harvest gold , Exc. cond. $75. 815/728-0161. MOVING TO THE ROCKIES, but my furniture must stay nere. Sleeper sofa, bookcases, dinette set, desk, aquarium, - twin beds. 10 spd woman's - bike, much more Call Eileen, 312/658-4379 anytime for more information 1 MICROWAVE Litton Genera ' tion II. Like new, used once $250./offer 815/385-6165. >' ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER IBM Model 12. $150 or best ot fer . 815/455 5278. MAYTAG DRYER,exc7 cond Will sacrifice must sell by March 4-$75. 815/455-0057 POOL TABLE, regulation size, ' 3/4" slate top, all accessories Incl., good cond , $350 . 312/639 * 1759 after 3 pm. TRADITIONAL BEDROOM „ set, well-made, dresser w/mir ror, chest, Queen headboard, like new $525. Call 815/344 1184 • KENMORE DISHWASHER ' Good condition Eves., 815/784 5549 Refrigerator/Freezer, frostiess, Coppertone, $80/best Kenmore 36 in. gas range, w/continuous clean * oven, g: iddle. storage for pots & pans go'd color, good condi tion, i 150/best, kitchen cabinr all wood, counfer tops " & sink oest offer Call 815/459 4305 after 5 pm SLEEPER SOFA colonial style, earth tones, queen size bed $200.312/683 3426. POOL TABLE AMF, with cues, « good condition: $350 Rack $50 3)2/639 4785 HALO POWEER TRAC Lighting Sale Save 53% off . Mfg list with this AD Northern , Lights Unltd. Inc. 1106 Logan Ave., Belvidere, IL. 815/547 8224. Expires3/31/84. 38 Boats CENTURY 5000 '78, 23' w/trailer, $13,900 . 815/568 6302 or 312/882 8608. JOHNSON '72,50 h p. Outboard motor w/controls. $450. 815/338 5332 ALUMINUM DOCKS/RAMPS Heavy duty alumin. boat dock or ideal for ramp useage. 42" wide x 24' long..Call: TtD, 9 to 4 weekdays, 312/428-3641. STARCRAFT, '76 Holiday, 18 tt., equipped for fishing, 85 hp Evinrude, tilt, & trim, 6 hp Johnson trolling motor, $6000, 312-658 7944. OUTBOARD MOTOR, Scott, 40 hp, about 9 years old, $50. 815/455 3162 BASS BOAT Lund, 1983 815/459 7141 EVINRUDE TRI-HULL, 16', V 6. 155 hp, inboard/outboard, fast. Needs minor work. Sacrifice at $2,350 or best offer. Call this weekend, 815/728-0604, ROWBOAT, 12 ft. V-Hull, aluminum, $200/best. Call 312/639 9222. Musical Instruments 39 • PIANO TUNINGS, REPAIR Fisher Piano Service All Work Guaranteed •312/658-6193* HAMMOND M3 Organ & bench, Mahogany, exc. cond., $300/best offer Call 312/639- 3729. FENDER TWIN AMP. has new tubes 8i speakers, $300/best of- fer, 815/338 4278, 5:30 7:30. WURLITZER PIANO and Organ Sale in progress. Save 40%. Bell Morford Piano & Organ Company, 72 Fountain Square Plaza, Elgin. IL. 312/741-0780 WURLITZER ORGAN, nice, 2 keyboards, $700, call collect, 815/895 5652 JOHN DEERE, JD301 A, '74, 3 cyl. diesel, 823 hours, floatation tires 8. 6' Mott hammer knife mower. Can be fitted with end loader orfeackhoe Ideal, as is. for estate of golf course, $5,500 312/639 5350. UPRIGHT PIANO, exc. cond., can deliver. $375/best. Call 312/639 9222. KIMBALL Organ Syntha Sw inger 1100. Like 815/459-6163. EVERETT SPINET Piano In excellent condition. $795. 312/741-1212 new. $1800. 41 Aviation Garage Sales MOVING SALE Woodstock 5010 Greenwood Rd. March 2nd 8i 3rd, 9-5 pm Full size bdrm. set, hutch, drop leaf buffet, fireplace tools, 5 gal. aquarium with stand, much more. No clothes. Cash only. MOVING SALE Woodstock 840 East Kimball Ave. March 3 8.4, 10-4 Clothing, turn., misc. MOVING SALE Harvard 16104 McGuire Road Fri. & Sat., Mar 2 & 3, 9-5 Everything Goes! Driveway's at infersec. Wilson 8i McGuire Rd., Vj mi. west of AI den Road. 35 Antiques FORD PICKUP 1950. 100% restored. Ready for show or go. $3500 or best offer. 815/923-4290. WAREHOUSE of Antiques! 325 Old Stained Glass Windows, $18 to $165! And Much More! Funderburg Antiques. Call 815/547 8186 BEDROOM SUITE, antique. 3 pc. solid walnut; also 2 antique rocking chairs. 815/385-5771. BAKER'S TABLE 8. Hutch $450, Glass door bookcase $85, both gorgeous. 815/459-1642. Lawn& Garden 37 Equipment SHADE TREES Large supply. Also evergreens 8, shrubs. Quantity sales only. 312/438 5101. SATOH 650G tractor w/down pressure loader mower & plow: $4250 complete. 312/438-5101 LAWNMOWER John Deere 210, '79, good condi- tion $1800 815/338-8603. LAWN TRACTOR IH Cub Cadet 1450, 42" mower, hydrostatic drive, hydraulic lift, elec clutch, 815/648 2746 _ TRACTOR, 16 h p., Hesston Grounds Maintenance, in cludes 48" mower & 48" snow plow, chains 8. wheel weights, exc cond. $2000 or best offer. Call 815/385 2834. NORTHERN Illinois Flying Club, 152, 172, 177, T210. Optn- ings for Students and Members, 115/568-6302 or 312/882-8612. Pets& 44 Equipment YORKSHIRE TERRIER Pups, 4 males, tiny, AKC. Adorable! 312/381-4372. DOG RUN, 6 X 5Vj X 30 feet. Cost- $600, Sell - $300. Call 815/728-0770. "LOVE & FLUFF Dog Salon- Professional Grooming of All Breeds. Free pick-up/Delivery. 312/426-5077. FREE TO GOOD home, 2 Elkhound puppies, 1 male, 1 female, 312/639-2951. LAB., SAINT BERNARD mix., free to good home only, 2 yr. male, good with children, housebroken. 815/459-1079. DOBERMAN, pups. AKC, ch. bloodlines, tail, oeclaws, ears, shots are done, reds 8, blacks: $300.815/344-1345. GIVE AWAY, one female Shepherd, 11 mo. One female Boxer, lyr, 815/338-5129. LOST SM. FEMALE cat. wht. with blk., vicinity of Jewel, in McHenry, on 2/20/84 . 815/459- 9214. TOY POODLES AKC. Pups: 3~ males. 3 female; 11 mo. 2'/a lb. female. Home raised, shots 8. wormed. $150-$300. 815/568-7644 after 4 pm. COLLIE PUPS, AKC, cham pion sired, shots, eyes checked, health guaranteed, $275, 815/385 6538 PODDLE BABIES, toy 8, tlnv toy, AKC, champion sirea, healthy & groomed, stud ser vice, 8i all breed grooming, 815/338 2155. FREE PUPPY To 3 mos. old. Pa home. German Shepl 312/6 312/658-8523. BELGIUM SHEPHERD FREE TO GOOD HOME . 2yrs. old. female, spayed All shots, housebroken. Good disposition. 815/459 7527, after 6 pm. BABY BUNNIES Free To Good Homes 312/669 5255 ENGLISH SPRINGER Spaniel puppies, AKC, 7 weeks, 2 females, shots: $125. 815/455- 4121. RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK pups, 7 wks., AKC, pet & show quality (for hunting large game), exc. guard dog. good w/klds. 815/455-5579. FREE TO good home, German Shorthair Pointer, female. 2 yrs., good w/cats 8> exc. w/children. 815/455-3600, ext. 234 YOUNG CAT, free to good, part Siamese, all 4 paws dectawed 815/385-9370 after 5 pm. PARROTS, Cockatiels, to cockatoos. All species available. $50 and up. 312/546 7532, eves, or week-ends, or 312/587 4295. CONURE PARROT 6 months old. With deluxe cage and ac cessories. $150. Call 815/728- 1598. 47 Horses & Equipment Arabian/Quarter Horse Green broke, mare, 2Vj years old, chestnut color, 4-H show, ribbon 8. trophy winner, $425, 312/658 9260. ' ENGLISH 8. WESTERN sad dies, new and used tack, wood shavings etc. Horses boarded, good care and box stall: $120, daily turnout. Cedarwood Farms Inc., 2719 S. Country Club Rd., Woodstock. (2nd house north of McConnell Rd. across from Monastery.) 815/338-1583 or 815/338-2433. TIMMERMAN FAMILY & show horses. All breeds. All prices Guaranteed sound 8. gentle. Will take trade-in or will finance the horse of your choice English & Western Tack . 312/526-8066 Farm & Dairy Equipment 48 & Products WHEAT STRAW Large bales. Very good quality. $1.75. 312/683 3829 Machinery & 53 Equipment INTERNATIONAL 3414 Diesel tractor loader backhoe: $5750 A. C. 140 loader tractor: $3000 Caterpiller 60 B 6000 lb. fork lift LPGAS. John Deere 350 Diesel crawler loader: $6250. Ford 535 Diesel loader with cab: $7000 312/438-5101. Wanted To 69 Buy HAY WAGONS, good. 10 or 12 ton Call Tom 815/338 4914 weekdays, 815/338 4179 even ings. 70 CENTURY 21 Farmtown Realtors Homes-Farms-Vacant 312/669 3777 or 815-568 7119 TOM WILDE CRYSTAL LAKE (Coventry) 2400 sq. ft., Homstead. recently upgraded, 4 bdrm., plus den, 2 baths, Ig. family room, 2 4- car gar., cent, air, fenced yard. $79,900. Principals only, 815/455-2515. FOXRIDGE, model Essex House, By Owner. 1200 sq. ft., 2- 3 bdrm., all appl., wall to wall carpet, 2 car gar., FHA, mor- tgage $61,000,815/344-4766. CARY L shaped ranch, 3 bdrm., 2 ceramic tile baths, full bsmnt., 2 car garage, many ex tras. For sale by owner: $89,900. 312/639-5814. CRYSTAL LAKE area, 3 bdrm. ranch on 3 lots, circle drive, 1 car gar., large Iv. rm. w / f i r e p l a c e , c a r p e t throughout, large kitcnen, built-in oven. Corning Ware top stove, refrig., $67,500, 815/455 3372. C A R P E N T E R S V I L L E , Lakewood Estates, L shaped ranch, 3 Bedrm. 2 baths, fireplace, heated aft. garage, 1/2 acre wooded lot, $87,000. 312/882-3059 after 9 a.m.. Anx ious to sell. Will negotiate. CARY/ Bright Oaks. Building? In Between Homes? Short term lease avail, on Ig. 2 bdrm. townhome. Wooded & private, all kit. applia.. lVa baths, bsmt., aft. garage, $450/mo. + utils. References. Avail. 2/19. E R A H o u s e h o l d R e a l t y . 312/639-2000. ELGIN, Charming 3 bedroom home across from park w/playground. Beautiful yard, a l u m , s i d i n g f o r e a s y maintenance, attach, garage, n e w l y d e c o r a t e d , n e w carpeting. The perfect home for a young family. $59,900. 312/428 4300 days, 312/428 3653 week ends. MCHENRY New 2 (3) bdrm. ranch $495/mo. Low down pay ment. Owner, 815/385-0169. CRYSTAL LAKE, Coventry Section, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, plus large family room w/fireplace. Move in cond. $73,500. 815/459 2329 WISCONSIN Improved cam pground. 177 beautiful wooded acres. 10 year old home, ser vice building, store 8. equip ment. 715/983-5522. WONDERLAKE, DOLL house, fireplace, basement, garage, assumable mortgage, under $40,000.815/728 1686. 6UNITAPT. BLDG. Nr. Spring Hill Mall Dundee. Call bet ween 7 &9 P.M. 312/991 1623. MARENGO COUNTRY side, 4 bdrm., Vh acres, 10 yrs. old, Ig. fam. room, recently finished, appl. included, $89,900, 815/568 5519. BY OWNER 3 bdrm. ranch, fireplace, $59,800, 8Vz% in terest; 4 bdrm. Victorian, 2200 sq. ft., $79,960, 8% interest, 815/344-1632,815/385-6566. • McHENRY AREA, By Owner. Cute 2 bdrm. home, fam. rm„ wood stove, washer /dryer, IV* car garage. $40,000 . 815/344- 1889. CARY. for sale by owner 2 bdrm. ranch w/family room, in town convenience. Call for ap pointment, 312/639-6338. CRYSTAL LAKE, By Owner. 2 bdrm. ranch, city sewer 8. water, $39,700 Call 815/455- 4629. WOODSTOCK, English Tudor, new. 3 Ig. bdrms., 2 baths, 2 car gar., fireplace. Owner moving. $65,000.815/338-0163. CRYSTAL LAKE Great Neighborhood! 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Ranch C/A 8, Humidifier, Fireplace Eat-In Kitchen, Fenced Yard MUCH MORE-MUST SEE! $96,500 Principals Only By Appointment--815/455 1338 C A R P E N T E R S V I L L E , 3 bdrm., new bath, fam. room, 2 car gar., move In cond., By Owner, 312/428 3765. • Business Properties CRYSTAL LAKE For lease or sale Building on Rt. 14. Office or retail. 1728 sq. ft. or two 864 sq. ft units. Immediate oc c u p a n c y . C o n t r a c t s a l e . 715/983-5522 71 Open House OPEN HOUSE CRYSTAL LAKE, March 4; 1 4 30 349 Hickory Dr. 3 bdrm. ranch. $53,700.815/459 1232. OPEN HOUSE W Dundee by owner, 4 bdrm. raised ranch, Iv. rm. w/fplc, T'i baths, huge fam. rm., 2 car gar All new carpet 8> floor, Ig fenced yard, many extras Sun, Mar 4, 1-5 pm, 625 Elchler Dr, 312/426 8399 CRYSTAL LAKE, for sale or rent. Lovely 3 bdrm., 2 bath home w/frpice. in bsmt., com pletely redecorated. No credit check or closing costs needed for purchase lmmed. occu. Call 815/455 5591. RINGWOOD 3 unit apartment building. Industrial area - needs work: SX.000. 815/338- 5604. McHENRY, 3 bdrm. home, full bsmt., 2 car aft. gar., fplc., c/a, water front view, private dock, picturesque setting, 815/344- ' 2191 after 6 pm. REPOSSESSED HOMES, all counties. $1000 down. 12V*%/30 yrs. Sutton Realty. 312/625- • • ALGONQUIN FOX RIVERFRONT By ownec All amenities incl. heated pool, satellite TV 8i more. $189,000.312/658 7018. McHENRY, by Owner. Great location near schools, town 8i churches. Alum, sided, full bsmt., IVj car garage, new fuel efficient furnace. Located across from park at 908 North Center. $52,000 Call 815/385- 9118 for appointment. CARY, charming 1 bdrm. home on wooded lot. Liv. rm., 12 x 20, fam. rm., 15 x 15, din. rm., 9 x ll'/j; step saving kit., w/ cabinets galore, attached over sized heated gar., close to trains, rights to Fox River, $49,000, 312/639 3596. MCHENRY 3 bdrm., full bsmt., 2Vj car garage, 1 acre in town. Immediate occup. By owner. No brokers. 815/385-2388. OUR CUSTOMERS Can't be Wrong 10 Yrs. Experience In Repos'l Cook, Lake. McHenry 8, others. $500 down, 12Vi% Int., 30 yrs. No Hidden Costs Sutton Realty 312/625-0800 McHENRY •Immaculate brick 2 bdrm. ranch, Ig. country kitchen w/built- in oven & range, aft. gar., only $49,900. •Why Rent when you can own this sparkling 2 bdrm. home, alum, siding, full bsmt., C/A & att. oar. CAII today! $52,900. •A Great Buy! 3 bdrm. ranch, full bsmt., 2 car gar., double lot, nice neighborhood, FHA/VA welcome. $58,900 LAKELAND REALTORS 815/459-4810 MCHENRY 4 year old 3 bdrm. custom built home with wood burning stove. Heat bills av. $15/month! Cathedral ceilings in liv. rm., din. rm„ kit. Breakfast bar, oak cabinets. Alum, sided: $52,500 . 815/385- 167). LAKE IN THE HILLS, 4 bdrms., 2 baths, fam. rm. w/frplce., 2 car gar., Crystal Lake Schools. $8,000 to assume, 11V*% interest, no closing cost. Call 312/658-7980. $3000 DOWN No closing costs Woodstock. 3 bdrms., I1/* stories, V/7 baths, family rm. $534 P8il, 12Vi% fixed, 35 yrs. Move-in condition! $53,000. Lasko Realty, 312/428-2223 Real Estate 72 For Sale LAKE IN THE HILLS, 4 bdrms., 2 baths, fam. rm. w/frplce., 2 car gar., Crystal Lake Schools. $8,000 to assume. 11%% interest, no closing cost. Call 312/658-7980. C R Y S T A L L A K E , n e a r downtown, 7+ rooms on l floor, fully carpeted & paneled base ment, 2 car gar., extras, $83,500,815/459 1105. W O N D E R L A K E , N e w l y remodeled cozy home, 1 blockf from Lake on 2 lots. New heat, septic, carpeting and more. Ap pliances included. $38,000. Days, 312/671-3550; Eves. 312/736-1005. BY OWNER, McHenry, 10 lots, 25 X 100, plus 3 bedrm. home. Moving, Must Sell. $40,000 ALL. 815/385-8691. 433 PLEASANT can be yours! Adjustable financing is possi ble with owner help. 815/338- 2358 or 338 1523. 73 Condos. 76 Mobile Homes DUNDEE Deluxe 2 bedroom Condo. Dishwasher, disposal, 1W baths. Central air, $47,900. 312/428-4300 days or 312/428 3653 week-ends. 74 Townhomes BRIGHT OAKS Cary, 3 bdrm., lVi baths, att. gar., central air, Ira. wood deck, approx. 1300 sq. ft., $59,500.312/639-7705. 75 Lots& Acreage 73 Condos. 72 Real Estate For Sale Immaculate two bath home includes so many ex tras including all appliances, built-in bookcases, stained woodwork, super large master bedroom. Storage and workspace galore, beautifully lan dscaped fenced yard and much more. $66,900. Ask for Bob Popovich 385-2387 or 344-1033 Century 21 -Care, Inc. C R Y S T A L L A K E , C o l o n y Square. Desirable ground floor location. Approx. 1800 sq. ft. living area. 2 bdrm., 2 bath, full bsmnt., cent, air, stove, refrig., dishwasher, disposal. Upgrad ed features. $59,900. 815/455- 4815. C R Y S T A L L A K E , C o l o n y Square, 2nd. floor facing Golf Course Rd., 2 bdrms., 1 bath, walk-in closet, liv. rm., kit. w/all applia. 81 serving counter to din. rm., util. rm., patio, en try closet, neutral decor, C/A, $47,500.815/455-3484 or 459-0391. C R Y S T A L L A K E C o l o n y Square. Desirable ground floor location. Approx. 1800 sq. ft. living area. 2 bdrm., 2 bath, full bsmt., cent, air, stove, refrig., dishwasher, disposal. Upgrad ed features. $59,900. 815/455- 4815. COLONY SQUARE, two bdrm., two baths, partially finished basement, appliances, newly decorated, $57,700, 815/455 2913. By appointment. CRYSTAL LAKE, by owner. 6 impr. adj. lots, 60 X 130 ft., pav- ed st- terms. 312/588-6788. RICHMOND TOWNSHIP 40 acres, small pond, some trees: $90,000. 73.5 acres at E. Solon 8i Clark Rds., $2,250 per acre. Ed Solon 312/433-0766 CHOICE Vj ACRE lots in Crystal Lake Estates, some wooded. For sale or will build. Terms avail. 312/275-0733. BULL VALLEY, 3 & 6 acre sites w/utils., $29,500 8i up, exc. terms. 815/459-7768. WOODSTOCK AREA 5 acres with orchard. By owner. 815/455-5918 LAKE CARROLL Lot with full lake view, $15,000 cash or con- tract. 815/443-2344 evenings. CHOICE 1 ACRE, in area of new homes. Exc. building Site. Call 815/338-0198. NEWMOON, 12 x 60 , new carpeting, 2 bdrm., washer & dryer 8, appl., $5,000, 312/137- 8965. CRYSTAL LAKE, Royal Oaks Mobile Home Comm. otters new homes on site completely furn., from $13,250. No pets. Adult Comm., 815/455^800. SKYLINE, 1982, 14 X <0, 2 bdrms., like new, nice lot, adult community. $16,000/flrm. 815/459 4202 days or 455-2637 eves. HOUSE TRAILER 12 x 60 with extending living room, 8 x 10.2 bdrm., 2 bath, stove & refrig. Fully carpeted. $5500./best of fer. 815/338-7516. 78 Wanted To Rent 76 Mobile Homes PAY LIKE RENT. Very nice, 12 X 60, 2 bdrms., applia., carpeted, in Genoa. You should see it! 815/784-2696 or 312/232- 0892. PARK ESTATE Mobile home, '67," 60x12, exc. cond., storage shed, central air, 2 bdrm. Edgebrook. Available im mediately. Only $5,500. Call 815/895 203^(8 10p.m.). CRYSTAL LAKE family, needs 3-4 bdrm. house to rent, with possible option to buy. in Cen tral High School area, 815/455- 3544. CRYSTAL LAKE, area, 2 bdrm. house or apt-. $300-$400 mo. starting In April. 815/337- 0038 after 5:30. MARRIED COUPLE wants to rent 2 bdrm. home or apt. in Crystal Lake/Cary area, star- ting April 1st, 815/459-7677. R E T I R E D C O U P L E n e e d s clean, furn. apt. or home for month of May only. 312/428- 8387. WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 Bedrm. home in Bright Oaks for responsible family of four. Needed immediately. Call: 815/459-1642. Rooms, Board Apartments 79 To Share ROOMATES WANTED to share 4 bdrm., 2V2 bath house 312/639-0137 or 3127520-0344. ONE OR TWO bdrm. in country home. Kit. priv., working women or student. 1 child ok. $40/wk.-lrm, $55, 2 rms 815/338 5129. FOX RIVER GROVE, large bedrm., priv. entrance, utilities paid, $260 mo. Dep. 312/639- 5180. CRYSTAL LAKE sleeping rm. w/kitchen priv. $55/wk., nonsmoker/drinker. 815/455- 6971 eves. CRYSTAL LAKE, professional male wants same to share, Ig. rustic home. 2000 sq. ft., Vh car gar., with fireplace, spiral stairs 8i more, 5 min. to train. Rent neg Let's talk, ref., 815/459-0249, ring 5 times. 75 Lots& Acreage CHAPEL HILL OAKS One acre lots, across from Golf Course •15,000 Terms available. Prices due to increase May 1st. Call after 6 PM. 312-529-3583 80 Apartments To Rent Automobiles 86 For Sale GENOA, small, efficient, upper apt., range, refrig. furn., $225/mo. + sec. 815/784-2409. REUABLE mats- CRYSTAL LAKE, By Owner Low maint., warm & cozy, 2 bdrm., 2 baths, trplce., bsmt., 1W car gar., completely renovated, Vj block from lake, near schools, cathedral ceilings w/skylight in liv. rm.7 Ig closets in master bdrm., many extras. Must Sell- Asking $59,900.815/459 5145. CRYSTAL LAKE, By Owner, 3 bdrm. ranch, Irg. lot, well maintained, good location. Much more, must see, $54,900, 815/455-2356. SILVER LAKE Cary Sub'd., 3 bedrm. raised ranch, family room w/fireplace, 1"j baths, fenced yard. New deck, c/air Must see 5 yrs. old. Call for appt. 312/639 2963 SUPER TERMS by owner. Bi level, 3 or 4 bdrms., IV2 baths, finished fam. rm., 8, large rm. add., w/fenced yard, assum. 8%» mort. or poss. contract sale, 10.5% w/$3,900 down, $54,900, 312/544 2582 or 815/495 9127. $1000 DOWN No closing costs McHenry. 2 bdrm., ranch. $310 P&l, 12"j% fixed, 30 yrs., $30,000. Lasko Realty, 312/428 2223 A R E Y O U I N T E R E S T E D i n selling? Baird Warner, St. Charles, is interesled in expan ding our Spring inventory of rural properties. Please call us for a FREE market appraisal. Barbara Weller, Baird Warner, St Charles. 312/377 1855. $4000 DOWN No Closing Costs Woodstock. 9 rm raised ranch 5 bdrms., 3 baths., 2 car garage. Located on over 1 acre. $844. P&l, 12Vj% fixed, 30 yrs. $83,000 Lasko Realty, 312/428 2223 C A R Y - B R I G A D O O N , t r i level on Vj acre, 3 4 bdrms , 1' 1 baths, att. gar., C/A, extras walk to everything, $79 500 312/639 5248. MARENGO, two, 2 bdrm houses, 3 to 18 acres, 100 ft barn, silo, shed, 312/640 881G. F R E E Home Market Analysis. List w i t h C H R I S E R A R D G , 815/385 9394. 1983 CHRYSLER LeBARON TOWN & COUNTRY WAQON 2.8 liter, automatic, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, cruise, power seats & locks, tilt wheel, wire wheel covers stereo, pius MUCH MORE. 1400 actuai irniles, like new. 1982 DODGE ARIES WAGON 4 cylinder, 4 speed, front wheel drive, air conditioning. ONE OWNER. *4,895 •11,900 1981 AUDI 5000 S 4 DR. SEDAN 5 speed, diesel, power windows 6 locks, stereo, cruise, power sunroof. REAL SHARP CAR. *9,595 1978 DODGE D150 STEP SIDE SHORTBOX PICKUP 316. automatic, power steering, power brakes. •2,495 1977 CHRYSLER CORDOBA 2 DR. V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, AM FM stereo, bucket seats. 34,000 miles EXCELLENT CONDITION. *3,395 1980 BUICK . REGAL 2 DR. V6, automatic, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning, tilt wheel, stereo. 38,000 acutal miles. >6,195 1978 FORD PINTO 2 DR. HATCHBACK 4 cylinder, automatic, power steering, 42,000 miles. •1,995 1977 FORD PINTO 2 DR. HATCHBACK 4 cylinder, 4 speed. 62,000 miles. *1,295 1982 VW PICKUP WITH CAP 4 speed, front wheel drive, stereo. 28.000 actual miles. EXTRA CLEAN. *6,395 1979 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPREME 2 DR. V8, automatic, power steenng, power brakes, air conditioning, tilt wheel, stereo. 45,000 actual miles. '4,695 1978 VW 7 PASSENGER BUS 4 cylinder, 4 speed, AM/FM cassette. 55,000 miles. *4,495 1974 VW THING 4 DR. 4 cylinder, 4 speed, removable top. 24,000 miles. ONE OF A KIND. *2,995 1979 DODGE W150 FOUR WHEEL DRIVE PICKUP 318, automatic, power steering power brakes, air conditioning tilt wheel, short box, roll bar two-tone paint, plus other ex tras Only 10,000 miles NEWER THAN NEW. $6,895 1977 DODGE MAXIVAN SPORTSMAN 8 passenger, 360, automatic, power steering, power brakes GOOD RUNNER. *1,295 1972 CHEVY IMPALA 4 DR. V8, automatic, power steering, power brakes. *500 Serving the Woodstock area for 35 years. H BENOY Motor Iii/I (Jiinlihj • CARS Plymouth 656 LAKE AVE. WOODSTOCK, ILL. 815-338-5100 ^ T 1 h H ) p m W f - ' H , t m » • p m S , « t H \ m • p r i