Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Feb 1984, p. 13

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PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER WEDNESDAY. I FEBRUARY 2t. 19*4 Apartments Apartments 80 To Rent 80 To Rent McHENRY DEPOT HOTEL- CRYSTAL LAKE J tuti Rooms from 045/waak. Cable STavaH mJV WOOOSTOCK, 2 bdrm.. apart mont, noor square, t3S5 month + soc. dap., 815/330-1909, noon- ME: ALGONQUIN, 2 Bedrooms. 1/2 house, $310 + utilities. Nowty romodolsd. Soc. Dsp. ois/455- 2155. MCHENRY Large 14 2 bodroom opart moms. Call 415/385-3192. TWO BEDROOM Duplex w/besement In Hervord. <275 per mo. Call: Lois, Action Real I19/M3-7V11 81 Homes To Rent WOODSTOCk 1 bdrm. - 4 room, ouaHoMo 3/1. Range, refrig. A water. Leaao + security: Ut5. 115/338-6910 or 01S/330-0037. BURLINGTON, 2 bdrm. apt., 2nd floor, appl. Included. No Pots. 0250 per month, 312/742- 8581, Mon. to Fri., 8:30-5 pm. • CRYSTAL LAKE, Somerset, 2 bdrm., 2 baths, all kitchen ap- pls. Including washer/dryer, air, carpet, pool. No pets. Imm- od. occupancy, 011/45-0136. VERY CLEAN 2 bdrm. 406 Lord St., Old Carpentersvllle. Carpet A stove, water pd. >300/mo. A security dep. Suitable for seniors. No pets. 312/023-5032 tor opp't. HARVARD, spacious. 4 rm. opt., stove A refrig., hoot A water furnished, SMS, 015/459- 4400, ItAvc m ĵss^a ĵe > WOOOSTOCK. 2 bdrm. apt.' ill * a a-- | » a wiih mm, wiiiTi sir cono./ & laundry, $350 month, + sec. April 1st, 015/330-0407. ALGONQUIN, 1 & 2 bdrm., laundry A storage, garbage pick-up, carpeted, air cond. Start at $3354310 mo., includes gas. water, A heat. Occupancy May 1st. Arrowhead Apart monts. 312/050-0403. ALGONQUIN, 2 bdrm. deluxe, security, all adult building, laundry A storage, garbage pick-up, carpeted, air cond., $435 mo., includes gas, wqater A heat. Arrowhead Apart monts, 312/050-0463. ALGONQUIN, 1 bdrm. deluxe, security, all adult building, laundry & storage, garbage pick-up, carpeted, air cond. $310 mo. loci, gas, water & heat. Arrowhead Apartments, 312/6504463. RIDGEFIELD, studio type opt., $230 utilities Included, 815/330-7395. MARENGO, 1 A 2bdTm. apts., clean, heat turn. No pets. $225 $310/mo. 015/560-7540. McHENRY- studio, 1A 2 bdrm. opts. Appliances furnished, no pets, security & references re­ quired. Call 015/344-1950. WOODSTOCK, 1 bdrm., appil.. carpeted, private entrance, tone, ret., dsp., $265. 015/330- WOODSTOCK4rm.Abath.up- por. Clooe to town A train. Appl.. separata entry. No pets. Immed. occuponcy. Security dsp. 815/338-2299. ' WOOOSTOCK. 1 bdrm. apt., residential area, includes all appl., wall to well carpet, air cond., extra storage, off street perking, laundry facilities, t privete patio, private entrance. , cable avail., managerial ser­ vices, beautifully landscaped court yard, $300 per month. No Pots. Avail., March 1st, 015/330-7117 or 312/420-4636. MARENGO, beautiful 2 bdrm. apt., carpet, gar., avail. Mar. 1, sec, dep., lease, 01S/S6M706. SPACIOUS, 1 A 2 bdrm. apart­ ments. Air cond., appl. 6 month looses Available. 015/305-2101 dally 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., exc. Sun. t Wed. HARVARD 2 bdrm. deluxe A standard apt., wooded ereo. swimming pool, walking distance to Northwest train A town, 015/943-4144. SLEEPY HOLLOW 2nd floor, avail. 4/1/04. 2 bdrm., 1 bath, garage avail. $3S0/mo. 312/436- CRYSTAL LAKE, 2 bdrm. deluxe apartment, large rooms, air conditioner, dishwasher. March 1st. $3*5 mo., lease + sec. dep. No pets. Coll 015/459-2051,7 to9 pm. WOODSTOCK 2 bdrm. duplex, bsmnt., gar., all appliances. No pets. S400/mo. 312/394-7239 doys and 015/330-5461 aft. 6 p.m. WONDER LAKE, east side, avail. March 1st. Small 2 bdrm., gar„ fenced yd., rem $3l5/mo + utlls., soc. dep. A refs. required. No pats. 015/305- 9143. ALGONQUIN, small cottage. IL,|W- r n n nn haiia nniw '- tA-» living room, owroofn, KiTcnen A bath. No Pets. $360 mo. + Sec. Dep. 312/650-7003 or 312/650-7711. CRYSTAL LAKE, tar rent or sale. Lovely 3 bdrm., 2 bath home w/frplco. in bemt.. com- rwccorfltw. Stores, Offices Industrial 83 To Rent CRYSTAL LAKE tar lease, now building, MOT or 12,000*. 19* clear, recessed dock, 10% or more office, 015/943-7446. CRYSTAL LAKE, 1,200 to 5,000 sq. ft. Ind. space, 3 phase eiec., a/c, 015/459-9060. SUITES AVAILABLE 236 204-400490 sq.ft. 101 CORPORATE CORNER Call Fred 015/459-7600 81 Homes To Rent McHENRY, Super-neat, clean, convenient 3 bdrm. modern ranch, w/garege, foundry ereo. Approximately $425 rent. Call 015/305-4309 or 015/720- 1033. KINGSTON, 3 bdrm., 2 story brick house, $300 month, sec. dep. & ret. req. John Andersen Roolty. 015/704-5144. WOODSTOCK. 4 bdrm., 2V* cor gar., rent or lease w/option to buy. 015/330-7709. CARPENTERSVILLE, 3 bdrm. ranch, control air, 2 car garage, $450 mo. + sec. 312/420-5200. INGLESIDE/ JOHNSBURG area, 4 bdrm. Cape Cod, 2 beths, 2 car aft. garage, full bsmt., la. deck & yard, good neighborhood w/weter rights A privete perk, pets A kids OK, $650/mo. Coll Carol at 312/587- 1121. No credit chock or closing costs needed tar purchase. Immed. occu. Call 015/455-5591. GRISWOLD LAKE, 3 bdrm. w/bsmt., sec. req., $400/mo., 015/344-3934. WONDER LAKE, nice2 bdrm., coble TV, appls., hooted detached gar., garden space, $375/mo. -I- SOC., 815/459-1626. DOOR COUNTY 3 bdrm^Jymo with fieplace on Jecksonporfs sandy shores. Close to shopping end golf. Weekly rentals available. 312/025-1341. KIRKLAND1 bdrm. house. Available March 1. 015/522-3262. Condos., Townhomes 82 To Rent CRYSTAL LAKE. (Coventry Club Condo), 2 bdrm., 2 beths, ideal for adults, no pets. Sec. dsp., $410 a month, includes hoot & water. Available, April 1st. 015/459-0570. CRYSTAL LAKE Somerset. 2 bdrm., 2 both, ell appl. Newly decor. Avail. March 1. $435. & security dep. 015/4554257, after 4:30 pm. CONDO, 2 bdrm., 1V> baths, rec. room, bsmnt., appliances, newly decorated, no pets: $395/mo. -I- 1 month sec. dep. Essex-Costello, 312/639-5561. COCOA BEACH Florida. Spacious 2 Bedrm. 2 bath Con- do, ocean front. Beautiful place to live or good tax shelter. $97,500. Call: 015/330 3344 days or 015/330-3179 eves. Ask for Craig. SOUTH LAUDERDALE, Fla., ocean front condo, avail, first 3 wks. of March. Reasonable weekly rates. Call 015/459-5067. Stores, Offices Industrial 83 To Rent OFFICES for rent on the square in Woodstock. 015/338 4533. HARVARD, 2 or 3 rm. offices downtown, main floor, adja­ cent city parking, c/a, avail, immed., lease, sec. dep., 015/5604706. 85 Misc. To Rent SMALL HALL tar rent. 125 people or less, Weddings, An­ niversaries, Graduations, Meetings. Liberty Hall, 1304 Park StTMcHenry, III. 015/305- 2201. after 5 pm " VFW CLUBHOUSE 8. Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 350. Call: 015/305-9060 from 9 a.m.- 12 p.m. weekdays or aft. 6 p.m. FLORIDA/Port Charlotte. 2 homes turn. Club House, 2 pools, tennis. 10 min. to beach. March thru Sept. $100 to $450. 312/302 5360 days. 312450-5762 Automobiles 86 For Sale LINCOLN MARK V, '70, all op tions. Best Offer. Call 015/305- 0299. REPROCESSED AUTOS all makes & models. Always a good selection. Not all models at all times. Buy just like tak­ ing over payments. From $40. month & up. Mechanically tested cars. No major body damage. For full details, you must ask for Mr. Barry. 312/504-3900. PLEASE DON'T SLIDE THROUGH WINTER without Auto Insurance! Call us for a quote. Special rates for over 55 driver. Budget terms. Sunderlage Insurance Com pany. $15/330 3328. FORD, LTD, '01, good cond., 815/522-3538. Automobiles 86 For Sale FORD LTD, 71. runs apod, body good, $500,015/728 14?! MERCURY MONARCH, '79, 4 dr. good cond., $1500, 015/704 5909 or 704-5130. VOLVO 79 Model 364, like new, loeded, sun roof, $7,000. 312/639-9323. BUICK ESTATE Wagon, '76, new springs, shocks, rebuilt trans., like new tires, Reese hitch, original owner, 02,000/best, 312/5364639, after 5 P"v PONTIAC BONNEVILLE Brougham, '77. all options, full power, new tires, brakes, ex haust & shocks, $3,595/bOst. 015/344-2455. MALIBU CLASSIC, '74. 4 dr., no dents, good cond., 27,000 mi., 8600/best. 015/305-7981. VEGA '76, good cond., new tires, needs need, $350/best. 815/305-7901. ' PONTIAC Sunbird. '80, am radio, rear defrost, 29,000 mi., $3,500.312/426-4326 after 4 pm. LTD, '77, 4 dr., 40.000 miles, new brakes 8> exhaust, $2025, 312/4204074, after 5:30. CADILLAC Fleetwood Brougham, '79, all options, beautiful cond., $7,900/offer. 015/305-9100. SUBURBAN, '70, air, ps/pb, tinted glass auto., trailer hitch, $2,000 or best. Call mornings. 312/426-5027. BUICK LeSABRE. '74. 4 door, good work car, $500, after 4 p.m. 815/338-3742. PONTIAC Grand LeMans, '79. Exc. cond. V4,4 dr., air cond., am/fm stereo, factory CB, cruise, tiit wheel, p.w./p.s./p.b. $3985.312/639-3777, after 6 pm. BRONCO, '79. auto., 4 wheel drive, cruise, am/fm cassette, $6,700/best. Call 312/639-3006 days or 6394330 eves. MUSTANG, '66, auto., lo miles, little rust, good cond., 0700/best. Call 015/337-0270. Automobiles Automobiles 86 For Sale 86 For Sale Stores, Offices Industrial 83 To Rent Business Space For Rent Green Street frontage. Approximately 450 sq. ft. Approximate occupancy mid-March to April 1st. All utilties included in rent. Present alarm system to the Police Dept. also for sale. Air-con­ ditioned, carpeted, thermo-pane window. CALL 385-6070 Heal Estate For Sale fW* mm wM Ifa *~GmnA of MILLCREEK A new, desirable single-family area in Mchenry offering:. •EASY ACCESS TO ALL IN TOWN LOCATIONS 'NICE COUNTRY SETTING •2,3, or 4 BEDROOM HOMES AVAILABLE "AFFORDABLE FINANCING COME SEE THE SIX STYLES FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. SINSLEFAMILY $f A OAA^O HOMES FROM 37|7VV win4ridac willow from *72,900 from *65,900 10.9%„, FINANCING NOW AVAILABLE McCulloni lake WITH 10% (3 YR. A.R.M. WITH 5% CAP.) McHENRY BUILDERSw'See" 3716 W. PRESTWICK IN McHENRY (sis) 385-4488 open io-s, ? days H From Ciyifl l»t« Chlcaeo CHEVY SUBURBAN'73 Runs greet, body rough, >950. 312/658-7813 CHEVY CAMERO '79, Florida car, white w/red Int. ps/pb, a/c, 54,000 miles. Straight « g.. exc. cond, S4.100, 312/497-S&: FORD Country Squire Wagon, '74, ps/pb, A/C, good cond., WOO. Call 015/344-327X CAAAARO, '71, auto., A/C, good interior, ant/fm 8-track, lo miles, <2,<00.312/428-2779. CHEVY MONTE Carlo Lan dau, '77, auto., air, ps/pb, am/tin CB, $1,875,815/385-2022. DODGE OMNI, '78,5 dr., 4 sp., 41,000 mi., clean, $2,300/best. 815/344-5812 after 5 pm. PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SJ, '77, full power, extras. 1 owner, well maintained and mechanically sound. $3,100, 015/459-1170 days M-F, 015/459- 1124 evenings & weekends. PONTIAC, Sunbird, '80, am radio, rear defrost, 29,000 mi., 13,500.312/426-4326. BUICK SKYHAWK '77,4 speed manual: $1600. 815/459-1139. FORD EXP, '82, loaded, $5300, 815/728-1795, call between 5 & 8 pm. • CHEROKEES '79,4 dr., low miles 312/426-3596 PONTIAC Catalina '77, good cond., high miles. $1250/best. 815/459-4757 CHEVY MONZA, '79, exc. cond., 44,000 miles, asking $3,000,312/426-5583. MONZA WAGON '79, high miles, V-6 auto, air cond $1250/best. 815/385-7981. BUICK REGAL, '77, auto., ps/pb, air, runs good, $1,800. Call 815/459-7198 eves. ME RCE DES 220, '71.4 dr., exc. cond. Low, low miles. Asking $5100.312/669-5678, afterS. TOYOTA CELICA, '78, lift back, am/fm, 5 speed, cruise, 8 track. New battery, tires, $3500,815/653-9909 after 5 pm. BUICK CENTURY Station Wagon, 79, 1 owner, excellent condition, 815/455-4584. CADILLAC CPD, '74, good cond., needs paint, all option series. $700, after 12 pm 312/428-8807. PLYMOTH VOLAR E, '79, 4 dr., 6 cylinder, auto, air, ps, pb, 33,000 miles, exc. cond., clean, $3200, 815/455-5256. VW RABBIT, '76, all new parts, runs good, stereo am/fm cassette, $1200,312/639-7458. JEEP WAGONEER, '79, V8, 4 wheel drive quadratrack, ps, auto., air, am/fm stereo, $5500, 815/338 0801. GMC SPRINT (El Camino Type), '76, V-8, auto., ps/pb, tilt, stereo, new tires, exhaust 8i 2 tone paint, $l,900/best. Call 815/338-8897 days or 338 1855 eves. OLDS 98 Regency '82, 10,000 miles, garage kept. Exc. cond. $11,500.815/385-7364. FORD VICTORIA '56, very good condition. $2400/best. 312/428 4553 JEEP LARADO. '80, CJ7, 29,000 miles, hardtop, V-6 eng., brown w/tan top, tan interior, $5,600, 815/338 4240 days. 815/338-7659 nights, PONTIAC LEMANS, '73, good second car. $600 or offer, 815/337-0717. PlNTO '76, 3 door liftback, It. blue, 52,000 original miles, 4 cyl., auto., p/s, am/fm radio with cassette. Rally wheels, new tires. Exc. 2cnd car: $1500/best. 815/344-5583. CHEVY VEGA, '76, 47,000 miles, am/fm radio, S1S00. 815/455-5744. MONTE CARLO '77, am/fm cassette, all power, air: S2000/best. 815/568-6632. MONTE CARLO '73, 2 door, hardtop, fair condition: 8700/best. 815/338-0883. JEEP Golden Eagle, '00; p.s./p.b., auto., am/fm, warner hubs. $6200.312/658 7069, after 6 pm. MERCURY BOBCAT '79, 4 cy de, 4 speed, Hatchback. Runs great. Very clean. $2600. Call: 815/459-8040. CORVAIR MONZA '67, $300; + all parts from a '65 car, & many Pinto parts. 815/728-0037. VW SCIROCCO '80, 5 speed, good cond., $4900/best offer. 312/382-6848 nights. DATSUN '80,200SX, 5 sod., air, sunroof, new tires, $4,900/best Offer. 815/338-5549. HONDA '76 Super Sport. $600. OLDS, '64. Dynamic 88. $500. Call 815/338-2649, after 5 pm. OLDS DELTA 88, '79, 2 door, excellent original cond., a/c, pioneer cassette stereo: $4275. 312/526-5737, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Leave message. PONTIAC FIREBIRD Esprit '79. Black, 350,4 barrel, loaded, T-tops. Rust-proofed. $6500/best. 815/338-6545, after 4 pm. PONTIAC PHOENIX, '80, front wheel drive, auto., ps/pb, tilt, cruise, a/c, am/fm stereo, low miles, exc. cond., $4,500, 815/385-4256. FORD MUSTANG II, '78, U 6 Automatic, no rust, good cond., asking $2,999/best, 815/344- 4132. BUICK SKYLARK, '70, runs jnod, new tires, $350/best. 815/459-8736 aft. 4 p.m. 1980 VOLVO, OLE 4 door, sun root, 4 speed, with overdrive trans, fully powered. Call 815-678 4246. 1981 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM 4 door, low mileage, cloth interior, fully equipped. Quality Auto Center. 18151678-4344. 1983 DODGE 4 door, auto, A/C, low mileage. Quality Auto Center. 18151678-4344. 1983 BVKK PARK AVENUE 4 door, cloth interior, fully equipped, dark blue in color. Quality Auto Center. 1815)678-4344. 1980 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE Cloth interior, low mileage, fully equipped. Quality Auto Center. 18151678 4344. 1974 VOLKSWAtON POP-TOP BUS All the facilities for cam ping. Quality Auto Center. 18151678-4344. Automobiles For Sale, ilfFfff* OUR39thYEARI (• Ml KING'S MOTORS CHEVROLETS •6595 1983 S 10 PICK UP VS. Auto, 10 064 mites 1982 Z28 CAMARO Burgundy in color doth lumbar seats cross tire fuel iniected engine, tilt, cruise, power windows, door locks, rear window de log. 24.916 1 owner rust proofed miles •9995 1981 CORVETTE Polar white glass Hops tilt, cruise, power windows t door locks, rear de tog. red 6 way power leather seats, stereo. 8 track, 6 the fancy wheels low certi tied miles. >14,995 1981 IMPALA WA60N 9 Pass maroon. V8 engine, tilt. cruise, rear de-fog. power door locks. SCQQC wire wheel discs, ready for vacation. VW9 1978 MONTE CARLO Burgundy with plum Landau V/R Original red painted accents, cloth interior, wire wheels 45.010 1 owner Z barted miles. '4695 All tf the above later model cars ar sold with our 4,000 mile 90 day quarantee 100* motor, trans muwon, differential All cars are fully serviced. More Cadillacs, Chevrolet*, Oldsmobiles, and other fine cars. OUR 39th YEAR! KING'S MOTORS Rt. 31 and Rt. 62, Algonquin, III. 658-5533 Automobiles 86 For Sale CHEVY MONTE CARLO'79 Icy I., auto. 1330 815/385-0093 CHEVY, '57, 4-door, MOO/best; '72 Ford Window Van, >400/best. Cell 015/305-1003. FORD LTD '76. Coupe. Loeded. Plain. New brakes and tune-up. >2200/best offer. 015/3054007. BUICK Estate Wagon, '76. Full power, cruise, rack, 12000 mi. on new engine. Very clean. $2200/offer. >15/315-0887. AMC PACER '75.3 spd. on col umn. Runs gd. Dependable. >550.015/720-0166, after 6 pm. MERCURY COUGAR XR7, '77, ps/pb, air, cruise h more, 52,000 miles, very clean, $2,500, 015/653 3046. BUICK RIVIERA '01.29000 mi. Exc. cond.! Metallic firemist grey with landau roof. Loaded. $9800 815/305-2775, after 5 pm. CHEVY IMPALA '73. good cond., exc. starter, air, new muffler, 815/385-0207. PLYMOUTH DUSTER, '74, rebuilt eng., 6-cyl., auto., $700, after 5 pm, 312/426-3112. FORD LTD, '74, auto., full power, good cond., $650/best. Call 312^39-4570. NOVA '72, new exhaust & brakes; radials. Excellent run­ ning condition. Good work car. $650 or offer. 312/639-3430 days, 815/455-5707 evenings CHEVY CITATION, '00,4 so., 6 cyl., am/fm radio, lo miles. very clean, $2,900.312/658-7900. MERCURY Lynx, '82. 4 dr. hatch. Exc. cond. White, 4 spd., low miles. $4,600.312/639 8339 AMC MATADOR, '74, 2 dr., 6 cyl., auto., runs like new, $375, 312/639-4719. RENAULT R12, 72,4 dr., auto., front whl. drive, $395, 312/639 4719. DATSUN WAGON, '79, very clean, runs great, must see, 82,500/best. Call 015/459-8215. DODGE CHARGER, '76, auto., ps/pb, A/C, buckets, 400 lean- burn engine, uses reg. gas, exc. cond., $2,250. Call 815/728-0150. AUSTIN HEALY 3000, '66, runs, needs restoration, won't separate, $1,600,815/385-8799. HONDA ACCORD '81. 5 spd., am/fm stereo, 2 dr. hatchback. Showroom condition. Must See. $5,600.815/675-6200. MERCURY BOBCAT, 1979, 4 cyl., 4 speed, hatchback, runs great, very clean, $2,600. 815/459-8040. VW RABBIT Deluxe, '78. 4 dr., dtesel, 4 spd., a/c, am/fm, CB. New brakes. $2800/best. 815/459-8052. GRAND PRIX SJ, '77, mint in terior, no rust, ail options + power sun roof, 59,000 miles, $1,995, must sell, 815/344-4412. DATSUN '76, B210, 4 spd., air, am/fm, excellent condition. $1200/ofter. 815/459-1642. OLDS CUTLASS Calais, '82. air, ps/pb, t-tops. am/fm stereo, reclining bucket seats. 10,000 miles, show room cond., «9,200or otter, 312/658 5507. GRAN PRIX, Pontiac. 1979, p.s., p.b., air, am/fm cassette stereo, exc. cond. $4800. 815/385-8948 aft. 5. MUSTANG II, '76, 4 cyl., good mileage, new paint job. automatic trans., P/B, exc. cond. Call 815/338 5962 between 549 pm. OLDS CUTLASS Supreme, '76. p/s & p/b, 354 barrel. Exc. run- nlng cond. $1900.815/338-4819. PLYMOUTH FURY '76, oood running condition. $250. 815/337-0631. PONTIAC LE MANS, '72, V-8, auto., clean. Always starts. $950.815/338-0585. CAPRI, '76; JEEP CJ 7, '78, w/plow. Both exc. cond. Best Offers Call 815/338 7190. Wanted To 87 Buy • WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE Cars, trucks, vans 815/728-1887 Trucks, Tractors & Trailers FORD WRECKER. 71. F950 w/Holmes 441. Body In oood shape, new tires, new brakes. vm. call Denny at 312/603 TRAILER for utility or snowmobile, 50 In. X a ft., new lights t bod, MtS. 312/639-0641. TRAVEL TRAILER Mallard. 76. 20 It., sleeps six. excellent condition. 312/66*5410. FORD, * ton, 74, air cond.. cap. exc. cond. 11400 or trade lor car w/equal value. 015/640- 4350. TRAILER '02,4X8.0275 015/455-3142 NISSAN KING CAB, '83Vj, 4 whl. drive, low miles, exc. cond., 815/330-4200 between 0:30 am 4 6 pm. 015/943-3112 after 7 pm. CHEVY BLAZER, 70, 4-whl. drive, 4-spd.. good cond.. with or without plow, 02,300/best, 015/653-9071. FORD PICKUP '70. 4x4. 4 speed, with fiber glass cab. Ex­ cellent cond. $3000/best. 015/330-0003. . CHEVY S-10 '02. Short bod. 15000 mi. V-6,4 spd., exc. cond. 06000/best offer. 015/439-6709.' FORD PICKUP truck. '75. good work truck, needs some wo<k. MOO/best, 015/305-0000. ̂ TOYOTA 76. Vi ton pickijp, long bed, auto. Exc. cond. Reasonable offer. 312/650-3931. FREIGHTLINER 00. Conv. 200 Cat, 107 base. 225,000 mi. Air, p.s., air ride, new shocks, exc. rubber. Exc. cond. Lower done 100,000. $36,000. 015/455 1091, after 6 pm. ̂ GMC PICKUP w/cap, 71. 6 cyl., rebuilt motor, new clutch & paint, 53.000 miles, no rust, >1.150. Call 015/720-1425. D-200, '69, 303 engine, auto, stereo w/air cond., bed liner, no rust, exc. cond., >2,500, 312/639-0775. INTERNATIONAL '70. % ton pick-up, 6 tires, rims. Good body: $500/best. 015/704-6326 or 015/704-2232. FORD TRUCK FI00, 6 cyl., 3 spd., w/camper cap, >1300. 015/344-1071 after 5 p.m. FORD TRUCK FtOO. 6 cyl., 3 spd., w/camper cap, >1300. 015/3U 1071 after 5 p.m. 90 Vans WANTED TO BUY junk 8, repairable autos, 7 day pickup, 312/639 8159. CASH PAID For Junk Cars - 7 Day Pickup 312/639 2628 WANTED 1980, '81. '82 Cadillac, 4 Dr. or Seville. Exc. cond. Reasonable. From Private Party 312/695-3375. NEED OLDER RV, 18' - 20'. one owner, will pay more for vehicle in excellent condition, 815/455-3305. Auto Parts & 88 Accessories ENGINES all makes, $250; trans., all types, $125, Installa- tion 8. delivery avail. Guaranteed. 815/344 5114. CHEVY 12 volt for coil spring, new 456 ring & pinon, new Post unit, $275, chevy big lock, dual ouid intake, plus carb. for oval Port, $175,815/338 7509. TRUCK CAP, with insert, paneled, insulated, fits 8 ft box., exc. cond., 815/338 3228. CHEVY ENGINE, 350 cu. in., runs very good, $350/best offer, 815/344 2160. ALUMINUM WHEELS, 15 x 7, fit GM, Honeycomb design, complete set of 5 w/lugs, $160/best. 312/426-2218. FORD 302 V-8 engine 8.3 speed trans., exc. shape. See them run! $200/best. 312/639-9222. FRONT FENDER, right; grill, front bumper, 305 V-8 engine (from '72 Chevelle). Roof off 75 Blazer 815/305 2282. CHEVY 4/3 Ton Pickup, 74, for parts; spoke rims. 12 lug; unused 12-16.5 LT tires on rears; glass, trans.; radiator, etC.Call61S/45S-5995. TRUCK CAP, Galaxie. fits Dat sun or Toyota, exc. cond., 312/658 5507. 1972 CHEVY C-10 PICKUP $ 4 7 S / B e s t O f f e r 815/338-4790 SCOUT 4x4, '68, dual gas tanks. 5 new snows, removable hard- top, $700, 815/728 1478. FORD 71 3/4 ton w/camper, V8. auto, am/fm cassette Need money $600.312/658-6226. TOYOTA PICKUP 75 Runs well. New tires. 815/344 2028. CHEVY VAN '65, RV, good cond., rebuilt engine, 3 spd. trans. S1,000/best. 312/420-5208. CHEVY VAN '65, RV, good cond., rebuilt engine, 3 spd. trans. $l,000/best. 312/420-5208. DODGE VAN '77. 318 V8 engine. p.s./p.b., auto trans., am/fm cassette. Customized interior. New tires, new shocks. $3300/best. 815/459-0052. 1973 VOLKSWAGEN VAN GOOD CONDITION 015/330-6267 Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles MINI BIKE, good cond., needs e few repairs, runs great. 5 H.P., red. 0< Week. 9000. 312/420 2964. YAMAHA '01,650 Maxim, very good cond. >1550/best. 115/459 4208 between 9 am-3pm. HONDA CB 450. '74. good cond.. runs great, 7,000 miles, 8600/best. 312/669-3773 eves. MOTORCYCLE KZ 650 Kawasaki '79, good condition: >1000.015/455-0746. YAMAHA 02, YZ12S MX, exc. cond. water cooled, very fast. >750/best Offer. 015/330-4935. KAWASAKI '01, KZ1000 LTD. 13,900 mi. One owner. Lots of extras. >2500 . 815/455-0900. after 4:30. HONDA 1903. CB1100F. red 8i white, case savers, like new, 2100 miles, will include red & white Neva helmet, >3100 or best offer . 815/330-5115. HARLEY CHOPPER'71 >2000, firm. 815/728-1140, anytime. HONDA '76. 554. exc. cond., >600, best offer, 312/650-5965. KAWASAKI. '82. GPZ 750. good condition, >1950/best offer. 815/338^378. HARLEY DAVIDSON, 1970 An niversary Sportster. New engine, battery & tires, some extras. >3,000/best. Call 815/459 2068 days or 015/455 0742 eves, ask tor Jim. HONDA GOLOWING In­ terstate. '03, am/fm cass.. CB radio, chrome extras. Must see to appreciate. >5400. 312/426- 4701. YAMAHA 650. Maxim '02, & ex tres. Like new, 3600 mi. >2000/best offer. 015/640-4235 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sport ster, 1974, excellent condition. Call 815/459-6659. SUZUKI GS 750, 02, exc. cond. Ssacrifice >1,700. Call 015/330- 2025 after 8 pm. YAMAHA GP433. Only 000 mi. Exc. cond. M75. Honda 360T. low miles. Exc. cond. >575. >900 takes both. 414/077 9374. HONDA XL125, '75. street legal, looks superb; runs great, well cared for, >275, 815/704 5909 or 815/784 5130. ARTIC CAT, Cheetah, 1972, 340cc. clean, good running machine, >350.015/305 1397. Recreational 92 Vehicles TERRY TRAVEL Trailer '74. 23r new interior, excellent con dition. $4,000.815/455-3510. HIGHLANDER '72. 30 ft. 5th wheel travel trailer with hitch. Fully self-contained. 10 ft. own­ ing, air cond., eiec. brakes. Asking >5,700 . 015/560-7915 after 5 pm. POP UP CAMPER, 02. Jayco. sleeps 0, like new, 312/650-3701. TRAVEL TRAILER, 10 ft., w/refrig.. stove, oven, sink, toilet, shower, heater, cam­ pground hookup + independent battery hookup, >2,250. Call 015/459-2460. NOMAD 03. Travel Trailer. 24', awning, antenna, new cond., $8,200. 015/330 5503 after y MIDAS MOTOR HOME, '70, fully self- contained, 23 ft., >14,500. Call 312/497 3930. SYCAMORE Travel Trailer. 71, Sell Contained, A/C. >3.000. VCall 015/720-1963.

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