Dick Peterson The "Nightmare" I must be growing up. I watched the "Wizard of Oz" the other night for the first time in 20 years and I didn't have Hie Nightmare. If I'm not growing up, at least I am less impressionable. The networks have been showing the "Wizard of Oz" every year since the year of my birth. I'm of the Oz generation, the generation that has been tormented with the travails of Dorothy as she travels the Yellow Brick Road. The Oz kids don't sleep very well. If they do, they've never watched the movie. My parents' generation didn't see the movie but once, and that was in 1939 when it first appeared in the show house. By thai, they were old enough not to be scared witless by the god-awful flying monkeys. When it came.to television in the late 1960s, my parents probably thought the kids would like to watch a idee children's movie, just like they did when i they were kids. A kids' movie? When I was 4 or 5,1 may have watched the "Wizard of Oz" but didn't understand it, which lends credence to bliss ignorance. I may have even liked it. But when I was 6 or 7,1 think I began to understand what wickedness was. I caught on to the apparent hopelessness of Dorothy's plight. And why would those flying monkeys, or whatever they were, want to tear up the Scarecrow? Why would the Wicked Witch want to torch him? Ttoey call that senseless violence now and precede it with a disclaimer warning parents not to let their children watch it. I have a feeling that people who research the effects of cinematic violence on children probably were young viewers of the "Wizard of Oz" who lapse into nightmares when they hear "Over the Rainbow." Television was tame in those days. Eddie, as mean as he was, never tried to ignite Theodore Cleaver on "Leave it to Beaver." Mr. French didn't even think of doing it when Buffy and Jody clipped his beard. I was 6 years old when the "Wizard of Oz" had its in tended effect on me. I had The Nightmare. In the dream, I was in a deep hole with things flying around me-probably winged monkeys-and I had to stack about a billion bricks, so many I couldn't count them and couldn't possibly stack them. It was a hopeless situation. And there wasn't even a good witch tell me how to get back to Kansas. To this day, that dream haunts me. I've been scarred for life by a kid's movie. I woke up crying that night; and my dad checked to see what was wrong. I'm sure he said something to the effect: "It's only a dream. Go back to sleep." Sure. And take a chance on going back into the hole? He'd never convince me of that. So, he told me he would leave a light on and sleep in the hall. The last thing I remember is falling asleep, won dering if he really was out there. Fool that I was for self-induced fear, I watched the "Wizard of Oz" the next year. It was just like the year before. I had gru$$,^hy dad .came in, he told me it was onfy a dream, ttenhies&d m would sleep in the hall. One other movie with a child star affected me like Dorothy and Oz. That was Linda Blair and "The Exorsist." like Oz, I saw "The Exorsist" twice. While I didn't have The Nightmare, I was hesitant to go into my bedroom for about two weeks after each viewing for fear I would find Satan himself sitting on my pillow. If Judy Garland had been born 20 years later, I'm sure she would have played Linda Blair's role. It is hard to imagine Dorothy's head doing a 360 or her vomitting green stuff in the face of Glenda, the Good Witch. But she would have been effective. I never watched the "Wizard of Oz" in its entirety after that second nightmare. The tornado and Munchkinland were OK, but as soon as those flying monkeys made their dreaded appearance, I'd find something else to do. I slept soundly after watching it this year, which leads me to believe I'm growing up. However, I haven't grown up enough to watch "The Exorcist'.' I never will. Simplicity, Simplicity vs. Deere and Sears. More. Compare Simplicity's - 6236 with \ Deere and Sears. E 1 1 s i! **»wolng mow OK* MNrthrata X ContototattonMmnW X MvqrarMgpftaranon MuM/OonrntKUfftfra X 1 I I ii X 9n0i putt dulctviB/tiratang X X 19<t24"lumnBrattus X M atMl hood and nal dKk X Bg ocpaalir baMy (38 AmpTIv) X X DkU bnrd on pubUwd information avjibblr » of (uly. 113 6211,11 hp., 42" mower. Sugg, retail price $2,895. SAVE now $2595 ONLY $300 6216,16 hp, 42" mower. Sugg, retail price $3,370. SAVE ONLY $3020 $350 6216,16 hp., 48" mower. Sugg, retail price $3,415. SAVE now $3060 ONLY $355 Offer limited to models in Mock. (Offer good thru 4/30/84) TRvoMcaovf ao. W The Lambs expanding with new food production facility PAGE3 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. APRIL 20, ^PjHgeneral^^™ Hews Construction is now underway for a food production plant, marking an expansion for The Lambs, a national center devoted to the well-being of the mentally retarded, located in Iibertyville. The food production plant will enable The Lambs to meet the growing consumer demand for its many products such as old- fashioned butter cookies, ide preserves and hand- dipped chocolates. Currently, all of the products are made by mentally retarded adults em ployed in either The Lambs bakery or Country Store retail stores. Scheduled for completion in August, the new food production plant will offer larger, more modern production space for the manufacturing of country store and bakery products. It will also provide many new job op portunities for residents of The Lambs as they learn to operate new types of equipment and produce a greater variety of products. "Tbe new building will enable us to pursue our goals of self- support and independence, while offering *ihe most com prehensive vocational program for our mentally retarded men and women," said Gerald Y. Friedman, executive director In addition to the Country Store and bakery, The Lambs operates five other retail businesses which also employ retarded men and women. HILL VIEW continued from page 1 VALENTINE REPAIRS 64KEYSTONE RD. RICHMOND, ILLINOIS (•15) 653-9345 C1983 Simplicity Manufacturing, lnc Ages 7 and up McHenry West High School Tale* of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blum* The Black Stallion by Wottar Farley Super Math Puzzle* From the Mixed-up Filet of Mr*. Batil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konlgtburg Mrs. Frisby and the Rat* of Nimh by Robarl C. O'Brien Anne of Green Gable* by L.M. Montgomery Date Wed 4/18 Fri 4/20 Wed 4/25 Sat 4/28 Wed 5/2 Sat 5/5 Wed 5/9 Sat 5/12 Wed 5/16 Sat 5/19 Wed 5/23 Sat 5/26 Time 5-6 PM 10-11 AM 5-6 PM 10-11 AM 5-6 PM 10-11 AM 5-6 P* 10-11 AM V 5-6 PM 10-11 AM 5-6 PM 10-11 AM $2.00 par session Pre*ented by Marcella Lynott, Ed.D. 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With Wick you'll have a house that's more than a home. Quality, energy efficiency and af fordabHity with more comfort than you could ever imagine. It's all there with Wick. See your Wick Homes dealer soon. He's "comfort keyed up" to make the livin' easy for you! J.M. ARNOLD Union, Illinois 815-923-4460 DON LECHNER McHenry, Illinois 815-455-2308 Wick Homes A product of Wick Building Systems lnc injects the waste, in liquid form, 20-inches below soil surface. Some members of the group indicated that the Hillview Farms operation in Richmond put off a "nauseating smell". One woman asked why, in the past when May had similar tours, there is no smell noticable, but on other days there is. Residents of Richmond and Spring Grove have banded together into a . citizens group, unconvinced that the procedure would be in the community's best interest. Through political pressure and possible legal means, they hope to get an extension of the May 4 deadline, which the EEPA has set to hear comments on the issue. Secondly, they seek a public hearing to consider permit. State Sen. Jack Schaffer has responded to citizen concern by attending the meeting Wed nesday. He said he would talk to the director of IEPA and request a public hearing to consider the permit. He also offered to present any letters prepared by concerned citizens to director. c/f. ̂ Vole A T T O R N E Y A T L A W ABLE TO HELP YOU WITH: W i l l s & E s t a t e s P e r s o n a l I n j u r y R e a l E s t a t e B u s i n e s s Z o n i n g W o r k e r ' s C o m p . A n d O t h e r P r o b l e m s Y o u M a y H a v e I n i t i a l ' ? 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