7 PAlilS 6 • FLAINUEALtK • WliUNliSUAlf, APRIL 4, 1984 Social KRISTA KAEFER AND PHILIP RUHNKE Engagement announced Gertrude Kaefer, 5211 Patton, Wonder Lake and Tom Kaefer, 4940 N. Oakley, Chicago, announce the engagement of their daughter Krista, to Philip Ruhnke, son of Irene Ruhnke, 1906 N. Eastern, McHenry, and the late Clement Ruhnke. A 1981 graduate of McHenry West Campus High School, the bride elect is presently a student at the University of Illinois. Her fiance served in the U.S. Navy for four years. No wedding date has been set. BIRTHS MOZAL A boy, Brian Robert, 6 lbs. 14 oz., was born March 6 in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington, to Walter find Deborah Mozal of Algonquin. He has a sister Teresa, age three; and a brother David, two. Maternal grand parents are Norwood and Frances Trout of Charlot tesville, VA. Marie Mozal of McHenry is the paternal grandmother. DALY Tom and Pat Daly of McHenry announce the birth of their first child on March 12.- Carleen Frances entered the world in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington, weighing 8 pounds. Maternal grandparents are Charles and Arlene Smolarek of McHenry. Joseph Daly of Crystal Lake and the late June Daly are the paternal grand parents. KURZ Alfred and Sabine Kurz of Island Lake became parents of their second child and first son March 13. Erik Paul was born in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington, and weighed 8 lbs. 14 oz. He was eagerly awaited at home by his five-year-old sister Daniela. Maternal grandparents are Heinz and Elfriede Bermann of Frankfurt, West Germany. A1 and Louise Kurz of Island Lake are the paternal grandparents. LOFGREN Ginette Marie is the name chosen by Patricia and Gregory Lofgren, 916 Center St., McHenry, for their third child. The 6 lbs. 12 oz. baby girl was born March 14 in McHenry Hospital. Gina was welcomed home by her brothers, Tony, age 15, and Gary, 12. Maternal grandparents are Mrs. Anita Fiorda of Park Ridge, IL and the late Pat Fiorda. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lofgren of Moline, IL are the paternal grandparents. Great-grandparents include Antoinette Fiorda, Alex Pisterzi and Anna Lofgren. YOUNG David and Loretta Young, 5307 N. Highland Dr., McHenry, announce the birth of their first child on March 17. Kevin David arrived at McHenry Hospital weighing 9 lbs. 1 oz. Maternal grandparents are Louise D'Incognito of Wauconda, IL and James D'Incognito of S. Milwaukee, WI. Jerome and Lois Young of Wauconda, IL are the paternal grandparents. The infant's great-grandparents are Joe and Mae Gencius of Oaklawn, IL and Mr. and Mrs. William L. Buric of Muscoda, WI. JELINEK A girl, Jennifer Marie, 6 lbs. 13 oz., was born March 18 to John and Elizabeth Jelinek of Car- pentersville, IL. Maternal grandparents are Corky and HAGEK Del mar and Linda Hager, 5409 Christine Ave., McHenry, became parents of their third daughter March 22 and named her Ruthann Joy. The 6 lbs. 1 oz. Seek contest applicants There are still a few ap plications available for this year's Miss McHenry Contest. The ten-week charm course for the pageant will begin April 18, at the American Legion Hall. All applicants must be bet ween the ages of 17 and 20. They must also live in the McHenry- Johnsburg school districts, and be single; never having been married. Miss McHenry is the official hostess for Fiesta Days and will represent the city in the Miss McHenry County pageant. Ms. Sundae Morrison will contact all entrants to confirm the April 18 starting date. Applications can be picked up and submitted with two photos at the Chamber of Commerce office, 1257 N. Green St. Dial-a-ride explained to seniors At the next meeting of the McHenry Senior Citizens Club, McHenry Township Supervisor Albert Adams will be the guest speaker. He will explain the dial-a-ride program regarding transportation to the new McHenry hospital, Northern Illinois Medical Center, and answer questions posed by the members. A highlight of the evening will be a preview of the McHenry Choral Club's Spring Concert which is slated for May 5 and 6. Those interested in attending the concert may purchase tickets at the meeting. Salon holds busy meeting The March meeting of McHenry County Salon No. 483 was held at the American Legion Post home, Crystal Lake, March 26. Le Petit Chapeau Betty Lingenfelter of McHenry, called the meeting to order; the usual opening ceremonies were held and reports were given by chairmen. May Chesak of Huntley led the partners in singing. Children and Youth Chairman Marion Karlove of Crystal Lake announced the salon is con tributing to the National Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation of Northern Illinois and to Asth matic Camp Super Kids. Le Petit Chapeau donated a set of colors to the salon. Mabel Schultz of Huntley was endorsed by the salon for the office of Departemental La Concierge for the year 1984-85. The Spring Pouvoir will be held April 14-15, at the Ramada Inn, Fairview Heights, IL. Attending from the salon will be Arlene Mattingly of Huntley, Pouvoir member; Becky Gabel of Fox River Grove; Mabel Schultz and May Chesak of Huntley. Publicity Chairman Ruth Mrachek of McHenry an nounced she was compiling a publicity book for depar temental competition. She also expressed gratitude to local newspapers for printing the articles of the salon. Annual report forms were distributed to be filled out by the chairmen. Partners attending the meeting from McHenry were Betty Lingenfelter, Pearl Cooper, Marge Datz, Dorothy Messer, Reba Owen, Ruth Mrachek and Betty Lou Smith. Hostesses for the meeting were Marge Alvis, Shirley Brockrogge, Eileen Eibisch, Virginia Forrest, Marion Karlove and Mary Siewerth. The next meeting will be held April 23. Slate annual arts-crafts-bake sale Final preparations are being made for the 5th Annual Sugar Grove Easter Arts, Crafts and Bake Sale to be held Saturday, April 14, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. It will be held this year in the ^^^ns^^ommunity1 Co&ege" located just north of Sugar Grove on Route 47. Coffee and rolls will be available all day with lunch served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. A wide range of handmade crafts will be shown on 110 tables by 90 exhibitors. Jewelry, dolls, doll clothes, doll furniture, stencilwicking, nut craft, tin and copper punch, many per sonalized items, and duck decoys w^ll be available, along wuh many Easter items such as bunnies, baskets and Ukrainian eggs. Again this year, there will be a large bake sale and candy arear. Everyone is invited to attend. Carol Boosinger of Island Lake. Charles and Anne Jelinek of Carpentersville are the paternal grandparents. baby girl entered the world at McHenry Hospital. She was welcomed at home by her two sisters, age three and four. Community Calendar -- APRIL 4 Annual Spring Luncheon & Card Party-noon-Pistakee Highlands Community Center-Sponsor, Pist. High. Women's Club-Public Welcome. Priscilla Circle-Mtg., 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.-First United Methodist Church Parlor. McH. Grandmothers Club-McH. Country Club~ll:30 a.m.-Mtg. Follows at Shepherd of the Hills Church. Whispering Oaks Woman's Club-Prayer Breakfast, 9:30 a.m.- Community Center. Mary Martha Workshop, 10:30 a.m.-Faith Presbyterian Church- Lincoln & Chapel Hill Rds. APRIL 5 MH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Mtg., 8 p.m.-African Safari Films. Evening Circle, 7:30 p.m.-First United Methodist Church Parlor- "The Great Physician." APRIL 6-7 Rummage Sale-Johnsburg Community Club Basement-9 a.m. to 4 p.m.-Sponsor, St. John's BVM Sodality. APRIL 7 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot, 1 p.m.- Public Welcome. APRIL 8 St. Clara Court 659-Lady Foresters Communion Mass-8 a.m.- Breakfast Follows In Mary Hall. McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Easter Ham & Meat Shoot-Games-Public Welcome. MARY RABELHOFER AND HENRY GLICK Prepare for wedding Mr. and Mrs. William Rabelhofer of Spring Grove announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Teresa, to Henry Glick IV; son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glick III of McHenry. The bride-to-be graduated from Richmond-Burton High School in 1979 and her fiance graduated from McHenry High School the same year. Both received an Associate of Science Degree from McHenry County College in 1982 and he attends DeVry Institute of Technology. No wedding date has been set. / Plan 16th "Fair Diddley" McHenry bbard metnberfc oT lh? Mental flemttk Resourcfciueagpe for McHenry County are ^«fcrfed at lucent planning session for the group's 16th annual "Fair Diddley" Sunday, May 20, on the Woodstock City Square. This old-time country fair will feature nearly 300 artists and craftsmen. From left, Sharon O'Dwyer, fair co-chairman; Char Buch, quilt co-chairman; Barbara Hajek, popcorn chairman; Marlene Graham, craft rental co-chairman; and Barbara Winn, fair co-chairman. APRIL &-14 Amnesty Week-McH. Pub. Library-Overdue Books Accepted Without Charging Fines. APRIL 9 Donkey Basketball Game-West Campus Gym, 7 p.m. McH. Sr. Citz. Club-Mtg., 7 p.m.-East Campus. • APRIL 10 McH. Area Jaycees-Gen. Membership Mtg. 8 p.m.-Kristof's Cirkus-Public Welcome. McH. Co. Chambers of Commerce-Luncheon, 11:30 a.m.- Reservations, 385-4300-Courthouse Inn, Wdstk.-Speaker, John Kramer, RTA Chairman-Open to Public. Naomi Circle-Mtg., 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.-First United Methodist Church-Babysitter Provided. Whispering Oaks Woman's Club-Bd. Mtg., 9:30 a.m.-Community Center. APRIL 11 Kishwaukee Life Member Club-Telephone Pioneers of America- Mo. Mtg., ll:30a.m.-Deeters Restaurant-15105 Rte. 14, Woodstock- -Reservations by Apr. 4, 338-6637 or 344-2804-Remember Pak-A- Sack. McH. Area Chamber of Commerce-Professional Council Lun cheon, 11:30 a.m.-Dr. Dickstein, "Bicycling for Fitness & Fun"- Reservations, 385-4300. APRIL 12 McH. Co. Genealogical Soc.-Mo. Mtg., 7:30 p.m.-Grace Lutheran Church-311 Washington St., Wdstk.-Natalie Wolf, "Courthouse Research. Lakeland Park Women's Club-Mtg., 7:30 p.m.-Lakeland Park Comm. Hse.-1717 Sunset-Hostesses Barbara Burke & Ruth Roach- Guests Welcome. Happy Birthday Happy 16th Birthday "Bubba' 'J urn FROM, HON. PAD. & TOPP HAPPY 40th COOKIE From, the Family Happy Birthday Mom, Dad & Lisa Happy Birthday Sweet 16 Mom, Dad & Jason SOME PEOPLE NEVER FRAN KEDZIE Helpful hint... ...Yogurt should not be frozen. However, |t can be successfully prepared in a frozen dessert if gelatin or beaten egg whites are added to it. (Sour cream can't be frozen either). " NEW HOURS Monday 8am - 5pm 14 yrs. experience as your professional stylist...owner of Fran's hidden Curl for 11 years. Closed Tuesday & Wednesday Thursday & Friday 8am - 5pm Saturday 8am - 2pm Happy Birthday, Dad Love, Your Family FRAN'S HIDDEN CURL 1212 N. GREEN ST. (OEC.8) MchENRY, ILL *344-1019 " I Hf ffWNDIV III III SAION THAT'S HARD TO UNIT StectnahfAi* PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL 4302 W. Crystal lako Rd., Suit* C Whispering Point • McHenry, IL (•15) 344-3440 or (312 Are yon aware that Elec trolysis, the only medically ap proved method ol permanent facial or body hair removal, is a tax deductible expense? Yo* added dividends are healthier skin and increased self- confidence. FKU KUia TttATMIIIT lilimtjonii GwM ef ProtauoMl Bsdnlsiirti Elmctrologist J