SECTION 2 - PAGE 8 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. APRIL 13, 1984 RffQ6n6r3i News Puppies, kittens brighten nursing home life Salute to Excellence is Scout fund raising theme Local Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts are involved in a fund raising campaign, Salute to Excellence, April 1 - June 15. This is to raise money for the Cubs and Scouts and help support the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympic Games. All items being offered are made in the United States and have a variety of official Olympic logos. Salute to Excellence offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Scouts and the adults who support them to earn all- expense-paid trips to the 1984 Summer Olympic games in Los Angeles. For the individual Scout and the adult who accompanies him, Salute to Execllence will provide a unique once-in-a- lifetime experience. First and second place per formers in each participating council will receive special Olympic commemorative coins. Each coin is a lifelong keepsake of monetary as well as symbolic value, true collectors' items that can be passed on to succeeding generations. As many as 832 winners are anticipated. For other participating Scouts, the effort represents a unique opportunity to raise money for their local units as well as the 1984 Games. For Scouts who are in line for it, the Merit Badge in salesmanship is an additional incentive. The top salesperson from each unit will receive a gold- embossed Certificate of Ex cellence commemorating his participation in the campaign. Scouting and Olympics rank together, side-by-side. Both Scouting and the Olympics promote honor, integrity and personal development. Just as the Olympic Creed states, "The most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle", so an eight-year-old starts his Scouting experience with the motto, "Do your best". As most of you know, Helping Paws is a non-profit organization, serving all of McHenry County, with our support, in contributions, from concerned individuals in terested in our cause! On the fourth Saturday of each month our volunteers visit a local nursing home with pup- Helping PAWS pies-kittens. Our Vice President, Patti Cane, who assists at these therapy sessions, has stated that the program is very well received and that the residents eagerly look forward to these monthly visits. All pet adoptions must be validated by the signing of a contract along with the adoption fee which includes the cost of spay or neuter surgery from vet of HP's choice, or, a deduction from the cost of the surgery if done by a vet of your PEPPERS WATERBEDS choice. When adopting, a pet through Helping Paws, keep name, address and phone number of the person from whom you adopted the pet. Make the check for the adoption fee payable to Helping Paws. ADOPT DOGS Spaniel mix 10-week semi-long hair male, shots, 385-2247. Shepherd-Collie 8-month female, shots, housebroken, 459- 6813. Giant Schnauzer mix 2-year white male, shots, housebroken, 312-639-6858. Shih Tzu 6-year black-white female, shots, housebroken, spayed, older children, 455-5874. Collie-Spaniel 13-year black- white made, housebroken, 385- 9041. Pomeranian-Pekingese 1V4 - year male, shots, 459-5779. Irish Setter 1%-year male, shots, 312-428-5998. Basset-Sheltie 4-month short hair female, shots, % housebroken, 338-7092. Poodle 1 year white male, shots, 653-9966. German Shepherd-Labrador 2-year male, shots, housebroken, 459-0869. German Shepherd 11-week female, 455-4927. Doberman 5-year male, shots, housebroken, neutered, 312-639- 7068. ADOPT CATS Grey-white tabby 4-year male, shots, neutered, 455-0552. Silver Persian 4-year female, shots, spayed, 455-3548. Silver-white tabby short hair 1 year female, shots, spayed, 450- 9389. White Persian mix young adult male, 385-0354. Grey stripe 10-month short haif, shots, 337-0352. Two cats: white-gold 1%-year female, shots, spayed, declawed; black-white 1 year female, shots, declawed, 312-630- 0932. Two 1-year: white semi long hair male; grey tiger female spayed, shots, 385-1721. Smoke blue tabby semi long hair 1 year male, shots, 450-2677. Persian mix 1% year grey- white-black stripe female, shots, spayed, declawed, 312-034-6673. Two Persian mix adult female Calicos, shots, spayed, 312-658- 8373. Three female semi long hari 'Morris' 5% weeks, 338-4081. LOST DOGS Australian Shepherd-Collie 3- month female, reddish bronw semi long hair, dark green eyes, ti»n collar, McConnell Road, Woodstock, 312-683-3896, call collect. t _ Black Labrador, white chest, stomach, 1 year male, brown collar, near Central High, Crystal Lake, 4594424. Australian Shepherd 5-year male, black-grey semi long hair, chain, ID tag, Coventry, 450- 9260. FOUND DOGS Black Labrador mature male, West edge Coventry, 450-7761. Siberian Husky 4% -month silver-white male, brown collar, Oak-Woodstock, 455-4509. LOST CAT Grey, four white paws lvi- year semi long hair male, ep ileptic, North west side Wonder Lake. Grey-black tiger stripe 15- month short hair male, pink nose, Wondermere near Village of Greenwood, by Wonder Lake, 815-648-2133. 'Morris' large semi long hair 6-year male, neutered. Lakeland, McHenry, 459-2020 extension 63; 344-5449 evenings. Black 1 year large short hair male, neutered, one enlarged pupil, Lake-Dole 455-4999. MIDWESTS LARGEST UNBEATABLE SALE! SAVE! <100 WOODSTOCK THKATRK MAIN STRKKT - Just Off The Square Adults '2 ; 11 & Under M.50; Matinees M.00 815-338-8555 Star t inu Friday Reveal state campaign against drunk drivers ON ANYONE!! Sale Good April 13-16. ( , » \1 : Starring Mtryl Str--p A Cher ILKNYi H )I ) FRI: 7:00, 9:20 SAT. 4 SUN: 1:00, 3:15, 7:00, 9:20 MON. thru THURS: 7:00, 9:15 <«>£ c CAPRI BOOKCASE.* REGULARLY $289.95 CALIFORNIA SUNSHINE* REGULARLY S229.95 SAN CARLOS MIRRORED BOOKCASE* REGULARLY $349.00 •Bads Includa support pedestal, stand up liner, premium lap matt. UL Heater. SHEETS King or Queen SATIN SHEETS MATTRESS PADS KING OR QUEEN 3495 34" 10s5 OPTIONAL 6 DRAWER PEDESTALS 119" MIDWESTS LARGEST PEPPERS WATERBEDS 6215 NORTHWEST HIGHWAY CRYSTAL LAKE,IL (815)4554260 TONDE SHOPPINGCENTER Rt. 31, West Dundee, II. (Across from Chateau Louise) (312)462-4983 "Silk wood Is on* of tho boat American films of tho year." --(N»w*wk) I'KINC l»: FOOTLOOSE (PQ) FRIDAY: 7:10, 9:10 SATURDAY A SUNDAY: 1:10, 3:10, 7:10, 9:10 MONDAY thru THURSDAY: 7:00, 9:00 Governor James R. Thompson unveiled a statewide anti-drunk driving campaign before the I l l i n o i s B r o a d c a s t e r s Association (IBA) recently and sent a special message to the General Assembly seeking to expand efforts to control drunk driving on Illinois roads. "In recent years, government and the public have turned a critical eye toward our nation's highways, facing the problem of drunk driving with a sense of urgency and concern," the Governor said in the second in a series of special messages to legislators that expand on initiatives he proposed in his State of the State and Budget messages. "The severity of the problem cannot be overemphasized," Thompson said, citing figures that show reductions in state highway deaths for six con secutive years. "The improved statistics reflect increased public awareness of the problem, increased en forcement of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) laws, tougher laws and public support of en forcement programs." In his message, which follows cost control efforts, the governor outlined in the first message to the General Assembly last week, Thompson said 25 additional Illinois state troopers will be hired in Fiscal year 1985 to boost DUI patrols and improve field sobriety testing. More than 30,000 extra hours of DUI patrol were dedicated to times and locations shown to have a high incidence of DUI in Fiscal 1983. In Fiscal 1984 and again in 1985, that figure will jump to 48,000 hours, Thompson said. Good Times Cyclery SggNlHga FRIDAY 9 A.M.-7 P.M APRIL 13 /' /V SATURDAY 9 A.M.-5 P.M. SUNDAY 11 A.M.-3 P.M. APRIL 15 APRIL 14 LOOK AT THESE SAVINGS SILVER WING'" INTERSTATE'" WAS $3939, ̂ NOW $3298 * 1983 CX650 CUSTOM Rearview mirrors are standard equipment. f? -- WAS $2495 NOW $2098' WAS $2415? 1983 NIGHTHAWK" 550 Rearview mirrors are standard equipment NOW $1998* 1962 CM450 HONOAMATIC" Rear view mirrors are standard equipment. WAS $1898 NOW $1198* THESE REPRESENT ONLY A FEW OF THE SA VINGS POSSIBLE ON MANY SELECTED MODELS 1982 FT500 ASCOT" WAS $1498 NOW $1098* *DEALER FREIGHT, TAX, LICENSE/TITLE NOT INCLUDED Good Times Cyclery rt. 14 w. of 31 815-459-1631 crystal lake, II THIS WEEKEND ONLY 15% DISCOUNT ON ALL LEATHERS AND HELMETS GET A FREE PUZZLE FOR A CHANCE TO WIN ONE Of 5555 PRIZES! V.pufftuwnrmuo Votriwhrnpnihihilrd Umil .m-puzJi-prr lirrmnlfriwr IK n r . M T w f r k m i l ( M t r A p r r s A f r i l l V I H H J < d r u i f c » i n< HHU nw ir anwrv