SECTION 2- PAGE 14 - PLA1NDEALEE - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1984 • general News Disclose flaws in state commission system Officer uncovers drug delivery in county By Kirk Birginal Shaw Free Press News Media Anthony H. Olszewski, on routine patrol for the McHenry County Sheriff's Department, was driving north on Greenwood Road near Gait Airport at about 3:30 a.m. when he saw the beacon at the airfield flash off, then on. He pulled in to check. "I thought I'd tell them they were having some problems so the planes would be able to land," Olszewski said. As he drove his squad car onto the runway, a single-engine plane parked between several others pulled out and started down the runway. Olszewski pursued it. The plane took off and the sheriff's deputy pulled up at the end of the landing strip. As he did, he saw the tailights of a black Cadillac squeal out of the ppfiring lot -- reportedly with eight pounds of cocaine inside. Olszewski, a detective who heads up narcotics in vestigations for • the McHenry County Sheriff's Department, said that dealers often use the county's small airports as stopping points on their way north to Minneapolis or Canada. Efforts by police to stop these deliveries and arrest the dealers have fallen on hard times, Olszewski said. Federal cut backs have left investigators with little or no money to pay undercover officers or finance controlled drug purchases. "Because of our size and the lack of funds, we spend far more time on drug education than enforcement. That's our biggest weapon now, and we supplement it with the arrests we do put together," Olszewski said. In the meantime7 TSIcHenry County is being used by drug dealers as a holding point for northern destinations. Typically, dealers will bring cocaine into the county in plain- looking, well maintained cars -- no flashy Cadillacs or beat-up vans - and leave them for hours or days in shopping centers or parking lots of businesses, he said. Marijuana is usually trucked into the county by the ton in the back of semi-trucks, he said. In most cases, the trailer is left parked on private property and the tractor cab leaves. By the time police know about the shipment, all that's left are the tire tracks, Olszewski said. By Cliff Ward Shaw Free Press News Media A preliminary report issued very recently concludes "significant problems exist in the current commission system in Illinois." The report, issued by a sub committee of the Illinois House Republican Policy Committee, which was chaired by state Reps. Jill Zwick of Dundee and Tom Ryder of Jacksonville, cites instances of abuse within some of the 53 study com missions funded by the General Assembly. Major problems existing in the commission system, as cited in the report, include: ...Lack of overseeing com mission operations. ...Absence of appropriate legislative mission. .. .Duplication of effort of other legislative and executive bodies. ...Lack of communication or interaction with standing committees. ...Absence of standard practices of fiscal management. The introduction to the report cites a 1979 report by the National Conference of State Legislatures describing the Illinois General Assembly as "one of the most fragmented and decentralized legislatures in the country." The new report blames the 53 commissions as one of the major reasons for the characterization. "This legislation was an important step for the ethnic minorities in the state, yet... the commission apparently played no part in its passage." ' The Recreation Council's annual report made no mention of studies undertaken but made 37 recommendations for change to the Legislature. Nine commissions required to file annual reports under state law did not do so, according to the report. How these commissions spend their money for salaries and travel is another area in which there is little overseeing by the Legislature, the report states. Thirty percent of commission employees earned over $25,000 in fiscal year 1983. The Legislative Advisory Council on Public Aid, which had an appropriation of $394,500 in 1983, had four of its nine employees earning $25,000 or more. Another area of little over seeing is travel, the report states. The Agent Orange Study Commission spent 42 percent of its budget on travel, and the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Commission spent 20 percent of its budget on travel. "A public member of the Agent Orange Study Com mission, who does not receive a salary, serves as public relations spokesperson for the commission and travels to meetings concerning Agent Orange," the report states. "Without a written contract, this individual receives reim bursement of $25 per day: $15 for meals and $10 for in cidentals. Most of the travel is in the Chicago area,where this member resides." According to the report, this commissioner received reim bursement of $2,585 in travel, expenses without submitting receipts. The Gang Crimes Commission sent a public member to a conference on street gang crime at ̂ Disneyland. The cost of the trip was $719.87. The report also questions the efficiency and effectiveness of many of the commissions. "Commissions may not be the most effective mechanism for setting legislative policy and researching issues," it stated. Many commissions duplicate work done by standing com mittees. "While this system may offer advantages in s p e c i a l i z a t i o n a n d thoroughness, duplication when it occurs suggests inefficiency or waste and a need to better direct legislative .resources," the report said. Based on the lack of testimony offered by commissions at committee hearings, "it is evident that the commissions are losing valuable op portunities to transmit in formation to the Legislature." Commission membership is also questioned, especially by public members. "While some public members are appointed solely for their expertise, their numbers all too commonly in clude lobbyists, , former legislators and the politically well-connected," according to the report. As an example, the report cites a commission active in introducing legislation, the members of which include two lobbyists, a former represent- ative and a Democratic county chairman. At least eight former legislators serve as public members on commissions. Several commissions are questioned as to their legislative validity. The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Commission is cited as an example. "One must question what a commission of a law-making body can do to solve a medical mystery," the report said. The Spanish Speaking Peoples Study Commission, originally created to study language, employment and education opportunities amomng the rapidly-growing Hispanic community, executed $11,000 in public relations contracts last year -- the only contracts issued by the commission, according to the subcomittee. One included "making recommendations to the chairman on ways to improve the image of the commission," according to the report. "It is ... questionable that appropriations for non-service commissions should be in creasing at the current rate, especially when fiscal restraint is being demanded in most other areas of of Illinois state government," the report con cludes. Hearings are in the planning stages, as is a report recom mending changes as a result of the subcommittee's study. WON.. 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Full information is available at any VA office. Q - How do I appeal a decision made by one of the VA's rating boards on my disability? A - You need only write a letter to the VA office which made the decision stating you disagree with the VA s decision. This will initiate the appeals process and you will then Tse advised of your appeal rights and actions you must take. - Q - Can anyone get in-1 formation from the VA about my service-connected d-sabilities and how much compe.istation I receive? A - Under the Privacy Act of 1974, we can inform anyone how much money you receive from the VA if they provide sufficient indentifying information about you. However, we are not allowed to inform anyone where your VA checks go or what your disabilities are without your written permission. Q - May a veteran or other eligible claimant work and still be evaluated as unemployable for benefit purposes? A - Each claim for unem- ployability benefits is deter mined on the basis of the facts in the individual case. The nature and extent of employment and the effects of service-connected disabilities are taken into consideration. Veterans who are rated unemployable and who begin any type of employment should notify the VA at once so that continued eligibility can be reevaluated. County Coin show slated March 11 Hom»» of t.:?- ' • '* V.' "vv % * \ More & Better Equipment }o Serve YOU Better! QUAFILU ^PEISJONAL CSEXU'UZE. JACKSON'S FARM STORE 136 N. EAST STREET MARENGO, IL 60152 (Coll Collect 815/568-8055) We have the Inventory to meet your needs I The McHenry County Area Coin Show is scheduled to be held Sunday, March 11, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in North Junior High School, 170 N. Oak, Crystal Lake. There will be free appraisals, buying, selling and trading. The show is sponsored by the McHenry County Coin Club. Admission is free. Anyone who desires further information about the show should write Box 271, Crystal lake 60014. The club meets the fourth Monday of each month at the Crystal Lake American Legion Post, Oak and Woodstock Streets, at 7 p.m. for trading. The meeting starts about 8 o'clock. o >££ woman fj[oom ujl See what only the professionals have had the opportunity to see... how color analysis works and why how to save money by buying the correct colors how hairstyling works for you how jewelry and clothes work how last years styles work in 1984 eMails tyouxisCf 113>Eautifu[ A Beauty and Fashion Clinic for Hair styles • Make-up • Fashion "C7a/2£ into youx totaC Coo& Hors'doeuves All shows on these Sundays from 2:30 to 5:30 PM -HiuE. ^1/icUo.. . So you can see every detail! April 1,1984 - Lake Lawn Lodge, Delavan, Wl. April 8,1984 - Hunter Country Club, Richmond, IL. ^PimnUcl fay: Connie Oost-Cutts Miss Oregon Universe 1971, cMocUCiny doniuftant iP\t±tnUcl by: Nola Bailey, Haiptylist & Make-up Consultant coLox i