PAGE 9 - PLAINDEALER - .WEDNESDAY. APRIL 25, 1984 Students at Marian Central CathoUc High School recently held 'a mock Presidential debate. Pic tured, from left, are Michelle Lalor, Andrea Leslie who represented the Republican Regan-Bush viewpoint; Laura Martino as moderator; Randy Cotteleer as Walter Mondale; John Sullivan as Jesse Jackson, and Jim Petersen as Gary Hart. The project was organized to help the students to realize the importance of elections and their vote in the future. Initiated to Phi Beta Coe College senior Brett Bender, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bender, 102 Navajo, McHenry, was recently initiated into Phi Beta Kappa. Phi Beta Kappa, founded in 1776 at the College of William and Mary in Virginia, is the oldest Greek-letter society. Today it is a scholarship honor society, honoring outstanding college and university students. To be considered for mem bership, the students must have at least a 3.5 grade point average. Hilltop third grade celebrates update on spring with play Marian blood drive * - • Morion PnniM 1 PoiltAlIn fl!«rk a.. Marian students hold mock debate With the excitement of the fall presidential election at hand, the Marian Central Catholic High School U.S. History and English in classes decided that they, too, wanted to get into the spirit of election time. As some seniors are already of age to vote, the classes wanted to give those voters and others something to think about. Together the history class, under the direction of John Chausse, and the com munications classes under the direction of Mrs. Cheryl Spraetz and Mrs. Judy Sowinski, planned a "mock" presidential candidates debate. The students planned who the candidates would be, who the advisors to those candidates would be, and finally, organized and presented the debate. At the conclusion of the debate, the classes took a vote as to who they felt had won the debate, and in their opinion who ought to be the next president. The project was organized to help the students to realize the importance of elections and their vote in the future. "As society becomes more complex, it becomes increasingly difficult to vote due to the numerous issues that must be considered," said Mr. Chausse, U.S. History teacher at Marian. "An exercise like this debate helps students to experience the complexity of sorting out issues and discovering what a candidate really does stand for and then making a commitment in the form of a vote. These simulated experiences give our students such practice for the future." At the conclusion of the debate, the junior class students voted and Walter Mondale emerged the winner. On April 12 and 13 the third graders from Hilltop School McHenry, took part in a play called "Bumbler The Bee." Its about a bee who has no stinger and in order to get one he had to earn it. It took the children five weeks to prepare for the play, which was viewed by fellow classmates and parents. Students dressed as springtime flowers, wasps and bees. Mrs. Maria Guettler played the piano. In charge of costumes and makeup were Barbara Tennutle, Carolyn Florence and Patty Jo Dean. Teachers were Mr. Roth, Mrs. Hoover and Mrs. Kaszniak. Honors students announced Graduating seniors offered scholarship at Montini Middle School The staff of Montini Middle School has announced the third quarter honor roll for the 1963-84 school year. In onler to make the honor roll, a student must maintain a 3.0, or "B" average. To be placed on the high honor roll, a student must have a 3.5 average. A 4.0 represents a straight "A" average. The students cited: I in o HIGH HONOR ROLL E i g h t h G r a d e - T a n j a Nuhsbaum, Bridgid Lean, Jennifer Freund, Amy Vacula, Renee Faciana, Michele Martinez, Laura Yegge and Stacy Miller. Seventh Grade-Mary Kate Winn, Sharon Snow, Shawn Ketchum, Kathy Coughlin, Sean Reilly and Cindy Svoboda. S i x t h G r a d e - B r y a n Malenius, Julie Semrow, Julie Erkenswick, Gregory Keller, Mary Widhalm, Christopher Sorensen, Steve Aleckson, James Keller and Ellen Steverin. Fifth Grade-Kristine Mar tinez, Amy Svoboda and Bar bara Martin. Fourth Grade-Matthew Smulski, Annie Truckenbrod, Brian Cunningham, Kristy Justen, Alison Ragalie, Margaret Reiland, Sharon Semrow, Christopher Voight, Thomas Wagner, Mark Erkenswick, Kim Sasak and Brian Wigman. HONOR ROLL Eighth Grade-Bill Lewan, Diane Lauten, Susan Vacula, Carol Masulunes, Theresa Manchester and Barbara Schoen. Seventh Grade-Anne Bar- thel, Karen Coughlin, Jennifer Tonyan, Michael Sena, Katie Kurinsky, Bridget Walls, Susan Wember, Mark Zimmerman, ~Abernv: Julie Erickson, Timothy MauOr, Jennifer Gibson and Rovert Gorman. Sixth Grade-Janine Bakotic, Patricia Quamme, Holly Oef- fling, Joel Cejka, Karen Vacula, Rebecca Reiche, Danielle White, Kim Mullen, Brandon Cajthaml, Craig Neuhausel, Elizabeth Johnson, Scott Skarzynski, Colleen Gorman, Sean Marshall and Harla Plutshack. Fifth Grade-Julie Etten, Beth Seavey, Jessica Busch, Maribeth Koleno, Amy Birk, Shari Ketchum, Janine Buch, Sean Dillon, Christopher Novak, Keith Simpson, Ann Schoen, Theresa Fischer, Matthew Yegge and Meredith Frett. F o u r t h G r a d e - J u l i e MacKenzie, James Wygrzyn, John Weaver, Jodie Wijas, Therese Koch, Brian Rous, Rebecca Kaszniak, Dana Marski, Jason Pankow, Brent Malenius, Duane Nowicki and James Carney. The Pistakee Highland's Woman's Club Scholarship is available in the Johnsburg High School Career Resource Center. The scholarsiiip is presented every year by the club to a graduating senior at Johnsburg High School. All students who are attending school after high school graduation next fall are eligible. Proof of acceptance to a college, university, school of nursing, business school, trade or vacational school is required. The deadline for completing the application is Monday, April 30. All aplications are to be returned to Denny Spraetz in the Career Resource Center. Two scholarships of $100 will be awarded during Honors Day. Past winners include Rich Kretzschmar, Toni Rendo and Lori Nichols. SCHOOL BRIEFS ZOO TRIP All four first grade units at Hilltop School recently visited the Milwaukee Zoo. Even though the weather was threatening, rain couldn't dampen their spirits.The children, and adult chaperones were eager to see the wonderment in store for them at the zoo. A highlight of the trip was the opportunity to see some newborn animals. INITIATED TO SORORITY Patricia Gray, McHenry, was recently initiated into the Monmouth College chapter of the Kappa Delta social sorority. The daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Marlon Gray is a freshman accounting and pre-law major at the college. Kappa Delta was founded at Longwood College, Farmville, Va., on October 23, 1897. The sorority has more than 100 college chapters throughout the nation. Monmouth College's chapter was first organized in September, 1930, as a local sorority, Theta Chi Mu. On October 23,1936, it became Beta Gamma chapter of National Kappa Delta. TO ATTEND MONMOUTH Kenneth Schoenig of McHenry has announced that he will at tend Monmouth College beginning with the fall term of September. The son of Mrs. and Mrs. Thomas Schoenig is a senior at Johnsburg High School where he is an Illinois State Scholar, has been named to "Who's Who Among American High School Students" and is a member of the National Honor Society. He participates in cross-country, basketball and track. Got a home? Get a discount On your homeowners Insurance from Country Companies. There are lots of ways to qualify. For example, if your home is less than 25 years old, insuring it for 100% of its current replacement cost will earn a 15% discount. And there are other discounts. Call your agent today for details. JAM" KAQUUVS McHENRY, ILLINOIS McHENRY, ILLINOIS HLMUm iff hie.. RICHMOND, ILLINOIS FTUMMI COUNTRY COM WiliS. Insurance and Investment Services ton SALE WEEK SPECIAL COLOR CONSULTANT MARILYN PERRY IS SHOWN HERE WORKING WITH A CLIENT TO DETERMINE WHICH COLORS SUIT HER BEST. SATURDAY APRIL 28th COLOR CONSULTANT MARILYN PERRY will be here .from 10 am-4 pm giving demonstrations and suggestions for your wardrobe. PLEASE COME JOIN US! , ^j}a±fiLon <cSfiofifis 3720 W. ELM ST., McHENRY MILL POND COURT (815) 385-7747 Marian Central Catholic High School recently held a blood drive in cooperation with the Aurora Area Blood Bank. Over 50 persons of the Marian Central community responded to the need for blood. Mike Garvey, teacher at Marian Central, prepares to give blood with a blood bank representative. The Marian Central Student Council co-sponsors the drie annually. BERKSHRE W H T E N I G H T S Elegant Nostalgia Beds and Accessories fcabsgiSB-i. J57 995 Value Queen Size $45995 Without Bedding •VICTORIA Surround yourself with (he enchantment of white • arotv Romantic styling accented by delicate scroll work The fantasy of white Iron Other Sizes Also Available 890 LAKE AVE, WOODSTOCK (815) 338-0404 DAILY 9 TO 5:30, MON & FRI 9 TO 9, CLOSED SUNDAY •IQUOR MARTI Cigarettes Kings 5^99 PLUS TAX 19 PLUS TAX Colonial Fair-Maid Bread L-LB LOAVES 7Up, Dr. Pepper, Crush or Like s-i6oz. BOTT 29 PLUS DEP. w* Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Free, S.F. PepsiJ Free 12-12 oz. CANS $2*9 t Carlo Rossi $399 4 LITER Korbel Champagne $£49 750 ML PRICES GOOD APRIL 25-MAY 1 You Could WIN '4,500,000 By Playing Lotto Here! Miller 4-12 oz. $ N.R. BOTT. 1 552 Old Milwaukee 5 99 24-12 OZ. 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