SECTION 2 - PAGE 8 - PLAINPEALER - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1984 general yci ICI ai News © The store manager may have 'played dumb' Honor top dairy producers Top dairy producers in McHenry and Lake counties were honored March 12 at the 1984 annual meeting of the McHenry-Lake Dairy Herd Improvement Association held at the harvard Moose Hall. Robert Gerloff of Woodstock received the first high herd award. Gerloff's herd of registered Holsteins produced an average of 787 pounds of butterfat and 19,841 pounds of milk during 1983. Other winners included: William Becker and Sons, second high herd; Ronald Vohs and Earl Hughes, third high herd; Steve Borhart, fourth high herd; James Kagel, fifth high herd; Eggum Farm, sixth high herd, and Ken and Don Huff and Sons, Seventh high herd. London from $499 Frankfurt from $499 Pusseldorf from $529 Munich from $539 Paris from $539 Malaga from $549 Madrid from $549 Some restrictions apply. Contact Geta way Travel for a brochure and informa tion. Call Now! Bloemke's Travel 455-4441 414 Virginia St. (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake By June Fuller Dear June: I recently started reading your column and you woke me up to the value of refund offers. But the problem is, how to get the refund forms that so many offers require. On a recent trip to the supermarket I asked the store manager about the availability of refund forms. H ̂looked me straight in the eye and asked: "What's a refund form?" What should a person do in a case like this? -Barbara C., Bartlett, Tenn. Dear Barbara: Tliis is a situation where it makes sense to be very straightforward with the store manager. Even though he may really know more about refund forms than he's willing to let on, your sincerity is im portant. First, I would take out a refund form and, as I showed it to him, I would say something like this:"This is a typical refund form. The manufacturer is using this form to offer shoppers a $1 refund. In order to the refund, I have to send in box tops from packages I purchased in your store. This should make you happy. Because of this refund offer you sell more of this product. Since you sell more, you should be interested in giving shoppers more of these refund forms." Then, depending on how he responded, I might say: "I buy more of my food at stores that display these refund forms." Here's a good refunding tip from C. Perry of Hazelton, Pa.: "The soda companies oc casionally make good offers that require inner bottle cap liners. But the liners are so small that I would often misplace them. I found the answer. A friend of mine is a photographer and she gives me the empty plastic 35 mm film containers. The best ones are clear plastic and you can see the liners inside without opening up the container. I label the others with masking tape and marker pen. Kitty Ward of Gillette, Wyo., says she knows the recipe for "Smart Shopper Cheese Cake": "Recently, my grocery store had the 8-ounce package of Philadelphia Cream Cheese on sale for 75 cents, regularly 99 cents. I had four 20-cent coupons, and after the store doubled their value, five packages only cost me $2.15. I then sent for a Philadelphia $1 refund, so the ingredients for my cheese cake cost me not much more than a dollar. Both the savings and my smart shopper ggej^cge^g^deltao^ ̂ Your Wedding Tux •or *34.95 ...and a free gift, too, when you register by March 311 The cost of Formalwear doesn t have to be expensive And for parties of seven or more registered prior to March 31. vou can select from one of the more than 50 items in our Gift Gallery as our special gift to you Stop in the store for details and let us show you the fabulous Formalwear fashions from X •hop #v#fy Friday nigh! til 9pm Coupon Clipper We have news about the Purina Butcher's Blend Dog Food Bonus Meat Point Offer. Marie Crenshaw of Purina's Office of Consumer Affairs tells us that the P.O. Box had been closed prematurely and the Bonus Meat Points had not appeared on many of the But cher's Blend packages. To remedy the situation, new Butcher's Blend packages will once again have the Bonus Meat Points and the expiration date for the offer has been extended to Dec. 31,1984.1 hope you didn't throw Bonus Meat Points away. Here's a refund form to write for: A $1 coupon. Louis Rich Co., P.O. Box 8189, Kankakee, 111. 60902. This offer expires June 30, 1984. While waiting for the form, save one front label from either the Barbecued, Hickory Smoked or Oven Roasted Louis Rich Breast of Turdey Portions. „ Here is this week's list of refund offers. Start looking for the required refund forms, which you can obtain at the supermarket, in newspaper and magazine advertisements and from trading with friends. Meanwhile, start collecting the needed proofs of purchase as detailed below. Remember, some offers are not available in all areas of the country. Today's refund offers have a value of $14.50. Personal Products (File No. 11-B) These offers require refund forms: FASTEETH Free Travel Coupon Offer. Receive travel coupons worth up to 25 percent off on hotels, car rental and auto services -- valued up to $100. Send the required refund form and two entire front panels from any size of Fas teeth boxes (except three-fourths -ounce size.) Travel coupons are redeemable until Dec. 31, 1984. Expires June 30, 1984. PEPSODENT Toothbrush $1 Refund. Send the required refund form and two wrappers from Adult-Size Pepsodent Toothbrushes, plus the register tapes with the purchase price circled. Expires June 30, 1984. SCHICK Disposable $1 Refund. Send the required refund form and the Universal Product Code symbol from one package of Schick Disposable Razors. Expires June 30, 1984. SIGNAL $1 Refund. Send the required refund form and the net weight statement from the front of a 32-ounce bottle of Signal Mouthwash or two statements from the 24-ounce or 18-ounce bottles. Expires May 31, 1984. Bonus! This offer doesn't require a refund form: NEUTROGENA $2,Rebate, P.O. Box 670, Pico Rivera, CA 90665. Send the front panel from any three Neutrogena Imperial Bath Size Soap cartons, expires June 30, 1984. Write to me in care of The Coupon Clipper, United Feature Syndicate, 200 Parte Ave., New York. N.Y. 10166. G OOOfVEAR mfc?? RADIAL Ok#6- SALE Choose The Steel Radial That Works Best For You! MUCH DO YOU NEED? cradiS]l •JT* !*" "V9n ,n "in ?TC«ion tread WWW. . («.. __ ••nl tlMI t*lt( ' 'cc££rsLf«,»' C •• Maa ~ _ construction $57°r59sol'fi3oo ftnn I •-- I *-- 66®°j*65®o sfiqoo n CwMl its low - . nnQ Minng E "°n' Steele®"*1 . All seaso" <e>< *nee' consl'uC,'on ,ound <>"v,n« 'W5/70RU *° Tf*d« Netded J"iit»w«ll p?15/75RM T'*>« NMdtd Wl»itt*»ll ptt5/75*14 Tr*>« NNUM ?fK/7( nit I Wmttwftfl I '*05/75*15 $78 60 No Trad, Need*] f K | Letters ^225/70*15 T'»dt Netded $7420 WMtwsli ^235/75*15 *° Ir»0* NMdtd rouf>a °"y * it* 1*S610 \!57 wSfZLa.a \ lining I ̂ igsssTwM**" n Mm I 1 s.w W 1 »«..»•«"S"* I P196 ... 1 P184 1 NO 15/70*1* I no I-** I 11,1-" ̂ I 1 .nffl 1 S '« I WOS 'W/V-a s.i« I .... I 20» I Hot'**"--0*0 I 1 \ If you thought we were only interested in big business or new home loans, think again! We're just as interested in lending you the money for a new car, boat, home improvement, or maybe to finance that long needed vacation. And if you'd like some good, sound financial advise, our loan counselors will work with you to make your borrowing both practical and affordable. It's you who made us the largest finan cial institution in McHenry County, and we're ready to help you. So why wait. Call or stop in at one of our convenient kxations. We've been lend ing money since 1925 to people just like vou. i MARENGO 200 F.. Grant Highway 8IS/S6W2S8 McHENRY 44(H) W. Route 120 815/544-1900 WOODSTOCK 118 Cass Street 815/3.58-2900 WOODSTOCK DRIVE-UP Route 4"* and Calhoun Street 815/338-7440 CRYSTAL LAKE 550 Barlev Rd on Route 14 815/455 4300 FOX RIVER GROVE 40"' Lincoln Avenue 312/639 2350 CARY 60 Northwest Hwv 312/639-0222 Marengo Federal SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN COME ON IN AND "SAY HELLO TO VECTOR" Meet Goodyears newest All Season radial It s the high tech. high traction, high mileage tire with the unique criss-cross tread SALE ENDS MARCH 31 renr LENDER CUT OUT THIS COUPON AND SAVE! LIGHT TRUCK WRANGLER RADIALS Save $32 to $54 per set of 4 Wrangler Radials are designed spentu ally lot use on liqht tiucks v.ins pickups and 4WIV-, No nerd lo settle tor auk) tin" Wt.nnilri HadiaK let you qet moie of what you hoiujhl \.MII luihl truck tot1 Spacial Pricas Oa MivMaal t Pairs TM! Oftor Valid Daly Will CM#M. Caapaa Expiras March 31st! CUT OUT THIS COUPON AND SAVE! CRYSTAL LAKE TIRE & BATTERY 5505E.N.W. HWY (Rt. 14). CRYSTAL LAKE TYEAR 815-459-5114 or 815-459-1460 'McHtnry County's Largest Tlra Outlet" Hrs. AAon.-Frl. 8-5, Sat. 8-2