PAGES-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY. MARCH 30, 1984 nlncltanrjrg • I Bidraumfc Office Hrs. M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Advertisers, picas* chock your ad tho FIRST insertion dot*. In th* *v*nt of an orror or ommission, th* pap*r will b* responsible for ONLY th* first incorr*ct insertion. Th* newspaper shall b* liabl* for only th* portion of th* ad which is in *rror. In cas* of an *rror, notify th* Classifi*d D*partm*nt at one*. Call Classified Display Ads: 815-385-0170. Privat* Party 8 Commercial Lin* Ads: 815-344- 4800. Richmond 678-2581 < Payment in advance must be made for these ads: a8obysitting 'Business Opportunity* 'Business Services • Gorge Sales 'Moving Sales *Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area •Politicol 'Rooms, ApptS. to Share 'Situations Wanted 'Sublease, Re-rent, etc. 'Wanted to Buy 'Wanted to Rent. DIRECTORY DEADLINES: RICHMOND READERS MON. 5 P.M. DISPLAY MON. 12 NOON 3 LINES. 5 DAYS $8.80 Shaw Fr«« Prm PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS NtWSpaptr Group •Woodstock Doily Sentinel 'Saturday Extra 'Crystal Lake Morning Herald 'Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald 'Elgin Herald 'Richmond Gazette 'Marengo B*ocon/R*publicon News 'Huntl*y B*acon/R«publican N*ws 'Sycamore News •Cory-Grove Clarion 'Barrihgton Bonner 'McHenry Pioindeoler "G*noa-Kingston-Kirkland News 'Hampshire Register •Harvard Herald 'Shopper Service 'McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper WED. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON 24 Help Wanted SUMMER COUNSELORS tor Day Camp In Crytfal Lata. . Must be college aw or above jM-fTfiST Apply In poraon at Lake Region 3H/W-M77. Yjfe.CA., 731S South Rt. 91, 24 Help Wanted P R I N T I N G P R E S S M A N 1+1 color Sotaa't, rapid Krltngror Hts. Announcements C*m*teri*s ft Lots.. Cord of Thanks. Notices Car Pools Lost ft Found Personals Instruction Auctions Help Wanted Child Core Nursery Schools Situations Wanted Employment Agencies. ... Household Help Wonted.. Help Wanted .02 .03 .05 .10 . 1 1 . 12 13 . 18 . 19 .20 . 2 1 22 23 .24 Merchandise Wanted to Buy Miscellaneous Merchandise... Garage Sales '7 Merchandise Under $50. Antiques Bicycles ft Sports Equipment... Lawn ft Garden Equipment.... Boats Musical Instruments Cameras Aviation Pots ft Equipment Horses ft EquippMOt. Farm ft Doiry.^ Livestock Machinery ft Equipment Business Opportunity . . . 3 1 . . . 3 2 . . . 3 3 .'.. 34 . . . 3 5 . . . 3 6 . . . 3 7 . . . 3 8 . . . 3 9 . . . 4 0 . 41 . . . 4 4 . . . 4 7 . . . 4 8 . . . 4 9 . . . 5 3 . . . 6 6 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property 70 Open House 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sole 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots ft Acreage 75 Mobile Homes 76 Farms for Sale 77. Condominiums ft Townhomes to Rent Stores, Office ft Industrial to Rent...I Farms, Farmland to Rent Miscellaneous to Rent . . 8 2 . 8 3 . 8 4 . . 8 5 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent 78 Rooms, Board, House Apartments to Share 79 Apartments to Rent 80 Homes to Rent 81. Automotive Autos for Sale 86 Wanted to Buy 87 Auto Parts ft Accessories 88 Trucks, Tractors ft Trailers 89 Vans 90 Motorcycles ft Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles.. 92 - 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Cemeteries 2 &Lots CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK ft UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as 1275, Including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. IIS/459-0547. RIVER VALLEY MEMORIAL GARDENS Route 31 West Dundee Beautifully landscaped park like settlno. Spaces $310 each, Includes Care. Catholic and Non-sectarian section. Terms. 312/426-3031 Card 3 Of Thanks ' A SPECIAL THANKS TO St. Jude for favors granted. A.A.L. THANK YOU for the cards, flowers & prayers & visit from Fr. Gaynor, while hospitalized. Herman Kreutzer. OUR SINCERE thanks for all the cards, flowers, food, ft o t h e r e x p r e s s i o n s o f thoughtfulness shown us during our recent time of sorrow. Sucn acts of kindness helped ease the pain of our loss. A special thank you to Father Stringlnl for his very comforting words. Sincerely, Family of Ted Frett V THANKYOU STJUDE for favors granted. T I WANT TO express my sincere appreciation for cards, calls, p r a y e r s a n d o t h e r romemborances during my re cent Illness. Frank Geil. Notices PLASTERING Restoration Or New Vernon T. Kopsell 815/338-1668 "FREE" ' PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 • BASEBALL CARD And Comic B o o k S h o w . B U Y - S E L L - TRADE, Sat. MARCH 31, 10 am-4 pm., Liberty Hall, 1304 Park, McHenry. Doug, 815/675- 6017 or Corky, 312/658-4981 GOLD WING OWNERS! American Gold Wing Assoc. meets 4/2,7:30pm The Loft Restaurant, Woodstock 115/943-4262,815/728-0278 New Members Welcome! • DAY SCRAP METAL • 360 Briarwood Crystal Lake NOW OPEN I 815/459-7751 10 Car Pools LEAVE CARPENTERSVILLE 6 am, to Elk Grove. Leave Elk Grove 3:30 pm. 312/428-4758. 11 Lost & Found FOUND Male puppy, corner C. Lake and Ackman Rds. 815/455- 6163. 12 Personals PREGNANT, NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-11 a.m. And from 7-9p.m. Mon.thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service •15/315-2999 • 12 Personals 13 Instruction 19 Child Care 21 Situations Wanted HYPERTENSION? Diabetes? Yes, you can have Full Ma|or Medical Insurance! 815/459- 4005. 13 Instruction • NAIL SCULPTURE CLASSES STARTING APRIL 11th Classes will be each Wed. even ing for 5 Sessions, from 7 P.M. - 9 PM. Learn the techniques of applying sculptured nails. For more Info, call: JOYCE 312/651-2019 NOTICE: Potential ft beginn ing drumers. Start off In the right atmosphere, personalized attention In my own recording studio, l to 11nstruction builds self-confidence. Call now at 815/455-5243, ask for Bob. Notices SEVERAL OPENINGS for ad vanced piano, organ, voice students. Beginners welcomed also. Your home or mine. 312/658-3995. A T T E N T I O N S E N I O R Citizens: Practice Tai Chi, the Ideal exercise for all ages. Class starts April 5th, 10:M-12 noon 10% discount for seniors. II5/455-4745 ask for Yvonne. Truly Caring Services, INc. offers: HOME CARE FOR ELDERLY or HANDICAPPED 4*w.t©24fcr». - A1*ro available Shopping 'c Nursing Care IJght Housekeeping Registered Nurses laundry lie. Practical Nurses Personal Care Home Care Assistants 24 Hr. Answering Services §15-568-5488 _ Private dv»* In hoipiUlt or nvriln* Rm. MJ, ISO W. W«M»»f»«« SI., M»r#nf». IL. Deemed t Bonded Ewptoymont Ayncy SCULPTURED NAILS < S25.00 by Professional Nail • Artist, tall Joyce for app't. .' 312/651-2019 'FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call ' the free I. confidential stress ] line day or night. 115/331-1010. AS OP*Mat$ch 23, 1914, we are , responsible for our signatures • and debts only. • Walter i Gerry Kuck PREGNANT? • Need Help? Call: ' Birthright 312/695-7950 ; JOB HUNTING ,< Learn how to get one of l those unadvertised jobs. > (10% of fob market). « Call Janet Marsh, MSW 815/338-8621 McHenry County Horsemen's Association 9th Annual Dinner Dance Andre's Steak House Rt. 12 8* Rt. 173, Richmond, IL. Saturday, April 7,1984 Cocktails: 6:30P.M. Dinner: 7:30P.M. Auction - Cash Bar Country-Western Music by the Missouri Breaks Band Call for Tickets Now! 815-568-8693 815-385-2192 815-568-6491 815-675-2254 Donation $12.00 Per Person NOTICE 1984 City of McHenry Brush Pickup will commence on Mondoy, April 2nd thru Friday, April 6th. The resolution gover ning the brush pickup policy of the City is as follows: THE FOLLOWING POLICY GUIDELINES WILL BE FOLLOWED BY City personnel engaged in brush and tree limb pickup operations, it being' understood, however, that clear emergency situations may arise which will justify a departure from these guidelines: 1. Brush and tree limbs shall not ex ceed four inches in diameter nor five feet in length and shall be neatly placed, in accessible locations of compact piles at curbside or two feet from the edge of the pavement where there are no curbs by 7:00 AM on the first Monday of the mon th. 2. Brush and limb pickup will com mence on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 AM and once our crews have canvassed any given street in the City, there will be no call-backs to any location previously passed until the first Monday of the following month. 3. In the event that the first Monday of any given month falls on a holiday, brush pickup will commen ce on Tuesday. Brush Pickup will continue during the fir st week of each and every month thereafter until further notice. Paul J. Halvensleben Supt. Public Works Published 3/28 and '/30 ARE YOU UnhMpy with your present sitter? Ifso, your child can have lots of TLC In my Algonquin Home. Rt. 31 & 62, 312/651-5095. CHILD CARE, experienced In my Crystal Lake home. TLC and nutritious meals included. Full time days, 815/455-6832. 19 Child Care 20 Nursery Schools CHILD CARE In my Fox River Grove home, 15 years ex perience. References furnish ed, full time, days only, 312/639- 9355. LICENCED, QUALITY, child care in E. Dundee. Lots of T.L.C. Ref„ call 312/428-7611. NEED A Babysitter? Will babysit in my Johnsburg home. Reasonable. Call evenings 115/344-5975. 21 Situations Wanted SEAMSTRESS Experienced (25 years) Alterations & dressmaking 312/658-5106 P A I N T I N G , P a t c h i n g , wallpapering, light repairs, hardwood floor refinishlng. Quality work & material. Reasonable. David-, Ken, 115/455-5536. H O U S E C L E A N I N G : H a v e openings for new clients. Exp. & ret., own supplies. 312/639- 1124. WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room S20, Additional rooms. $10 ea., 5 yrs. exp. 115/943-4793 n e ' i q e a i n o n , j u g ? u n j •iipi tor SPRUCE UP for Spring! In terior Painting- Now Is The Time! Free consultations, ex cellent local references. Economy Pride Painting, I15/459-16M days or 459-2686 24 Help Wanted ANCHORCONCRETE Foundations & Flat work. Free Estimates. 815/344-1080. ALBRECHT CONSTRUCTION Specialists In remodeling, repair & custom built homes. Free estimates. 115/653-6451. LOVING MOTHER Will pro vide child care In her McHenry home. Call Judy, >15/344-5413. P A I N T E R , I I y e a r s e x perience. Seeking full time employment. Call Jim, 815/344- 0703. ESTIMATOR for GC Needs Part Time Job >15/315-2254 after 4 P.M. SS0 OFF Interior Home Pain ting, Wallpapering, & Ceramic Tile (expires April 7, 1914). Harry Viezen Construction. A1I types of General Remodeling & Home Repairs. Developer of the prestigious Val-Mar Estates in McHenry. 815/385- 2847. AThruZ Diesel Service Are you tired of big shop rates l> poor work done. Call us at 8 1 5 / 3 3 8 - 5 1 5 7 . C e r t i f i e d mechanics on duty. Labor rate: 118.50 an hour. PAINTING A CARPENTRY Estimates 815/385-3533 T Y P I N G , b o o k k e e p i n g , resumes, Diane's Business Ser vice, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 6665. LAUNPRY t tibOs&iLlAi^ I N G . A v a i l . M o n d a y • minimum 6 hours. Saturday special 9 a.m.-l p.m. Spruce Up. Call eve. 312/639-3991. EXPERIENCED Professional Secretary. Will do typing in McHenry home. Over night If necessary. Reasonable rates. 815/344-0908. HELP WANTED Park Maintenance Employee The City of McHenry is now accepting ap plications for one full time Parks Maintenance Employee. Applicants should have experience or a background in any of the following fields: turf management, landscape maintenance, swim ming pool maintenance, and horticulture. The starting salary is $13,625 plus a fringe benefit package. All applicants must be able to work weekends. The starting date will be April 30, 1984. Make application or send resumes to the City of McHenry Department of Parks and Recreation 1111 North Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 The closing date for applications is Saturday, April 7,1984. Northern Illinois' Fastest Growing Pontiac-Cadillac Dealer needs to round up A NEW AND USED CAR SALES FORCE! •5 Day Week-40 Hr. Week •Closed Sundays •Salary, Commission, Demo, Hospitalization Previous sales experience. Apply in person to: JOHN KOGOS HARBORSIDE Pontiac-Cadillac Corner of Route 31 and Route 12G McHenry, IL 815-3S5-6000 or 312255-2992 Household 23 Help Wanted BABYSITTER, experienced, 2 half days per week for 5 month old In my Cary home. Non- smoker. 312/439-7402. MATURE BABYSITTER With a lot of TLC, needed In my Woodstock home. Some over nights. Paid vacations. Must have own tramp. 815/338-6479. BABYSITTER wanted. Alden- Hebron school district. After school. 815/648-2792. PERSON to cook & clean for elderly gentleman in exchange for room & board. 815/338-6382 or 815/943-7031. BABYSITTER needed in my McCullum Lake home, 2 to 3 eves, a week & must have own transportation. 815/385-9421. BABYSITTER WANTED Ful time, for Infant. In m) McHenry home. 815/344-0908. 24 Help Wanted MAJOR APPLIANCE Techni cian, 5 yrs. exp., Woodstock area, send resume w/salarv re quirements to Box A F F, Snaw Free Press Newspapers, P. O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, II <0014. WHAT'S NEW FROM AVON? NOW, EARN LIKE NEVER BEFORE. Your time and ef fort, and Avon's world famous products. give vm unlinv4tfd4n-.< come pMenilal.. wMfcnijt'n*' large financial Investment, Call Avon today: 815/459-5757. R E S U M E S P r o f e s s i o n a l l y prepared. Visa/MC Welcome. Norton & Associates. 312/428- 9255. P A R T - T I M E W A I T R E S S Needed, Wed. 8i Frl. evenings, Sat afternoon. 312/639-7244. 24 Help Wanted #Crystal Laka, IL. • DREAM JOB I K IL.I - » i , . „l , ,t « *Mp fnvT mow HnpOnsm |QD of homemakerl Work 3 hours per day, 3 days per weak, earn up to $110. No InvMtmant, no delivery, no collection. Write A M I Shew FmPniiNtMMpiri P.O. Box 290 Cnrstal Lake, IL 60014 OR CALL 312/546-4180 DENTAL HYGIENIST We have a part time position, 2 days par weak. Interested par* ties please call for personal In terview: 815/49M214 Office Of: Richard E. Francis DDS & Robert H. Basile DMD 230 Florence Crystal Laka TRI-CHEM TRI-CHEM, TRI- CHEM. BONUSES, BONUSES, BONUSES. Commissions to 50%. Call 815/544-0800. CURRENCY EXCHANGE, part-time, mature cashier, exp., preferred. Apply in par son, Mon-Frl, 9am-4pm„ McHenry County Currency Ex change, 4614 A W. Rte. 120, McHenry. PICK up I. DELIVERY Per son to drive small van, and light manufacturing. S5/hour. 312/669-3041. Aqua Pressure. CERTIFIED NURSE AIDES. All shifts. Inquire in person how to obtain certification. Crystal Pines Nursing Home, 335 N. Illinois St., Crystal Laka. Truckers Owner-Operators Wanted Tandem-axel tractors to operate in Iowa Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. Permanent lease. Return loads provided. Call 312-343-8200 between 10 am and 2 pm ASK FOR AL OR RON COMPILERS-MICROFILMERS "No Experience Necessary *We Will Train 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. We have several openings in our micro filming department. Call Personnel Department Or Apply In Person 312-639-0443 CENTRAL STATES MICROFILMING INC. 302 Cary Point Drive Cary.IL PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS Expanding our manufacturing facilities, we need Punch Press Operators experienced in presses with automatic feeds. W e o f f e r a n e x c e l l e n t c o m p a n y p a i d b e n e f i t s package. Please call or apply to our personnel office. GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201E. Brink St., Harvard, IL60033 815/943-7411 Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F DETAIL DRAFTER We are currently looking for a full time detail draf ter. The successful candidate will possess an under standing of elementary mechanical & electrical drafting principles and engineering department pro cedures coupled with 1-2 year* related drafting ex perience. Primary responsibilities will consist of preparation of* or changes to detail drawings, bills of materials and ECNs for common ports and assem bly. If your qualified and wish to be considerd for the position, please send resume to: Box AHT c/o CRYSTAL LAKE MORNING HERALD P.O. BOX 250 CRYSTAL LAKE IL. 60014 FLORAL DESIGNER 2 Years Experience Ask For Kim Dunn Fjowerwood-SIS/459-6200 WAITRESS Day or night. And Cook. Call 312/699-7100. TALK TO PART TIME MOTOR ROUTE DELIVERY PERSON Early Morning Hours. 3 to 4 Hours per day. 7 Days a Week. Reliable car required. 815/358-3643 before noon CHICAGO TRIBUNE SERVICE 3SSSEiiKpitf Home Health Agency. Calf: Community Contacts VNA in Elgin, Illinois at 312/888-0505 for an appointment. DENTAL ASSISTANT Cer tified with chalrslde ex perience. Part time Monday afternoons & Wednesday morn ings. Call 815/455-3300. COMPANY PRESIDENTS Contact by phone to arrange meetings tor management con sultant representatives. Hourly wage plus commission. If in- forested. Oil 3H/*3fcCT10. TEl Pt_. FPJM. catour Algonquin office Earn HOMWQper week Call Mike Hlggins Call 312/658-2400 WAITER/WAITRESS Part Time Days 10 am to 5 pm Apply In Person PuZAHUT 282 Virginia St. Crystal Lake, IL FULLCHARGE BOOKKEEPER Wanted lor busy real estate of fice. Must be able to complete financial statements, prepare payroll and related tax returns, and handle accounts payable. Conwuter experience a plus. Send resume fo: B o x A H D Crystal Laka Morning Herald P.O. Box 230 Crystal Lake. II. <0014. SALES CLERK 3 a.m. Monday thru Saturday. Apply In per son: Cadieux's Bakery, if N. Williams, Crystal Lake. TOPSALARY Wanted: Certified Nurses Aides and Live-Ins. Must be dependable. Work for the newest Nursing Registry In the area. For appointment call 312/658-9000. SALES Full time. Ideal for retired Individual. If you are now looking to be active In the business community selling once again, contact Jerry Rayburn at 312/741-0M1. WANTED: Bright, ambitious person seeking a professional sales career opportunity. Someone with a definite career objective. To the right person we offer a comprehensive training program, a positive work atmosphere plus the op portunity for future ad vancement. Applicants should be well groomed and have good communication skills. Per sonal Interviews only. Call 312/658-2400 CLERK, hill time. 3rd shift, Midnight to • am. Crystal Lake Quick Mart, 415 Virginia St., 81S/4S9-2122. COOK, 3 days a week. Usually ll em to 7 pm. Good working conditions. Non-smoker. Apply et Sheltered Village, 600 Borden, Woodstock, IL. 24 Help Wanted •L , * 4 24 Help Wanted HOUSEWIVES donppstrate our toys and gifts in your spars time. Top commission; no cash Investment; no coNecting delivering. Easy enjoyable evening work. Call FrKndly Home Toy Parties. 312/S»-^ <421.Alsobooking parties. / PART TIME, 20 to 25 hours per week. Ideal for High School stu dent with. e#riy dismissal. Naberhood Laundery fc Cleaners 10* N. River St., East Dundee, 312/42S-76M. AUTO BOOY MAN . COMBINATION/PAINTER Position In Crystal Lake. 10 Mars experience. Call 115/499- 77S4 between Sa.m. and 5p.m. TELEPHONE OPERATOR Part time operator for modem telephone equipment. 20 hours per week. Must be flexible & reliable. Crystal Lafcettfcstlan. 115/459-4400. HAIRSTYLIST Experienced stylist needed. Apply in person, Nlp-lt Family Hair Styling, 42 Brink St., Crystal Lake TEACHERS/MOTHERS Use experience to Introduce high quality, educational toys to the area. High commission, flexi ble hours, growth potential DISCOVERY TOYS, 312/439- 7315. DENTAL ASSISTANT/ Recep tionist. Full or part-time. Must have assisting experience or training. 312/S5S-3400. GRILL PERSON Part time evenings. IS years or older. Lantern Inn, 312/439-1234. B R E A K F A S T C O O K E x - terlenced. Also Weekend >. No phone calls. Apply In person, between 12 noon and 9 pm, Reese's Restaurant. 205 S. Main St., Algonquin. TRUCK DRIVER Hard work ing - experienced. With some knowledge or interest In plan ting Si horticulture. Full time position. Ask for Bob Cole, 312/65S-3S83. REGISTERED NURSE Full time for pediatric office. Ex perience required. Send replies Including references to: Box A H Q, Shaw Free Press, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, II. <0014. REAL ESTATE Sales people wanted. No board dues to pay. Full or part time. Red Carpet Krlstensen. 312/658->4*4. ASSEMBLERS Temporary full-time. Apply M.A.L.C.O., equal opportunity employer. 17114 Washington, Union, IL. 312/923-2127 AUTO BODY Repairman. Growino shop needs experienc ed combination man. 312/651- 2411, S to 5. WAITRESSES, experienced, 2nd Si 3rd shifts. Apply In per son, Tareydale Restaurant, Rt. 31 Si 176, Crystal Lake. SHEET, VINYL Si CERAMIC INSTALLER. Minimum 5 years experience necessary. References needed. Immediate opportunity. Call Joan at Carpet Time, 815/459-5933. BREAKFAST Si Grill Cook, Woodstock area restaurant. Send resume to: Cook, c/o Dailey Sentinel, P. O. Box 709- MR13. Woodstock. IL 60090. NURSES AIDES' Full Si part t i m e . M u s t h a v e g o o d references. Call Americana Health Care, Mon. thru Frl* 9-5 pm. 110 S. State, Elgin. 312/742- 3310. Equal Opportunity Employer. WAITRESS, for cocktail/food, experienced. Call between 11am-6pm, 815/385-2014^ Secretary for Chamber Office General Office duties and Extensive public contact work Send resume to: McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce 1257 N. Green Street McHenry, IL 60050 TRAFFIC ACCOUNTANT We are a nationally recognized wholesaler in need of an indi vidual who would be interested in assuming the total accounting res ponsibilities for our traffic divi sion. Reporting to our Distribution Accounting Supervisor, the res ponsibilities for this position en tail financial statement comple tion and analysis, account analy sis, fixed asset accounting, fuel tax reporting and special pro jects, as well as the development of new controls and maintenance of established standards. Candidates should have 2 to 3 years traffic accounting experi ence, a degree in accounting, and knowledge of the MSA General Ledger System. Prior supervisory responsibility is a plus. Competitive salary and benefits package are offered. Please send resume including salary require ments to: Box A H O Crystal Lake Morning Herald P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, 11.60014 Equal Opportunity Employer m/f