PAGE 14-PLAIN DEALER-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1984 Stores, Offices Industrial 83 To Rent I MONTHS FREE RENT »X 15 Office, 0150/mo. 115/653-9*53 or 7204404 CRYSTAL LAKE, exc. Rt. U location, 1,225 iq. ft., mini- kitchen private wa*h room, reception araa, 3 separate of flee*. axtarlor sign avail., 0975/mo. Inclt. heet ft a/c, Frank J. Smith I Assoc. Inc., Ill South Virginia St., 015/455- 1440 or 015/459-0006. FOR LEASE CRYSTAL LAKE 675 Sq. Ft. Office In Professional Center Elavator, all utilities (except telephora), cleaning sarvlca. Panalad, carpeted, cabinets & sink One month security deposit. One veer minimum lease: $460/Month. 815/459-2139 Tuesday • Friday OFFICE SUITE in modern building, conveniently located on North Rte. 47. Over &400 sq. ft., Incls. reception area, con ference rm., 7 offices, waiting rm„ kitchenette, etc. tl.500/mo. Call GM. Smith & Assoc.. >15/33>-445S. CRYSTAL LAKE for lease, new building, 6,000" or 12,000', If clear, recessed dock, 10% or more office, 115/943-7446. CRYSTAL LAKE, 1,200 to 5,000 sq. ft. Ind. space, 3 phase elec., a/c, 115/459-9060. CRYSTAL LAKE Executive Office Suites M4-400-090-1590 Sq. Ft. Call 015/459-7600 101 CORPORATE CORNER ALGONQUIN 1500 sq. ft. office space for rent. Main St., Rte. 31 location. Off street parking. Red Carpet Krlstensen. 312/65M664. WOODSTOCK i available ino. Automobiles Automobiles 86 For Sale 86 For Sale MAVERICK GRABBER. 197J. 6 cyl., stick. $295. Used Car Factory, Elgin. 312/695-5160. REPROCESSED AUTOS- all makes & models. Always a good selection. Not all models at all times. Buy |utt Ilka tak ing over payments. From S4t. month a up. Mechanically tested cars. No ma|or body damage. For full details, you must ask for Mr. Barry. 312/584-3900. PONTIAC VENTURA, 1972, V- 8, automatic, 1595. Used Car Factory, Elgin, 312/695-5160. PLEASE DON'T SLIDE THROUGH WINTER without Auto Insurance! Call us for a quote. Special rates for over 55 ariver. Budget terms. Sunder lege Insurance Com pany. 815/338-3328. BUICK APOLLO, 1975, V-6, auto, air, S195. Used Car Fec- tory, Elgin, 312/695-5160. CHEVY, '73, 39,000 miles, *950, 312/658-5916 after 6 pm or Sat. OLDS CUTLASS, '77, original owner, air, ps/pb. exc. running cond., clean non-smoker's car, best offer . 815/344 2460. PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 74, autow reliable car w/many new Hems. 8350/best. 312/426-5508. Automobiles 86 For Sale MAZDA RX7, '80,4 speed., air, 75,080 miles. Must Sell. 85,000 weekdays aft. 5 p.m. anytime weekends. 815/344-5074. CHEVY Impale, 'Xgoodrun- vw RABBIT, '75, 61000 ortg n a r . 5 2 , 0 0 0 m i l e s . S 4 0 0 . 8 1 5 / 6 5 3 - . . . • - II. FORD TBIRD, '78, 2-dr., ps/pb, air, am/fm tape, cruise, power windows, sharp, 50,000 miles, 815/344-1999. miles, good body 1 mechanics. Best offer over 81,400, 815/459- 3812 eves, ft weekends. very 3131. • Upstairs office space« near Square. 815/338-11 85 Misc. To Rent SMALL HALL for rent. 125 people or less. Weddings, An nlverserles, Graduations, Meetings. Liberty Hall, 1304 Park St., McHenry, II. 815/385 2281 after 5pm. FLORIDA, Port Charlotte, 2 ho mes turn. Club House, 2 pools, tennis, 10 mln. to beach. April thru Sept. $100 to $450. 312/3 82-5362 days, 312/658-5762 eves. 86 Automobiles For Sale CAPRICE, 1974, 4 dr., oood work car, $395. Used Car Fec- tory, Elgin, 312/695-5160. SUN ROOF SPECIAL Standard 15" x 30", $175 Install ed. We also rust-proof used cars. Your full service Ziebart, 312/639 5333. DODGE ASPEN '78. Only 48000 ml. 2 dr. with vinyl top. 6 cyl., auto., p.s./p.b„ air. rear defog. $2400./reas. otter. $15/385-7464, after 5 pm, 312/540-3131, days. HONDA 74, 2 dr., stick, deen, good mileage. $1600/best offer. 815/338-0662 after 5 pm. Automobiles 86 For Sale MUSTANG Hatchback, '80, 4 speed, 4 cyl., sunroof, am-fm stereo radio, asking $3995/best offer. 815/459-8058 or 815/459 6291. HONDA ACCORD LX, '82, 2 door, 5 sp., blue, am/fm stereo, air, exc. cond., rust proofed, 32,000 ml.. $6,600.815/455-3037. MUSTANG GHIA, 79, 4 cvl., turbo, 4 sp., ps/pb, air, am/fm, new radials. exc. cond., no rust. $3,800. Call 815/338-6480. DODGE COLT WAGON, '77, 5 speed, air, new tires, new clutch, good cond. $1200/best. 815/455-4215. CHEVY MALIBU Classic, '82, maroon, S-cyl. dlesel, a/c, am/fm, spoke wheels, 35 MPG, 815/338-2785 after 5 pm. MGB, 1976, convertible, very good cond., new top, runs exc., no rust, first $1,900 takes It. 815/344-1037. CHEVY CAMARO, 76, auto., orig. owner, low mileage. Call 815/338-9332 eves. VOLARE, won., 1979, 6 cyl., auto., $1695. Used Car Factory, Elgin, 312/695-5160. VOLVO, '74, 141 stick, reg. gas. Good cond., high miles, $1,050,815/459-4721. after 6 pm. CATALINA, station wagon, '77, well kept, 8,500 miles, air, call 815/385-8223. OLDS DELTA 88 Royale, '75, loaded, good cond., $1,200 or best. Call312/639-2294. HORNET, 1974, 4 dr., 6 cyl., auto, $495. Used Car Factory, Elgin, 312/695-5160. OLSMOBILE '81, low mileage, axe, cond., $4,900 815/338-29& HORIZON'81,4 dr., auto., P/S, P/B, stereo, Ziebart, low miles, $4100.312/695-0671. REPOCESSED CARS 35 available. All prices, bank flan- cing, low down, warranty avail. 815/758-5451 Mr. Sibley or Mr. Sprinkle. cond., 81900,815/385-31 MERCURY BOBCAT, '79, 4 cyl., 4 sp., hatchback, sport wheels. 48.000 ml., exc. cond. Must see. $2,100. Call 815/459 8041. BUICK OPEL Coupe, '78.4 sp., sliver, am-fm, rear'defogger, great running cond., some rust, $l,750/best. Call 815/344-3462. GRAND PRIX, 1977, half wht. Landau, wht. Interior, loaded, am/fm cassette, under 60,000 miles, asking $2,450, call anytime 815/344-5171. CHRYSLER NEW YORKER Fifth Ave. Edition, '82. A beautiful car. Like new. Ab solutely loaded: $10,500. 815/455-5810. WILLIES JEEP, '53, runs good, 81000/best offer, 015/344- 1186. HONDA ACCORD '78. Front wheel drive. 5 spd., air, rear defog. & wiper. Exc. cond. Gd. mpg. $2,650.312/639-5374. FORD MUSTANG, '76, 4-spd., $1,600 or best. 312/639-7377. AMC SPIRIT, '79,4 sp., am/fm radio, good cond., 1-owner, 55,000 ml., $1,700/ best. Call 312/426-4045 after6pm. VW BEETLE, '68, runs well, new tires, body needs minor work, $250.815/455-1243 eves. MONZA, 1980, Sport Coupe, p.s. ft p.b. am/fm 8 track, $2000. 312/697-0068. DUSTER 74. 6 cyl, auto. Rebuilt trans., air, body gd. $1475.815/385 3635. DATSUN 310 GX '80, 4 dr. hat chback. Runs excel. 35 mpg, valour Inter. $3400. 815/455 2021. LINCOLN MARK V, '77, all op tions on car, low mileage, gar. kept, $5250,815/728-0125. PINTO. '79, 4 cyl., 4 ps/pb, sunroof. Crane per formance cam, header, brown w/oranoe side stripe. Quick ft Sharp. 815/439-0466. BEAUTIFUL FIREBIRD '00. T-top, radial TAs, am/fm cassette, pi>./p.s., V6. Im maculate. $5475.815/459-2686 or 459-4088, eves, between 6 ft 8. BUICK LE SABRE '75. 4 dr., cond. 81300/best offer. 12/639-6359. BUICK LE SABRE '69. Snow tires ft new battery. Rusted. Runs good. Best offer. 815/385- 8594, after 6 Automobiles 86 For Sale BUICK SKYHAWK,' 76, V-6, 2 dr. sedan, 4 speed. p-S.. p.b„ a Inferior# red. 1 oerwor# miles, well maintained, $l,975/best offer. 615/3854157. SPECIAL. 1931 Medal A deluxe RS coupe with mohair Interior, nice cond* drive anyvtftere; ,815/547-6725. £ • DODGE ASPEN, '77, clean, good cond., 4 door sedan, 48,500 miles, 6 cyl., 20 MPG, air, am/fm stereo 8 track, 1 year Old paint |ob, $2500, 015/455- 3562. CUTLASS SUPREME Brougham, '79, low miles, gar. kept, all power, seats, locks, etc.. Cobra C.B., 312/658-7827 from 11:00 am. VEGA HATCHBACK '75. Auto. Fair cond. $400/best. 815/338- 7827, after 4:30pm. CHEVY CHEVETTE '82. 2 dr., exc. cond. Great mpg. $3900. 815/337-0058,5:15to6:30pm. VW RABBIT, '76, 70,000 miles, good cond., new exhaust ft brake linelngs, asking $1400. Must sell. 815/385-7296. CAMARO, '78, 4 speed, eir, am/fm stereo, low miles, 815/455-6848. after 6pm. USED CAR USED CARS PRICED LOW TO SELL FAST! We aren't horsin' around • When it comes to makin' deals TOYOTA 1171 TOYOTA COROLLA DELUXE LIFTBACK OH • • • « , I t ,OOO, M l * . , wed- lot kr*k*>, rw Mmlw, AM/FM SIW N . *3988 1982 TOYOTA SR5TERCEL f r o n t w h e e l d r i v e 3 i p d 1 7 0 0 0 m l 1 o w n e r P B t i n t e d g l e e t A M F M • t e r e o r e a r d o f r o e t e r . s t e e l b e l t e d - a d i a l s 1983 TOYOTA STARLET 1 5 . 0 0 0 m l l e t 1 o w n e r . 4 t p e e d A M F M S t e r e o h i g h M P G . p o w e r b r a k e s r e a r d e f r o s t e r s t e e l b e l t e d r e d l a l s 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA SRS SPORT COUPE S mm4, kflkn air caa- tfltlaalai. (lata* (lata, AH/FM alaraa, raar talraatar, ataal halt at rUlal*. ana awaar. '6288 *6988 1981 TOYOTA STARLET Oaa awaaf, high MPS, S apaa4, pawar krahat, AMfFM alaraa, raar tatraatar, alaal kalta* ra- 4 la la, |av mKaa. 1 9 8 1 T O Y O T A C E L I C A GT L IFTBACK 5 s p d P B . a l l o y w h e e l s e l r t i n t e d g l s s s . A M F M s t e r e o 6288 1981 MAZDA 828 S aaaad, paarar krakaa, air caa- «Hlaala(. tlata4 glaaa, AM/FM •laraa, raar tafraalar, ataal katta* ratfata, taa awaar. *5988 1978 TOYOTA CEL ICA CT L IFTBACK *4988 1979 FORD BRONCO 5288 1978 TOYOTA CELICA QTCOUPE S a»aa4. »•••' krakaa, t la tad |Uaa. AM/FM alaraa, raar <a- traatar, ataal kattat raJlala. 7388 1982 HONDA ACCORD LX A u t o P S P I . l l r c o n d i t i o n i n g t i n t e d g l a s s A M F M s t e r e o , r e s r d e f r o s t e r s t e e l b e l t e d r a d i a l s l o w m i l e s , o n e o w n e r M U S T S E E 1981 TOYOTA CRESSIDA Laiary car, S cjrt., aula., PIS, P/B, Pfwla. a lacka, atr, Pfaaa- raal, AM/PM ataraa caaaatta wigrapkk aaaalliar, I awaar. <8988 1979 VOLVO 245 DL WAGON 4 cyUMar, 4 a#aa4, M«ar ataar- 1*1 a krakaa, t l * ta4 ( laaa, AM/PM ataraa caaaatta , awaar, aicaeaal canMUaa. 1978 TOYOTA CORONA DELUXE A u t o m a t i c p o w e r I ' a e - k| & *6588 1977 PLYMOUTH VOLARE 3588 $3588 4288 1981 TOYOTA CELICA ST COUPE S 8^88^1 P8W8t ^C8fc88| glftBB, AM/FM i t l T M , 8N r--*, f88f ^8lf98t8f t 8t88l f8* M B , f c B i B B t C B B J H I B B . *6688 T OYOTAV ILL AGE leylor oveFfim •I6PEN SOKibAV \ TRAMS* TOYOTA ifrlHiifi 900 L«Fox, Rtt.31, South Elgin, 741-2100 l ----m--• i r --Jee-- SERVICE Mon.-Frl. l -5 PARTS Mon.F r l . l - * Sa t . 9 noon SALES Mon. -F r l . f - f S i t . f - 5 Sun . 12 -4 O South Elgia RV or business vehicle. V< good condition. $2,W0. Jeff, 815-675-6389. r 6 p f f l . CHEVY Mallbu Classic, '76, ps/pb, 114 miles, rebuilt engine, air, vinyl top, runs pood. $700, 815/455-5647 after CHRYSLER NEWPORT'71 Runs gd. $300/best offer 815/455-1649. OLDS STARFIRE '75. Clean, low mile sporty hatchback. Auto., air, stereo. S1295./offer. 815/344-2620, eves., all day Frl. A Sun. WILLIES JEEP '55. With snowplow. $850. 815/459-4274, after 6 pm. CHEVY NOVA '74, 2 door, 350 V-8, auto, trans., 66,000 original miles. Good body & tires. 1900. 815/455-0745. , VW BEETLE 71 '74 rebuilt engine, $800. 312/426-7660 DATSUN MAXIMA, '81, 4-dr., sun roof, auto., air, power win dow & door locks, $7,800, 815/455-6600. CAMARO '75, runs excellent, extras, $950/best of fer ; Volkswagen Dasher '78, runs great, clean, good gas mileage, $1850/best offer. 815/344-5347 after 6:30 p.m. DATSUN, '74, B210 1280 CC, body shot, exc. engine, $200, 815/455-2852 atter 5 pm. FORD PINTO, '72, auto, 2,000 cc., runs good, $400, 312/A58- MERCURY COUGAR '75. Black w/burgundy Interior. Gd. Cond. $1700. 312/464-5753, •VfS. GMC PACER deluxe, '78, 6 cyclinder, am/fm radio, auto., air, 8i rear defroster, $2500, 312/658-4097. CHEVY VEGA, '74,4-spd., new brakes, $600, 815/385-2563 after 5:30 pm. CHEVY MONZA 2 + 2 '78, ex cellent cond. New tires. No rust, auto, 4 cyl. P/S, AM/FM Cassette. $2,200/offer. 815/344- 5073 after 5 p.m. FORD T-BIRD, '80, 30,000 miles, exc. cond., ps/pb, auto., air, stereo, Landau, V-8, $5,200, 815/455-6526. NOVA, 1974, V-8, auto, p.s., $700.815/338-1366 after 6pm. TOYOTA CORONA '72. 4 dr., 4 spd., radio, exc. cond. $475. 815/385-6929, after6pm. • WANTED: DEADOR ALIVE Cars, trucks, vans 815/728-1887 '74 CHEVY CAS, 5 yd. dui 815/459-5538. Trucks, Tractors 89 & Trailers DODGE Viton 78 pickup, 4 wh. drive, pa. pJ»., new tires. Exc. •ivnr- CHEVY pickup, * ten. 1*77. cond., original owmr* 81175, cell after 4 pm. 015/305- CHEVY CORVETTE Roadster '631 6,000 miles on rebuilt 454/425 h.p. engine, doee ratio 4 spd., many extras, ever $18400 invested, sharp but not quite show. A sacrifice at 99490. Call Jeff. 8154754369. CHEVY VAN 78, 125 wheel base, 350 CID with 4 barrel car buretor, auto trans. Meal for 90 Vans mmmmSSSSSmm 3 CHEVY II, '67, 2 door, 4 cylinder, $500; GTO '41 for peris or whole, $500; 815/459- 4104. TOYOTA CELICA GT Lift- back, 79, exc. cond., exc. mpg. $4,200/best. 815/330-3166. PONTIAC PHOENIX U, '80, brown, low miles, exc. cond., 83,900/bOSt, 815/455-4724. HONDA, wgn., 1977, 4 cyl., stick, $395. Used Car Factory, Elgin, 312/695-5160. PLYMOUTH SAPPORO, Sport Coupe, 1982, 5 speed, loaded, elr, 18,000 miles, exc. cond., $7,100.815/459-8194. DUSTER %70, Good runner. Little rust. 53,000 ml. $500. 815/648-2795 aft. 5 p.m. TRANS AM, 76, good running cond., $2200,815/385-4558. IMPALA, wgn., 1974. $395. Us ed Car Factory, Elgin, 312/695- 5140. HONDA COUPE, 1979, auto., air, $1595. Used Car Factory, Elgin, 312/495-5140. TOYOTA CELICA GT. '77. lift- back, 5 speed, air, am-fm, rust proofed, newly painted, original owner, $3,000. 312/639- CHEVY '77, * ten. auto* p/s, am/fm stereo, elr, carpeted In- ter lor. 81,880 mites. S3M0/offer. 815/459-1642. CHEVY, 79, G20 van, aute. pa, pb. air. tilt, two tone paint. No rust. 43.000 miles, $4500, 815/3304359 efter 7 pm. CHEVROLET VAN. 1975, V-8, sport window, good tires, runs good, $2450.815/305-3824. FORD LRP VAN 77. full cost Int. $2900/or best. 312/650-4071. DOOGE VAN, 77, ps/pb. auto., 310 V4, $1,200/best, 015/315- 5414. _ DODGE VAN, 72, must sacrifice due to Illness. $1500, Into It. Mechanically excellent, body rust. $500 Arm. Call before 10 pm. 3/29/04 going Into hospital. Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles SPORT FURY, Coupe, 1960,303 V-8, auto., air, no rust. Used Car Factory, Elgin, 312/695- 5160. Wanted To 87 Buy CASH PAID for Junk Cars - Running or Not! Immediate Removal 1 Call 312/526-3116. WANTED TO BUY |unk A repairable autos, 7 day pickup, 312/639-8159. WANTED-1980, '81 , '83 Cadillac, 4 Dr. or Seville. Exc. cond. Reasonable. From Private Party. 312/695-3375. CASH PAID For Junk Cars • 7 Day Pickup 312/639-2628 Auto Parts & 88 Accessories VAN SEAT, snap down bench for Chevy, never used, $100. Call 815/338-6480. HUB CAPS. Buy and Sell. Thousands In Stock. Country Collector Wllmot Wl., 414/862- 2914. OLDSMOBILE 350, with trans, runs good, $175.815/337-0704. USED AUTO parts for Datsun B210, 1977. 815/385-9390 Trucks, Tractors 89 & Trailers SCOUT 4X4, '77, auto., 304 V-8, ps/pb, 61 K, 17 mpg, $1500. 815/459-8006. FORD PICK-UP, 71, good run ner, heavy duty rack A tool box, $750/best. 312/639-3518. FORD 150 RANGER Club Coupe, 78, euto., am/fm cassette, rust w/whlte cap, exc. cond., $3,000 Call 312/658-4097. DATSUN PICKUP, '80, sporty, good cond., radial tires, am/fm stereo, $2,950/best, 815/338 ump with truck, 366 V-8, 5 speed trailer hitch: $4850. Cat 95512A Diesel loader: $4500/? 312/438- 5101 CHEVY TRUCK V b ton, '83, 4x4, dark blue, 15,000 miles. Call after 7 p.m., 815/385-3081. CHEVY PICKUP, '77, auto., ps/pb, radio, body rough & high miles, $700,312/658-8730. CHEVY PICK-UP. '73, * ton, tool box A ladder racks, runs good, body rough, $450/best of for. 312/428-5053. JEEP PICKUP '73 with cap. 4 wheel drive, fair cond. Asking $1300.815/344-3524, after 5 pm. FORD EXPLORER Pickup, 76, auto., ps, air, am/fm cassette, radio, camper top A morel, $2,000/best offer. Call 312/650-2105. FORD RANGER F250, '70, 460 engine, fully equipped, new wheels, radial tires, $3,200. Ex- eel lent condition. 815/338-3228. CHEVY Pick-up 79, 3/4 ton, 4x4, Western Plow, Twin Tanks, hub locks. AM/FM stereo, extra high cap, exc. cond. $5200/best. 312/650-4071. CHEVY C10 custom pickup, '70. 3S0 dual exhaust, white spoke rims, mint Int., no rust, Georgia truck. $600/flrm. FORD F150, Super cab, 1976, with cap, $1,050.312/497-4131. FORD PICKUP, 3/4 Ton, 76, ladder rack, good cond., $1,050/bOSt. 312/639-1507. FORD TRUCK, 77, 3 speed, cab top, runs good, $2400/best offer, 815/338-6055. CHEVROLET * TON pickup, 4 wheel drive. Like new, low miles: $7000.815/459-7912. FORD, '51, Vi ton pick-up 327 engine, good cond., $575, 815/455-2901 after 5:30 pm. TOYOTA PICKUP 4x4, 03. Low miles, exc. cond. $7500. 312/6504531, after 6. Must Sell. FORD VAN E198 71 $l400/best offer. 312/690-9301 efter 5 P JUL HONDA XL129, 79, legal, looks superb; runs great, well cared for, $275, 81V784- 5909 or 815/784-5138. HONDA, XL 125, 1975 street legal; looks suberb; runs great; wall cared for. $275, 815/784-5909 or 704-5138. USED MOTORCYCLES 75 Yamaha RD125: $350 '81 Yamaha DT125: $595 '02 Yamaha XT250: $1095 '02 Suzuki RM250: $1095 '75 Kawasaki KZ400: $395 '76 Kawasaki KZ400: $495 '78 Yamaha SR500: $795 70 Honda CB5J0: $995 '79 Yamaha 650 Special: $1095 '02 Yamaha Maxim 450: $1995 (Fairing A Kina-Ciueen Seat) '70 Honda CB750S: $095 '02 Yamaha Maxim 750: $2195 '70 Kawasaki KZ1000: $1795 '78 Suzuki GS1000: $1095 '00 Yamaha 1100 Special: $2495 '83 Suzuki GSITOO: $2095 '83 Kawasaki KLT200:$995 CYCLE CRAFT »»*- - --« WOOCJ STOCK 815/330-4454 YAMAHA, 'S3, Seca 790, stock full dress, like new, 1400 ml., $3,200. after 3:30 pm 019/330- 1331. YAMAHA, 790 Maxim, '03. 700 miles. $2,900.019/3304416, after 6 pm. HONDA, '76, 790 F, extended front, new tires, chain, many extras, $000,019/344-1090 after 9 pm. HONDA XL390, 1979, 3,000 original miles, $429/offer. After 6pm, 819/330-2036. SCORPION, '70, 440 Whip, low miles, exc. cond., must sell, $790,019/305-3130. SEASON CLOSEOUT prices on Skl-Doo Snowmobiles A Sno- Bird Trailers, Port Barrlngton Marina, 312/301-1010. YAMAHA 250 ENTICE R '70, $400 312/439-7377 HONDA NIGHTHAWK '02. Fairing, luggage rack A back rest. Mint cond. $1000. 015/337- 0050,5:15-4:30 pm. YAMAHA, 1902, 450, Heritage Special, very low miles. Mint n. $1550. condition. 0.015/305-7127. SUZUKI TS100X Only 200 miles. Like new. 815/385-4944 YAMAHA SNOWMOBILE, ex cellent condition, $500.015/459- 7052. HONDA CR00, '03. $550. Honda CR125, '03. $1000/best offer. Both exc. cond. 815/344-1973. YAMAHA '81. YZ50-Exd. Beginners' motorcycle for child. Like new. $350. 312/603- 2292. YAMAHA '73. With '70 engine. 14000 ml. Exc. cond. Mai S spare parts and helmet inc 312/603-3443, after 5 pm. EARLY BIRD SALE Motorcycle Accessories Batteries, Helmets, Leathers. Tour A Trail 310 N. La Fox (Rt. 31) South Elgin, IL. 312/695-7310 CUSTOM HARLEY '54. $300 cash A assume payments, for 22 mos. at $77/mo. Needs some work. A must to see. 015/653- 9412, anytime. KAWASAKI 900, 76, very good cond., never raced, lots of ac- cessorles. $1,000,312/420-5140. HONDA XL125 75, street legal. Looks A runs great: $275. 815/784-5909 or 815/704-513 ̂ Recreatioi 92 VehicU CHEVY HALF-TON, '42, pickup truck w/8' overhead camper. Sleeps 4, stove, refrlg., furnace, best offer, 815/3054354. CHEVY SPORTS Van, '76, con verted to RV, full bubble top, propane gas, stove, sink, ice Box, port-a-pott I etc. Needs body work A minor mech. repair, $1,700,312/526-2016. TRAVEL TRAILER. 19 ft.,'00, Wilderness, completely self contained, sleeps 6. electric brakes, roese hitch, level izers, all exc. cond., $5,000/offer, 312/603-4175 after 4:30 pm. MIDAS CAMPER, 10 ft., 1973, very clean, 015/704-5467. r* people read classified 815 344-4800 College Helping To Meet Bilingual Teacher Need By ALAN L. ADLER Associated Press Writer FINDLAY, Ohio (AP) - Rosa Garcia remembers the dif ficulties of growing up where English wasn't spoken at home as she tried to get by in an American sodety where no other language was accepted. Now a senior in tne Bilingual- Multicultural Program at Findlay College, Miss Garcia works to help other Mexicans and Mexican-Americans avoid such problems. "I know more or less how they feel," Miss Garcia said. "We until I was 12/$foer» I first came to the schools in this country, I had to struggle iesshow 1 largest United States Studies show that by the year 2000, Hispanics will minority BytST&el amatFindla; be the in the three- tical Spanish for Elementary Teachers and Social Workers. ^ She also focused her doctoral dissertation on tesching English in junior high schools In Puerto Rico. "I'm a person who believes that language has to be useful, Ms. Nye said. "Even if our students that we train here are not gram, lents that we train nere are in a special bilingual pro- im, they'll be better In the three years the program has been offered, enrollment has grown from seven to 64 majors. Most are pursuing Spanish with English, but other languages can bepaSed with EnglishTMs- Nye said. "The main purpose of bilingual education is teaching English," she said. In 1980, the Ohio Legislature passed a law that Bilingual teachers should be certified. Con- teachers. Alread: ie of sorts is ly, a pipeline developing Detween the 1,200-student liberal arts school and Houston, where demand for bilingual teachers is acute. Bilingual education involves teaching students various sub jects in two languages--English and their native language cern over such programs grew from a 1974 U.S. Supreme Court decision that educational help had to be provided for students whose first language was not English. Currently. 23 states cer tify bilingual teachers. There is nothing worse than in a classroom and wan- college's program It is one of two bilingual-multicultural pro grams in which graduates are certified by Ohio. The other is at Ohio State University. "The need for these teachers in Ohio is there, let alone other states," she said. Some Hispanic pupils are found in most big-city public schools. Of 8,000 non-English- speaking students in Ohio, an estimated 50 percent are Hispanic, said Jennifer Bell, a consultant in the Ohio Depart ment of Education. Ms. Nye got her idea for the program trom a class she created and taught called "Prac- Enrollment in the here is almost evenly split bet ween Hispanic and other students. Ricardo Lucio, recruiter and counselor for the , said he's seen a shift in ! of student interested in jilingual teaching degree. 'The first year, it just seemed that the minority high school stu dent was interested, but now the interest is more spread out," Lucio said. "Hie main emphasis lemphas people st is on jobs and these people see this as one way to have a jump." "The thinking in the past nas been that iust Decause they're Hispanic, they will want to teach ana go back to their home. That's not true. They want to do other things like business and engineering," Lucio said. 'Nerve Endings' Has Little Substance NERVE ENDINGS. By William Martin. Crown. 406 Pages. $14.95. William Martin is one of those enviable young authors who hit best-seller lists with their very first tnr. Now, three years after his initial success with "Back Bay," he is out with his second, this one called "Nerve Endings." It is billed on the jacket as a "medical drama with all the fascination of 'Coma' and 'Brain,'" the well-known medical novels. Not so. First of all, it doesn't have the fascination. And secondly, it has nothing to do with medicine, except that the protagonist has a transplanted kidney. His name is James Whiting and he is a young advertising copywriter living on Boston's Beacon Hill. Suffering from "end-stage renal failure," he is lucky enough to get a new kidney. As some organ recipients must do, he becomes curious about to whom the kidney originally belonged. His surgeon admits on ly that the donor was a male of about 40 who died in an accident. Whiting checks the papers and sure enough finds a story about a Hollywood TV producer nam ed Roger Darrow who died in a Maine boating accident, and whose kidneys were donated. Darrow had been on a cross country trip with a video-camera to find out what a suspiciously fast-expanding cable TV network was really up to. Finding the donor's identity doesn't satisfy Whiting. He wants to know everything about the man, so he takes off for Hollywood to seek Darrow's widow. At first she declines to have anything to do with him, but then relents. Eventually they decide to retrace Darrow's footsteps and finish the in vestigative work interrupted by his death. Martin writes slickly and cinematically, but there is very little substance to this book. ing political manipii public through cable TV, suspense never really builds up. Don't bother to go along with them on the trip. Waka Tsunoda Associated Press Oil-Rich Gulf Countries Are Providing Dowry Loans By ALY MAHMOUD Associated Press Writer MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) -- Inflated dowries and the stiff cost of weddings have impelled oil- rich Gulf governments to set up special banks for "marriage loans." In Saudi Arabia, the problem was studied by researchers at King Saud University at the direction of the ministry of justice. A 34-member team from the Riyadh-based university col lected data from various cities and villages throughout the kingdom during a recent 10-day period, but this was just a preliminary sampling. According to Islamic tradition, Moslem men are required to pay dowries to families of their brides. Learned Moslems cite sayings by the prophet Mohammed against inflated dowries. But triBal customs and age-old practices of ostentation have caused the dowries to go up steadily over the centuries. The sudden burst of oil wealth in this region has contributed to the dramatic upsurge in dowry figures, which sometimes run in to six figures for the wealthy. In Bahrain, the first country in the Gulf to enjoy the blessing of oil wealth and the first to know the bitter taste of oil depletion, men often import wives from India. Indian brides require no dowries. In fact, Indian women often pay dowries to their grooms. But Gulf men reject the concept of dowries paid by women as an infringement on male dignity. The head of King Saud's arts department, Abdullah al- Shammari, said an extensive questionnaire had been distributed to various state departments. He said the opi nions of women will get "due at tention" in the research on dowries and cost of weddings. A dowry in Saudi Arabiafre- quently amounts to 25,000 rivals ($7,352) and up, with some of this money often contributed toward the expense of the wedding ceremony. But the dowry-wedding bills can often run into hundreds of thousands of dollars for the wealthy. A| prov engaged coup ford the going prices. The loans are interest-free, repayable over periods ranging from five to 10 years. In some Gulf countries, men often ask heads of state -- the emirs -- during weekly sessions known as majlis for money to help take "one more wife.' Moslems are allowed up to four wives, and thriving economic conditions in this af fluent region seem to encourage men to invoke that "right." No statistics are available about polygamists in the Gulf region. But unofficial reports put the percentage of men married to two women at 35 and that of men with three wives at 22. Weddings tend to be elaborate i