Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Mar 1984, p. 11

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PAGE 11-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY,MARCH 14, 1»M JUrljtnonb RMcHenry* > Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of an error or ommission, the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Call Classified Display Ads: 815-385-0170. Private Party ft Commercial Line Ads: 815-344- 4800. Richmond 678-2581 Office Hrs. M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 3 LINES. 5 DAYS •8.80 PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS • Shaw Fr«« Press Newspaper Group Payment In odvance most be made for these ads: "Babysitting "Business Opportunites "Business Services "Gorge Sales "Moving Sales "Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area "Political "Rooms, Appts. to Share "Situations Wanted "Sublease, Re-rent, etc. "Wanted to Buy "Wanted to Rent. •Woodstock Doily Sentinel "Saturday Extra "Crystal Lake Morning Herald "Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald "Elgin Herald "Richmond Gazette "Marengo Beacon/Republican News "Huntley Beacon/Republican News "Sycamore News "Cory-Groye Clarion "Barrington Banner "McHenry Plaindealer "Genoa-Kingston-Kirkland News "Hampshire Register "Horvard Herald "Shopper Service "McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper DIRECTORY Announcements Cemeteries & Lots.. t 02 Card of Thanks..- 03 Notices. 05 Car Pools 10 Lost & Found 11 Personals 12 Instruction 13 Auctions /. 18 Help Wanted Child Care 19 Nursery Schools .20 Situations Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wonted 24 DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON FRI. PLAINDEALER WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON 24 Help Wanted 24 Wanted WHAT'S NEW FROM AVON? NOW. EARN LIKE NEVER BEFORE. Your time and ef­ fort, and Avon's world famous products, give you unlimited in­ come potential...without a large financial investment. Call Avon today: 815/459-5757. DENTAL ASSISTANT Part-time, experienced. 312/426-3402 CASHIERS plications. Now taking ap Hampshire Fuel r Merchandise Wanted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques 35 Bicycles & Sports Equipment 36 Lawn & Garden Equipment 37 Boats 38 Musical Instruments 39 Cameras 40 Aviotion .41 Pets & Equipment 44 Horses & Equipment... ..... 47 Farm & Dairy 48 Livestock 49 Machinery & Equipment 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property 70 Open House 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sole.... 74 Lots & Acreage 75 Mobile Homes 76 Farms for Sole. 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent. 78 Rooms, Board. House Apartments to Share 79 Apartments to Rent 80 Homes to Rent 81 Condominiums & Townhomes to Rent Q2 Stores, Office & Industrial to Rent 83 Farms, Farmland to Rent 84 Miscellaneous to Rent .',85 Automotive Autos for Sale 86 Wanted to Buy 87 Auto Ports & Accessories 88 Trucks, Tractors & Trailers 89 Vans ,90 Motorcycles & Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Cemeteries 2 &Lots CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK& UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as $275, Including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. 815/459-0547. SPACES 14 2, lot C, Block 0-9, section 4, Wlndridge, choice location. Bargain, $2500. for both, <02/438-2597. CEMERTERY LOTS, (2) in Windridge, $475 for both, 312/658-7451, after 5 weekends anytime. 12 Personals 19 Child Care 21 pm, RIVER VALLEY MEMORIAL GARDENS Route 31 West Dundee Beautifully landscaped park­ like setting spaces. $380 each, includes Care. Catholic and Non-sectarian section. Terms. 312/426-3031. . Card 3 Of Thanks THANKSTO St. Jude for favors granted KjL THANKS TO ST. JUDE for favors granted. Novena has never known to fall. P.V. THANKSGIVING Novena to St. Jude for requests granted. Publication promised. MM THANK YOU ST. JUDE for favors aranted. DP; --j Notices "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 PSYCIC FAIR:, March 17, 18 (11 a.m. - 9 p.m.) Howard Johnson's, Rte. 25& 1-90, Elgin. Well- known psycics, starring Irene Hugns. Lectures. Jewelry Display. (50% OFF Admission With This Ad.) 312/885-1177. PLASTERING Restoration Or New Vernon T. Kopsell 815/338-1668 MOTORCYCLE PAtTS Swaprntct Sunday, April IS, 19*4 nOOOHOCnf IL %00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. |0Ml«rtpac«,15MMch CSM P.O. Box 216 Harvard, IL 60033 815-943-7756 ARTS & CRAFT SHOW Sat. March 31,1984 Woodstock, II Elks Club Hall 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Dealer tables:' 15°° CSM P.O. Box 216 Harvard, II60033 •15-943-7756 10 Car Pools Need ride from McHenry, by 6 am or 7 am to Cary. Am willing to pay to the gas & any extra mileage this may cause you. If interested in such an arrange ment, please call 815/344-1895. 11 Lost & Found SPECIAL NAIL TIPS 2 Weeks ONLY Tues. & Wed $15.00 Thurs. Fri.Sat....$20.00 AMERICAN GIRL BEAUTY SALON 312/426-6565 OPENING for one child in my Crystal Lake home. For info call: 815/459-3663. QUALITY childcare in my Crystal Lake home. $1.50 per hr., ref. avail., 815/455-3194. • it SPECIAL New LA MAUR COSMETICS FREE FACIAL AMERICAN GIRL BEAUTY SALON 312/426-6565 FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free 8i confidential stress line day or night. 815/338-8080. • SCULPTURED NAILS $25.00 by Professional Nail Artist. Call Joyce for app't. 312/658 2019 PREGNANT? Need Help? Call: Birthright 312/695-7950 PREGNANT, NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Officeopen9-lla.m. And from7-9p.m. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service 815/385-2999 LICENSED LOVING child care in my East Dundee home. Member of Association for Child Development. Call: Carol, 312/428-7611. BABY SITTING in my Lake in The Hills home, days, any age. $1.25 per hr. 312/658-4623. EXCELLENT Child Care by experienced Mom, babysitting for 8 yrs., hot meals, toys & quality care, any age, Neubert School area. 312/658-6148. CARING MOTHER Will babysit for your child in my Sleepy Hollow home. Call San- dy, 312/426-4641. BABY SITTER, needed for 2 girls. Occasional day, 6 am to 4 pm, 312/683-4748. 21 Situations Wanted WANTED GARY Hart voters In Tuesday Primary. Punch numbers 50 8i 68 for William J. Bolger & Murray Bolger who will cast their votes for Gary Hart at the Democratic Con­ vention. Paid for by William J. Bolger and Murray Bolger. 13 Instruction LATIN TUTOR, Experienced teacher. Special help for begin­ ner students. 312/428-9188. PIANO, ORGAN 8i FLUTE lessons for beginners 8, advanc ed. Call 312/695-2198. FLY TYING, Fly Casting. Ex­ pert instruction in both. Over 25 yrs. experience. Men, women, youngsters. Overall, most af­ fective method for bass, pan- fish, trout, northerns. Flies tied to order-best quality. Call Kev at 815/675-2730. 19 Child Care LITTLE GUYS & GALS Licensed day care home has full & part time openings. Call 312/639-1382. SEAMSTRESS Experienced (25 years) Alterations & dressmaking 312/658-5106 WILL 5TEAM clean carpets. Living room $20, Additional rooms. $10 815/943-4793 ea., 5 yrs. exp. 18 Auctions LOST several Keys on key ring, Vicinity of McHenry Post Of­ fice and Bank, on Fri. or Sat. March 2 or 3. Call: 815/385 1238. FOUND Women's glasses. Parking lot of IGA food store, Dundee. 312/428-3860. LOST, Mixed Breed male dog. It. beige, 1 year old, River Road. Reward. 815/385-6063. CAT FOUND, March 7 In area behlng Crystal Lake Jewel, sm. long haired female, gray w/white chest 8, front paws, declawed. Ownwer may claim by calling 815/455 4236. 12 Personals HYPERTENSION? Diabetes? Yes, you can have Full Major Medical Insurance! 815/459 4005. AUCTION Located 2 miles west of McHenry, IL, on Route 120. REASON: Retiring SUNDAY, MARCH 18 at 11:00 am. CATTLE: 10 Feeder cattle, Aitfus, Herefords & Cranbreds, 450 to (50 lb., home raited. TRACTORS, COMBINE, DRYER, PICKER, ETC.: 1975 Ca» 970 M tractor w/cab & wide front, 2810 Im; JD A tractor, 1975 Case 5-16 plow; Gleaner C combine w/4 mi corn head and 13' plat farm; Hew Idee Na 324 2 raw pull picker, MC Ma 400 B crop dryer, 3 phase; Cast Mo. 330 baton Kawanee Ma S10 14' Md«p disc, 20" blades, «*c. cond.; Green Me mixer-mill (GoM); JD 494 4 raw planter; MM com shelter »/40* drafline; 250 pi. fiberflam sprayer, Ml 7* trail mower w/cond. hitch; MF roMabar hay rake; MM hay cond.; gravity box wagon; gravity bex w/no running gear hay rack wagon; 3 & 4 sec harrow; 4 sac. spring tooth harrow; Cat a* grain drill on rubber, 50'x6" PTO trans, anger, Ml 40* etov.; Case W disc; Ml flail man. spreader, Case 4 row rear cult; JO 4 row cult for "A"; 24" breaking plow; 2 row rotary hoe; lfi.9 4 11.4 duals for Case; 16.9x31 duals for D-19; Feted 3 phase power grain screen; 200 gri. C.B. bnft milk cooler ISO* hay rape; hay hoist; homemade stock trailer; 3 hyd. rams; prden tractor bale twine; DoLaval vac pump w/2 hp. motor, ICO* 1V«" vac line w/stoM cocta; 20 drinking cups; DoLaval pait; 30 gaL pressure pump; drive bolt; nod tins; drive sockets; large amount of scrap iron. COLLECTIBLES: The Eppei Family has lived on this farm 64 yoon. 1 hone cottar, needs iwloulion. 2 hole wooden shelter w/conveyor, shipping coffin; dinner bolt; harness; sevsral wooden and stool wheels; walking plows and cult; bob sled; cast iron seats and wagon loads of BIN & BUILDING: 3200 bu. steel grain bin; 3 old farm buildings to be removed: 36x30 2 stay barn w/beams; 24x212 stay barn and 24x40 shod. FEED: 500 bales hay. EPPEL BROTHERS, OWNERS Immediately toHowmg at same location, the undersigned will sail the Mowing because of discanbnuing farming. IN 1256 ML tractor, no cab, w/11.4x34 duals; IN 5600 tractor, wide front, new tim, fast hitch; Oliver 5-11 Ma 541 ptar, IH 21' spring told disc; IH Na 400 Cycto 6-30 planter w/dry fort A wood 4 ins.; JD 10* double disc grain dri« on rubber Case bator, MH wheel rake; Glencoe 25' Md cull; Cast 6 row nor cult; MC T rotary scythe; Aery I ton gravity wagan; AC ir Ma 2200 fee; IH 1(T stool drit JD IT dbc 4 raw Mag* attach.; PT0 generator Slough bracking ptar, AC cylinder, and other items. TRUCK: 1974 Ford F250 4x4 pickup, 41 ' STANLEY HAFFERKAMP, OWNER AUCTIONEER: Gordon Stade, McHenry, IL 115-3*5-7032 CLERK & CASHIER: Gordon Stade Auction S-nrict RESPECTED AUCTIONS SINCE 1952 Situations Wanted NEED HELP with Spring cleaning, or a pernament cleaning lady? I have openings for additional clients. Honest & reliable, own transportation, with exc. ref. Phone 815/455- 5152. RETIRED CARPENTER Will work part time. Low rates, free estimates, repairs, rec. rooms, ding. 40 yrs. ex- eorge, 312/428- 7941. Household 23 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted porches, siding, perience. Call & WILL EXCHANGE housekeep­ ing duties for room & board in McHenry area, prefer in-town. Box A H C, Shaw Free Press Newspapers, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL. 60014. • ALBRECHT CONSTRUCTION Specialists in remodeling, repair 8i custom built homes. Free estimates. 815/653*451. JACK OF ALL TRADES, Master Of None. Will do odd jobs; electric, plumbing, help move, lawn care. Call 815/784- 5014. P A I N T I N G , P a t c h i n g , wallpapering, light repairs, hardwood floor refinishlng. Quality work 8, material. Reasonable. David, Ken, 815/455 5536. RESPONSIBLE 16 yr. old seeks after school & summer job. Call Scott, 815/784-6245. WANTED, house cleaning jobs, ref. over 14 yrs. experience. 815/459-5824, ask for Jerry. T Y P I N G , b o o k k e e p i n g , resumes, Diane's Business Ser vice. Crystal Lake, 815/455- 6665. HOUSECLEANING References available. Call Belinda at 815/385-2425 before 5 p.m. HOUSE PAINTING, Interior & exterior, reasonable rates. 815/455-3559. $100 OFF on your next base­ ment or attic restoration. Harry Viezens Construction. All types of General Remodel- i n g & H o m e R e p a i r s . Developer of the prestigious Val-Mar Estates in McHenry. 815/385-2847 (Offer expires May 31,1984). WE DO commercial cleaning; o f f i c e s , f a c t o r i e s , 8 , restaurants. Free estimates, 815/338-5254. HOUSECLEANING: Need help cleaning your home? Weekly basis available. Very thorough. Owqt-iM)att.ojrt0llML., £re#t Ref|Fen^3ft2/CT-yB3. Household 23 rfelp Wanted • BABYSITTER WANTED A mature older person to love and care for my 2 toddler aged children in my home as I would. Not more than 35 hrs. per week. No evenings or week­ ends. References required. Algonquin Area. Please call: 312/658-8463. BABYSITTER WANTED, full time, in my Carpentersville home. Two children, 1VS 8, 6 months. Must be over 21, 8, have own transportation. 312/428-4364. BABYSITTING, 8, housework, 3 children, live in preferred. 312/426-5651. BABYSITTER, full time, for 3 8,6 year old. Lakeland Park or Lincoln Rd. area, McHenry, starting in April, 815/385-9337. BABYSITTER needed in my McHenry home. Must have ex­ perience with toddler, 815/344- 0677. (Fox Ridge) 18 Auctions BABYSITTER, reliable in my home, own transportation, form 4 pm- lam. Two girls, 6 & 7 yrs., call between 9 am 8,3 pm 815/459-4288. COOK-NANNY--Housekeeper needed for North Shore, Lake Shore Dr. homo. References & driving a must. Top salary + benefits. Call Gary, 312/831 5530. BABYSITTER, loving respon sible woman to care for 9 month girl in your Woodstock home, Mon. thru Fri., 8-5. Call 815/338-0959 after 6 pm. B A B Y S I T T E R E l d e r l y , grandma-type preferred. In my McHenry home. Own transpor tation needed. Eves. 8, occa sional afternoons. Gd. pay. 815/344-5024. EASTVIEW, 2nd. grade girl needs after school care, 2:30 - 5 pm. Prefer, Eastview Summer crest area, 312/658-9194. BABY SITTER needed our home. Must be dependable, have own transportation, 8, ref. TLC a must. 815/459 2798. CHILD CARE needed for 6 mo. old son. Prefer my Crystal Lake home. Serious Mon. Fri. commitment- must be reliable 8i have references. 815/455 1153 after 5 pm. BABYSITTER Experienced only. References required. Full time for 16 mo. old. McHenry area. 815/344-4234 aft. 5 p.m. LIVE-IN help for middle-aged fady. Light howMnptng, room <i board + salary Country home. Reply to Inquire A, Capron, IL, 61012. HOUSEKEEPER 8, child care for school age children, references required. After 6pm, 815/455-0505. S I T T E R N E E D E D , M o n - Thurs., 4:45pm-4am., my home or yours, 1 child, West School area, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 5909. LIVE IN companion needed, for older lady, room 8, board provided. B A B Y S I T T E R N E E D E D mature woman, preferably to come to my home, approx., 3-5 days per week. Two kids 8i very light housekeeping, 815/344- 5656. 24 Help Wanted DISTRICT SALES Manager part time. Need someone in volved in farming for fastest growing corn 8, soybean com pany in the eastern cornbelt. Excellent income potential with flex, hrs to your opera tion. For info, call: Mr. Scheele, 815/745-2774. manmsa Sniay. March 11.11:00 M Moose Laift Hall 6205 Nortkwtst Hi(lmay (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, lllioois (Wist ol Starsao Plaakiig) Unclaimed A Abandoned Storage Merchandise UttM lakln. IMPS, fcrttit, Lon Soat. Solas. M Tables. Bisk. Mm* Sols hr Sin Hfrif. Was*. Irjit. M*i« Mackm. Piciic Coolrs Fid Cakint. Matrasses. Radars. Kilekeo tltoosilis. Slassvare. Diiiai tMa Set, Ms I Pan. listes. Copper Pails. Ntifkl Ski. Fiskiet Sear Tires. Contracts Neater. Tools. Fleer lack, law fcaooot el lei lets, n< sort, as tkis is a parti:) listiaf ol (eois available Sale Conducted By Auction By Johnson Meter MMSN Aectiooeer 312-658-5362 or 312-658-8575 Terms: Cash or Approvtd Check SPECIAL AUCTION FEEDER CATTLE - STOCK COWS-BULLS Tuesday, March 20--1 P.M. DeWane Livestock Exchange--Belvidere, II. 500--Head--500 Early Consignments: 100- large Chariots, Black-White Face & Angus Cows bred to Simmentel bulls; due to start deving April 1 - from one tarm. These cows will be lab tested I pregnancy checked by the Vet & Will be sold In uniform lots to suit the buyers This producer also has: 1#- Simmental Cross steers - S5S-M0# J- Angus Beet cows-due In April 1-- Limousin Cow bred to ragistereed Limousin bull 16- Simmental Cross steers 1 heifers - 550-400# JS- Simmental Crots steers fc heifers - 550# 45-- Black White Face steers - 4001 J|- Simmental Cross steers - MM 40- Angus steers-5001 B- Hereford steers-5S00I 15- Angus steers-4M Purebred Simmental & Angus bulls These cattte will have had their shots, been started on teed, castrated & dehorned. This is an excellent opportunity to purchase native leader cattle ft excellent quality right here at home with less stress, Olieiei, death loos ft l«ter gains Each producer s cat tie will be sold separately m small or large lots These cattle will be sorted Into jmitorm lots to suit the buyer This is strictly a con signment sale ft ibexpact more consignments by sale date. It you have any questions, whether buyer or seller, call: DeWane Livestock Exchange--Belvidere, II. RayDoWam Phone: 015/544-3027 Gordon StoMo--Auctioneer . II. SAFE DEPOSIT ATTENDANT We are seeking detail oriented individual to fill a position in our vault area. Good customer contact and light typing skills required. Experience helpful but not necessary. Excellent position for working parent; aproximately 30 hrs. per week. Contact: Jane Keith at UNION NATIONAL BANK of ELGIN 312/888-7500 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F A GOLDEN opportunity with Friendly Home Parties. Sell the largest line of gifts, toys, and home decor in party plan. Openings for managers and dealers. Earn high dealer rebate plus win free trips and cash. Party plan experience h e l p f u l . C a r & p h o n e necessary. Call collect, 518/489 8395 or 518/489 4429. VILLAGE OF Hampshire now accepting application for Building Inspector. Contact: Village Clerk, 312/683-2181. WANTED: someone involved in farming to serve as part- time Dist. Sales Mgr. for fasest growing corn & soybean com­ pany in the eastern cornbelt. Ex. income potential with flex, hrs. to your operation. For in- tor. call Mr. Scheele. 815/745- 2774. 24 Help Wanted Stop. Apply in person at Skelly Truck Stop, US 20 & 190, Hampshire. DENTAL ASSISTANTS 2 years minimum experience. Night hours required, salary com­ mensurate with ability. Call 815/385-1300. REAL ESTATE SALES Posi tions available for career- minded self starters. Top notch training program. Commission advances paid for qualified listings & sales. Earn what y o u ' r e w o r t h w i t h E R A Household Realty. Call Bruce Kaplan for confidential inter- view. 312/639-2000. COUNTER PERSON, part time position in Barrington Dry Cleaning Store for mature per­ son. Please call Mrs. Cramer, 9 •3p.m. at 312/381-2626. TELEMARKETING Part-time position for individual with pleasant telephone personality to obtain mailing list for grow ing company. Phone: 312/697- 6333. BRICKLAYERS Call: 312/658-8826 after 5 p.m. NEEDLE CRAFTERS Need 5 energetic needle crafters. Call 815/385-7206. GROUNDS MAINTENANCE Experienced individual needed for a variety of out­ side maintenance duties including gardening, yard work, and lawn care 40 hours per week. Good references required. Apply in person to: COILS, INC. 11716 Algonquin Rd. Huntley, IL 312/669-5115 E.O.E M/F RECEPTIONIST-Secretary Weekday afternoons and - Saturdays. Call for interview. Crystal Valley RV, 815/459 6611. L WAITRESS Full Time, War­ saw Inn Restaurant. 217 N. Rte. 31, McHenry. Applications taken Tues. Fri. 4 pm. R E S U M E S P r o f e s s i o n a l l y prepared. Visa/MC Welcome. Norton 8, Associates. 312/428 9255. SALESOPPORTUNITY Need persons interested in a sales position: Work your own hours. For more information, Call: 312/639-6408 After 6 p.m. GROOMER'S ASSISTANT Part-time. Schaumburg. 312/426-2803, eves. DATA PROCESSING SUPERVISOR Northern Illinois Hospital has an immediate opening for a skilled Data Processor. This position will involve heavy user and vendor contact, while leading design and development projects. q Qualified applicant must have 3-5 years experience, in­ cluding project leadership.and programming in RPG II and COBOL, preferrably on an IBM System 34 Send resume and salary requirements to: BOX FE-4 do McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St. - McHenry, IL 60050 QUALITY CONTROL •SUPERVISOR We are a custom plastic inaction molding company located in the Fox .River Valley seeking a technical Quality Control professinal to play a Key role in our management process This position requires a minimum of 3 years in quality control supervision, metrology, knowlegde of layouts and setups for layout inspection and solid understanding of statistical quality control. The individual will supervise the audit inspection group and will have considerable customer contact. Familiar ity with plastic lab equipment is a plus. This position offers the potential for rapid expansion of responsibili­ ties. If your qualification and ambitions match the above re­ quirements, we would like to talk to you Plesase send resume and salary history to: Box AHB Crystal Lake Moriiif Herald PO Box 205 Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 SALES CUSTOMER SERVICE We are increasing the size of our inside sales- /customer service department. We provide an extensive training program in computer use and professional selling techniques. We offer competitive pay, challenging work, and the opportunity to grow and advance with a suc­ cessful company. If you have good typing skills and are inter­ ested in learning and dedicating yourself to a challenging career, please apply in person at our Cary Headquarters at 640 Industrial Drive, Cary II, 60013, (weekdays 8:00a.m. to 4:30p.m.) If it is impossible for you to apply during these hours, please call Mrs. Marco at 312/639-5658. WOftLDWIOC MARKING F O X VALLEY SYSTEMS INC C U R R E N C Y E X C H A N G E , part time. Mature experienced license & title cashier. Apply in person, /Monday through Fri­ day, 9 am-2 pm. McHenry County Currency Exchange, 4614-A, Rt. 120, McHenry, IL. WANTED: DIESELTRUCK MECHANIC Experienced Only Need Apply Call For Appointment: 815/943-5486 (1:00a.m. to3p.m.) COIL ENGINEER /Manufacturer of custom wound magnetic components is seek­ ing an experienced design engineer. Applicant should be familiar with torolds, ferrites and RF coils. A stong technical background is highly desired (BStE preferred). Send resume with salary history to: Electro Assemblies 425Huehl Rd. Bldg.#17 Northbrook, IL. 60062 NURSES AIDES, full and part time, generous starting salary. Apply in person between 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, IL. PRESSMAN Full & Part Time TorunCheif29 4Mulith 1850 STRIPPER & DARKROOM Full Time Male or Female Wauconda area 312/526 7188 A G G R E S S I V E S A L E S PEOPLE Stanley Home Pro ducts. No investment, no par ties. Make $7/hr. or more. 815/728-0226. SECURITY OFFICER, part time in Huntley. Weekends, 3rd shift. Please apply Illinois Job S e r v i c e , 4 2 5 C l a y S t . , Woodstock. Equal Opportunity Employer. (Employer Paid Ad.) • TRI-CHEM CRAFTS needs people to demonstrate our ex panded new stain glass paint and liquid embroidery in tubes. Great earning opportunity. For interview call 815/544-6600. D R I V E R full time for dry Cleaning pickup and delivery s e r v i c e . K n o w l e d g e o f downtown Chicago helpful but not necessary. Call 312/639 4020. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Crystal Lake manufacturing f i r m n e e d s e x e c u t i v e secretary. Shorthand & typing skills required; knowledge of bookkeeping & payroll ex perience also necessary. Good working conditions & benefits. B.C.MATHEWS CO 500 Industrial Avenue Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Equal Opportunity Employer MACHINE OPERATOR, Good s t a r t i n g p a y / c o m p a n y benefits. Apply in person, Staple Center Mfg., *1 Jeffer son, Harvard, IL. 24 Help Wanted LOOK IN THE MIRROR Whatdo you see? If you are independent, in­ teresting, & money mak­ ing we are looking for peo­ ple like you to work part time or full time, $20-30 per hour, car required. Call Gail on 1/312-860-3326 Collect INTERNATIONAL HOME MARKETING OUR ALGONQUIN SHOWROOM Needs Part Time Help (late afternoon & evening) telling people about our con cept and assisting in "Open House Tours" We will train. Earn S100-S200 per week. Call Don Zoll 312/65822400 MICROCOMPUTER OPERATOR Part-Time/ Full-Time Arlington Fastener Company has an immediate requirement for a person knowledgeable with micro computer opera­ tion, data entry, form genera­ tion and system control using standard pre written pro grams. Experience with Com puStar or Superbrain helpful Knowledge of CP/M operation or the Sensible Solution a plus. 312/381 7700 THIRD SHIFT ONLY Molding machine operator. Depen dable. Immediate opening. Ex perience helpful but will train. Paid vacations, holidays, hospitalization, insurance & profit sharing. Apply in person, 8 am 4 pm. Crystal Die & Mold, Inc., Algonquin. 312/658- 6535. NEW FACTORY OUTLET Im­ mediate openings available full 8. part time. Excellent pay, training & benefits. Students considered. Mr. Calfa, 312/449 1920. RECEPTIONIST for Doctors Office, part-time, McHenry, 815/344 5910. S E C R E T A R Y R e c e p t i o n i s t , part time, experienced in Legal Field desired. Send com­ plete resume to Box MA 2, c/o McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, 11.60050. ClFEGMARDS, summer, Lake in Cary area, Red Cross Cer tification. 312/639-0925. BUS PERSON, days, 16 years or older. Apply in person after 2 pm. The Old Court House Inn, l o i J o h n s o n S t . , W o o d s t o c k , I L . INTERNATIONAL COMPANY setting up business in Crystal Lake/Cary area, seeking Part Time leading to Full Time Ad­ ministrative Assistant. Good typing secretarial skills, Ger man 8, French language helpful. Send short resume to, P O. BOX 7 Island Lake, IL. 60042 24 Help Wanted KEY PUNCH OPERATOR We have an immediate opening for an ex­ perienced IBM-29 key punch operator ta work Monday through Friday. 3 pm to 7 pm. Our company offers a good starting salary. For an interview appointment, please call our personnel office. GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201 E. Brink St., Harvard. IL 60033 815 943 741 1 An Equal Opportunity Employer M F SALES Looking for an aggressive individual to de velop a sales crew of students for direct sales Excellent commissions. Must be available Monday thru Thursday, evenings and Satur day. Van or large car essential for maximum earnings. Proper insurance coverage neces sary For personal interview, call: MR. GREEN 312/351-4082 ft eekdavs - 11:30 \.M. to 3 P. VI. FULL TIME & PART TIME OFFICE WORK AVAILABLE Duties and hours will vary. Some previous experience helpful but we will train the right applicant. APPLY IN PERSON TIDY CARPETS & FLOOR COVERINGS 1039 Lake Ave., Woodstock, Illinois ENTRY LEVEL Because of continued growth and our strict policy of promoting excellent em ployees, we have several opportunities available in entry level positions: SHIPPING OFFICE (TYPING REQUIRED) CLERICAL (WITH TYPING SKILLS) MAILROOM MECHANIC ASSEMBLY All entry level positions begin with a trial period and offer the opportunity to earn a permanent position. Pay starts at $4.00 per hour for 40 hours per week with the oppor­ tunity to advance depending upon your per formance. Applications will be taken with a brief interview at our new headquarters 640 Industrial Drive, Cary Illinois (week­ days 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). If it is im­ possible for you to apply during these hours please call Mrs. Meade at 312-639- 5658 MC FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS INC

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