PAGF. 14-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY,APRIL 6, 1984 Misc. 32 Merchandise •TREES* Silver Maples. 6 ft. to 10 Ft., tS/ea. • You Dig. Also some Red Pines. Union. Call 815/923- *374. GAS RANGE by Roper, good condition. Best Otter Takes It! Call 815/459-4124 eves. ASSORTED Plywood Cut-offs, V4 In. & V, in. $.50. 815/728-1200, 9 to 5pm. • FINAL DAY; 50% OFF Already "Low Prices" SECOND CHILDHOOD 324 N. River Dundee, IL. Taking Bids on Fixtures MOTOROLA Low Band, 2 way, radio base, 100 watt, 2 mobile and 2 pagers, Handy Talkie, remote pnone & new base antenna. S4,200 or best. 815/385- 1097 after 5:30pm RHEEM furnace, 80,000 BTU, exc. cond., $250 or best offer, 312/428-4050. REFRIGERATOR, older, works great, $50; Gibson freezer, newer, $200 . 815/923- 4140. SCHWINN BIKE, girl's 10 sp„ 24 in. wheels, $90; 10 sp. trolling motor, $50 , 815/459-8581. GAS REFRIGERATOR, Ser v a l , $ 2 5 ; A l u m i n u m storms/screens, various sizes, $10 ea. After 5 pm, 312/428-4911. • SPRING FLING EASTER SALE Now Starting! Rainbow Resale Shop Come visit the Easter Bunny Sat., April 7,10am-5pm and Sun. April 8. 12 noon-4 pm "FREE TREATS" 303 S Main. Algonquin 312/658 3360 TWIN BED complete, best ot fer, call 312/93l-454i after 6 pm. Misc. 32 Merchandise Misc. 3? Merchandise 2 WEATHERGUARD side boxes, $100 each; ladder rack, $100; Atari Video game w/13 cartridges, >200; 815/385-7217. MATTRESS SET^ , Queen size, $30 815/344-5514 after 4 pm. W A S H E R & D R Y E R , Signature, heavy duty, exc. cond.. $449, 815/459-4461 after 5 pm. - F R E E G I F T f o r y o u r youngsters when they register for the Grand Prize Drawing to ' eld April 20! Stop in at Helsler's Bootery, 50 N. Williams St. In Downtown Crystal Lake. 815/459-0171. REFRIGERATOR, 15 cu. ft. refrigerator, 29 cu. ft. chest freezer, washing machine, 815/338-4597. ELECTRIC ORGAN, Ham m o n d ; U p r i g h t f r e e z e r , wrought Iron patio turn. 312/381-2540. WESTERN SNOWPLOW, 7 ft., 3 yrs old, extra motor, <525, 815/459-8321. BIKE RACK for2bikes on back bumper. Seat covers, blue & white tweed, bucket seats. Men's ski boots, sz. 10. Double dpor cabinet used for stereo. Red Pearl drum set. Large gold tone aquarium w/hood. After 4:30 pm weekdays, 815/385 0342. FOR ADOPTION: New Cabbage Patch Doll, $50. 815/338 7238 FOR SALE, matching couch, chair 81 table, $50. Weekdays after 6 pm, 815/385-0789. KITCHEN TABLE And 4 chairs 815/459-6672. after 5 pm QUEEN SIZE Box Spring & Mattress w/steel frame & castors, good cond , $40. 815/338 1306 eves. MOVING, Refrig., $100, Stove. $75; 2 Kerosene Heaters, $30 ea.; kitchen table $40; Washer & Dryer $100; Playpen $20; 2 end tables $25 both. Couch $30, Buggy/Stroller, combo $80; 312/669-4926 after 5 p.m. Misc. 32 Merchandise COUCH I. CHAIR, green, good condition, <50 for both, 815/331- 6458 CARPET Approx. 60 sq. yds. Gd. cond. Rust cotoreo. Call <15/344-2798,1-11 or 5-10. 14 K GOLD BRACELETS Major Algonquin Company has 300 gold bracelets leftover from end of year promotion. Retail value $99.95; Public offering at <15 ea. Shown by appointment only. Call: Jim or John, 312/658-8584 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cash only. QUEEN SIZE BED Good Condition, <100 815/459-7052 COLEMAN pop-up camper, '82, w/awnlng. Sleeps 6, stove, sink, Ice box. Porta pottl Incl. Exc. cond., <2,800,815/653-4098. 33 Garage Sales ELGIN Christ the Lord Lufhern Church Highland Ave. M mites Wof Randall Rd. Frl. April 6th, 9-5 Sat. April 7th 9-4 Chlldrens clothes, household goods, collectibles. CRYSTAL LAKE 610 Nottingham Lane Frl., April 6th, 9-3 Sat. April 7th 9-12 Chlldrens clothes, doll house, toys, furniture, stereo, carpeting, misc. household 33 Garage Sales 38 Boats 39 • PONTOON BOAT, 24', 40 hp, <1,700 or best offer, 312/526 1276. Musical Instruments 44 33 Garage Sales JOHNSBURG Don'tforget!!! St. Johns Rectory sale 2302 W Church St Fri. & Sat., April 6 & 7 9 AM to 4 PM Antiques, collectibles, misc.. LAKE IN THE HILLS 1414 Adams Sat, April 7th & 8th • am-5 pm Couch, love seat, stereo, bat tery charger, fishing & camp- Ing gear, much more. MCHENRY ESTATE SALE 5014 Oakwood drive April 7-8 Sat.,4 Sun. 10-4 Complete household of fine fur niture, pictures, crystal, sliver, Royal Doulton, furs, kit. ware, books, misc. WOODSTOCK 1003 Dean St. Fri. & Sat., April 6 & 7th 8:30-2:30. No Early Birds Refrigerator, glider swing, lawn sweeper, lawn fertilizer grader, tamtem bike, canning iars. xmas lawn decoration, roys, clothes, & much misc. RUMMAGE SALE Johnsburg Community Club Frl. & Sat., April 6 8i /. 9 am-4 pm. CRYSTAL LAKE 836Teverton April 6th& 7th 7am - 4 pm Furniture, lots of household goods, much misc. McHENRY 2 FAMILY 5001 Pvndale Dr.(Foxridge) APRIL6,7,8, 9to5 ' Bar, tables, lamps, grills, tires, snow blower, tools, etc. WOODSTOCK 1539 Wheeler St. Sat. only 9-1 Like new dinette (Formica), leaf, 6 chairs, <150; Sewing machine, <50; Cedar chest, $60; Grill, $12; Iron railing, $25, Lazy susan, <15; Pocket & bi- fold doors, Formica counter- top, iawnchairs & many misc. items. RUMMAGE Si BAKE SALE Crystal Lake Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 932 S. McHenry Ave. Frl. April 7, 6.8.8:30-? FLEAMARKET Elgin Community College Gymnasium Sponsored by: Student Programming Board AprilS; 9 am-4 pm Admission: 50t Students & Senior Citizens, <1.00General Public LEVI'S SAMPLE SALE Fastastic Savings on Mens 8. Womens Sports Apparel, size medium. Sport pants, jackets, knit & tee shirts plus a wide variety of Olym pic clothing Woodcreek Sub. (off Draper Rd.) 6311 Ojibwa, McHenry April 7th* 8th Sat9 Sun. noon-Spm 8151344-1693 Garage Sales ss WOODSTOCK Huge Basement Moving Sale 1906 Sando Lane Thursday, Friday, Saturday April 5,6, & 7th, 8 am-5 pm Dean St. to Hickory to Sando 815/338-7073 Furniture, clothes, toys, sports equip., office supplies, wood- burning fireplace, beer can col lection, household items, much much misc. MOVING SALE 4615 Bonner, McHenry Sat. April 7,9am-3pm. Miscellaneous furniture; 3 ceil- Ing light fixtures; 35 Antiques WAREHOUSE of Antiques! Primitive Pine Wardrobes, <325 to $475. And Much More! Funderburg Antiques, 815/547- 8186. ANTIQUE wood table, four chairs and buffet. $275/offer. Must sell. 815/459-6859. TOBACCO CABINET, circa 1860, solid oak, good condition. Best Offer. Call 815/459-6687 after 5 pm. COCKTAIL TABLE and 2 mat ching teardrop end tables, Anti que, solid mahogany, Vic torian, white marble top. All three numbered. Mike, 815/385- 8175. Lawn & Garden 37 Equipment RAILROAD TIES, $5 each. Driveway Gravel, Sand Si Stone. Mushroom Compost, 312/658-8658. WHEEL HORSE Tractor, 12 hp., 42" mowing deck, 40" snowblower, very good cond., 81,400/best offer. 815/568-6494. SEARS,10 h.p. 36" riding lawn tractor, elec. start + 42 snow blade. $650.312/426-6918. SHADE TREES- Maple, Ash, Oak, Locust, Si Mountain Ash. 3 in. at $230, to 5 In. at $460. Lazy Day Trees, 815/338-3042. O ' D A Y S A I L B O A T , 2 5 ' w/trailer, inboard eng., sleeps 5, exc. cond., fully equipped, <18,500,815/455-5060. FOUR WINNS Deep V boat Si trailer. '82,15 ft. <*00.815/385-. 4073. ir TRIHULL 140HPIO. Walk thru Windshield. E Z Loader. Excel, cond. <3500. 312/669- 3214. BUTTERFLY SAILBOAT excellent, all options <1,050 or reasonable offer. 815/385-2967. EV IN RUDE 16' trl-hull, V-6, 155 hp/I.O. Fast. Needs minor work. $2350/best. <15/728-0604 week-ends. HOBIE CAT 16' Good cond. Trailer. <2500. <15/459-2792 eves. GALAX IE 225, '82, Cuddy Cabin w/OMC 120 to.. In board/outboard eng. Contact Trust Dept., 312/637-9252. SAILBOATS (3), '79 AMF Puf fer Alcorts, 13' w/full rigging. Good cond., <800/ea. or best of fer. Crystal Lake Park District, 300 Lake Shore Drive, Crystal Lake IL, 60014,815/459-0680. CENTURY ABRIAN 200, '77, 330 HP, low hrs., Pioneer stereo, trailer, Si cover. A-l cond. 815/385-8299. FISHING MOTOR, Minn Kota, 35 D, used once, to small for boat, $75,815/459-2995. M \RINER SAILBOAT, '82. Cjbin, 19 ft, 8 hp, E-Z trailer, extras, $6.550,312/639 5205. Musical Instruments ELECTRONIC ORGAN Lowery Genie 98. Like new <2600. <15/455-0364 ORGANS-PIANOS National wholesale distributor closing out limited number of new Instruments to*public at savings up to 75% off retail price; Call for app't. 312/888- 1775. Musk Corp. Interna tionale % GUITAR, Electra SG custom w/tremolo & case, $150. Call after 4 pm, 815/344-1744. Pets& Equipment 44 Pets& Equipment DOG RUN. 12 x 24 x 7ft. perfect for jg. or mad., size animal, <150 firm, <15/385-934<. COC KATIE L tame, mala, oray, <40.00, <15/385-7667. GERMAN SHORTHAIR, 2 year old mala, excellent hunter, AKC. FREE to good home * hunters preferred. Call 312/639-8471. YELLOW LAB, AKC, shots, Si wormed, 7 wks., <65.00.115/459- PROFESSIONAL GROOMING All Breed Dogs Pat Woodruff, <15/648-2546 39 W U R L I T Z E R P I A N O a n d Organ Sale in progress. Save 40%. Bell Morford Piano Si Organ Company, 72 Fountain Square Plaza, Elgin, IL. 312/741-0780 • LARGE MOVING SALE ACCUMULATION OF LIFETIME Saturday, April 7, and 8unday, April 8,1984 from 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. Antiques, furniture, piano, freezer, pool table, washer, dryer, ceramic shoe collection, much miscellaneous, no clothing. ATTENTION MEN, ONE SHED FULL OF: Tools, small motors, nuts & bolts, lawn equipment, saddle, chicken equipment, riding,mower, rototiller, miscellaneous. J 3818 Rlngwood Road - Rlngwood, first farm next to Modlne Manufacturing. BEN JACOBS ESTATE 38 Boats '81 WELLCRAFT 21 ft. + trailer, 470 Merc. Inboard/out board, loaded. Lake Michigan fishing. <11,900.815/455-4246. BOAT, 15 ft. fiberglass runabout, 40 HP Johnson w/trailer. New top 6> cover, <900, 312/639-1150 days or <15/568-6952 even. FISHING MACHINE Boston Whaler, 20 Hp. Merc., bass seats, Lowrance locator, Minn-Kota trolling motor, cover, trailer, many extras, <3,200. 815/385 9200 days, 815/385 5456 eves. PIANOTUNING & REPAIR Fisher Piano Service Certified Craftsman Member- Piano Technicians Guild »312/658-6193» PIANO, Bauldwin Spinet, 2 yrs. old, exc. .cond., |ust tuned, $1200/best offer, 815/459-3481, late afternoons & even. REALISTIC SPEAKERS, good cond., $40/best, 815/459-8484, ask for Mark. TENOR SAXAPHONE Vlto. Hardly used. Gd. cond. $300. 815/459-7132, evenings. ACCORDION 3 Row, Hohner, button type; also one 2 row. 312/662-2610. ACCORDION 120 bass, adult; also one student size. 312/662- 2610. FREE TO GOOD HOME, S month old, Doberman, Vj Short hair, shots. 815/344-4535. PUPPY Free to Good Home. Lab./Shepherd mix. 3 mos., very playful. Needs room to run. 312/658-6023. BRITTANY Spaniel Pups, AKC, 6 wks old, excellent hunters Si pets. <175. 312/639- 5618. F R E E T O G O O D h o m e , Brittany-Lab mix., spayed, female, 5 yrs. old, friendly, moving to apt., 312/658-7379. FREE HEALTHY, outdoor puppies, Australian-Sheep mix., 815/648-2871. MOVING: FREE to good home adult Male Cat, solid black long haired, very affectionate; also Rat Terrier, very good watch dog. 312/426-6335. GERMAN SHEPHERD Im ports, AKC, O.F.A., certified. Sire, Ben no Vom Ha us Kuhn raised with children, bred for temp. Si dlsp., 815/923-2688. GERMAN SHEPHARD pups, AKC, very attractive,Wk. & tan, German Import Lines, <150-<225, Marengo, 815/568- 6304. FREE TO GOOD HOME 2 yr. old female cat, declawed. 312/639-8511, after 7 pm. RETRIEVER /SETTER Mix, neutered, all shots, 5 yrs., good w/chiidren, free to good home, 815/455-5824 after 5 pm. Y O R K S H I R E T e r r i e r s . 3 males, AKC. Tiny, adorable, <250.312/381-4372. GOLDEN RETIEVER, AKC reg., 8 wk. old, female, cham pion bloodline, <200, 312/395- 6310. BRITTANY SPANIEL, AKC, free to good home, 2yrs old, male. 815/648-2738. STD. SCHNAUZER, 8 mth. old male, pure bred parents reg. AKC. 815/385-6109 after 5 P.M. COCKER SPANIEL in need of lots of love. Please call my foster mom 815/455-1817. I am free ON LY to a good home. BASSET HOUND Puppies, 7 wks. Old. AKC. <100. 815/455- 1579, after 6 pm. 47 Horses & Equipment REGISTERED Quarter Horse, 3 year old stud colt, mahogany bay, <1,500., <15/344-4535. 2 ARAB MARES 12 years, gentle, <800; $500. <15/385-0713. ENGLISH SADDLE, 18", good cond., $175. Rubber riding boots, SI. 8, <15.815/455-4499. HORSES BOARDED Full service. <75 mo. Sunny Acres 815/943-6564 SHOW CLOTHES adult sizes. Dark brown saddle suit, 14; $35. Black derby, 7 1/8, $8. Black jodhpur boots, 8Vj, $15. Hunt cap, $15. Western boots, 8W, worn once, $15. Otter A2 clip- per. $30.815/338-0982. TWO HORSE Trailer, exc. cond., $1400 or best offer, <15/675-6370 or 815/385-8074. PONY, 2 yrs. old for sale. Some fence available. 815/338-0798 Farm & Dairy Business 66 Opportunity LAUNDROMAT, Harvard area. Reduced price- $44,500. Moving to Arizona. Call 312/742-1935 after 6 pm. or 312/888-0787 any time. MCHENRY, Green St., 2000 sq. ft. building, basement, park ing Owner. after 4 pm, 815/455- E ARN $10/Hr. Or more. Work 3 hrs. per day, 3 days per wk. Ideal for homemakers. No In- vest. 815/728-0226. RESTAURANT For Sale, By Owner in McHenry, II. Retir ing, must sell. Come see, make oner. Call 815/385-9725 or 815/344-1435. Wanted To 69 Buy WANTED: Approximately 5 acres vacant land within 5 min. drive of McHenry. Prefer par tially wooded, Si rolling, con- trad. Call 815/385-6638 after 6 pm. QUALITY 3-4 BDRM. Ranch on acreage near Woodstock (Dist. 200). Now or near future. 815/338-4874, pm's or eves. WANTED TO BUY, used air compressor for farm use. Mr Austin, 815/338-4309. 70 Business Properties 48 & Equipment Products HAY Si STRAW Top quality alfalfa, mixed hay & wheat 1597912. Straw. <15/459- 49 Livestock BARRINGTON MEATS Sides <1.29 lb. Hinds <1.49 lb. Fresh Turkeys for Easter 312/382-5360 MCHENRY COUNTY Lamb Pak Club Lamb Sale. April Mth, 1 pm, /McHenry County Fair Grounds. Woodstock, IL. Mary Perlman, 815/923-4178. Machinery & 53 Equipment LATHE, (1) 10" South Bend plus attachments. (1) 6 x 12 Surface Grinder w/magnetlc chuck. Call: Van E. Emblom, daytime 815/338-0527 or even- Ings 815/338-6078. CARPENTERSVILLE, Com mercial Property, l acre, Route 25, across from the new Eagle Store Si Shopping Ctr. Utilities, vacant, build to suit. 312/426-6727 mornings. COMMERCIAL BUILDING, downtown Harvard, <84,900. Monthly rental income, <1,050. Call 312/888-0787 or after 6 pm, 312/742-1935. WHY RENT? How about a sen sibly priced home and Income? Are you a beautician? Owner selling Income property. 2000 sq. ft. commercial bldg. Has spacious 2 bdrm. apt. for owner, a modern A-l beauty salon, another rental apt., 1000 sq. ft, store space. Lake loca tion, Wonder Lake. Just <75,000. 11% owner financing. 312/639-0534 for app't. CONOVER, WIS. (20 min. North of Eagle River), year round resort on North Twin Lake (Class- A Muskle, W a l l e y e l a k e ) . T a v e r n , resteurant, 6 cottages, sauna, laundry room, plus extras, on 442 ft. lakek front. Clean established business; must sell due to Illness. A great buy at <219,000.815/678-4636. 71 Open House OPEN HOUSE CRYSTAL LAKE, April 8; 1- 4:30. 349 Hickory Dr. 3 bdrm. ranch. <53,700. <15/459-1232. GARAGE DOORS APPLIANCE A 1 APPLIANCE Sales & Service New & Reconditioned Appliance Sales We Service Most Makes & Models 815/338-6335 All Work Guaranteed BLACKTOP ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 50c/Sq. Ft. -or grading & blacktopp- ng only, on driveways >ver 1,000 sq ft Parking Lots 'New Drives •Long Lanes 'Patching • Resurfacing •Sealcoating • 24 Hour Servic All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 815/459-3960 Call Now & Save BLUEPRINTING SERVICES ARCHITECTURAL REVIEWS tor Certification of Crowing* INTERNATIONAL PLANNERS andDEVELOPERS. INC 5555ProspectSt Richmond 815/678-2791 COUNSELING FEELGOOD! LOOK GREAT! Stop Smoking, Lose Weight EASILY TVu Clinical Hypnosis 312-223-7328 COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE • SYSTEMS 2 to 200 Phones New & Used Buy, rent or lease. Reasonable rates & personal service. Northern Illinois Communications 815/728-0678 815/459-2552 COURIER SERVICE CONNIE'S COURIER SERVICE FAST WP For Prompt Pick-Up and Delivery at Reasonable Rates Discount Avail. Serving McHenry, Lake, Cook, Kane & DuPage Counties Prompt safe delivery of: •All your delivery needs •Packaged Goods •Business Documents •Printed Matter Bonded & Insured Days-Nites 7days 815/344-1497 BLACKTOP PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Residential Commercial-Industrial "Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers.' SPRING DISCOUNT •Machine Laid 'New Drives •Resurfacing "Parking Lots •Se«f Coating All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 312/546-5600 Grayslake, IL Garage Door Sales Service & Repair Electric Door Openers All Work Guaranteed 25 Years Experience In McHenry •15/315-2662 BENCH Garage Door Co. GARAGE DOORS/OPENERS SPRING SPECIAL SPRING SPECIAL hp Ultra Lift opener by Moore-o mafic $170.95 -Mx. take with S234.95 + tx. installed, including balancing, lubricating, adjusting. W Civ.C. SERVICES (W 815/3M-59S5 HANDYMAN ELECTRICAL PLUMBINf DRYWALl TILE WALLPAPER PAINT KITCHENS BATHS APPLIANCE REPAIR CUSTOM FURNITURE Results Quick! Call Dick 815/459-3188 Extension C $15/455-6353 After5p.m. • HANDYMAN •Clean Basements •Lawn Work •Tree Removal Light Hauling 815/653 6896 Or 815/728 1833 HOME IMPROVEMENT T n f HOWE J&L IMPROVEMENT Remodeling & Room Additions Garages & Aluminum Siding Soffit* F asc ia*Gutters Roofing* Decks Low Prices i Free Estimates Fully Bonded & Insured •815/455-4226* If No Answer, Call 815/459-3888, Ext.Z INCOME TAX QjPard and QJPard ACCOUNTING AND TAX SERVICE 138 Cass Street Woodstock, Illinois DANIELF.WARD,C.P.A. 815/338-6990 INDUSTRIAL CLEANING HELP ME. HELP YOU! CLEAN YOUR OFFICE»STORE*FACTORY WHILE YOU SLEEP. REASONABLE RATES VIKING INDUSTRIAL CLEANERS 815/338-5254 LAWN MOWERS •Tune Ups'Repairs •Overhauls *T ractors Complete Small Engine Repair Service All Models Pickup & Delivery All Work Guaranteed Giant Oaks Engine Clinic •81,5/728 1482* BLACKTOP WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Established in 1954. We are now tak ing orders. Deal d i r e c t w i t h owner & save!! Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE: 312/223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE: 312/367-0676 MASONRY 1.A BKLI.K MASONRY •Residential *Commerclal •Brick *Block 'Stonework Concrete Walks & Driveways •Fireplaces *Brick Veneers QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Fully Insured Free Estimates Call 815/338-6480 MOVERS LOCAL MOVING ANDHAULING Reasonable Rates 815/385-9386 ' OFFICE FURNITURE OFFICE FURNITURE: Buy & Sell Quality Desks. Chairs, Tables, Files & Parti • i o n s I n s t o c k . V e r y Reasonable Rates. Steelcase, Herman Miller, All-Steel. SECOND SYSTEMS, INC. 815/344-4999 PAINTING EXCEL Painting & Paperhanginc' Interior & Exterior All Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES Jerry-815/385-0922 PAINTING DECORATING Commercial 1 Residential Custom Service at Competitive Prices! Interior Painting & Wall Papering Guaranteed Work Quickly & Professionally Done Ask For Roger-815/455-0190 PAINTING R.T.&R. PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential Interior & Exterior. Low prices. Insured. Free estimates. Ron-815/728-0176 PHOTOGRAPHY FREE CAAAERA REPAIR CLINIC Camera's Professionally Cleaned & Tested Saturday, April 10am? PHOTO FORUM, INC. HOC N. Front St. (Rte.31) McHenry, II. 60050 815/344-3388 u LANDSCAPING THINKGREEN LANDSCAPING & LAWN - MAINTENANCE Stop, think, call & compare prices. Complete weekly lawn care landscape services. FERTILIZING'DE-THATCHING'SODSEED BLACK DIRT-DECORATIVE STONE*TREES SHRUBS'EVERGREENS (Installed or Delivered) * Railroad Tie Construction FULLY INSURED 815/385-6103 PLUMBING GUNDERSON PLUMBING Septic-Sewer Water Remodeling and All Repairs Power Rodding Commercial and Residential Emergency Service 815/653-7806 REAL ESTATE FREE MARKET EVALUATION FITZGERALD'S REALTY H. (Mor*; .nortimer 815, 185-8700 815 S53-9349 REMODELING QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Senior Citizen's Discount 1REMODELINQ •Kitchen tfiath •Window & Door Replacement WE BUILD •Garages •Decks •Room Additions •Construction of New Homes -NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALLI! • WE AIM TO PLEASE 115/315-4937 312/359-4339 or Answering Service: . 115/459-3888, Ext. 'Q' REMODELING Temooeling" SPECIALISTS 30 YEARS Basements*Porches Room Addltlons*Garages Concrete*R«palrs Rooflng«Sldlng PromtServlce O.E.A. CONSTRUCTION 819/344-1(32 •15/385-4546 115/344-0748 ROOFING ROOFING PROBLEMS Don't let todays leak be tomor rows disaster. We repair roofs of all kinds: Asphalt, shingle & tile. Low prices are our trademark MALLON CONSTRUCTION 815/344-4508 ROOFING SPRING SAVINGS Roofing, shingle, asphalt. Sidlno, facia, soffit, gutters, Storm & replacement windows Carpentry. SAVE on all labor 8< material You need the repairs. We need the work. PAUL & SON 815/344-1909 ROOFING BENCHMARK CONST. •SHINGLES *HOTTAR •NEW WORK-REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed Quality W Reasonable Prices SR. Citizen Discount 312/658-5301 SEWING & VACUUM REPAIR SEWING MACHINE * *VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR Household A Industrial In Home Service Keener 4 Son 815/728-0672 WATER CONDITIONING Introductory Offer RENT A QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For S3.00 per month for the first 3 months Free Installation Call Collect 815/338-3344 Quality Water Conditioning WATERPROOFING BASEMENT LEAKING? Foundation Cracks? •Chimney Work *Tuck Pointing FREE ESTIMATES Senior Citizens Discount J. WEST WATERPROOFING Family Owned & Operated •312/587-4646* If No Answer, Call 815/459-3888, Ext. J TRANSMISSIONS CERTIFIED AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SERVICE •Repaired "Overhauled •Exchanged All Makes & Models All Standard Transmissions Also RV's Transmission Tune-up: S19.95 1010A Lake Ave Woodstock 815/338-9493 To Place Your Dial •A* Service Ad Call 815 344-4800