PACK 6 - PLA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1984 meet your Neighbors McCullom Lake I COPY MACHINE PURCHASED Program on ^Suicide' is planned for March 27 Turning Point is opening its inservice programs to the public as part of an on-going educational service to McHenry County residents. The public is invited March 27 to attend an informational discussion on suicide. The program will be presented by Mike Baber, who works for the Youth Service Bureau in the runaway program and has been instrumental in organizing and facilitating the Survivors of Suicide support group. The program will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, corner of Calhoun and Tryon Streets, Woodstock. These Jree inservice programs will be presented six times a year by Turning Point. The next inservice program will deal with the topic of rape. . $500 •1/2 H0U* SESSION SUNTANNING WE TAMED THE SUN... .. .and made it comfortable! FREE TRIAL CALL 344-2202 UNLIMITED VISITS FOR 30 DAYS... $75 MAX. VISIT -- 1 MR. VISITS MUST BE 4S HOURS APART GUARANTEED IMMEDfATE RESULTS... MEDICALLY PROVEN.. .SAFER THAN THE ?'JN! ADVANTAGES OVER "COFFIN" TYPE REDS 1) TWICE AS FAST 2) FOAM MATTRESS...NO HARD PLASTIC 3) USE OF LOCKER ROOM WITH JACUZZI & SAUNA 4) SAME PRICE! McUENRY NAUTILUS 804 mill st. - Mchenry There was a Revenue Sharing meeting held just before the March 13 board meeting and money was allocated for a new copy machine which was badly needed. At the board meeting, it was learned that the Easter Seal Society for McHenry County will hold its tag days in the visage April 13 and 14. During police reports, first aid courses for our officers were discussed. The chief will check into this and find out where and when the courses are held. A reminder with the warm weather coming is that Dee Valentine (385-4903) is our building trustee. If you are thinking of home improvements and additions, you must contact her for a permit. The next meeting will be March 27. There will be another Revenue Sharing meeting at 7:45 p.m. with the regular board meeting following at 8 p.m. NEW ARRIVALS- Stephanie Gonzalez, weighing 7 lb. 5 oz., arrived Feb. 10, 1984. She is the second daughter born to Ralph and Helen Gonzalez. Big sister Rachel, age six, has been eagerly awaiting her arrival. The Gonzalez family has lived in the village for a little less than a year now. Jessica Lynn,weighing 8lb. 3 oz., and measuring 21 in. long, arrived in McHenry Hospital March 7 at 10:11 a.m. She is the first born child of Tim and Gloria Hocin. The maternal and first time grandparents are Don and Geraldine Milbratz of McCullom Lake. The paternal grandmother, welcoming her seventeenth grandchild, is Sally Hocin of McCullpm Lake. The maternal great-grandmother is Cecelia McGee of Chicago. GET WELL WISHES Susie Gleeson was hospitalized recently. We wish her well and hope that when she reads this, she is feeling much better Dawn Miller 385-4901 BEACH GALS March 7 was the date for the monthly meeting of the Beach Gals and the Easter Caniival was the main topic. It will be held Saturday, April 14, starting at 10 a.m., with the Egg Hunt. There will be games, prizes, refreshments and the Cake Walk. Each member is asked to boil two dozen eggs and drop them off at Mary Brand's house at 5003 Maple Hill. Also, each member is asked to bake two cakes or cupcakes for the Cake Walk. These can be brought to the carnival on that day. Donations of eggs or cakes would be greatly appreciated. The Little Miss McCullom Lake contest will also be held that day. Registration dates for the contest will be March 17 through April 7. Any female resident between four and eight years old by April 14 can register by calling Chris, 385- 2057 or Linda, 385-7415 after March 17. May 19 is the date set for the Giant Indoor Garage Sale. If interested in renting space or a table, please contact Mary Brand, 344-1960 or Linda Bacon, 385-7415. LAKE LADIES The ladies held their first meeting of 1984 on the evening of March 8. Ten members and one special guest, Karen Lauben- thal, brought by Rose Sacco, talked about their winter ex periences and vacations. At next month's meeting, which will be held April 12, the ladies will be setting up their monthly activity calendar. LOOSE DOGS Village Ordinance No. 7 states, " it shall be unlawful to permit any dog to run at large in the village at any time.." Dogs should be securely leashed or contained on their owner's property. Many complaints have come in about this problem. OFFICE HOURS The village clerk's office hours are Wednesdays and Thursdays, 2 to 6:30 p.m. and Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Absolutely no hours on Sundays or holidays. The 1984 vehicle - stickers are to be purchased and displayed by March 31, or you may receive a ticket and costs could add up to $50. Boat stickers may also be purchased at this time. Also, there are seven boat posts left for rent. Residents may also register to vote at the clerk's office,. You must bring two proofs of iden tification along with y<>u. •> * * "»•' t ' * ,•? J I » • BIRTHDAYS I A • Belated birthday wishes are expressed to Karen Sarabia, who shared March 14 with Cindy Martini and Chad Eflliot; Dorothy Weber shared mafch ie with John Rourke, Bonnie Schipp and Matt Carson; Pat Wade, Patrick Walter and Keith Hemm spread some blarney around March 17; Kathy Loewe celebrated March 18; Ron Krumsee toasted in another year March 19; and Henry Tapaninen's special dajr was March 20. Happy birthday wishes for this week go to Laurie Olson, celebrating March 21; Carol Weiland, sharing March 24 with Don Parenti, happy day bro; Bridget Tapaninen shares March 26 with Andrew Han cock; and Lillian Parenti blows out 86 candles on March 27, Happy day Gram. ANNIVERSARIES Belated anniversary wishes are sent to Ron and Carol Krumsee, who toasted 16 years of togetherness March 14; ahd to Eric and Pat Swanson, who celebrated their special day March 17. Happy anniversary wishes for this week go to Jim and Diane Odom, celebrating March 26. Wonder Lake: SPRING VACATION EAGERLY AWAITED The sounds of laughter and the sights of bicycles will be prevalent the last week of March when our grade school and high school age students will be enjoying a week off from school. All schools in the area are trying to follow a county- wide calendar so they will all be off at the same time. Since Easter is so late this year, the calendar planners chose to have the last week of March as a spring vacation r fiti instead of waiting until the end of April. MARCH MADNESS March Madness is the theme chosen by the Woman's Club of Wonder Lake for their spring card party to be held Sunday, March 25, from 2 to 5 p.m. at Christ The King Hall. Profits from the card party will go into the Scholarship Funcl. c. . , , % ' : «r i iff mil HOURS MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 9AM-9PM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 9AM-10PM SUNDAYS 9AM-8PM 46l0W.touf»120,McH^ry p-- -, mm ad appuks n wm: I SALE DATES: WED., MAR. 21 THRU TUES., MAR. 27 Carlo Rossi Rhine *Burgundy •Vin Rose •Chablis Sangria •Piasano Light Chianti Pink Chablis LOOSE PACK 24 12 OZ. CANS 4 LITRE BOTTLE Booth's High 'n dry 90 Gin 24 12 OZ BTLS 75 LITRES /5 LITRES 1.75 LITRES SELECTION!! WE'RE SECOND TO NONE IN McHENRY!!! B 12 0Z. BTLS /B ELL |IQyORS LaBatts Canadian Beer or Ale WINE GUIDE Wook 5 Variety: Barbera The Barbera grape is widely grown in Northern Italy and in California. In California it is used extensively to blend with jug wines, however a few California wineries produce Barbera in it's Italian tradition - robust, deep colored and long lived. As a matter of fact, with bottle age it becomes softer, balanced, a truly noble wine. It is the perfect accompliment to cheesy foods (Italian fare), with game, B-B-qued ribs, and most any beef dish. The Italian versions usually show up in America as either a Barbera d'Asti or Barbera di Alba, from C alifornia, it is mostly grown in the Central Valley. • 1.75 LITRES Walker's Canadian Whisky 6 12 OZ BTLS f CALIFORNIA f ITALIAN NORTH CALIF Sebastiani Propietors Res* 1976 Barbera Granduca 1974 Barbera d'Asti REG 4 49 I REG 5 49 750 ML _ _ REG. 6.99 750 ML 750 ML SPECIAL COUPON SPECIAL COUPON I Seven Up W Diet 7-Up ^SlLike Cola Diet Like 8 16 OZ BTLS VIM 00# EVERYDAY LOW SODA PRICES Cora Cola D?ei Coke Decaimdleu Coke , lab i Sprite PLUS Dfcr 75 LITRES J I I NORTH. CALIF Sebastiani 1970 Barbera 999 REG 13 69 750 ML ONE PER | COUPON | 24 12 0Z CANS ^ COUPON FXP j >2.00-- omjwiM 1 (Canfield's 'Mixers^ it QUARTS r>cc VULJ OUR EVERYDAY tow SODA PRICES •••••••••••••••••••••••• EA PLUSDEP • Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group ANNUAL DINNER The Greenwood School annual spaghetti dinner, sponsored by the CTO, will be held Friday, April 13, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Special provisions will be made for those refraining from meat during the lenten season. Anne Sowers 653-9549 ; ~ There Win bethe uibabcale I walk taking place throughout the evening, along with the making of hot pretzels to be enjoyed by everyone : but also, a special feature will be the Northwood Junior High Sym phonic Band entertaining. SPECIAL DAYS Happy birthday to Pat Diedrick of Wonder Center, who will be celebrating her special day March 23. My big brother, Joe Sullivan, will be adding another year March 26. Each year is one year nice^ March 27 will find Cherie Spencer of White Oak's, Bay blowing out candles on top of her non-caloric cake! Happy birthday to a former Wonder Laker, Jay Cristy, who will be celebrating his special %y Marshy... JO | (•< r- * *r «•» • n 15 r< • COMING EVENTS ^ ,, « March 22 & - Parent 1 teacher conferences for District 200. March 24 ~ Last baseball 1 registration; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Christ The King. March 25 - March Madness Card party ; 2-5 p.m.; Christ The King. March 26-30 - Spring break. MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MERCHANDISE CLEARANCE CENTER USE CASH, VISA, M.C. or , OUR PURCHASING CARD 1 HOURS: Sun. 10-3 Mon.. Tues., Sat. 9-5 Wed., Tliurs., Fri. 9-8 SALE DATES MARCH 21-27 301 W. Virginia St. (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake--815-455-0333 -WHILE QUANTITIES LAST-- Have vou visited our store in Wauconda? SPRING CLEAN-UP • PRE-INVENTORY SALE THE ENTIRE STORE GIFTWARE FURNITURE WATCHES HOUSEWARES CLOCKS DOMESTICS 40% OFF OUR REG. PRICE TOYS RADIOS GLASSWARE JEWELRY ELECTRONICS GROCERIES ***WOMENS *** MENS *** BOYS ***GIRLS*** • JOGGING SUITS • BLOUSES •BOOTS • TENNIS SHOES • SWEATERS • VESTS CLOTHING 50% WWOFF OUR REG. PRICE • JACKETS • TEE-SHIRTS • SLACKS •JEANS • BELTS •BLAZERS • SLIPPERS MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MCC CATALOG OUTLE1 STORE