k ON ALL MEW&USED CARS OUR PRICES CAN'T BE BEAT!! COME SEE US TODAY!!! MOW IN STOCK!! V (: 1984 SUNBIRD CONVERTIBLE STE'S CONVERSION VANS IN STOCK THIS WEEKS BEST BUYS ON USED CARS WAGONS W) Bom. Wgn.-"Diesel" P.S. & Disc B. P W 4 Locks-60/40 SeatTiltCruise AM/FM Stereo-Rear )efogger A/C Luggage Rack Velour Int.-3,000 Mi - Factory Exec. Driven-Save$3000! 1ftt OWi Custom Cruise i Pass. Wgn. LOADED- WdbdgrairvEKtra Sharp Full Size Wagon!!!! Gr. LiMans Wjn.-P.S. & Disc B.-A/C Luggage Woodgrain-A Reat Sharp Intermediate Wgn! Wl OMs Cutlass Br. Wagon-P.S. & Disc B.-P.W. & Locks-AM/FM Stereo-Buckets & Console-Tilt-Crui- se-A/C-Woodgrain-Loaded & Sharp!!!! OTHERS 1*3 MM LE 4 Dr.-P.S. & Disc B.-A/C-Tilt-Cruise-S- tereo-Rear Detogger Console-Stripes 15,000 Cert. Mi.-ShowroomNew!!!! WW Camero-4 Speed-P.S. & Disc B.-Rear Defogger- RaMy Wheels-7,000 Mi.-Red-A Real Sporty Car!!!! Special $7995.00!!!! 1912 Plymouth Trlsmo 2 + 2 HB P S. Disc B.- Rear uefogger-Rally Wheels-7,000 Mi.-Red A Real Sporty Car!!!! Special $7995.00!!! 1ft! J««p CJ7-P.S. & Disc B.-A.T.-Tilt-AM/FM- CanvasTop-Striping-SharpOnly $7495.00!!! WO Olds Regency ft 4 Dr.-P.S. & Disc B.-P.W. & Locks-60/40 P. Seat-TiIt-Cruise-AM/FM Stereo- Rear Defogger-Wire Wheels-A/C-Loaded & Sharp!!!! Iftl Phoenix 5 Dr. HB-4 Cyl.-A.T.-P.S. P.B. A/C- Detroster-Stereo-Goid W/Beige Seats-Very, Very, Clean!!!! IftO PontiK Grand Prlx-VS-A.T.-P.S. & Disc B.- A/C-Bucket Seats & Console-Landrfu Roof-Stereo- Sporty Blue Coupe!!!! )|ft Gr. LeMans 4 Dr.-P.S. & Disc P P.W. & Locks- Tilt-Cruise-AM/FM Stereo-Rear Detogger-A/C- Wire Wheels-A Beautiful Loaded Intermediate Car!!! Sunbird Cpe.-P.S.-A.T.-Rear Defogger AM/FM- 33,000 Cert. Mi-One Owner Like New!!!! 1V79 Volare Premier 2 Dr.-P.S. & Disc B.A/C- AM/FM-Rear Defogger Landau Top-Maroon & White Special $3095.00!!!! 1W»> Grand Prfx-P.S. & Disc B. A/C-Bucket Seats Tilt-Cruise-Wire Wheels-AM/FM Stereo-Rear De- fogger Black With Red Interior-Extra Clean!!! Wl Chrysler Cordoba-VS-A.T.-P.S & Disc B.-Stereo- Landau Roof-31,000 Cert. Mi-Very Sharp!!!. Very Sporty!!! 1971 Chev. Camero-VS-A.T.-P.S. & Disc B.-Stereo- A/C-Tllt-Lt. Blue-Extra Clean-Sporty!!!! lfTI Bonn. Cpe.-P.S. & Disc B.-A/C-AM/FM-Ster- eo-Landau Top-Vinyl Int.-One Owner-New Car Trade Clean!!! 1f77 Mercury Comet 4 Dr.-P.S. & Disc B.-A.T.-A/C- Wire Wheels-One Owner-Extra Clean!!!! 1977 Pontiac Grand Prix U P S. & Disc B.-P.W. & Locks-60/40 P. Seat-Tilt-Cruise-AM/FM Stereo Landau Top-Rally Wheels-A/C-Velour Int. 50,928 Blue -Extra Sharp!!!! TRUCKS M4 GMC to T. Pkkup-P.S. & Disc B.-A.T.-6 Cyl-S lider Window-2,000 Mi.-Save!!!! 1979 GMC 4x4 Pickup-P.S. ..& Disc B. Sunroof- Rally Wheels-One Owner-Extra Clean!!!! 1971 Dodge V* T. Plckup-V8-A.T.-P.S. & Disc B. Ra dio-Topper-Very Clean & Ready For Work or Play Special $3395.00!!!! ORMSBY MOTORS Pontiac--GMC SO N. Main St. Crystal Lake. GMC (815)459-4566 GM QUALITY] SERVICE PARTS You and Your Car Tips from the MobMutoTechGjou^^^ Perk Up For Spring Spring chases our winter ^ blahs. Your car, too, can get a lift with a little seasonal attention from you. And that can save your temper as well as your'pocketbook. If you've used snow tires and are storing them for summer, mark them to go back on the same wheels next time. They're best stored flat, not standing up --and in a clean shady place free of oil and grease. PAGE 13 -PLAINDEALER- FRIDAY, MARCH 30. 1984 , f • riy"*--1 • linaii • • 1%Al/fl I p lvl/llVVKi « Bark Beetle Subject of .Catalog Project Is your oil low or due for change? Many modern oils are "all-seasons," providing correct flowability in most driving conditions. Full syn thetics like Mobil 1 offer superior engine protection and performance. Your checks should in clude: • tire tread (it's too worn when a "wear bar" ap pears across the tread--or when you can see the top of Lincoln's head as you edge a penny into the grooves), • • under-the-hood hoses (for bulges, softness, brittleness, loose fittings--and look for puddles under the car), • fluid levels (coolant, battery, windshield washer, power steering, brakes, transmis sion, differential), • drive belts, • lights and signals. Automobiles 86 For Sale PROVO, Utah (AP) - Packages wraoped in brown paper sit piled high on a slate table, bearing return addresses from such exotic places as Czechoslovakia and Sri Lanka. A huge open card file contain ing thousands of cards, and marked with a rainbow of col ored dividers, rests atop an L- shaped desk. Four assistants work at a long table, their backs to a counter that features a glass-enclosed live scorpion, busy beetles the , size of silver dollars and a mounted tarantula big enough to fill a shoebox. • The central actor in the scene is Dr. Stephen L. Wood, professor of zoology at Brigham Young University, curator of insects at BYU's Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum and considered the world's foremost authority on bark beetles--the pests that kill more trees every year than do forest fires. The packages, card file and assistants are all part of one of the most extensive reference systems of scientific literature ever undertaken. At the request of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Canada's Department of Agriculture, Wood is collecting and cataloging every article published worldwide on the baric beetle families Scolytidae and Platypodiadae since 1758, the year animal nomenclature began. USDA personnel will use Wood's reference work to help them control the destructive species of bark beetles and ac celerate forest research. One species, the mountain pine bee tle, has killed billions of trees during the past decade. "With the catalog, USDA researchers will save hours of library work finding out what's been written on a certain species," Wood said. The tall, bespectacled pro fessor was working on another project, classifying the 6,000 Scolytidae species and the 1,000 Platypodiadae species, when a colleague persuaded him to app- BEETLE EXPERT -- Dr. Stephen L. Wood, professor of zoology at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and curator of insects at BYU's Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, adds f till another specimen to his vast collection of bark beetles. ly for a grant to catalog the bark beetle literature. "I wasn't expecting to get the grant and was hoping it would be rejected so my classification work would not be delayed," he said. The grant was awarded, and Wood is now in the 15th month of a three-year, $250,000 •CNStAt MOTORS CORPORATION «£ WHOLESALE SPECIALS These cars are priced to GO! Prices As Low As...$300 1978 CHEVY MONZA - 2 Door V-6, 5 speed, power steering, ̂ power brakes, air conditioning, 65,000 miles. $1,000 1977 DODGE 3/4 TON VAN 318, automatic, power steering, power brakes, Good Work Van $1,000 1976 DODQE ASPEN STATION WAGON 318, automatic, power steering, power brakes $1,000 1976 FORD TORINO STATION WAGON 351, automatic, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning $900 1976 I.H. SCOUT FOUR WHEEL DRIVE V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, Good running truck $900 1975 BUICK SKYLARK - 2 Door V-6, automatic, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning $900 1974 FORD STATION WAGON 400, automatic, power steering, power brakes, 76,000 miles, air conditioning $900 1976 CHEVY CHEVETTE - 2 Door 4 cylinder, automatic $800 1976 CHEVY 1/2 TON PICKUP 330, automatic, power steering, power brakes, 58,000 miles $800 1975 DODGE 3/4 TON CLUB CAB PICKUP 318, automatic, power steering, power brakes, 79,000 miles . .$800 1975 DODGE 3/4 TON MAXI VAN V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, Lots of Room Inside $700 1974 AMC GREMLIN - 2 Door Hatchback 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering $600 1976 PONTIAC FIREBIRD - 2 Door 350, automatic, power steering, power brakes, Bucket Seats $600 1975 FORD MUSTANG - 2 Door Hatchback • 4 cylinder, automatic, power steering, power brakes, stereo $500 1978 DATSUN F10 - 2 Door Hathback 4 cylinder, 5 speed $500 1976 PLYMOUTH VALIANT - 4 Door 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering $500 1973 BUICK STATION WAGON 9-passenger, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes .$500 1966 CHEVY IMPALA - 2 Door V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, one-of-a-kind $400 1975 FORD, GRANADA - 2 Door 6 cylinder, automatic, power steering, Bucket Seats $300 1972 CHEVY IMPALA - 4 Door 400, automatic, power steering, power brakes $300 Serving the Woodstock area for 35 years. BENQY Motor hift (Jiinliti/ •Tn'r i 656 LAKE AVE. WOODSTOCK, ILL. 81 5-338-5100 Plymouth M T Th 8 h m 9 p m W F « H t m > () in S,«) « . ,11 : p -1 project. The finished products will in clude a bibliography, which Wood estimates will contain 800 pages, and a catalog about the same length, listing articles on each bark beetle species with reference to the bibliography. Wood is also gathering a copy of each article. The completed collection will be kept at BYU and made accessible to any researcher. Wood almost daily receives ar ticles from libraries and scien tists in many countries. Col leagues in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Mexico skid elsewhere ha ve agreed to translate titles for him, and his assistants collec tively speak or read English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin and Cantonese. Wood is also searching libraries throughout the United States for articles, using univer sity and public inter-library loan systems. Once those sources are exhausted, the USDA's library in Beltsville, Md., and the British Museum of Natural History Library have agreed to search for articles. ; Meanwhile, Wood's classifica tion project is not being neglected. A solid taxonomy, he said, must serve as the framework for cataloging the literature. Classification and identification of species is his forte. He has been collecting, bark beetles for almost 40 years and has the largest collection in the world. He is often the first to be call ed when officials in the United States or other countries want to know if a beetle is benign or potentially destructive. In 1982, he published a 1,359-page monograph called "The Bark and Ambrosia Beetles of North and Central America." Wood has traveled all over the world doing field work and scrutinizing beetle collections. He sprat three years in Canada, a year in Costa Rica, a year in Venezuela and a month or more in Colombia, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, India and Sri Lanka. Wood is also asking museums, libraries and private collectors to send their collections or portions of collections to him for inspec tion. He finds about one new species in every 50 boxes ex amined, he said, though he once found 34 species new to science in one shipment from Mexico. he Active Con/urner we Consumer Many consumers, con cerned about rising prices and declining quality, Eire asking their legislators what they are doing about amend ing our foreign trade poli cies to help consumers. One group, Consumers for World Trade, a national, nonprofit membership or ganization, established to support expansion of in ternational trade to help promote healthy econom ic growth, points out that "protecting' American in dustry can harm the Amer ican consumer without real ly doing the industry much good. The U.S. textile and ap parel industry, the group points out, has had 25 years of quota protection plus the highest levels of tariff pro tection of any U.S. industry. These restrictions have raised the cost of clothing for consumers substantially. It has been estimated that these restrictions cost the Ameri can consumer about 18.4 billion dollars a year. Tighter restrictions instituted re cently increase that estimate considerably. Trade restric tions mean high prices for American consumers as for eign suppliers are likely to re serve their shrinking quotas for the more profitable, higher-priced lines. Tighter restrictions would harm our export of agricultural and manufactured products to developing countries that depend on textiles and ap parel exports. The American steel in dustry is another example. Experts on economics point out that protecting U.S. in dustry doesn't really save jobs and can hurt consumers.- It has had infipttVt : over and above tariffs sffi/W 1968 except for an interval in the middle 1970s. Pro tection has not brought about new investment or strengthened the industry's long-term competitive pros pects. This year stainless steel, carbon steel and spe cialty steel manufacturers have asked for even more protection. These actions have increased the cost of steel and steel products sub stantially. In the past com- sumers have paid as much as 7.25 billion dollars more a year. Many people concerned about our economy are ask ing their legislators where they stand on the issue of freer trade. The consumers are writing to representa tives at the House of Repre sentatives, Washington, D.C. 20515 and senators at the U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510. For further information on other trade restrictions which affect the consumer, write Consumers for World Trade, 1346 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. HEALTH BEAT Doctor, What Causes The Noise In My Ears? To nearly 36 million people, it's not music to their ears that keeps them up at night and dis turbs them during the day. it's an annoying ringing. If you suf fer from this affliction, the fol lowing advice from the Amer ican Academy of Otolaryngol ogy-Head and Neck Surgery may help adequate rest; avoid caffeine What are these head anc| njcotjne; decrease salt in- noises? Are they unusual. take; exercise daily; and Although tinnitus, the name eXp]ore the applications of for head noises, is very cor™~ biofeedback (relaxation and mon, the degree of severity dif- concentration exercises). fers from patient to patient Since tinnitus is usually Noise can vary from a low roar more bothersome when sur- to a high squeal, from one or roundings are quiet, a compet- both ears, from intermittent to SOund (such as a ticking continuous distractions. More or a radio ( may help mask than i million people are so se- t^e head noises. Some people verely afflicted that they can- re]jef from a small elec- not lead normal lives What causes tinnitus? Although some causes are not serious, trouble with the hearing nerve (which could tronic instrument built into an over-the-ear hearing aid. This "tinnitus masker" generates a competitive but pleasant sound Other people find that stem from excessive exposure a hearing aid alone reduces the to loud noises and the agii^g noise and occasionally causes it process itself) is probably the to go away most common cause of subjec- Prior to any treatment of tin nitus or head noise.it is impor tant that you have a thorough tive tinnitus. Often there is no identifi able cause for tinnitus. If examination which includes an this is true, can anything be done to lessen the noise? Since the auditorv svstem is evaluation by your otolaryn gologist. If you would like a list of otolaryngologists in your area, write: AAO-HNS Member- part of the general nervous sys- ship. 1101 Vermont Ave., NW, tem, its responses are affected Suite 302, Washington, D C to some degree b\^ anxiety. 20005. Enclose a self-addres- Therefore it is important to: get sed, stamped envelope 3 •3 I I tf