Five attend convention PAG^^PL/UNDEALERjlVEDNESDAYj^^RCj^BjJUg^ Five members of the Kish- waukee Trail chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution at tended the state convention in Decatur. Members of the Kishwaukee Trail chapter were reminded of the regular monthly meeting Monday, March 26, in the home of Mrs. William Langdon, 445 Lawndale, Woodstock. The guest speaker was to be the Fourth Division Director Mrs. Virgil Liptrap, on "The Joy of Duty." Those from the local chapter at the March convention in cluded Regent Amy Brink, Norma Anderson, Leta Clark, Lela Boerner and Alice Clark. Regent Brink accepted several awards on behalf of Mrs. Ferol Tomlinson in recognition of her work with the Junior American Citizens Club. Also present, to accept a special conservation award, was Kenneth Fiske, executive director of the McHenry County Conservation District. mostly m m Social Local girl enters pageant Hold appreciation dinner for members MRS. L. C. HOFFMANN III Announcement has been made of the Tuesday, February 14, 1984 marriage of the former Barbara Kidd, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kidd of McHenry, to A Ludwig Carl Hoffmann HI. The wedding ceremony took place at the Virala Plantation, Fitzpatrick, AL, followed by a reception at the Chantilly Helpful hints. ...To thaw frozen butter for baking quickly, grate the butter. ...To keep milk cold for serving during warm weather, pour some milk into an ice cube tray and freeze. Empty the cubes into the glasses and pour the milk. NEW HOURS A1THE FRIENDLY UTILE BEAUTY SA10N THAT'S HARD TO FIND MONDAY 8 TO 5 CLOSED TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 8 TO 5 SATURDAY 8 TO 2 Plantation in Birmingham. The new Mrs. Hoffmann, a McHenry Community High School graduate, teaches Spanish in Montgomery Academy, AL. Her husband, a major in the National Guard, is chief inspector of industrial pollution control for the State of Alabama. • • The March meeting of the Fox River Ladies Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600 was preceded by an ap preciation dinner prepared and served by post members. Beulah Carlson and Goldie Silva, new members, were given . the auxiliary obligation by past president Gerry Kuck. A reading of correspondence revealed the national president visit on March 31 and fifth district spring frolic April 14. A letter received from Edgebrook school expressed appreciation for the labels which will be used for equip ment at the school. William Dodds, principal of McHenry East Campus High School, also expressed gratitude for the new American flag presented to the school. Hospital Chairman Ila Hogan reported "No Greater Love Day" was a success; the cookies, candy, sox and canteen books given to patients at North Chicago Medical Center were greatly appreciated. She stated that lap robes, utility bags, stuffed toys, pillows, etc. made by "Willing Workers" of McHenry; and men's clothing, crossword puzzles and paper back books donated by members had earned over $3,000 in monetary value for the auxiliary. Gerry Kuck, newly appointed Americanism chairman stated that she had given a new American flag to McHenry Hospital and to the VFW post home. The next regular meeting of the auxiliary will be held Wednesday, April 4, at the post home. LAURA MELLUM Laura Mellum, age 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Mellum of Johnsburg, has been selected to be a finalist in the 1984 Miss T.E.E.N. Illinois Pageant, to be held in Naper- ville, IL July 6-8. The pageant is the official state-wide finals for the national Miss T.E.E.N. to be held in November, 1984. Miss Mellum's hobbies in clude music, reading, water skiing, cheering and dancing. All contestants are between the ages of 14 and 18, and must have at least a "B" average in school, having maintained this average for at least two previous years. Each one is required to participate in the volunteer community service program of the pageant, becoming involved in com munity activities by con tributing at least 12 hours of time to some worthwhile charity or civic work. Among the prizes the winner of the pageant will receive is a $1,000 cash scholarship and an all expense paid trip to the national finals, where she will compete for over $30,000 in scholarships and prizes, in cluding a personal appearance contract. Entrants will be judged on scholastic and civic achievements, poise and per sonality. No swimsuit com petition is required. The con testants may choose to give either a two-minute speech on "Teens Encouraging Excellence Nationally," a two-minute original monologue, or a two- minute talent presentation. Speeches will be judged on content and delivery. Monologue-talent will be judged on originality and performance. ILL FRAN'S HIDDEN CURL 1212 N. 6M0I SIKH (OFFICE 0 McHENftY. IL 144-1*1* •wu .aai , ,'^Diafci SUKVIW Th« Gr*at*r McHcnry Area Chamber of Comm*rc* presents its annual CLINIQUE PROTECTS AND PRETTIES YOUR SKIN TiSd&Faif March 30,31 & April I AT PARKLAND JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Rte 120 & Ringwood Rd . McHenry, III. FRIDAY 6 00 PM --10 00PM SATURDAY 11 00A M -- 10:00 P M SUNDAY 1100AM -- 500PM Featuring... •FREE ADMISSION •150 BOOTHS •EXCITING EXHIBITS •REFRESHMENTS •COAT CHECK •FREE PARKING •FREE SHUTTLE SERVICE •HUNDREDS OF PRIZES PLUS... •SEMINARS friday, Saturday & Sunday •"The Price is Right" Saturday & Sunday at 1 p.m. •Action Auction Friday & Saturday at 8:30 p.m. •ALL INIS PLUS MUCH, MUCH MORE... SOMETHING ALL 3 DAYS! TRADE FAIR 1 a Easy to § find...' I r> m •'! hm J t>n. Attention tan fans. . now you can radiate fresh, healthy color and a natural, look-at-me glow with Clinique's famous skin care. Choose the exact amount of protection you want. From gentle tan encouragers to complete sun blocks. Each designed to prevent burning, peeling, and most important, the premature look of aging. Don't let another sun rise without Clinique's skin-savers in hand. And remember, all Clinique products are allergy tested and 100% fragrance free. 19SPF Sun Block, 21/2 oz., $7.50. 10SPF Sun Block, 4 oz., $7.50. 8SPF Sun Block, 2V2 oz., $6.50. 4SPF Suntan Encourager, 4 oz., $6.50. Cosmetics, First Level. The sun's shining on a great gift from Clinique: Experts At Hand, a collection of Exfoliating Scrub, Facial Soap Mild, Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion, Basic Blush Creamy Blusher and Pink Plum Lipstick, in handy sizes for town-going or travel. And yours at no extra charge with any Clinique purchase of $7.50 or more. One bonus per customer. ••"mm FEE . i II CLINIQUE l/;" •• SPRING HILL TO WOODSTOCK ITE 170 STORE 1000 SPRING HILL MALL. WEST DUNDEE ILLINOIS 60118 PHONE 428-1234 HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. 10 00 TO 9 00. SATURDAY 10 00 TO 5 30 SUNDAY 11 00 TO 5 00