Bill Miller Branch Manner S71 h Ov Si< >nv NlanH first Federal of Chicago is now Chicorp Savings. Our change to Citioarp Savings means more than just a new name for First Federal. It means a new strength. And a whole new look at the financial services we offer. As Citicorp Savings, well have the strength of over $134 bil lion in assets behind us. What this means for you is an updated choice of savings plans, leaps and check ing accounts. Mf ^competitive interest rates. And, in general, a more knowledgeable Sid helpful way of doing business. Of course, well continue to offer the security of FSLIC insur ance. As well as the convenience of making transactions at any one of . our 60 offices across tfye state, 28 Electronic Banking Centers, and 180 Jewel Food Stores via the YES Network. At First Federal, we look back on the last 50 years with pride. But we're also looking forward to an exciting future as Citicorp Savings. It's a change for the better. CmCORPOSAVINGS A change for the better Crystal Lake One East Crystal Lake Avenue 459-1400 McHenry 4400 West Elm Street 385-9000 Main Office: Dearborn and Madison, Chicago, 1(312) 977-5000. And other convenient offices statewide. Sis* C HW4. Citio>rp Si\ ings of Illinois, a Federal Havings and ban Association. Member: Ivderal Home I-oan Hank and Federal Havings and hian Insurance l< nporatioii. •---- *?§ > .SECTION 2 - PAGE 8 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, APRIL I, 1184 Lilianu l\oriur< Branch Maunder < Viand Park