Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1984, p. 11

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PAGE 11-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1984 24 Help Wanted RN'SALPN'S AH tfdfls. Full time and part time. Cell tiV43»-mi. CERTIFIED NURSE AIDES. AH shifts. Inquire In person • ,,-im --»»-- nPw 10 WWI GVTITICinon. • Crystel Plfts Nursing H 335 W. Illinois SLCr̂ mlJ rH£SstiJ>̂ ip̂ ssi inWMSI. rrnl Tim# COfsSUliS- Hon. P.O. BOR 411 Crystal Late, H.HOR SALES Exceptional opportunity. Dee to our axpamlon program, 1» AA AAAAAmif mpl n Ovi»i«fwiiM OppOrTUni- ly JUMP IMMI hmii Aayl 7 w wwn mWl •no WOTTiVfl WTK) wWi to bacoma part of a wall In our Industry fe not naoasaary duo to our comprehensive training program. TWa Is ax- oallont managamant potentloL profit sharing and Insurence programs. Allot rOur appoint­ ments art provided, no cold calling, nocanvassslng. Can i-ns/emKi LAUNDRY, part lima, weekends. 4:31 pm to t:J# pm. WT m person, Woodstock RttJdtnci 30f McHtnry Avt., r IL WAITRESSES WANTED Ex- porloncad only. Apply In par­ son. Chris' Coach House, Silver Laka Rd. A Crystal Leke Ave- SSL AREA GOLF COURSE Look­ ing tor ambitious machanlcally incllnad parson tor Its' grounds machanlc. Complata knowledge of small engine ser­ vice A rspalr Is a must. Pert- tlma Or full-tlma position evelioble. For more Informa­ tion call Plnacrest Golf A Coun­ try Club, 312/Mf-3111. WAITRESS , lor local i ovar 21, lor local restaurant. •lS/3444<42 between l-5pm del- WAITRESS. FULLTIME Warsaw Inn Restaurant, 217 N. Rte. 31. McHanry, 115/344-0330. Applications taken Tues-Frl. 4 pm. SALES REPS NEEDED Ground Floor Opportunity For $1$ AAottvatMlndlv (duals 115/34444*7 or 312/517-14*1 PART-TIME WAITRESS Flexible Hours Must be 21 CALL 344-1520 AND ASK FOR JIN or come in to fill out an application JP 4301 W. Elm Street McHenry 24 Help Wanted LOCKER MOM MANAGER Must to experienced. Crystal Laka Country Club. SlS/49)- 1237. MILL WORKER, ne ex- parlance nacesaary. Will Mother's hours available, be ever % 3MI hour weak. Please apply In p March 14 or itTbatwoen 10 am & I MM (MMla liikiMill i m «JPtn# 9VWOW RVMIIVIIU am Factory Rd. Crystal Laha. UTILITY WORKER needed for Custom Bedspread manufactur­ ing. Pressing and final In­ specting Included among dutlee. APPLY , 10AM.toSPM. Quiltmaster, Inc. 1S.Wisconsir Carpentersvilli IL, ~ ELECTRONIC* ENSIWEUT WHh digital analogue and RF experience. Daaigncapabltlfy. diagnostic skills, A knowledge of current solid state technology nocesssary. We ere j» rapidly expanding company m mtd of in onorgvtic Ndnloft to our MNlniirln| staff* C#tl Jttntfft bttwoon 2 Mid S pm 24 Help Wanted ACCOUNTING CLERK Good math aptitude along with at. least 1 year of general office experience could qualify you tor Nils timing wntrf you vi usitr our Accountants in the molntotianco of accounting records and sysfoms. Ability to operate o W-fcay calculator and soma data entry experience is prefer - red. Apply In parson: SUN ELECTRIC CORPORATION One Sun Parkway Crystal Lake, IL PaSShrtW! '̂̂ -- CERTIFIED AIDES FPU time tor p.m. shift. Felr Oaks Nurs- Im Home. 115/45^0550. Ask for Mrs./ En- A G G R E S S I V E S A L E S PBWLE Stanley Home Pre- wiiiPi ivv vTvwvwionv# no NT* Use. Mato S7/hr. or more. IH/72S-0224. HOSTESS Part thne 2 nights per weak In local Dundee din­ ner dub. Hours 5 p.m. to 10:30 Mi. WHItram. Phone 312/4*- ma. Ask for Tony. 31 Wanted To Buy 312/44E-3373 CASHIER POSITION Part Time, evelleble In the Crystel Lake eree. We require e mature aggressive individual with a minimum of. 2 yrs. related aeparlenca to work flexible hours, days. eves.. wWK WW*. CXCVIWII OOTWTiim# i-» •••dlilan JfAMMMkia wwiinp conomom. Qiavuvnn etc. For more Information, ap­ ply In parson et Fashion Bug. CnrstelPoInt Mall, 4000 Nor fhwest Hwy„ Crystal Lake, IL. 71RPM Wurlltiar Juke boxes, old slot machines plus any roloted parts or Items, cash 312/444-5441 M.C. STAMP A COIN CO. We Boy A Sell 10 Crystal Lake Plaza •01S/459-3MO* WANTED TO BUY Aluminum Cans. Copper, Br ess. Betterlaa, Aluminum, Automobile Radiators, Gold A Silver. T A C Motel Co., 24 Woodstock St., Crystel Lake, IL.MonthruFrl-ltteS.Sot-S to 4.115/491-4445. I* Secretary-Full Time Must be able to do computer inventory, typing, record keeping, some accounting. Good benefits. An equal opportunity em­ ployer. Send resumes in confidence to: BOX MA-3 c/o McHenry Pfaindoaler 3812 W. Elm St.-McHenry, It. 60050 PART Applications are being accepted for per­ manent part-time positions. Will train for coll winding and coil finishing opera­ tions. Must have an aptitude for working with fine wirie. and small parts. Flexible hours, excellent salary & benefits. In person o&iy <**?. LENCO ELECTRONICS, INC. 1330 Belden St. McHenry, II. the William Tony on Industrial Park. 31 Wanted To Bav MOVING?. Cleenlng house* Buying eld furniture, chine, pleas, etc. trvffiMMl. BUY, SELL or tradoauns. old shells end reletee Items. S15/MHW. L NEED TAX MONEY? TRADE IN those unwanted Class Rings, broken or unused Jewelry, Coins or Sterling Flatware. What better way to gat rid of those unused Gold or Silver Pieces and get CASH NOW! FAMILY COINS A INVESTMENTS 3M Virginia St (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, Illinois SIS/455-6190 Misc. 32 Merchandise WASHER A DRYER, heavy duty, all cycles A settings; REFRIGERATOR, all Ilka new In excellent eond. 312/495-3375 or4W4775. URGE SELECTION of recon­ ditioned refrlgeretors, washers, dryers, ranges, freezers and TV's with warran­ ty. Thompson's Appliance, S15/33S-5411. REPLACE your old furnace wHh a new energy efficient rteturel gas fired furnace. »« « J l-I-- II Al § Al-ntrova jonraon nMTinQ o§ Air Conditioning, S15/4SMQ7S. IN A HURRY? Try us for a rid lunch - fasti C L Dell, 105 Main, Crystal Lake. 815/499- 3441 FRANKLIN A COPLEY CONSTRUCTION CO. I1S/45M233 SIDING A GUTTERS • HAPPY GRAMS Singing Telegrams. Male/ Female Bei- ly Dancers. Call 312/SSS-3M0. APPLIANCES Refrigerators, washers A dryers, electric gas ranges. Clean A Ilka new at reasonable prices. All recondi­ tioned and guaranteed. Wahl Used Appliances, 1209 Court St., McHenry. S15/3S5-U72. RAILROAD TIES and land scape timbers. Bulk grass A pasture seeds. The area's largest selection of landscaping supplies. Woodstock Farm A Lawn, 815/338-4200. COPIERS, new A used, from 195 and up. Valley Office Machines, 815/455-3050. VILLAGE RESALE SHOP Needs Your Donations •Furalture*Clothlng •Any Re-Saleable Items Ail Donations Tax Deductible 65 East Woodstock St. Dewntown Crystal Lake 10AMto5PM- Mon-Sat SIS/459-3401 Ail Proceeds Go To The {Auxiliary hi CAMERA Minolta SRT 200 WHtrRokkor-X 45 mm lense 4 Minolta Celtic 13S mm lense. Plus other lenses, autoflash, mete I carrying case A tripod. Over SS00 invested, will sacrifice for S425.815/338-8730. Misc. 32 Merchandise MOTOROLA. LOW BAND, 2 a, radio bese, 100 weft, 2 lie A 2 pagers. Handle Talkie, remote phone A new bese. entenna. 815/305-1097 aft. 5:30. ACT NOW Astounding offer. Major swimming pool distributor needs floor space. Forced to reduce stock of new 1983 31' family-size swimming pools. Complete with huge sun decks and filter. In­ cludes installation for only $989. Call Collect: 1/800/942-1798 Right now while supply lasts. Financing available. EUNICE'S EGGERY (All Items Made From Reel Eggs) St. Petrlck Day Eggs, Decoupaged Egos, Music Boxes, Jewelry, Gifts. Open weekdays. Call first for eves. A weekends, S15/455-4S54, 144 North Main, Crystal Lake. PROM DRESS Southern Belle type. Worn only once, exc. cond. 815/344-2477, after 4 pm. DELUXE, wireless cable UHF receiver, compatible with all systems, 1125,312/683-4042. OAK FIREWOOD S25 per face cord Delivered A Stacked as available 312/827-4272 SEWING MACHINE Tune-Up Sale During March. Clean oil and ad|ust only S16J0 (with this Ad). Fast dependable full time service. We repair all brands and give free estimates. Voss Vacuum A Sewing Shop Marengo, IL. 815/568-7477 STORE WIDE Inventory Clearance Sale. Huge selection of vanities, tops, faucets, A ac­ cessories; 10% to 30% off. Now through March 15, Sherman Plumbing A Heating, Crystal LITTLE CHRISTOPHER RESALE SHOP BROWN BAG SALE All The Clothing From The Second Floor You Can Stuff Into A Brown Bag For $31! March 13 through March 17 Shop Open 10 am-3pm Shop Closed March 20 - 24 Reopening - March 27 281 King St., Crystal Lake 2 END TABLES, coffee table, & octogan lamp/tbl., all with glass tops, Medit. style. $350./best offer. 815/344-1722 after 6pm. ANTIQUE OAK table, 45" w/pedastai base, plus 12" leaf, refinished, $425. Dining rm. table (pedastal base) w/6 chairs, exc. cond., $375. Three lamps, $30, $25 & $10. 815/459- 7027. WEDDING GOWN Made to order. 2 yrs. old. Off white or ecru, size 9/10. Crepe, floor length, fitted bodice with chapel length train. Old fashioned lace at neck, cuffs & bodice. Late bordered veil, slightly longer than train. Sift/best offer. MUST SEE I. Call 815/385-5572, after 6 pm. RECONDITIONED TV's, Color 19 Inch Si 25 Inch. $75 and up. Chuck's TV, 312/639-3207. Misc. 32 Merchandise BEDROOM Furniture, dark pine, twin bods. I cheats wtth L,arkM Ininiaraii 4m aHWl nuiLiifi win gu ur , 'fPPi 815/4S9-1013. ; BRIDGEPORT MILL, BRI7B179. $2100; Sobestien 14" lathe, fully tooled, $2500, Wether-Turner drill press, with power lead, $350.; Power-matte floor medal drill 815/305-7137. $1200. FURNITURE, many Items evell., nemo your price, 312/4850512, offer 7 pm. CARPETING, used, yds., good cond., II SiSO/best offer. 8 after 6:38 pm. 55 aq. reen, 3451, DRESSERS, two, modern, blk. with chrome. Metching mir­ rors. Unusuel. $350. Other turn. 815/455-4712. WEDDING GOWN, size It orlg. $898. WUI sell tor $980. For very tell person. SIS/4554712. SOFT FIREWOOO Split. $30 per face cord. You pick up. 815/338-5144. MAPLE BDRM. set, double dresser with mirror, full size bed, wtth bookcese headboard, $125; Maple ber, A stereo comb., $175; woven flame sitch sofa, 84" beige A brown, $75; Two, off wht. nylon velvet chairs, $30 each, or both for $50, 815/4994402 after 3 pm. TV- 21" Color Console, $100; Console Stereo w/tum table A 8 track $40; 312/428-5053. CONCRETE FORMS, 1 pickup truck rack for 3/4 ton ceil offer 6pm, 815/344-1160. DAMAGED STOCK SALE Save up to $70%, no reasonable offer refused. Sofas A head- boerds from $399. Welter's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4412 W. Rt. 176, Crystel Leke. 815/499- 3363. UHF-TV Unscrambler Kits. Top quality, sound through TV. From $130, Plncor, 312/896- 0015. BALLOONS for St. Patrick's Day. Sent anywhere In the U.S., picKup or delivered. FANTASY FESTIVAL, 432 Virginia St. Crystal Lake. 815/455-4910. MC/1 C/Vlsa. • \ ST. PATTY'S DAY Balloon Bouquets: Top C The Mornln' & Cheers For The Evenln' (Evenln' - delivered by the gorilla). Bloomin' Balloons, 815/459-RAVE. • Misc. 32 Merchandise LUGGAGE 3 places, 3 teres A1 medium. Good cond~ $25.00; 43 In. table lame with night light In bese: $10 Jt. 815/38^3186. MAYTAG WASHER, GE Dryer, electric good condition. $200 bOlh. 81S/49M724. ~ » BATHTUB, toilet, venlty sink A faucets, medicine cab. White. Gd. Cond. 815/499-5125. PLYWOOD. W, eve., W x 9 ft. 254 each, 815/728-1280, 9-5 DINETTE SET, Spc. chrome A vinyl, 42" round teblo w/18" ext. $175.815/385-7066. TRAILER FRAME, single swivel wheel type, $25; old barber chair, $40; 312/658-4374 mornings 9-12 A even. 4-9pm. COMET CLEANERS Bring in 3 pairs of stacks -Onlypayfor2! ONE CLEANED FREE! With this ad, to /May 1st '84. Located at 323 McHenry Ave., Crystal Lake. 815/459-3237. CL^NG SECONDCHILDHOOD CHILDREN'SRESALE 1/20FF EVERYTHING 324 N. River Dundee, IL. Hours: Tues.-Sat. 10 to 4 312/4284697 DINNING ROOM table, French Provincial, 6 chairs, buffeft, $175; maptebftn*. set, chest of drawers, box spr­ ing/mattress. night stand. $/5; 16 Admiral color TV, table model, $50; wood turning lathe with chisels, $55,815/385-3383 or 815/385-5267, Misc. 32 Merchandise WE DOING ORESS and veil, sz. 5/6, SIS. Beby stroller, $25., 815/943-3281. DINING ROOM Set, 7 ft. table. 6 chairs. 2pc. hutch, exc. cond., $400.312/669-3338. CLOWNS, CLOWNS Crackers the Clown or Easter Bunny. Parties, balloon del. 815^23-HEAR. WOODEN DESK 30 In. x 54 In. Excellent condition: $125. 815/499-6919 aft. 7 p.m. FREEZER. 16 cu. ft. up-right, white, 2 yrs. old, $260; i" pool table, * slate w/access., red surface. $360, 312/426-9110 BABY CRIB, like new mettress, $25.815/338-2066. SOFA A LOVESEAT, dinning room table A hutch, coffee tables & pictures. Most like new, some used. 815/330-3287. 1/2 PRICE SALE I Through March 171 50% OFF our already Low Discount Prlcest Men's A Women's Footwear at up to 75% OFF Regular Retail Prices! The Spore Pair, 53 Brink St. In Downtown Crystal Lake. FIRST QUALITY Name Brands in Men's A Women's Footwear at No Name Prices! The Spare Pair, 53 Brink St. in Downtown Crystal Lake. LINEN OUTLET Why Pay More for flannel sheets, down pillows, comforters A towels? Open Saturdays, 9 am-5 pm, 10004 Main St. Hebron, IL, 815/648-4320. SCHWINN BIKE Girls. 24 Inch. Excellent cond. $90. Western saddle: $60.00.815/330-1392. WHY PAY MORE? Twin size mattress sets, $89; Full size mattress sets, $109; Queon size mattress sat, S189; Bunk Beds complete with mat­ tresses, $189. Lenny Fine Furniture 312/742-7801 GAS RANGE Sears 21 inch. 4 burner, 3 years old. Used 6 mo., like new: $85.312/639-0684. AIR CLEANER ELECTRONIC & humidifier. Still in box: $100. 312/658-5748 aft. 5 p.m. EIGHT TRAY plant stand with lights. $60; 26" CCM men's 10- speed bike, $50. 815/568-6880, after 5 pm. OCCASIONAL CHAIRS (2), gold w/cane, $15./each; Sears electric well fireplace heater, $50.; portable b/w Zenith 17" T.V., $25.; Basset off-white chest of drawers, $45.; black diamond full length mink coat . with matching hat, size 12-14. SA500; boys 2i" 10 i SOFA. Early American, green. $108, Weber uuOObte gas grill, $108, call after 4 pm, S1S/499- 7m. WATERBED, king size, 8 drawer pedestol, w/mlrrorod bookcese heedbeerd, exc. cond., 81488,312/439-4079. WALL CABINETS 12x38, A 38x38; 44" bese untts, A counter tap; ceportone cest sink; elec­ tric Whirlpool ovens. 815/453- 5041. KITCHEN SET. wood ereln Formica table tap, whiskey barrel stand, 4 whiskey barrel chairs. exc«cond., $250. Cell Oftar 5 pm, 815/344-2734. WOODEN DESK A Chest of Drowers. $25. Cell offer 5 pm, 815/499-97754. MINI WHIRLPOOL, wosher A dryer with stocking unit, white, 8280.815/344-1553. ANTIQUE Mepie chopping b l o c k , $ 2 0 0 . M e y t o g dishwasher, exc. cond., $200. Free standing firepiece, now grofe, $125,815/3004250. DISHWASHER,Seers proteMo, 810, ept. size stove, $50, cell 815/338-3315, before 5 pm. WASHER, electric dryer A chest freezer. 815/338-4997. DINING ROOM Table, oval, mahogany, seats 18, needs refinlshlng, $225,815/728-1929. 33 Garage Sales RUMMAGE SALE Cary United Methodist Church CARY 900 First St. Merch 1A 9 e.m. to 5 p.m. March 17,9 a.m. to lp.m. We've Got Everything! RUMMAGE Ringwood Church Barnard Mill Road March 16,9-5pm March 17,9-12 noon. MOVING SALE Wonder Lake 7705 Arbor March 24 S. 25; 10-5 Early Amer. Furn.- bdrm. sets, dinette set, living rm.; hsehld.; depression glass A dish ware; pots A pans, misc. • boys needs frame, $35; 312/4284453 BEDROOM SET, double, com late, $100; 8 HP, Wards trac- , $100, Needs work. 815/385- 7894. 35 » Antiques WAREHOUSE of Antiques! 325 Old Stained Glass Windows. $18 to $1491 And Much More! Funderburg Antiques. Cell SIS/5474186. ANTIQUES A ART Crystal Laka 6916 W. Hillside Set. Merch 17.7e.m. to ? Antique end fine contem- pormy, furniture, glass, baby grand plena lewwry, lamps etc. COLLECTORS PLATES: A Thing of Beauty, A Joy Forevar; She Walks In Beauty; 77 Issue of Madam Butterfly, many more 312/428-20S1. ANTIQUE LOVERS auere mahogany tilt-top lie: $185.815/728-1929. Bicycles & Sports 3 6 Equip. BICYCLE, boys, 20", blk., with pads, good gond., $30, 815/455- 17577 Lawn& Garden 37 Equipment RAILROAD TIES, $5 each Drlvewey Gravel, Sand A Stone, Mushroom Compost, 312/6584658. LAWN MOWER, 10 HP, Sears rider, good cond. $500 815/459- 4219. SHADE TREES Large supply. Also evergreens A shrflss. Quantity sales only. 312/438- 5101. 38 Boats £ RUMMAGE A BAKE SALE Crystal Lake S. cafeteria McHenry A Dartmoor March 17th, 9-5 March 18th, 12-5 Proceeds to go for Prom Trash, trinkets, A treasures!! Also bake goods. MOVING SALE UfnnrlatftrL WOOdSTOCK 1954 Bell Aire Lane March 16,9-2,17,9-5,18,10-3 Everything must go. Priced to sell. MOVING SALE, oas, double oven stove, steel desk, 2 mat­ ching liv. rm. chairs, dressers, teak dining rm. table A hut­ ch/desk A 8 chairs. 312/658- 3210. after 5 pm. MOVING SALE Gilberts 4 Mary Lane , (Rt. 72 to Galllgan to Freeman to Mary Lane in Littles Acres) March 16.17 A18 Washer A dryer, cast Iron pieces, stained glass, brass bed, furniture, baby Items, an­ tique chairs, building material - And much, much more! BOAT, 27 ft. Century 7000 Cruiser, 1983, loaded with all options, plus more, low hrs. like new. $27,900 815/455-2495 after 7 F>™ PONTOON BOAT, 24', 40 hp mower, $1,500,312/526-1276. SLICKCRAFT RUNABOUT, '70, 15 ft., w/60 HP, Johnson, trailer, exc. cond., $3500, 312/658-3138. ; LUND MERC CRUISER '77,17 ft., I/O, Trl-V Hull, stereo, full curtains 8. cover, ski equip., E- Z loader trailer, $5,800,312/426 9110 evenings. EBB TIDE Bass A Ski Combo, '70 Evlnrude, 28 lb. trolling motor, matching trailer, mint cond., $5,100 hing Can 815/455-4353. BASS BOAT, '75, Monark fiberglass; '78, Evlnrude 70 HP electric trowllng motor; Lawrence depth finder, Easy Loader trailer, $2800 firm, 312/426-2179. SMOKERCRAFT, 14 ft. aluminum, with anchor mate, oars; Shkspr. 606, troi'ing motor; 10 amp. briery charger; Excellent cond., $400/best offer. After 5pm, 312/639-5153. CENTURY ARABIAN 200, '77, low hours, stereo, trailer, new cover, exc. cond., 815/385-8299. CAWOE lr w/oars and roof top carrfar used only once. $175. 8)5/338-7187 after 6p.m. ALUMINUM BOAT LIFT, Shoremaster, 2,500 lb. cap., like new, $000,312/658-3138 DIAL-A-SERVICE •Hone Maintenance •Secretarial •Tailoring •Landscaping •Plowing •Firewood •Much more A Listing of Business Services offered in McHenry County and the surrounding area. APPLIANCE A-l APPLIANCE Sales & Service New A Reconditioned Appliance Sales We Service Most Makes A Models 115/3314335 All Work Guaranteed $LACKTOP^> AtLAH'S BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD SPECIAL SOc/Sq. Ft. For grading & blecktopp ing only, on driveways •Parking Lots *New Drives •Long Lanes •Patching •Resurfacing *Sealcoating •24 Hour Servlc All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates ' 815/459-3960 Call Now A Save CERAMIC TILE TRUE TILE Sales & Installation 815/728-1610 10% to 25% Discount •Villeroy & Boch •Marazzi •Briare •Other Name Brands COUNSELING FEELGOOD! LOOK GREAT! Stop Smoking, Loee Weight EASILY Thru Clinical Hypnosis 312-223*7328 COURIER SERVICE CONI COURIER SERVICE For Prompt Pkk-Up and Delivery at Reasonable Rates Discount Avail. Serving McHenry, Lake, Cook, Kane & DuPage Counties Prompt safe delivery*: •All your delivery needs •Packaged Goods •Business Documents •Printed Matter Bonded A Insured Days-Nltes-7 days 815/344-1497 DECORATING , EXCEL Decorating & Paperhanging All Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES •815/385-0922* PROGRESSIVE GYMNASTIC ACADEMY of CARY Aerobic A E xerciee Program* •Pre-School Children - •Beginner Adult Classes •Advanced Classes (Thin migh*/bMvt Itwl tap) CaU Yvonne PhMlpi 815/4554745 GARAGE DOORS Garage Door Sales Service &ftaptlr Electric Door Openers ns/a»Mt BENCH Garage Door Co. GUTTERS GUTTERS UNLIMITED Seamless Aluminum Gutters 4 Colors areersExpsrience All Work Guaranteed Special Pre-Saason Pricing 815/385-9427 HOME IMPROVEMENT ALL PRO HOME IMPROVEMENTS Pre Season Prices on all types siding, soffits, fascia and trim. 20 Years Experience Ail Work Guaranteed 815/385-9427 INCOME TAX QSUajQlDanl ACCOUNTING ANO TAX SERVICE 138 Cess Street Woodstock, Illinois DANIEL F. WARD, C.P.A. 815/338-4990 INSULATION MOVERS HAVE YOUR INSULATION CHECKED Blown in or Batt insulation FREEESTIMATES 815/653-6822 INSULATION ENTERPRISES < Wonder Lake, IL. LOCAL MOVING AND HAULING Reasonable Rates 815/385-9386 HAVE YOUR INSULATION CHECKED Blown in or Batt insulation FREEESTIMATES 815/653-6822 INSULATION ENTERPRISES < Wonder Lake, IL. PAINTING HAVE YOUR INSULATION CHECKED Blown in or Batt insulation FREEESTIMATES 815/653-6822 INSULATION ENTERPRISES < Wonder Lake, IL. RKK DECORATING Commercial iMf A Residential ^ Custom Service at Competitive Prices! Interior Painting &Wall Papering Guaranteed Work-Quickly A Professionally Done Ask For Roger4l5/45fr01W LAWN MOWERS RKK DECORATING Commercial iMf A Residential ^ Custom Service at Competitive Prices! Interior Painting &Wall Papering Guaranteed Work-Quickly A Professionally Done Ask For Roger4l5/45fr01W •Tune-Ups 'Repairs •Overhauls *T rectors Complete Small .E nglne Repair Service-All Models Pickup A Delivery All Work Guaranteed Giant Oaks Engine Clinic •815/728-1482* RKK DECORATING Commercial iMf A Residential ^ Custom Service at Competitive Prices! Interior Painting &Wall Papering Guaranteed Work-Quickly A Professionally Done Ask For Roger4l5/45fr01W MASONRY PAINTING LA BELLE MASONRY •Residential •Commercial •Brick *Block ^Concrete •Fireplaces *Brick Veneers QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Fully Insured Free Estimates Call 815/338-6480 EXCEL Painting & Paperhanging interior & Exterior All Work Guaranteed FREEESTIMATES Jerry-815/385-0922 METALS $$ALUMINUMCANS$S We also buy copper, brass, batteries, aluminum, radiators, gold and silver. T&C METALS CO. 24 Woodstock Street Crystal Lake, IL 815/459-4445 Monday through Friday 10:00-5:00 Saturday 8:00-4:00 PAINTING R.T.&R. PAINTING CO. Commercial i Residential Interior & Exterior. Low prices. Insured. Free estimates. Ron 115/721417* PLUMBING GUNDERSON PLUMBING Septic-Sewer Wafer " Remodeling and All Repairs Power Roddlng Commercial and Residential Emergency Service 815/453-7806 REMODELING REMODELING SPECIALISTS 30 YEARS Basements*Porches Room Addtttons«Gereges Concrete*Repairs Roofing-Siding Promt Service O.E.A. CONSTRUCTION 115/344-1433 015/3S5-ASM 115/344-0741 ROOFING ROOFING PROBLEMS Don't let todays leak be tomor­ rows disaster We repair roofs of all kinds: Asphalt, shingle & tile. Low prices ere our trademark MALLON CONSTRUCTION 815/344-4508 REB&Dftu ̂ QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Senior Citizen's Discount REMODELING ̂ •Kitchen VBafti •Window & Door Replacement WE BUILD •Garages •Decks •Room Additions •Construction of New Homes -NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL!! WE AIM TO PLEASE 115/305-4937 312/359-4339 or Answering Service: 815/459-3888, Ext. SEWING ft VACUUM REPAIR SEWING MACHINE AVACUUM CLEANER REPAIR Household A Industrial In Home Service Keener&Son 815/728-0472 UPHOLSTERY McHENRYAUTO UPHOLSTERY 1815 West Rt. 120 McHenrv, Illinois Complete Auto Upholstery Special Price On Convertible Tops $250 Si up Vinyl Tops-»* OFF Top Quality Materials A Work •815/344-2022* WATER SERVICE WOOSLEY'S IS Years Quality Workmanship Water softeners, pumps, tanks, water well's, iron removers, sump pump. Repair A Sales 815/385-6855 6am9pm 7 days WATER CONDITIONING Introductory Offer RENTA QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For S3.00 per month for the first 3 months Free Installation Call Collect 815/33^3344 Quality Water Conditioning WATERPROOFING BASEMENT LEAKING? Foundation Cracks? •Chimney Work «T uck Pointing FREE ESTIMATES Senior Citizens Discount J. WEST WATERPROOFING Family Owned Si Operated •312/587-4646* If No Answer, Call 815/459-3888, Ext. J WOOD RESTORATION JENSEN WOOD RESTORATION Accurate and careful restora tlon of antiques, furniture and kitchen cabinets Also chair reglueing us/as-40u To Place Your Dial • A * Service Ad Call 344-4B00

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