Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Mar 1984, p. 7

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PAOtt 7 - PLAIN DEALER - FRIDAY, MARCH 30. 1984 I 2« Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 31 TOOL MAKERS EnertonMd with high speed steeflfcarbMe progressive dies making CIOM Merance pads. AAA Shop, oootf working cond. and benefits. Brunk Tool Co., Lake Gontva. 414/14MI73. MACHINE OPERATORS G o n a r a l F a c t o r y Days, full benefits, hoapHallza Won. Apply in person, Rentier ft Co., MlChlcego St„ Cary, IL. OFFICE, part tlma, good typist, phono answering, week­ ly hours, call Carol, 3l2/43»- 3m. Now Taking Applications for rat labia full tlma help for lawn cart. DEAN SMITH LAWN CARE 815/315-4847 aftar.4pm Cashier Receptionist Needed HEIGHTS FINANCE Corporation 803 N. Front St. McHenry an equal opportunity employer JOIN the New earning op­ portunities with Avon. Spon- lorshlp program ft group ins. FOOO SERVICE Personnel wanted. Private Country Club. Part Time or Full Time. Apply In Person, Elgin Country Club. Weld Rd.. West of Randall, Elgin. R E C E P T I O N I S T /SECRETARY, 1:30 to 5, Mon­ day thru Friday. Typing, ad­ missions, personnel, banking & telephone. Must anioy working with the elderly. Dependable car. Exc. starting salary, com- prehenslve benefit package Apply In person Woodstock Kviiotncvi ™ /vicritnry MV®./ WANTED FOR OFFICE WORK Prefer but not necessary so­ meone with bookkeeping ex- Must be able to type. ELGIN PAPER CO. 102SN. McLean Blvd. Elgin JOURNEYMAN MOLD MAKER Good benefits CONCORDE TOOLS McHenry 115/344-37* NIGHT AUDITOR Hotel exper. preferred. 11 pm-7 am. NCR250 bookkeeping machines. KIT­ CHEN CASHIER, part-time. Wkends. Chateau Louise, 312/42H000. Mary, ext. 430. ASSISTANT MANAGER 190 room resort hotel in W. Dundee. Must have 3 yrs. ex­ per. Including front office ft night audit procedures. Salary negot. Chateau Louise, 312/426- WOOMery.ext. 430. MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Experienced, part-time, Barr- Ington. Busy office. Send resume to: Box A H M, Crystal Lake Morning Herald. P.O. Box M0, Crystal Lake, II. <0014 LEGAL SECRETARY, ex­ perienced, Crystal Lake law firm. Sand resume to Box A H S, Shaw Free Press Newspapers. P. O. Box 250, CrystalLako, 11*0014. 24 Help Wanted WANTED: Carpenter to do In­ side trim work. Short term, 40 hrs., minimum. Porter ably retired or unemployed. IISAtt- 4544. after 4 pm. PLANT MAINTENANCE We are currently seeking an in­ dividual for a plant maintenance position with an MMiliaala M • rlilw *-- WL »TI#CFIIN® R^SLVI electric wiring ft repair, and HMtlng ft compressor unit maintenance ft repair. The Idoel candidate will have two to four years In building maintenance. We offer a full range of company benefits. Send resume and work history to: BdxAHE Shew Free Press Newspapers PODax2SO Crystal Lake, IL 40014 HAIRSTYLIST Barber or beautician. Apply In parson. From The Neck Up, 13N N. Park St., McHenry. WAITRESS, experienced, full time days. Apply In person Olympic Restaurant, 90 N. Williams, Crystal Lake. Retail ASSISTANT MANAGER STUARTS of Spring Hill Mall has opening for individual with some previous experience In Ladles Apparel. Must be enthusiastic, motivated, and enjoy servicing customers. All free company benefits, merchandise discount. For interview, call: MRS. BUSCEMI 312/428-4366 WANTED- lull tin* micro- computer operator with ex­ perience In Apple. Advanced, Vlskalc, CPM, Base II, ft word Srocessing. Call Jeanette, 12/669-3373. OUTSIDE SALESPERSON to sell business communication systems, Including telephones ft 2-wey radios. Lake ft Nor­ thern Cook County area. Out­ side sales experience required. Unlimited eornlng potential. Radicon 815/385-4224 FRONT DESK Receptionist, pert time weekend hours. App­ ly In person, The Supreme courts, 1 Virginia Rd., Crystal HOUSEKEEPING AIDE Par t t lma pos i t ion available for an individual to work /Monday thru Fri­ day, flexible day hours with occasional weekends at our Crystal Lake Am- butal facility. Previous housekeeping experience preferred. We offer a competitive salary and benefits. Con­ tact: 7 ™ . . Personnel Department 312/888-8708 SHERMAN HOSPITAL 934 Center Street Elgin, II60120 E.Q.E NURSES AIDES, full and part time, generous starting salary. Apply In person between 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave., «-A- -»_ || WOOOSTOCK, IL. FULLTIME NIGHTS Apply In person at McHenry Eby Brown, 3710 W. Elm Street. COUNTER HELP Mature person for weekday mornings ft all day Saturday. Apply at Comet Cleaners, 323 McHenry Ave., Crystal Lake. SALES-TELEPHONE Adv. or Intengible sales experience necessary for initial 10 hours per week. Salary plus comm. Send particulars P C I, Box, 103 Cary, II. 60013. MAGAZINE-CIRCULATION, Part timt position opon for MT- AMk tun ' 1 n .Ilfc DBA •on vxpvricncva WITTI or AV man ana IUITIIIVTVWVI worn. Could eventually turn Into full time position. Sand details covering experience and salary requirements. P C I, Box 1>1 Cary, H. 10013. PART TIME COMMISSIONED SALES Montfomery Ward has several openings for part-time Com­ missioned Salespeople. Apply In Person Only. Monday Through Friday 10 am to 4 pm MONTGOMERY WARD 105 NORTHWEST HWY. Crystal Lake, Illinois Equal Opportunity Emptayr BARTENDER, Experienced preferred, excellent employ­ ment for the right person. Call 115/344-1477 for an appoint- HELP WANTED Man to run Cat Dozer and Back Hoe. Will teach. This is a full time |ob on farm in Huntley area. Contact Mr. F. H. Ghol, Sr. 815/5687264 WANTED: PEOPLE to distribute posters for maior ad campaign In McHenry ft Chain of Lakes area. Full time on go­ ing position. Reliable traraporatkm required. Good pey. Call 9am-l1am, 312/497- 3491 Plstakee Highlands. CARPENTER with experience In variety of Construction Trades, with good common sense. Must be depen­ dable, hard working, self motivated. All others need not apply. 312/639-0100. MANAGER-McHENRY Supervision experience. Apply of the McHenry Theatre after PRINT SHOP looking for full time, experienced. 1250 Multllttti operetor. Call 312/695- 1020. RECEPTIONIST/ Telephone Operator Responsible person who will represent the company well, enjoys meeting people end has 0000 telephone voice and skills. 1 a.m. to 4 p.m., 5 days a week. APPLY IN PERSON HAEGER POTTERIES, Inc. 7 Maiden Lane East Dundee, IL. An Equal Opportunity Emptoyr 21 Wr-A** Wanted To Buy 70 RPM Wurdtnr Juke boxw. old slot ; machines plus any related parts or Items, casn 312/464-5661 BUY, SELL or trade guns, old shells and related Items. Sl&»-4731. NEED TAX MONEY? TRADE IN those unwanted Class Rings, broken or unused Jewelry, Coins or Sterling Flatware. What better way to get rid of those unused Gold or Silver Pieces and get CASH NOW! FAMILY COINS ft INVESTMENTS 366 Virginia St (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, Illinois 815/455-6190 ACCOUNTING CLERK ACCOUNTS PAYABLE/GENERAL Responsible for accounts payable and a variety ot other ac­ counting functions. Job requires good number aptitude, ex­ perience with IBM 3800 helpful, medium typing skills and 4 plus years accounting department experience. Excellent salary & benefits. Call: John McGrath 815/459-2400 INDUSTRIES, INC Route 31 North Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F SINCE 1i NEWS EDITOR We have a full-time position available on our editorial staff. Person will assist managing edi­ tor and also be responsible for reporting, copy editing and photography duties. A journalism degree combined with a mini­ mum of 1 year dally newspaper experience is required for this position. Darkroom experi­ ence a plus. As a company we offer career-building oppor­ tunities and growth potential as well. As an ex, cedent benefit package. Apply in person or send resume and salary history. Successful candidates will be contacted for interviews. Apply In person. No phone calls, please. SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP iiMr .. , .250WIIHartHito«d«C»rper»»ersviMe,It60110 Shaw Free Pre. I IOUAI.OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER . Newspaper Group Wanted To Buy M.C. COIN ft STAMP CO. WE BUY A SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza tWAB»-3M0 WANTED TO BUY Aluminum Cans, Copper, Brass, Batteries, Aluminum, Automobile Radiators, Gold A Sliver. T A C Metal Co., 24 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, Mon thru Frl - S to S, Sat • • to4.IU/4JM445. DINING ROOM SET Used. Must be excellent condition. Also Moss Rose china A Royal DEER ANTLERS Wanted. Large and unusual - Whltetall. Call3ia/t3fOQ7 after 4 p.m. WANTED TO BUY Tenor Sax. Good cond. Call HS/344-M41, after 4 pm. Misc. 32 Merchandise LARGE SELECTION of recon­ ditioned refrigerators, washers, dryers, ranges, freezers and. TV's with warran­ ty. Thompson's Appliance, 115/331-5411. REPLACE your old furnace with a new energy efficient natural gas fired furnace. Harold Johnson Heating A Air Conditioning, IU/4W-0C7I. IN A HURRY? Try us for a good lunch • fasti C L Deli, 105 N. Main, Crystal Lake. 115/45?- 3443. FRANKLIN A COPLEY CONSTRUCTION CO. 115/459-0233 SIDING A GUTTERS VILLAGE RESALE SHOP Needs Your Donations •Furnlturo*Clothlng •Any Re-Saleable Items All Donations Tax Deductible 65 East Woodstock St. Downtown Crystal Lake lOAMtoSPM-Mon-Sat 015/459-3401 All Proceeds Go To The Sherman Hospital Auxiliary (Crystal Lake Branch) OAK FIREWOOD $25 per face cord Delivered & Stacked as available 312/027-4272 Misc. 32 Merchandise EUNICE'S EGGERY (All Items Made From Real Eggs) Easter EMS, Decoupaoed Eggs, Music Boxes, Jewelry, Gifts. Open weekdays. Call first for eves. A weekends, 015/455-4050, M4 North Main, Crystal Lake. ACT NOW Astounding offer. Major swimming pool distributor needs floor space. Forced to reduce stock of new 1983 31' family-size swimming pools. Complete with huge sun decks and filter. In­ cludes installation for only $888. Call Collect: 1/800/942-1798 Right now while supply lasts. Financing available. cingai STOVI • BALLOON BOUQUETS for every occasion. A unique way to say you care. Costumed deliveries avail. 7 days a week. Bloomln' Balloons, 015/459- RAVE BABY CRIB, like new mattress, 125.015/330-2066. WHY PAY MORE? Twin size mattress sets, 109; Full size mattress sets, 0109; Queen size mattress set, 0109; Bunk Beds complete with mat­ tresses, $109. Lenny Fine Furniture 312/742-7001 - • HAPPY GRAMS Singing Telegrams. Male/ Female Bel- ly Dancers. Call 312/000-3060. MATTRESS SALE, Sealy, Ser ta, King Koil A others from S29.M per placet Positively the lowest < prices * in McHenry > Countyt Why Pay More? The LlnertOuttet, open Thursday 11 am-5 p, Saturdays 9 am-5 pm, 10004 Main St. Hebron, IL, 015/640-4320. KANE COUNTY FLEAMARKET Kane County Fairgrounds St. Charles SUNDAY APRIL 1st 7A.M.-4 P.M. . Antiques, Collectible Coins And Junque 'Over 100 Dealers Welcome Country Breakfast Served ADMISSION $2.00 312/232-6264 NOTHING FANCY-Just good old fashioned buttered popcorn. Pop's Corn Crib, Crystal Lake. 24 Help Wanted ASSISTANT QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER We are seeking an aggressive individual to co­ ordinate the operations of our inspection depar­ tment. t The ideal condidate will have a minimum of 5 years experience in quality control in a manufac­ turing environment. A background in statistical process control procedures is highly desirable. Excellent benefits, salary commensurate with experience. Send resume to: Illinois Coil Spring Company 1415 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, IL 60050 Misc. 82 Merchandise RING, 10 carat ertilte gold, sot with 7/10 marquise diamond. Appraised 0M0. Bast offor. 312/037-5601. CHEST FREEZER, 14", Sears, loos than 1 yr. akL $300. Misc. Misc. Misc. Upright piano, need* $100. Dining rm. sat, maple, $150,312/699401 0 pc, 5 after 5 pm. ELECTRIC STOVE Sears. Self-cleaning. 2 ovens. Exc. cond. $150/best offer. Must sell. 015/330-0304. MERCURY OUTBOARD. IS hp, $300/best. Savage 20 gauge, 22 magnum, over A under, $100, F.I.O.D., 015/455-1791 after 6 RUMMAGE SALE Sat. MARCH 31st, 9am-3pm Jayne Shove Easter Seal Ctr. 7*9 S. McLean Elgin Kids clothes, much misc. GRANDFATHER clock, $25.; gold A wh. ladles dresser with mirror, man's dresser, night stand, twin/double bed, com­ plete, Including picture with studio light, 6 months old, $300 takes all; 015/344-0409 until 1am. SOFA, loveseat, A chair, beige plaid, 3 months old, per ma bond treated, asking $1075, 015/455-2134. TORO SNOWBLOWER, 14", used 1 season, needs tune up, $75.015/455-2134. RAILROAD TIES and land­ scape timbers. Bulk grass A Csture seeds. The area's -gadadOction of landscaping supptWî woodstock Farm A Lawn, 015/330-4200. DESK 6 drawer, $100. Swivel arm chair, $50. Piano, needs work. $50. Ludwlg snare drum, $50.312/426-3501, after 5 pm. CRUSADER KILN with fur­ niture kit. See at Snafu Ceramics or call 015/455-5535 or 015/455-2516. WELDING EQUIPMENT Miller 35 arc welder w/Twoco gun & spot-weld timer attach. Like new. Lady Kenmore cabinet sewing machine. All st- tach. Best offer. 015/455-6667. TRAVEL TRAILER Awning, 12 ft., good cond., $75 or best of­ fer, call 015/459-6060, ask for Elaine. CUSTOM DRAPES, H. yellow, 6 ft. patio, A 9 ft. x 04 , $110 each for drapes, or best offer. 015/305-5063. REFRIGERATOR, G.E.. JOJ cu. ft* gold; Westlnghouso range, gold, $150 each, or best; 015/305-5063. k USED COMPUTERS, we will find the one you want or sell the one you have, call Computer Match, 015/459-9206 Mon.- Sat. 9-3 pm. RECONDITIONED TV'S Color 19 Inch A 25 inch. $75 and up. Chuck's TV, 312/639-3207. GOLF CLUBS 11 piece sets: $125 A up. Metal Woods, Ladies, Youth, Left-Handed. 2/1 coupon books. Save up to 50% off list. 015/720-0177. MIDAS TRAILER, 24 ft.; fireplace screen, grate A 2 stands; 0 hp. tractor w/plow A mower; wheelbarrow; propane rs camp stove; Nesco rooster stend; 2 upright freezers. Call 015/344-3379. BLACK TOILET A sink. Ideal for VJ bath, $35, wht. cast Iron double kitchen sink with faucet, firts 21* x 32V* opening $25, 015/459-1034. FREE PICTURE WINDOW, w/storm A wooden frame, 4* x f; come and got It. 312/436- 5114. BALLOON A FRIEND Or An Enemy. Local or long distance. We deliver In costume locally A ship long distance. Fantasy Festival, 432 Virginia St., Crystal Lake. 015/455-4910. MC/Vlsa. REFRIGERATOR, wht. Hot- point, 16 cu. ft* A-1 cond., $150; Smith Corona portable typewriter, manual with case, $30; Everest A Jennings, por­ table whirlpool for bath tub, $35; 312/639-5066 after 4 pm. D R A S T I C S T O C K REDUCTION-No reasonable offer refused. Welter's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176, Crystal Laka.115/459-3363. LOVESEAT, good condition, $50.00; Rectlner, fair condition, $35.00; 4'X 5' walnut table w/4 chairs, "OIJO.OO; Rottaway bed, excellent condition, $60.00. 015/720-0606. USED BICYCLES, all sizes, 3)2/669-5902. • 82 Merchandise 82 Merchandise 32 Merchandise F R E E G I F T far yaur youngsters e^^en they register for the Grand Frlzo Drawing to be held April Ml Step in at Holslar's Bootery, SO N. Williams St. In Oowntown Crystal Lake, 015/459-0171. WATERBEO, quoen size, w/large 0-drawer pedestal underneath. Lg. headboard w/leodod glass A 4 shelves. $500.0l5/m0327, after 5 pm. FOOL TABLE, 4' x t. slate. Woodgraln ext., exc. cond./ must see to appreciate, $900. 015/330*327. REFRIGERATOR 090. Pueh mower, reel type, $25.2 kitchen tobies, no chairs. $S/ea. 312/430-4212. MAJESTIC FIREPLACE, 42 in., metal, w/gas starter, grate, apprw. ir flu pipe w/chlmnoy, $300.015/330-10047 HANDCRAFTED Pino Kitchen Hutch A Dry Sink, and ether furnishings 015/305-5003. DINING ROOM TABLE Lane table with 6 choirs, 2 leaves, walnut finish. Excellent condi­ tion: $450. 2 snow tiros, 9J x 16.5 It. Like new: $115. 01S/459- 0072 TRICYCLE Strawberry Short­ cake, 12", 015. J.C. Penney stereo w/2 speakers, 025. 015/455-2532. DINING TABLE, A 4 chairs, CnTOWICrinr BIQ SCREEN T V., Tan- dam, used vary little. 5 ft. •creen, $800 lea machine, works oood, $200. 815-336-1562. 015/455-2067. I, exc. cond., 0150. • COMET CLEANERS 2 Piece Suit: $4JO; Plein Skirts, Slacks A Sweeters: $100; Raincoats: $4.70; Plein Dresses: $3.00. Located at 323 McHenry Ave., Crystal Lake. 015/459-3237. WHEELCHAIR Like new. Bath tub safety soot A e walker. 015/720-1113. FIREPLACE, wood burning, free stendlng, 36" round, black, never used to bum anything, has elec. hooter A fan unit in­ stalled w/elec. log, cost $750, any reosonoble offer 015/459- 0915. SWIVEL ROCKERS Gold fox hired nylon velveteen, luffed bocks. Good condition: 065/eoch or $120/poir. 115/338- 1522 eft. 4 p.m. preferred. BAR Butcher Block top. With 2 director-style choirs. $150. 015/344-1572. DAVENPORT 04 Inch, tur­ quoise. Excellent condition: $125. Call 015/330-0215. UTILITY TRAILER, 4x0 with 15" wheels, $1$5,015/455 1900. HALLS SAFE Approx. 3' x 2' x T. On wheels. $450. 015/459- 4274, otter 6 pm. MOVING SALE Sectional sofas (2), earth tone colors, end tobies (4), coffee teble, maple dinette set, brass heodboard, assorted lomps, $15/305-0034. RAILROAD TIES, used, ITs, $7JO SO. del. Coll 312/639-6250 eftiSpm. WASHER A DRYER, Maytag, excel I lent condition, $325/ootn, 015/455-3771 DECK VAN collection, epprox. 2,000 cons. WW not split, 0IV455-2052 offer fpm. MILL WORK built, 9 ft. base A upper cabinets, with white cor- rlen counter top, oak veneer, odlustoble shells, exc. cond., originally $2200, sell for $350; Intent full size crib, $35; Megnovox, 25" walnut console, TV with remote control, needs ropeir, $40; Thomes organ, $275,312/650-4315. COPIERS, new A used, from $95 and up. Valley Office Machines, 015/455-3058. YAMAHA RECEIVER, 2 cassette decks, 1 turntable, 4 speakers, $775,312/420-7010. APPLIANCES, Refrigerators, washers A dryers, electric gas ranges. Clean A like new at reosonoble prices. All recondi­ tioned end guaranteed. Wehl Used Appllences, 1209 Court St., McHenry. 015/305-1072. WEDDING DRESS, designer original, sz. 10, never worn, $130.015/459-2457. TIRES, 4, BF Goodrich, redlols. GR 70-14, 015/455-3940, oskfor Den. GOLF CLUBS Ladles set, A bag. $75. Walnut dining rm. table & choirs, $100. 015/459- 7326, after 6. 24 Help Wanted • Experienced Service Writer for GM dealership in McHenry.county. Send reply to: Box MA-4 clo McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St.-McHenry, IL 60050 LAMPS, 2 bdrm.; real marble baoa, $10 each; 1 table lamp, br. A chrome, $tfe 1 G.E. elec­ tric floor polisher; M" Zenith color T.Vw needs picture tube, 015/7X002. WATERBEO, kingsize, oak frame, pedestal, mattress, , 081015/653-6566. 33 Garage1 Sales RUMMAGE A BAKE SALE Frl. MARCH 30th, 9-5 Sat. MARCHh 31st, 9 -Noon (Bake Sale Friday ONLY) SON. Washington St. Cerpontersvllle S O F A , Q u e e n s i z e , brown/beige, $95.00. 312/639- 9163. REFRIGERATOR 19.2 cu. ft., Amano. Slde-by-slde. Copper- tone. $275.015/455-1199. ATARI 5200 Video game, 2 pelrs of |oy sticks, 0 cartridges, A carrying case, $225 or best of- fer, 312/6195150 anytime. FIREPLACE, free stendlng, with pipes, orange, $130. 312/639-7320. FURNACE, 200,000 BTU, 5 yrs. old. Exc. cond., best offer. Roy, 9-6,312/520-4130 UP-RIGHT FREEZER, 16 cu. ft., Admlrel, excel, cond., $200. Cell 312/497-4942, McHenry, enytlmo. MONGOOSE BMX Supergoose racing bike, good cond., needs cronks, 1 yr. old, Uke //.new, $l65/best, 015/459-6060 ask for Elolne. NEW OWNER ecceptlng con­ signments. Summer clothes. 312/639-04 .̂ ORIENTAL RUG Kerman. 10 x 10.6, beautiful. Will sacrifice, $0000. 015/499- 0265, after 3. SEARS WASHER & Dryer, exc. cond., $200; 1974 Skl-Doo Elon 294 SS, w/extras, $350; 015/344-5116 after 5pm. YANKEE MURAL Canvas, 72" X 6 yds, $30; Hamilton Power- shift "L" drafting tobies, 1500/best offer; Mutoh Draf­ ting machine, like new, $100; SouselHo Eesel on casters, $75; 312/639-7650. FIREPLACE, wood burning, coned shopod porcelln, orenge, incl. stove A chimney pipe A screen, $250 Firm. Sowing machine, wards, w/em- broldery attachments In wooden cabinet, $50. 015/330- 7073. LAUNDRY SYSTEM Hoovy duty, Seers, ell In one. 2 speed wesher, 3 temperature dryer, m years old. Excellent cond. $350. Coll, 015/330-2262. 3M PHOTOCOPIER A 2 car­ tons of supplies. Good working condition. Seeled bids occeptod thru 4/3/04 of McHenry County ASCS Office, 1143 North Seminary, Woodstock. Wo reserve tne right to refuse ony or ell bids. MOVING OUT OF TOWN Info o senior home. All extra must go. 11006 Bonnie Brae, Huntley. Morch 30-April 5. QUEEN SIZE Bod w/ook head­ board, $100. Trlppie dresser w/mirror, $50. Cocktoll teble, $25. Humidifier, $20. Boy's writing desk, $20,015/455-0053. S E W I N G M A C H I N E , "Keyline" in 4 dr. cobinet, w/cheir, $75; wht. formica top server, $35, rotten rocliner, $25, 3 cushion hassock sot, $10, 015/305-0069. BABY CRIB with mettress, $35; wolker, $5; high choir, $10, 312/6504719. C1 wvwnW 01* COfTie TDI • • WIQ tbls.; sm. rati lg.; exorcise bike; like now men's Elgin wetch. Reosonoble, oil vary gd. cond. 312/630-2095. BURGUNDY Neugohydo now sofa $400; light fixture, $40; 2 Snowmobile suits, $30 ea.; Llvostock Trough, 075; 015/943- 7630. CHEST FREEZER. 21 cu. ft., 0200; 4 HP Tecumsoh engine, still In box, $175; Mini bike, $75, 015/344-4941. FORCELIN STEINS, lg. collec­ tion, complete editions, from 1976 - 1903, Avon, $350 firm, 0T5/3Q5-1525. DINING TABLE w/podestol, green octogon, 4 velveteen swivel choirs, $200; wrought iron bekors rack, $15; 3 speed women's Uke, $50,015/455-2966 or 305-0069. FISH TANKS, 10 A 20's, 20 gal. complete A 55 gel. with stond A filters, 015/315-3521 call offer 5:30 pm., ask tor Rick. BUYING FOR INSTlWT CASH. U.S. Silver (toilers, 1070 thru 1935,012 A up. Unclrc. U.S. $20 Ook) pieces, $000 A up. Also buying scrap silver A gold. Civic Coin Center. 312/742-6122. Prices subject to market flue- tuottons. REFRIGERATOR Amono slde-by-slde, 22 cu. ft.,. , OVOCOdO: $150.015/459-7029. TAPPAN APPLIANCES, used, wht., 30" double oven/range, 0125; 2 cycle dishweshor, $75, 015/459-500 offer 6 pm. ELECTRIC STOVE, $45, G.E., 30", wht., working cond., 015/305-3927. LADDER Aluminum, 2 woy step or ext. $35. Workbench, solid wood, 25x60x34 high, $35. Wheelbarrow, $20. Coder chest, $25.015/3054715, offer 4 pm. WARDROBES Two, steel; dehumidifier; Scotts 23" spreader, like new. 015/305- 0254, otter 5 pm. FREE LOVESEAT when you buy our motchlng Eorly American couch & choir. First 0450/offer tokos ell 3 pieces. Exc. cond., moving A don't hove room for them. 015/640- 2000. WOOD STOVE Tlmberllne flreploce insert: $250. Call after 6 p.m., 312/9914272. EASTER CORSAGES, flower boskets, center potces, vases, gifts, silk flowers. Cut gloss, crystal, Fenton, Hob Noll, ceromic, porceloln Items. Come brouse. Mony beeutitul arrangements, much more. Cary, 312/639-4520.4/5 thru 4/0. RECONOIT IOM€D Vacuum rtoonore. $12.90 A up. All fuaranteed. Electrolux, urokas, Filter Queens, Hoovers, Klrbys and Rain­ bows. Call Swifty's, 312/639- 4710, offer 2:30 pm. DINETTE TABLE, 6 chairs, 2 twin bods, spring A matrass, davenport, chair, hutch, secretary, fine chine diner- wore service for 0 Cory 312/639- 4520. TYPEWRITER, Remmington portable; custom built took stereo speokers; Kodok Carousel slide projector & screen. 015/4594721 eves. MOVING SALE Wonder Lake Frl. A Sat. A March 30 A 31 , 9em-5pm 5405 Welnwrlght Dr. Conoole stereo, lamps, wall scones, entire owl collection, much misc., mens A womens clothes, lg. sizes, nothing for. HIGH HILL FARM (ALG.) 330 Pertrldge Frl. MARCH 30th. 9am -4 pm Furniture, headboard, stereo, chlldrens clothes, beby scale,, much misc. i CARY * 61 Lloyd St. « Saturday A Sunday March 31A April 1st; 10-4 Miscellaneous household MOVING SALE Fox River Grove 9009 Hlllview Dr. March 31, A April 1 9 AM-5 PM Antiques, lg. furniture, lots of misc., sm. appl., chlldrens clothes, Everything must go. GARAGE SALE McHenry/Griswold Lake) (River Ro. to Villa Vaupell Subdivision) 2500 South Birchwood Sat, March 31; 10:304:30 Furn., clothes (kids A adults), toys, A more 015/305-5101. HUDGE GARAGE SALE _ Wonder Lake ** 7502 ALgonquin March 30 A 31,9-4 Rocker, record player, some herdwere, smell appliances, boot motors, tables, plnbalt* game, clothes, toys, gomes. CRYSTAL LAKE Huge Easter Craft Bazaar , 5602 Brlarwood Corner of 176 A Brlarwood March 29,30, A 31 ' 0:30am -5pm Handmade knitted ft crocheted clothes, silk flower arrange­ ment, ceramics." Easter boskets ft toys, Vt price bargain table. Items to numerous ta mention. Merchants welcome. For direction call, 015/459-4477. PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS Moving Sale McHenry, 013 Annabelle St. March 30 A April 4; 9-5 - 015/497-3035 * No appll., furn., 2 keyboard organ, much misc. TRASH ft TREASURE RUMMAGE SALE CRYSTAL LAKE Bull Volley Beef Building ' 3400 Walkup March 29,30 ft 31st 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (No Early Birds » Sponsored By American Business Women's Assoc. w Proceeds go to the Junior Miss Fund. I MCHENRY N.W. Corner of Riverside ft Washington March 30-31 ft 4/1,0:30-5 pm Antiques, tools, games, much misc. MOVING SALE 9 Crystal Lake 501 Darlington, Apt. 12 Sat., March 31; 8:30-2 Furniture, clothing, mink jecket, size 12, youth chair, acK ding machine. - MOVING SALE Crystal Lake 566 Somerset Lane, apt. 7 March 29,30 ft 31,9-5 Living rm. sot, kit. sot, bdrm. set, like new electric dryer, ft much misc. a Garage Sales MOVING SALE EVERYTHING GOES! Refrigerator, washer, gas dryer, toaster oven, misc. small appliances, casta built rowd wotorbod, pit group love seat, dining room table with leaf, bedroom dressers, corner desk, large storage cabinet with display hutch, dressers, desk and cabinet match. Much misc.: clothes, games, books, magazines, snow shovels, guinea pig with cage food water NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED!!! 5305 WindiRf Crook Drhro - McHenry, IL 60050 SATURDAY MARCH 319AH-6PM SUNDAY APRIL 110 AM 7 PM 24 Help Wanted CLERICAL/PART-TIME Kishwaukee Title Corporation is seeking 2 con­ scientious, detail-minded persons for a new department involving the hand posting of public records in a Grantor-Grantee system. Excellent handwriting a prerequisite. 20 hours a week, year-round. Hours 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday. 12 paid holidays, 1 week paid vacation, $5.00/hour. Non-smokers only. Call 315-7340 to arrange for an interview. CIRCULATION DATA ENTRY Due to an approaching maternity leave, we are looking for one or two full time people to help in our circulation department during this time. These positions are temporary but depending upon our needs and your abilities may lead to a permanent situation. Accurate typing at 40-50 wpm a must as job in­ volves information input into CRT equipment. Person must be neat in appearance and able to deal pleasantly with people. This position requires someone who can learn quickly and apply that knowledge to different situations with little supervision. Apply in person. No phone calls, please. SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP Show Free Press 250 Williams Road • Carpentersville, IL 60110 Newspeper Greup EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER REPORTER This is a full time position requiring hard news coverage as well as sports coverage for the Cardunal Free Press Morning Her­ ald and the Elgin Herald. The position requires a Journalism degree and 35mm camera experience. Darkroom experience preferred but not required. We are a company offering career-building opportunities and growth potential as well as excellent employee benefits. Apply in person or send resume and salary history. Successful candidates will be contacted. <#> Shew Free Press Newspaper Croup Apply in person. No phone calls, please. SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP 250 Williams Road •Carpentersville, IL 60110 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER

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