SECTION 2- PAGE 18 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, MM Montini aids recycling drive effectiveness start J ° Final restoration begins tidi week for Parent Effectives Hie eighth grade students and teachers from Montini Middle School will again be co- sponsoring the McHenry County Defenders recycling drive. On Saturday, March 17, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the West Campus of McHenry Community High School, 4724 West Crystal Lake Road, this group will be on hand to unload cars, load the trucks, sort and crush glass, and all the other chores necessary for a smooth and efficient drive. According to Dolores Wines, teacher and class sponsor, the boys and girls undertake this drive each year for two reasons: 1-they feel that the recycling effort is worthwhile community project, and 2-they raise money for a class trip to Great America. Whatever funds are left will be used for a school gift. Extra funds last year were used to purchase dictionaries for the school. Newspaper is one of the principal items recycled. However, it should be stressed that magazines and slick paper catalogs cannot be recycled. Brown paper bags and card* board tied in manageable bundles are also accepted. In addition, glass containers with metal and plastic removed, "tin" cans clean and flattened, used motor oil, and aluminum scrap of all kinds are welcomed. High on the list of recycables are 100 percent aluminum cans. The bek price, 35 cents per pound, will be paid for those cans that are crushed. Un- crushed cans bring 33 cents per pound. The Defenders are once again offering a bonus of 1 cent a pound for lots of more than 100 pounds. As always, persons who choose may make a donation of their cans instead of being reimbursed for them. For further information about recycling or how an organization can participate in a future drive, contact a Defender representative at 385-8512. Auditions for MCC musical Auditions for the McHenry County College Theatre production of the musical "Stop the World, I Want to Get Off," to be presented in MCC's Black Box Theatre April 20-29 and May 3-5, will be held at the college Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, March 14,15 and 17. The musical was written by Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse. It focuses on the life of one character, Littlechip, and his rise from -nobody to somebody and back again. Familiar songs from "Stop the World, I Want to Get Off" in clude "Once in a Lifetime," "Gonna Build a Mountain" and "What Kind of Fool am I." The production contains one major male role, seven to nine roles for women and one role for a young boy. New Auto Loans 11.9% 48 Months Marengo Federal ^SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN Spno9t sen saWS \sr;»--» ,c.. jotted®) ' 73.O3AO \ QFF r*®uU<! JpUance ta°fha,ca.e.PP , u R»v«rS,<J 'oaq-739° \ thru s & s s & s r * \ s s s s - -- . Soring"^ «R2-7A5A \ t*"* -- Un^R^^W7390 \ a"' thru H8S" Final registration begins this week for Parent Effectt Training classes (P.E.T) beginning Monday, March 19. The classes are sponsored by Lakaride Center and the Lake Region YMC A of Crystal Lake. For more information or to register, call the First Congregational Church in Crystal Lake. (815) 4594010 or James McChmg (815) 4B5- 4876. SS general m News Auditions will be held in the MCC Theatre, Room 104 of the Applied Science Building, on the MCC campus, Wednesday and Thursday, beginning at 7 p.m. and Saturday at 10 a.m. Those planning to try out for a part should come with one song prepared, either a ballad or up tempo. They will also be asked to read from a script and do some basic non-verbal im provisation. Persons interested in working on a crew for the show are in vited to come to an audition or call the director, Bob Riner, at the college, 455-3700, extension 246. Contact Riner before the date of auditions if interested in being considered for a paid position as lighting design- technical director or costume coordinator. CktitmllteelOmett.! : If your wheels fcafcftethsl ana you soup , like tfremio look uff WHEEL CONDITIONING QUALITY TIRI UK 17401 SPRING GROVE ROAOl SPRING GROVE, ILL. 60081 (815)675-2378 nhts ot «u«oe8S [ SeW \o nevN inches I Take V°"rHe\eoe Curt* în0. So*® SPcAooib, &nc 2350 E. ROUTE 120. McHENRY 285-2298 WITH THIS COUPON OFFER GOOD TUES MAR. 13-FRt MAR WITH THIS COUPON MAR. 20 • FRI. MAR. 23 McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB 820 N. JOHN ST.. MCHENRY Beferrolil lis March and time fer the wearin O the green. The we* folk fa the kitchen are cookin up a feast fit for Brian Boru Himself. Tis a grand time for callin that pretty Colleen of a hostess (Dorothy) and makin a reservation for our St. Pattys' Day Buffet and Grand party. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Bring your clan in for a spot O fun at our dart tour nament JOr win a prize for tellin the worst bit 'O Blarney of the day. Have your caricature done as your're tastin a bit of Eirie (Bushmills). Chef Al (I'm only Irish for one doy) Newton has a grand buffet plan ned for us all so don't be shy. __ Wear the green on the 17th. *1.00 Cocktails too. TOORAH LOORAH McHENRY COHNTRY CLW CALL US TODAY I 3*5-1072 = FEATURE OFFERS FROM MIDLAND DATA SYSTEMS WITH THE PURCHASE OF THE EPSON QX-10 computer system Mi BONUS BUYS! which includes a high-resolution A monitor, two 380K double-density disk drives, and 256 RAM. plus the popular CP/M operating system. YOU GET the most powerful software system on the market. . . VALDOCS . . . specifically designed to be one of the easiest-to-leam. easiest-16-use programs ever devised. Includes: Word Processor, Graphics, Appointment Scheduler, Calculator, Mailing Manager, and Filing. A $1,100.00 value. 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And that's exactly what we intend to do with two programs that will make it less expensive for you to replace your existing gas heating equipment. $100 toward energy efficient heating equipment: If you buy a new energy efficient furnace or boiler, you deserve to get some credit. And you will: a $100 credit on your coming bills, 50% provided by Northern Illinois Gas, 50% provided by participating heating equipment manufacturers, on certain energy efficient models. Financing for conservation measures: If, instead or the $100 credit, you'd rather have help financing the cost of new high efficiency equipment, Northern Illinois Gas will provide financing. You can get this financing when you buy a high efficiency furnace or boiler, and also for a high efficiency water heater and/or automatic set-back thermostat, if purchased with a furnace or boiler. Don't call us. Call your participating dealer: Even though these are Northern Illinois Gas programs, provided by us, we're not the people you should call, if you're interested. Because these programs will be available only through participating heating equipment dealers. So, if you're interested in either program, contact the dealer of your choice. Northern Illinois Gas, one of the nation's most efficient utilities, provider of some of the lowest cost natural gas in the U.S., encourages you to use less gas. And b ready and willing to help. Now, what more could you ask of a gas company? © NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS One at toe NtCO* basic SMtfl MffiiMmSI 1