PAGE 13-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY,APRIL 6^1984 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted medical opportunity EMERGENCY ROOM NURSE Our progressive community hospital has an excellent full or part time night staff nurse posi tion available In the ER. 2 years of ER or critical care ex perience is essential for the qualified RN. For details, please contact the Personnel Department at: 312/381-9600. ext. 5017 EVANGELICAL HEALTH SYSTEMS Good Shepherd Hospital 450 W. Highway 22 Barrlnyton, IL 60010 ro.t. m/f PART TIME MOTOR ROUTE DELIVERY PERSON Early Morning Hours. 3 to 4 Hours per day. 7 Days a Week. Reliable car required. 815/385-3643 before noon CHICAGO TRIBUNE SERVICE CREW MANAGER If you like to work with youth and enjoy sales, we have a high commission of potential for you. Qualified applicants must have large dependable vehicle with proper in surance coverage. Call: MR. GREEN 312/351-4082 DELIVERY PEOPLE needed. Must have dependable car, in surance a must; flexible hours, good pay. Call 815/337-0694 after 7 pm. MANAGER, evenings, mature, reliable, dependable, Sweet Street, Crystal Lake Plaza, 815/455-3344 after 11 am. PICK-UP Delivery & sales. Part-time to start. Wanted: reliable, neat & outgoing per son. Mon. thru Fri. Call 312/426- 7110. . NURSES AIDES, full aiWpiM time, generous starting salary. Apply in person between 8:90 am to 4:30 pm, Woodstock Residence, 309 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, IL. 24 Help Wanted DRAFTSPERSON RAE CORPORATION Manufacturer of fractional horsepower motors and controls currently has an opening for a draftspeson w i t h 2 y e a r s mechanical/electrical drafting experience and/or minimum of 2 years technical training. Duties will include preparation of detailed drawings, compiling bills of material and design layout. Knowledge of motors is a definite plus. . We offer exceptional com pany benefits including our unique 40 hour, 4Vi day work week, company paid insurance and 14 paid holidays. Send resume and SALARY HISTORY to: Director of Personnel RAE CORPORATION 5801W. Elm Street McHenry, 11.60050 Equal Opportunity Employf. m/f TELEPHONE SALES, work for private dinner club. Day and evening shift. 815/344-5180. METAL WORKSHOP FOREMAN Must have solid background in metal shop functions including reading of blueprints, layout experience, welding and fabrication. To arrange an in terview, call: 312/639-8200 Ask for Mrs. Wallace MAJOR CONTROL PRODUCTS INC. 740 Industrial Drive Cary,IL. TOOL & DIE MAKER Experienced 312/426-8887 STAFF ACCOUNTANT Immediate position for analytical self-starter, 2-3 years experience in bank 8i ac count reconciliations, journal entry preparation, general ledger closing thru financial statements, payroll & sales taxes. Some stat-typing re quired. Knowledge of automated systems necessary. Reply with resume and salary requirements to Box A H X, Shaw Free Press Newspapers, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL 60014. LANDSCAPE PERSONNEL. Must have basic knowledge of maintenance and construction procedures. Minimum of 1 to 2 years experience. Please call: 312/639-1025. LANDSCAPE Maintenance Personnel, experienced. Familiar w/commerdal, in dustrial landscape manage ment. Apoly: Four Seasons Service Co., 6110 Lou Ave., Crystal,L^ke. , „ MAMOStm t&ftrJttien personnel, experienced. Familiar w/all phases of land scape constriction. Apply In person, Richter Landscaping, 6110 Lou Ave., Crystal Lake. SPRING MAKERS ILLINOIS COIL SPRING COMPANY has immediate openings for first and second shift for indi viduals with experience on the No. 1 light and No. 2 heavy coiling machines. Excellent benefits. Salary commensu rate with experience. Apply in person or call: AAr. Joseph Dicks ILLINOIS COIL SPRING COMPANY 1415 N. Industrial Dr., McHenry, II. 815/385-6760 TRAFFIC ACCOUNTANT We are a nationally recognized wholesaler in need of an indi vidual who would be interested in assuming the total accounting res ponsibilities tor our traffic divi sion. Reporting to our Distribution Accounting Supervisor, the res ponsibilities for this position en tail financial statement comple tion and analysis, account analy sis, fixed asset accounting, fuel tax reporting and special pro jects, as well as the development of new controls and maintenance of established standards. Candidates should have 2 to 3 years traffic accounting experi ence, a degree in accounting, and knowledge of the MSA General Ledger System. Prior supervisory responsibility is a plus. Competitive salary and benefits package are offered. Please send resume including salary require ments to: Box A H O Crystal Lake Morning Herald P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Equal Opportunity E mployer m/f SWITCHBOARD/ RECEPTIONIST Union National Bank of Elfin is seeking an attractive well groomed individual to fill this varied and Interesting position. Must enjoy customer contact and possess good business ethics and telephone skills. Ex perience helpful but not re quired. We will train a qualified Individual. Please contact: JANE KEITH UNION NATIONAL BANK 1 Fountain SquarePLaza Elgin 312/888-7500 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F TRUCK DRIVER, experlenc- ed, familiar w/small construc tion equip. Apply in person, Richter Landscaping Co., 6110 Lou Ave., Crystal Lake. RESUMES Professionally prepared. Visa/MC Welcome. Norton & Associates. 312/428- 9255. - AUTO SANDER & MASKERS If you are a quality- minded person experienced In sanding & masking, who is willing to give 100%, call MAACO Auto Painting & Body Works at 312/741-8881. Ask for Jerry. Or stop In at 235 S. Grove Ave., Elgin. DENTAL ASSISTANT Experienced preferred. In terested parties contact. 815/344-0453. PERMANENT PART TIME Service Rep. - Jewelry Major costume jewelry manufacturer is hiring in the Elgin, Crystal Lake, Woodstock area. Non-selling position to merchandise inven tory and reorder in jewelry departments of established ac counts. Need a dependable car. Salary and mileage paid. Send brief reply by April 14 to R. N. Koch, Inc., 10823 191st St., Mokena, IL 60448. • BRIDGEPORT MACHINIST Experience Required - Full Time Day Shift TUNGSTEN INERT GAS WELDER Experience Required - Part Time Night Shift Apply at G.K. INDUSTRIES 6204 Factory Road Crystal Lake, IL '815/459-2330' FULL and PARTTIME STYLISTS needed for cutting, perming and coloring. Opportunities to develop both professionally and financially. Weekly guarantee and other benefits provided. Contact: Our New Manager LINDA KLATT 312/426-6355 SYSTEMS 7 Spring Hill Mall Dundee CUSTODIAN, full time, apply 8:30 to 5 pm. Apply in person Sunset Manor, 920 North Seminary, Woodstock, IL. CARPENTER, experienced. Approx. 6 months work. Reply c/o Daily Sentinel, P. O. Box 709-AP3, Woodstock, IL 60098. 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted 'TYPIST/ SECRETARY Small growing company near Crystal Lake needs Secretary/Typist. Requires accurate typing with reasonable speed. Op portunity to learn word processing. Flexible daytime hours possible. Call: 312/658-8561 RADIATOR REPAIRMAN Need hard working, self motivated, radiator repairman with experience. Salary com mensurate with previous ex- perlence. Please send resume with qualifications to: P.O. BOX AIA Shaw Free Press Newspapers Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 AIR CONDITIONING Repair man wanted. Must be ex perienced and self motivated, salary commensurate with ex perience. Please send resume to: P.O. BOX A H Y; C/O Shaw Free Press Newspapers, Box 250, Crystal Lam, IL. 60014. WAREHOUSE HELP, part time, Mon, Thurs, Fri, 4-9 pm.; Sat, 10-5; Sun, 12-5. Apply In person, Tidy Carpets & Floor Covering, 1039 Lake Avenue, Woodstock. LIGHT DELIVERY, McHenry County area. Must have car. Call Sue at 800/942-5306. LUMBERYARD SALES Experienced retail lumbermen to handle in side sales to contractors and homeowners. Salary based on experience. Send letter including work and salary history to: Box AIB Shaw Free Press Newspapers P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL 60014 E.O.E.M/F ELECTRICAL Engineers/Designers with minimum of 3 to 5 years experience. Drafting ability a must. Salary commensurate with experience. Call 815/459-5734 PART-TIME dental assist., Woodstock, includes Satur days. Exp. preferred, but will train. Call 815/338-4050. SCHOOL CUSTODIAN, 7 am to 3:30 pm. Apply in person, Or chard Street School, 401 Or chard Street, Fox River Grove. PART-TIME Dental Assistant Woodstock Includes Saturdays Experience Preferred But will train Call: 815/338-4050 PAINTER WANTED, wHI train, vehicle necessary, neat, clean & dependable a must. Im mediate opening. Interview Sat. 4/7/84. Grand Pre Contrac- ting, 815/455-5536. TYPIST Looking for individual with typing skill of 50 wpm. Job provides future advancement, good pay & excellent benefits. TODD DAVIS, 312/742-5940. BAR MAIDS And bartenders for casual night club, am 8> pm shifts. Full or part-time. 312/428-4170. 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted \ H o w a r d ELECTRONICS. A ; . PRODUCTION MANAGERS \a Take This Self-Examination: M Do You Have... I Yes No • • •Experience in a high volume production environment • • •Demonstrated ability to operate to closely controlled budget LJ Q "Excellent personnel administration background • l] *High technical ability; preferably in electroncis • LJ •Proven experience at following & meeting production schedules • • *The ability to interface with a large customer base & sales department. • • *A verifiable record of performance. If you score 100% we want to talk to you about our growing, exciting company. We have something to offer/each other. Call Jeanette at 312-669-3373 DRAFTER Printed Circuit Layout Intermatic, a progressive and expanding [manufacturer of industrial and consumer timing products, offers an excellent oppor tunity for an individual with a minimum of 3 years experience in design and layout of printed circuit boards. Primary duties include design and layout of printed circuit boards from schematic dia grams, making schematic diagrams from sketches and producing finished artwork for solder mask and component legend for fin ished circuit boards. Will also be responsi ble for preparing detail drawings of parts, components and sub assemblies from ver |baI instructions, sketches, design layouts, We o f fe r an exce l len t s ta r t ing sa la ry and benef i ts package P leaseca l l for an in te rv iew appoin tment : 815/675-2321 NT E R M ATI C I N C ' G e > F O P A T E O Jntermafic Plaza Spring Grove, IL 60081 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F WAITRESSES 8, WAITERS For casual ntaht dub, am 8i pm shifts. Full or part-time. 312/428-4170. DJ. For casual nightclub. Full time, eves. Si part-time needed. Must have own record collec- tion. 312/42S-4170. HOSTESS For greeting customers of casual night club. Full time evenings. Waitress experience helpful. 312/428- 4170. LANDSCAPER NEEDED, hard worker only need apply. Experience Si truck helpful. Immediate opening. Interview Sat. 4/7/84. Grand Pre Contrac- tlng, 815/455-5536. RECEPTIONIST/ TYPIST Must have a pleasant phone personality and enjoy meeting people. Accurate typing skills a must. Prior experience would be helpful. This position offers and ex cellent startlna salary and full company benefits. For more in formation, please call: Pam 312/680-8100 POWER CUTTING, INC. Lake Bluff, IL E.O.E.M/F SECRETARIES For busy Woodstock office, full time 8i part time. Duties in clude lignt typing, bookkeeping & telepnone customer service; dictaphone experience prefer red. Call 815/338 3960 for inter- vlew appointment. CLEANING JANITORIAL Need people who are presently employed and want to supplement their inccome. Part Time even ings, 5-10 PM, Monday - F r iday . Exper ience necessary. To apply, call: 414/332-6470 Between 10 AM -3 PM E.O.E.M/F DRIVER/SHOPPER Patient, pleasant personality with flexible schedule required. Must relate well with Senior Citizens. Apply In Person: SUNSET MANOR 920 N. Seminary Ave. Woodstock, IL EXPERIENCED MOLD MAKER to build plastic injec tion molds. Must be able to grind small close tolerance in serts. Also wanted: Junior Mold Designer. Paid in surance, paid holidays, air con ditioned shop. Country Models, 3305 S.Rt. 31, Crystal Lake, IL. 815/459-2314. HORSE FARM LABORER Full Time, exper. adult, tor gen. chores on small horse farm west of Crystal Lake. 40 hrs., Mon.- Sat., split day. Per sonal refer, required. Call: 312/893-1620days RECEPTIONS*/ - SECRETARY 1 >_! M u s t b a v a s t a p i n g S k i l l s , telephone experience, & book keeping skills. Enjoy working with the public. Salary, fringe benefits. Office hours 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Apply in'person only, at 300 Lake Shore Drive, Crystal Lake, Illinois. Deadline for applicants is Wednesday, April 11,1984before5:00 p.m.' OFFICE PERSON To answer phone, keypunch & file. Good typing 8i math skills required. Submit resume detailing ex perience 8i skills. Include references. Phone M. Rakow, 312/742-1516, for appt. Illinois Hydraulic Construction Co. P.O. Box 545, Elgin, IL. 60121. A n e q u a l o p p o r t u n i t y employer. s Plastic Injection ' Molding Set Up Man 1st & 2nd shift Minimum of 5 years Expert*#** .. We need aft. individual familiar with3£ton-200 ton Kawaguchi and Battenfefd molding machines. Call for Appointment 312/658-6535 Crystal Die & Mold OFFICE PERSON To answer phone, keypunch & file. Good typing 8, math skills required. Submit resume detailing ex perience & skills. Include references. Phone: M. Rakow, 312/742-1516, for appt. Illinois Hydraulic Construction Co., P.O. Box 545, Elgin, IL. 60121. A n e q u a l o p p o r t u n i t y employer. D E L I V E R Y P E R S O N Delivery of plants. C-license re quired. Reliable/responsible. Full-time. Apply In person: Flowerwood, Rte. 14 8. 176, Crystal Lake. BREAKFAST 8. Grill Cook needed. Call for appointment, 815/338-3500. 31 Wanted To Buy 78 RPM Wurlitzer Juke boxes, old slot machines plus any related parts or Items, cash 312/464-5661 NEED TAX MONEY? TRADE IN those unwanted Class • Rings, broken or unused Jewelry, Coins or Sterling Flatware. What better way to get rid of those unused Gold or Silver Pieces and get CASH NOW! FAMILY COINS & INVESTMENTS 366 Virginia St (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, Illinois 815/455-6190 H.C. COIN 8. STAMP CO. WE BUY & SELL 10 Crystal Lake Plaza 815/459 3940 WANTED TO BUY Aluminum Cans, Copper, Brass, Batteries, Aluminum, Automobile Radiators, Gold & Silver. T & C Metal Co., 24 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, Mon thru Fri 8 to 5, Sat - 8 t04.815/459-4445. MOVING?, Cleaning house? Buying old furniture, china, glass, etc. 815/678-4U1. BUY, SELL or trade guns, old shells and ,related items. 81S/338-473lXT ̂ WANTED-tfVulve refacing machine. Call 815/385-0712. BABY CRJB and/or dressers, bassinet. Good condition. 815/385-1361 or815/385-1360. WANTED: Small restuarant stove. 6 burners with oven. 815/337-0663. • DAY SCRAP Metal, No. 1 Cop per 53, No. 243, Prices subject to change, open 7 days a week, 815/459-7751. ROTOTILLER, 5 ft. - 6 ft., for : p o i n t h i t c h t r a c t o r . C a t 815/338-0512 after 5 pm. 24 WE HAVE A JOB FOR YOU! Are You Between 13 and 17 Years Old? H you can work 3 hrs. in the evening and all day Sa turday, you can earn good money as a PART TIME NEWSPAPER SALES PERSON working in the McHenry County area. Call: 312/351-4082 Monday thru Friday, 11:30 A.M.-5 P.M. Ask for MR. GEORGE TOOL MAKER CRYSTAL LAKE AREA Need experienced self-starter to run one-man tool room-set up & operate, mill, lathe & surface grinder. Qualified parties please contact : ROY SCHWEITZKR THE SHIELDS CORPORATION 815/455-2611 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN This position offers oufsfanding oppor tunity for individual with minimum of 3 years background in building of bread board and prototype models, plus layout of printed circuit boards. Responsibilities include assembly of electronic circuits, electrical and envi ronmental tests, building and maintain ing special test equipment, layout cir cuit boards and interface with product design. Excellent salary range and fringe package. Call for an interview appoint Iment: 815/675-2321 iJlMTERMATIC i M C O O C Q O A T E O Intermatic Plaza Spring Grove, IL 60061 Equal Opportuntly Employer M/F Misc. 32 Merchandise REPLACE your old furnace with a new energy efficient natural gas fired furnace. Harold Johnson Heating & Air Conditioning, 815/439-0078. IH A HURRY? Tpjr us for a good lunch - fasti 6t Oeli, 105 N.-Maln, Crystal Lake.I15/4J»- 3443. » - ' F R A N K L I N C O P L E Y , CONSTRUCTION CO. j. •15/459-4233 SIDING&GUTTERS VILLAGE RESALE SHOP Needs Your Donations •Furniture«Clothing •Any Re-Saleable Items All Donations Tax Deductible 65 East Woodstock St. Downtown Crystal Lake 10 AAA to 5 PM - AAon-Sat 815/45^-3401 All Proceeds Go To The Sherman Hospital Auxiliary (Crystal Lake Branch) • BALLOON BOUQUETS for every occasion. A unique way to say yoy care. Costumed deliveries avail. 7 days a week. Bloomin' Balloons, 815/459- R A V E WHY PAY MORE? Twin size mattress sets, $89, Full size mattress sets, $109; Queen size mattress set, $189, Bunk Beds complete with mat tresses, $189. Lenny Fine Furniture 312/742-7801 • H A P P Y G R A M S S i n g i n g Telegrams. Male/ Female Bel- ly Dancers. Call 312/888-3060. AAATTRESS SALE, Sealy, Ser- ta, King Koil & others from $29.95 per piece! Positively the. lowest prices in McHenry County! Why Pay More? The Linen Outlet, otoen Thursday 11 am-5 p, Saturdays 9 am-5 pm, 10004 AAain St. Hebron, IL, 815/648-4320. , EUNICE'S EGGERY (All Items Made From Real Eggs) Easter Eggs, Decoupaged Eggs, Music Boxes, Jewelry, Gifts. Open weekdays. Call first for eves. & weekends, 815/455-4856, 164 North Main, Crystal Lake. RAILROAD TIES and land scape timbers. Bulk grass & pasture seeds. The area's largest selection of landscaping supplies. Woodstock Farm & Lawn, 815/338-4200. GOLF CLUBS 11 piece sets: $125 & , up. Metal Woods, Ladies, Youth, Left-Handed. 2/1 coupon books. Save up to 50% off list. 815/728-0177. D R A S T I C S T O C K REDUCTION-No reasonable offer refused. Weiler's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4612 W. Rt. 176, Crystal Lake. 815/459-3363. • COMET CLEANERS 2 Piece Suit: $4.20; Plain Skirts, Slacks & Sweaters: $2.00, Raincoats: $4.70; Plain Dresses: $3.00. Located at 323 McHenry Ave., Crystal Lake. 815/459-3237. RAILROAD TIES, used, *rs, '$7.50 ea. de^ Calf 312/639-6258 aft. 5pm, ,- COPIERS, new & used, from $95 and up. Valley Office Machines, 815/455-3050. APPLIANCES, Refrigerators, washers & dryers, electric gas ranges. Clean & like new at reasonable prices. All recondi tioned and guaranteed. Wahl Used Appliances, 1209 Court St., McHenry. 815/385-1872. SALT SALE, Pellet grade, $4.75/80 lb. every 1st. Sar./mo. Huemann Wafer, 3607 N. Chapel Hill Rd„ Johnsburg, III., 815/385-3093 CEMETERY LOTS 2, River Valley Memorial Garden, Dundee - Catholic section. $300/each. Elgin water condi tioner, like new. 312/426-7989 aft.6p.m. OFFICE DESK, large, metal, walnut colored top, typewriter shelf, $75. Heavy steel 4-drawer file cabinet, $50.815/455-3422. STEREO PANASONIC, PLL, multiplex circuit, am/fm 8 track, turn table, 30 watts "per" 2 pan., thrusters. $100, 815/344 5989, Pete. 24 Help Wanted Misc. 32 Merchandise v ACT NOW ^-Astounding Offer Ma}or swimming pool distributor needs extra floor space. Forced to induce stock of new 1983 . 31' family-size swimming, pools. Complete with hbge sundecks, fence and filter, $999 completely installed. 1/800/942-1798 24 Hours Right now while supply lasts. Financing available. MICROWAVE OVEN, Tappan, $75. Butcher block look bar, $75. Chrome floor lamp, $20, 312/639-5195. WROUGHT Iron Table, w/6 chairs, matching tablecloth, etc. $125. 815/344-5671 after 5:30pm. PARROTS, many Amazons & Conures in stock; also supplies. Call anytime, 312/546-7532. DUAL" AX EL, tilt top, bob cat trailer, >1200,815/455-2155. COLOR TV, 13 inch, like new, portable, $l75/best, 815/385- 5865. FISHING MOTOR, model 65 B, Minn Kota, electric, Sears Die Hard, deep cycle battery, with case, $130 for both, 815/459- 6584. DINING ROOM set, 8 pc„ modern In walnut finish, $600/best, 312/639-2717. S E W I N G M A C H I N E , "Keyline" in 4 dr. cabinet, w/chair, $75; wht. formica top server, $35, rattan recliner, $25, 3 cushion hassock set, $10, 815/385-8069. DINING TABLE w/pedestal, green octogan, 4 velveteen swivel chairs, $200; wrought iron bakers rack, $15; 3 speed women's bike, $25., 815/455-2966 or 385-8069. C A B B A G E P A T C H D o l l ; pewter; olassware, jewelry & diamond ring; furniture. 815/728-0965. STEEL DRUMS, 55 gal., one end cut out, $4/ea. KBI, 900 Pingree Rd., Algonquin, 312/658-8561. FREE FOR THE TAKING Brush 8i Firewood Will Deliver Continual Supply 815/459-4358 KINDLING - End of the season s p e c i a l . R e g u l a r l y $30/4ruckload w/your pickup Now $15/truckload while supp ly lasts. 815/455-5922 between Noon & 6 pm weekdays. EASTER LAMB, call after 8pm, 815/385-7482. OFFICE DESKS, & chairs, in exc. cond.. Steel Case, brand, reasonable, for details call, after 6:30or weekends, 815/338 2217. ALLUNIUM SLIDING glass doors, 8 ft., thermo, $75; 2 end tables Si coffee table, glass top, $75; 815/728-1216. • BOY's CLOTHES, 2 suits, sz. 6, summer wear, jeans, shirts, all in exc. cond., 312/639-3102. OAK FIREWOOD, quantity discount, 815/544-2411 or 815/547-8362. BEDROOM SET, wht. French Provincial, 4 peices; Pepper, water bed, queensize. 815/338 9048. WEDDING GOWN $600 orig. Will sacrifice, $250. Incl. veil & slip. 815/337-0374, after 5 pm. GOLD HIDE-A-BED couch, $100, 815/459-5762. TRAVEL TRAILER, Mallard, 20 ft., sleeps 6, exc. cond., 312/669-5418. M O V I E P R O J E C T O R & CAMERA, Kodak Regular 8 & Super 8, used 2 hrs., $100. 312/639-0648 S E A R S P r o p a n e C a t a l y t i c Heater, 5,000 BTU, used once. Portable for camping. $30. 312/639-0648. Misc. 32 Merchandise MOVING must sail 10 ty. Sears Lawn Tractor, MOO. Poppy Red 20 cu. ft. refrigerator & mat chlng stove. Artie Cat snowmobile & misc. S15/455- 2707. CONSOLE TV, Stars 25 In. col or, solid state, w/ walnut cabinet, excellent picture, $200. Call >15/344-1077 after 6 pm. HEADBOARD, king sz. w/twin beds aft., mattress & box spr irtgs. Like new snow tires, G7JM, $75/best. Fold down camper, needs canvass. 312/497-3245. STRATOLOUNGER, recliner chair, durable, brown/gold tweed fabric. Good cond., $75 Firm, 815/338-1522 after 4 pm. best ONE ROUND TRIP America Airlines ticket to Hawaii. Reasonable. Call 815/459-1296, after 6:30 pm. CASEMENT WINDOWS, A/C, $150; portable A/C, $225; Blk. & wht., 19" TV, $10; AM/FM stereo, $25; 10 gal. fishtank w/stand, $10; Kenmore sewing machine w/cabinet, $35; 3' x 5 wall mirror, $300, brown wicker lamp, $10, misc. baby items. Call 815/344-3166 after 4 pr*. 3 PIECE Living Room Set, n e v e r u s e d , $ 6 0 0 . , w i l l separate; Tappan Stove, $150. 815/728-0880 or 815/728-1500 Marge. BIKE, 3 spd., $35, 10 speed, $45; pool table, $275, ping pong table, $50, golf clubs, $50; new weight bench, $75; new boat covers, new pool dners, jogger, $75, Rower, $85, 312/741-8601. COLOR T.V.'s reconditioned, $100. 815/385-0847 after 5pm. CLOWNS! CLOWNS! Crackers The Clown or The E a s t e r B u n n y ! P a r t i e s , Balloon Deliveries. 815/923- HEAR. BICYCLE, 20" Huffy Sweet Thunder, $20. Church pew w/kneeler, $40,312/658-9198. TAYLOR Ice Cream AAachine, 2 faucet stand- up, good cond., $2,000. Five laminated booths w/Formica tops, 2 soda sprayers, $600. Call 312/63° 1166. COUCH For Sale $40 312/428-9487 SWING SET, Tuffboy, top lad der w/slide, unassembled, $137, 312/683-2843. P R O M D R E S S , s z 7 8 , southern belie, 2-boned hoop, $100, 312/658-5912 LUGGAGE CARRIER, endos ed, fiberglass, $35. Clark In dustrial floor scrubber, $35. 815/338-6038 after 4:30 p.m. HORSE water tank, 107 gal., $30; 20" Electric start snow- blower, $250, assorted truck tires, $10; swimming pool gas heater, $150; 15 X 27 pool, $250. 815/385-2052, days until 5 pm. ADDRESSOGRAPH electric envelope addressor, $200 , 2 suspended commercial type gas heaters: 64,000 BTU, $150; 160,000 BTU, $350. Magnetic sign machine 8, mgTfecjai, $1,200. 815/385-2052, days until 5 pm DINING ROOM set, 9 pc. tradi tional, $650/best. Metal desk, 5'x2V»', 815/344-3283. DISHWASHER Portable 2Viyrs. old. $150. 312/639-4448 HAPPINESS IS A balloon bou quet from Fantasy Festival C o s t u m e / M a g i c C e n t r e . Delivered in costume of your choice. Send a balloon to - anyone, anywhere in the U.S. 815/455-4910. ZENITH T.V., 1984 model, 12", B/W. Sell cheap! $50.00. 815/385-3697 call Gene. 2 DOUBLE BEDS, 1 brass, baby crib, complete; antiques; 815/455-4399. TABLE & 4 chairs, $50.00; crib mattress, $15.00; 815/344-4367. REFRIGERATOR, Kelvinator side by side, frost free, brown, $100/best. 815/455-6665. BEDROOM SET, 5 pc. Contem porary in solid oak, $795, Maytag electric dryer, good.» cond., $100, 5 ft. heavy pine cof fee table 6< 2 end tables, $350. 312/639-8321. ACCOUNTING CLERK ACCOUNTS PAYABLE/GENERAL Responsible .'or accounts payable and a variety of other ac- countin functions. Job requires good number aptitude, med ium typing skills and 4 plus years accounting department ex perience. Excellent salary & benefits. Call: John McGrath 815/459-2400 INDUSTRIES, INC Route 31 North Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F SINCE 1881 TELEMARKETING SALES REPRESENTATIVE The Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group is looking for a Telemarketing Sales Representative for the Classi fied Department in Crystal Lake. The position re quires someone who can type 45 wpm accurately; has excellent spell ing skil ls; has sales abi l i ty , enjoys working with the public; is energetic; can work under pressure of deadlines. Responsibil it ies include telephone sales of classified ads and special promotions, maintaining account fi les and CRT typesetting. We offer on the job training, 2 weeks paid vacation annually, paid holidays, l ife and health insurance, pleasant working environment. If you are qualif ied for this interesting position, stop in and fi l l out an application at the Crystal Lake Morning Herald, 7803 Pyott Rd., Crystal Lake or SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP 250 Williams Road'Carpentersville, IL 60110 EQUALOPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER w f r f t G'OoO 0