Council orders street signs for new . posts SECTION 2 - PAGE 11- PLA^DEALER - FRIDAY, MARQjjjhJfM FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 5, 1834). At the regular meeting of the City Council, it was decided to order street signs at once to put on the posts already installed by the CWA. In other business, the Mothers Club has requested the assistance of the city board in having a clean-up day for McHenry. The board gave their consent and will extend whatever aid possible. TWICE TOLD TALES Edited from our files of years gone by Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A. will serve a roast beef supper in M.W.A. hall, West McHenry, April 12. Adults, 35 cents, children 20 cents. Menu, hot roast beef sandwich, mashed potatoes, pineapple salad, pickles, bread, pie and coffee. The Easter bunny had added vegetables when he came 1.0 county tax multiplier galivanting through McHenry backyards on Sunday morning for Sunday, in addition to being Easter, was April Fool's day as well. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 6, 1944). Arriving with Uncle Sam's Army troops on North African soil within the past two weeks was Pvt. Donald Schaefer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer of West McHenry. Pvt. Schaefer entered service on April 21,1943, and was stationed at various times at St. Petersburg, Fla., Scott Field, m., and Camp Seymour Johnson, N. Carolina, before leaving the states in March. At Scott Field he was designated as a radio man and tail gunner. First prize winner in the state essay contest was Margaret Bolger, daughter of Rep. Thos. A. Bolger of McHenry. The award, signed by Governor Green, was the result of a state essay contest for seventh and eighth grade students on the subject, "Commemorating the 125th Anniversary of Illinois as a State." TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 2, 1959). By Cliff Ward Plaindealer news service McHenry County has been assigned a tax multiplier of 1.0, county Supervisor of Assessments Randy Woloski reported last week. Woloski said the drop in the multiplier, which was 1.9 last year, will tend to balance out the jump in assessed valuation, which was equalized - or brought up to one-third of market value - this year. However, he pointed out that the amount of money taxing districts ask for - not assessed valuation or mulitpliers - will determine an individual's tax bill. r" Because tax dollars collected are the result of what taxing districts levy to spend, it is difficult to say what affect, if any, this will have on anybody's tax bill," Woloski said. In basic tax talk, the tax rate is determined by taking the levy -r the amount districts like schools, cities, etc., want to spend -- and dividing it by the assessed valuation, which in its base definition is a means of dividing up those dollars the districts ask for, he said. The levy is the amount of the tax burden and the assessed valuation is a means of dividing Introducing our complete line of Electronic & Computer Furniture! •Audio Cabinets (over 10 on display) Prom $5995 •Video Cabinets (over 10 on display) from $9995 •IV Stands Prom $19,s •Tape Cases (for VMS, Audio Cassettes & Game Cartridges) $3995 Electronic & Computer Furniture by: •O'Sullivan •Singer •Riverside Completely Assembled •Printer Stand $179*5 •Computer Desks (over 12 on display) From >89" Sorry...TAPES, TV & VCR NOT INCLUDED Coach Fulton and his Warriors brought pride to the town of McHenry for their tremendous display of basketball talent during the 1958-59 season. They won the North Suburban Con ference championship for the. first time in McHenry's long basketball history and finished with a 22-2 record which ranks with the finest in the state. Only one loss marred their con ference record, (11-1) and that came at the hands of a spirited Zion-Benton team on Parent's Night, Feb. 13. Matt Eichinger was the leading scorer with 384 points for a 16-point average. Don Bentz, who left the team in mid-term, was second high scorer and A1 Cajthaml was third in scoring. The largest . crowd ever assembled for a Chamber of Commerce installation dinner was present at the Wing 'n Fin Lodge to see Donald Doherty take over his duties as president of the organization. Dr. J. C. Goetschel acted as master of ceremonies, introducing Mr. Doherty, who gave a resume of tentative plans for the year. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 3, 1974). RCA XL-100 890 LAKE AVE, WOODSTOCK (815) 338-0404 DAILY 9 TO 5:30 MON ft FRI9 TO 9 CLOSED SUNDAY The first bad winter in several years had taken its toll on blacktop roads in the area. Excessive amounts of water have made all but the most temporary repairs impossible. Some of the worst damage has occurred to Barreville road, extending south from Green Street. This throughfare has danger spots at best with its many curves and hills, and additional problem of d adds to the dangers. Spring may be upon us, but the memories of a luurd winter linger. With the hint of spring in air, thoughts of pretty youn McHenry girls turn to tke Marine Festival queen contest. Entries are being sought now for the charm course that begins April 18. Juding is scheduled for June 13. -- ^general News April conference on teen suicide A conference program aimed at understanding the psychological dimensions that are at work among young people who may be contemplating suicide will be presented iturday, April 14, at Evanston iwnship High School, 1600 je Ave., in Evanston. A) nationally known and recognized suicidologist, Dr. A. Delano Hagin, will be the featured leader of the con ference that begins at 8 a.m. and continues until 4:15 p.m. Persons wanting more in formation may call the con ference chairman, the Rev. William Krepps, at 763-2233. the burden among the tax payers, Woloski said. "If a district levies to spend more money, then possibly an individual's tax bill will in crease," Woloski said. "This is basically regardless of whether assessed valuations increase or decrease. "Assessments only serve as a method of apportioning, or dividing up, what a district is taxing to spend," Woloski continued. "They do not determine how much a district taxes to spend." The multiplier itself, assigned by the state, adjusts the level of assessments to the statutory level of one-third of market value, Woloski said. Since valuations were reassessed at 33 1-3, the multiplier is in some cases that column on your tax letter which gave you a higher 1983 Board of Review equalized value could proportionally be about the same, since the last assessment was multiplied by 1.9 and this year's is multiplied by 1.0, he said. Woloski also suggested that people who complain about the tax rate, the multiplier and the assessments become more involved in their city, school district and other tax districts. They are the ones who set the key number - the levy, he said. Three men were arrested by Illinois Bureau of Investigation agents after they had stolen $45 in cash and $30 of a coin collection from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Diedrich, of McHenry. The FBI seized the three men at a McHenry car wash minutes after they left the Diedrich home. The arrests were part of a crackdown on coin thieves across the state. FINANCING AVAILABLE SEE US AT THE TRADE FAIR BOOTHS 1,2, On Case Lawn/Garden Tractors Easy to Operate... Easy to own Enjoy the benefits of Case exclusive hydraulic drive -- buy your Case tractor now during our Spring Sale and get all you can get in tractor performance. FJR423 19" DIAGONAL MODEL Example of 9.8 APR financing tor 36 month• on the purchaae of m Ceae garden trmctor and mower... Case price of tractor and mower Down payment (25% cash and/or trade-in) Amount to be financed Number of payments (consecutive monthly) Monthly payments Total payments Finance Charge ((n 9 8 APR) $3200.00 $ 800.00 $2400.00 36 $ 77 22 $2779 92 $ 379.92 MODEL 220 $2590 Sates fu i as appo'eaWe f ird tuning... specially reduced for this event! Outstanding perform ance tn a 19" diagonal color TV with touch- button tuning conven ience Select alt VHF/ UHF channels instantly and silently SALE ENDS 3/31/84 mm go INTERIOR ACCENTS RT.3I ot BULL VALLEY RD. (Ent.r on Bull Volloy) McHENRY •CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS*LICHTINC FIXTUM$»LAMPS»WHOLE HOUSE STEREO •BURGLAR t FIRE DETECTION'INTERCOM SVSTEMS*24HOUR ALARM MONITORING 'MASTER TV ANTENNA SYSTEMS'TELEVISIONS«VCR'CAMERAS»RADIOS»OIFTS t ACCESSORIES "THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUILT" GEO. P. FREUND, INC 4102 N. CRYSTAL LAKE RD., McHENRY (815) 385-0420 n Open Weeknites 9-9 pm Saturday 9-8 pm Sunday (Store) 9-7 pm Sunday (Pharmacy) 9-3 pm We reserve the right to limit quanti ties. Prices in effect while quantities last l» (entAble If ANDES CREME DEMENTHE MINT WAFERS 6 OZ. PHARMACY (815)385-4426 McHenry, IL 1327 Riverside Drive LIMIT 2 COUPON EXPIRES 4/1 /84 FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY SERVICE MON THRU SAT ! 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