rmatt m - KI.AIINUKALEKA WEDNESDAY. APRIL 25, 1»S4 m notices* and Leqals •• ROOM^H TO CALL YOUR OWN Few rooms in the home today are devoted exclusively to rest, relaxation and entertainment. Limited space, house hold occupants, or the busy activities of growing children make finding that "special place more difficult than ever The addition of a maintenance-free Styleline room to your home will serve as that special retreat and assure a lifetime of out door viewing pleasure with the comfort and convenience of indoor living. Large, unob structed window walls with permanent screen ing and an optional skylight roof system provide a bright and airy atmosphere dur ing the day. a tranquil and serene setting at night Surprisingly affordable, each room is custom designed to meet youi exact specifications and is quickly and professionally installed at low cost. Ask your Styleline dealer for full details. He'll be happy to as sist you with your de sign plans and prepare a free estimate for your review. Both im portant steps toward entering a room you'll soon call your own! Factory Open House May 5th & 6th 1-5 p.m. 10% Cash Discount Coupon Issued to all famllys In attendance. ENJOY FREE REFRESHMENTS. FREE ESTIMATES 414/275-2176 Sh Our DitpMy At Our Factory Show Room Mwi.-FH. 1-5, S«».-9-12 NMM i Mad This Coupon Today Fof A No Obkgjtran FREE ESTIMATE A STYLELINE ROOM Name 1 Address Phone Best Time To CaH For An Appointment Morning I Afternoon" Evening SEND COUPON TO HWY 1« WAIWORTH VflSC UIM J You reach a point ^W on the Nutri/System ̂ Program when you realize every word of the ad was true. You're actually k losing up to a 1 pound a day. W h y h a v e n ' t y o u called NUTRIISYSTEW. Kathy Brown admits to being skeptical about the hutri/System program. "But," says Kathy, "I lost 10 pounds the first week. I could see that it was coming off. Kathy lost 121 pounds in all, quickly and easily. The tempting Nu System Cuisine™ food, available only at Nutri/System, kept Kathy feeling satisfied and free from hunger. The supportive Professional Weight Loss Counselors and the Behavior Education Classes make losing up to a pound a day on the Nutri/System Program easier. And there's no counting calories, no strenuous exercise and no drugs or injections. Call today for a free, no-obligation consultation ?S!SS 1/2 OFF Present this coupon at the Crystal Lake, Nutri/System Weight Loss MedicftL C|Bt(r and Pay For Half. Hurry it's valid for new cl'ents only •hru APRIL 27,1984 College Hill Professional Bldg. 49)1 S. Rt. 31, Suite B Crystal Lake 815/459-9050 9AM to 7PM Legal notice IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS EASTERN DIVISION No. 10036 FLEET MORTGAGE ) CORP. f-k-a MORTGAGE ASSOCIATES, INC. Plaintiff, vs JASPER J. LOCASCIO, at al. Defendants. ,V<3 nutri system NO. 84-C-1270 NOTICE OF SPECIAL COMMISSIONER'S SALE Public Notice is hereby given that Is pursuance of a decree entered in the above entitled Court in said cause on 3-30-84. I, GLEN HEYMAN, Special Commissioner tor the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, will on 5-14-44 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. at the front door of the County building located at 2200 N. Seminary Street, Woodstock, Illinois sel I to the highest bidder tor cash, the following described premises situ a Fed Tn McHenry, County, Illinois. Said sale shall be subject to 1983 general taxes and to any special asessments or special taxes levied against said real estate. Upon the sale being made the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale wrfilch will entitle the purchaser to a cfeecTon a specified date unless the property is redeemed according to law. Said property is described as follows, to- witi The W. 165.35 feet of the E. 661.30 feet (as measured along the N. and S. lines thereof) of the S.E. 'A of the S.E. VA of Section 3, Township 43 N., Range 6 E. of the 3rd P.M., in McHenry County, IL. c-k-a 16202 Hiiningson Road, Union, III. Dated this 3rd day of April, 1984. Glen Heyman Special Commissioner of 1he United States District Court Northern District of Illinois FISHER 8. FISHER Attorneys for "Plaintiff X North La Salle Street Chicago, IL. 60602 312-372-4784 ' No. 03309 (Pub. 4-11,4-18, 4-25 8.5-2, 1984) NO. 840189 Legal notice STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) ) )SS ) ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS CHICAGO FURNACE { SUPPLY COMPANY j Plaintiff. \ VS. , JACK P. BENDER, ! ELAINE C. BENDER, > CHICAGO TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY, as Trustee, ) ANNA MARIE { NAUGHTON, as ( Trustee and UNKNOWN OWNERS, ) Defendants. IN CHANCERY No. 83-CH-191 [NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that In pursuance of a decree heretofore entered by said Court In the above entitled cause, SUSAN FAYETTE HUTCHINSON, Associate Judge of the Circuit Court will on Friday, the 11th day of May A.D. 1984, at the hour of 9:00 o'clock a.hv (Local Timehjn Room 308 of 1ha~tourt House, in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular, the following described premises and real estate In said decree mentioned, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said decree, to-wit: Lots nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11) twelve (12) and thirteen (13) in Block two (2) in Lilymoor Subdivision, a Subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter of Section thirty-two (32), Township forty-five (45) North, Range nine (9) East of the Third Principal Meridian, according To the Plat thereof recorded Agrll 10, 192$ as Document No. ~ 82908, in Book 6 of Plats, page 46, in Mc Henry County, Illinois. ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 411 Eastview Drive, Mc Henry, Illinois together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and Bxj iterances thereunto onaing. DATED, Woodstock, Illinois, this 4th day of April AD. 1984, VERNON W. KAYS, JR. Clerk of the Circuit Court of Mc Henry County Illinois Attorney tor Plaintiff Franks 8> Schmitt P.O. Box 5 Marengo, Illinois 60152 (815) 923-2107 Exhibit A (Pub. 4-11,4-18 8.4-25-1984) No. 840188 Legal notice OFFICIAL NOTICE All interested persons and organizations are hereby notified that a summary of the 1984-1985 Fiscal Year Appropriation Ordinances of the Township of Nunda, including the intended uses of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds is available for public inspection. The Appropriation Ordinance summary and documentation necessary to support the summary are available at the Nunda Township Office from 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. from Monday through Friday as of April 11, 1984. They are also on file at the Crystal Lake City Hall, Crystal Lake Public Safety Building, the Village of Oakwood Hills, the Village of Prairie Grove, the City of McHenry, the Village of Holiday Hills, the Village of Bull Valley, the Village of Island Lake, the Village of Lakemoor, and the Village of Fox River Valley Gardens. Anita Sherwood Supervisor of Nunda Township DATED: April 11th, 1984 (Pub. In The McHenry Plaindealer 4-18, 4-25 8< 5-2- 1984) No. 840198 Legal notice No. 15,442 STATE OF ) ILLINOIS SS County of McHenry ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOFTHE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR ADOPTION OF JOSEPH WALTER GORDON, a minor tfiild Case No. 84-F-78 ADOPTION LEGAL NOTICE TO: WALTER HERBERT GORDON TAKE NOTICE that a Petition was filed in the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, for the adoption of the child named JOSEPH WALTER GORDON. Now, therefore, unless you, WALTER HERBERT GORDON, file your answer to the Petition in said suit or otherwise file your appearance therein in said Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, Illinois, held In the Courthouse of 2200 North Seminary Avenue In the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 16th day of May, 1984, a default may be both, within 6 months from the date of Issuance of letters and any daim not filed wtthin that period. Is entered against you at any time after that day and a decree entered in accordance with the prayer of said Petition. DATED: APRIL 11, 1984. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk Circuit Court McHenry County (Pub. 4-18,4-25 8.5-2-1984) NO. 840199 Legal notice ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice Is hereby given that on April 9, 1984, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as' STOGSDILL TRUCKING, located at 5409 W. Sherman Dr. McHenry, IL. 60050. Dated April 9,1984. Rosemary Azzaro County Clerk. (Pub. 4-18,4-258.5-2-1984) No. 840197 Legal notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN PROBATE In the Matter ) of the ) Estate of ) AUROREM ) HOPP, ) Deceased ) No. 84-P-56 CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of AURORE M HOPP, of McHenry, Illinois. Letters of office were isued on April 13,1984, to McHENRY STATE BANK, 3510 W. Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050 and PATRICK HARKINS, 101 S. Elmhurst, Prospect Heights, Illinois 60070 whose attorney is John R. Ruddy, 53 W. Jackson Blvd, Chicago, II. 60604. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court at McHenry County * Courthouse, 2200 N. Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, III. 60098 or with representative, or _ _ Copies of a daim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within lO days after It has been filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk of the Circuit Court Markxle E. Emerson Deputy (Pub.4-25,5^S5-944) Legal notice ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on April 19,1984, a certificate was filed In the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses persons ownl _ and transacting business known as NORTHERN ILLINOIS NURSING SERVICE, located at 7234 Hancock Drive, Wonder Lake, IL. 60097. Dated April 19, 1984. Rosemary Azzaro County Clerk. (Pub. 4-25,5-28i 5-9-1984) No. 840211 Legal notice NOTICE McHenry County College is accepting bids for the application of an Emulsified Cool Tar Sealer for parking lots. Bid specs may be picked up in the Purchasing Office through May 7, 1984. McHenry County College, Route 14 & n^con«Slcttog nsactlng the ®^r,!sr -vs? Kt Lincoln KOoO/ :Henry, Illinois; that the aforesaid mortgage wis filed tor record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, McHenry County, lllirwto as Document Number 613156, on March 25, 1W4; that summons was duly Issued out of the court arMsrffw Lucas Road, Crystal Lake, IL. 60014, 815-455-3700, ext. 229. (Pub. 4-25-84) NO. 840212 Legal notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOFTHE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COU NTY, WOODSTOCK ILLINOIS McHENRY ) SAVINGS ) AND LOAN ) ASSOCIATION, ) an Illinois ) Corporation, ) Plaintiff, ) VS. ) IRENE N. ) McNISH;etal., ) Defendants. ) No. 84 CH 56 NOTICE The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, NONRECORD CLAIMANTS AND UNKNOWN OWNERS, and THEODORE A. McNISH, Defendants in the above entitled suit, that said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, Illinois, by the aforesaid Plaintiff against you and other Defendants, praying for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage made by THEODORE A. McNISH and IRENE N. NcNish, to McHenry Savings and Loan Association, Mortgagee, conveying the following described premises to wit: The East 172.0 feet of the West 976.0 feet of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 25, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Princii Meridian, (except part conveyed to the Township of McHenry by Deed recorded September 13, 1963 as Document No. 420086), In McHenry County, Illinois. THEREFORE, you, the said above named Defendants, file your ansvMr. to the complaint In said suit or otherwise make your appearance therein. In the offlcTof the Clerk off the Circuit Court off the Nlnateenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, County Building, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, on or before the 29th day off May, AD. 1984, default may be entered against you at any time thereafter and a judgment entered In accordance with the prayer of said complaint. DATED: Woodstock, Illinois, April 19, 1984. Vernon W.Kays., Jr. Clerk of the Circuit Court Cappetta 8i Shadte Attorneys for Plaintiff Seven South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois , 60603 (312) 726-9600 (Pub. 4-25,5-2 815-9,1984) NO. 840209 Legal notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN PROBATE :ipal that Said property is WOULD you BELIEVE SALE! Silhouette Style SOFA & LOVESEAT Caramel nylon/cuorduroy matching chair available some colors available. WOULD YOU BELIEVE? Reg. M099" ALL HARDWOOD $ 7 4 9 9 5 * « PIUS!! UNHEARD OF UNITED LIFETIME WARRANTY ON FRAME! 1 pj on r iAVC CAME A ALL WOOD 1 pj on r iAVC CAME A COUNTRY FRENCH BEDROOAMET Door chest, cane headboard, dresser 8 landscape mirror. Wy°ouD $1099" BELIEVE? R(_g ,)995oo (Nite stand also availablej CTACU TOOIIAIIFIPn 5 piece, oval table, leaf, 4 chairs, maple or pine finish. Reg. *49995 W°0T $44095 BELIEVE? WITH '300 (OB MOKE) PURCHASE BUYERS WALL-HUGGER RECLINER Durable Hurculon & Olefin fabric WOULD YOU BELIEVE? $23995 Reg. *399°° B R O W S E R S A L W A Y S W E L C O M E COLONIAL STYLE BEDROOM SET Door chest, dresser w/ galley mirror, connonboll footboard/ headboard (includes bed frame) WOULD YOU BELIEVE? $] I9995 Reg. *220000 END TABLES All oak tables with beveled glass! WOULD (Sofa table optional) R .tX, s57495 w Large Selection TABLE LAMPS 2SLS1 Buy en* at our •egelar Lew Prise Receive 2nd ALL BEDDING SPECIALLY PRICED... THIS WEEK ONLY! ALL OUR FURNITURE IS WOOD. NO PLASTICS OR SIMULATIONS. 3154200 4*11 W. IK. 121. MdfMY.IlL HOWS HO*. I Ftl. 9-9 TUB. WD.. THUtS i SAT. 9-4, SUN 12 5 SEE OUR DECORATOR PIECES "The Store That Caret To Save You Money IttellBltKY Home yuk'itiKhinuK "Th« $«•'• Th#» Carat 1» S*v« v*u Mni)" FREE SET UP AND DELIVERY In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES F. DAVIS, N0.84-P-72 CLAIM NOTICE ^ Notice is given of the death of CHARLES F. DAVIS, of McHenry, Illinois. Letters of office were isued on March 30, 1984, to TERRY R. MOHR, 420 N. FRONT STREET, McHENRY, IL. 40050 whose attorney is Mohr 8. Reilly, 420 N. Front Street, McHenry, IL. <0050. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court at McHenry County Courthouse, 2260 N. Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, IL. 80098 or with representative, or both, within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any daim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 days after It has been filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk of the Circuit Court Mar|orie E. Emerson Deputy (Pub. 4-25,5-2815-9,1984) No 840206 Legal notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ALL PICTURES SIMILAR LAYAWAY AVAILABLE STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) )SS. NOTICE OF _ JUDICIAL SALE SECURITY ) FEDERAL SAVINGS > AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CHICAGO Corporation the United atesof America Plaintiff VS. , ) MCHENRY STATE BANK ) as Trustee > September 20, 1977and ) known as ) Trust No. 1314 , ) UNKNOWN I ) HE IRS-AT LAW and-or DEVISEES OFCHARLES FROULA, JR. DECEASED; UNI1 STATES OF AMERICA, ) UNKNOWN ) OWNERS and ) NON-RECORD ) CLAIMANTS, ) Defendants. )<• IN CHANCERY NO. 83 CH 338 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that In pursuance of a decree heretofore entered by said Court In the above entitled cause, Susan F. Hutchinson, Associate Judge of the Circuit Court will on Friday, the 11th day of May AD. 1984, at the hour of 9:00 A.M (Local Time), in Room 308 of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, in said County, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular, the following described premises and real estate in said decree mentioned situated In the County off McHenry and State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said decree, to-wit: Lot 16 in Block 2 In Eastwood Manor Unit No. 3, a Subdivision of part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 25, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded September 18, 1958 as Document No. 343584, in Book 14 of Plats, Page 3, in McHenry County, Illinois. Address: 1408 Eastwood, McHenry, Illinois 60050 Permanent Tax No.: 09- 25-427-002 ADDRESS OR LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 1408 Eastwood, McHenry, Illinois 60050 together with all buildings and improvements thereon, and the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto bdonging. DATED, Woodstock, Illinois, this 17th day of April A.D. 1984. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois Attorney for Plaintiff John W. Goiosinec 81 Chester J. Cross 111 W. Washington St., Chicago, III. 60602 Published in McHenry Plaindealer-on April 25, May 2 and May 9, 1984 Exhibit A NO. 840207 MOLLY MILLIGAN Your Home Decorator & 1984 Palsy Milligan Syndicate PATTERNS ON THE WALL Dear Molly Milligan: I like the look of several patterns1 aad I want to use at least three different ones in my living room. How can I mix pstterns and still not get a hodgepodge effect? Emily, Woodstock, IL Dear Emily: Patterns used with other patterns can certainly add sparkle, surprise and flare to your living room. Patterns can also influence and inspire your color scheme. When carefully planned, patterns cai) provide added depth and the illusion of space. But please, dear Emily, do not use more than three patterns in one room. Otherwise, it will seem chaotic and crowded. Make your fij£t pattern the boldest. Have each additional pattern more subtle than the one before to create a harmonious blend. Try to repeat your color scheme in each pattern. Fortunately, much of the guesswork of mixing and matching patterns has been done by the manufacturers. Many wallpapers and fabrics today are designed with several coordinating patterns. This saves endless hours of looking at fabric swatches and leafing through wallpaper books. If you Anally find that perfect pattern, and it doesn't have a companion pattern, don't fret. There is an old and steadfast rule which states that stripes blend with just about everything. Polka dots, checks and plaids also make good mixers. When you've selected your patterns, get swatches and study them at home for a few days. When they are all under the same roof they may quarrel and you'll wind up with a house divided against itself. Or they may get along together comfortably. Even cozily. Then, and only then, should they make a commitment to live together under the holy bonds of decent decorating. Dear MoBy Milligan: My bedspread and draperies are rose floral chintz with a soft blae and cream background, I want to upholster the bedroom chair and ottoman in powder bine striped fabric. Will this be too busy? Polly, Boone, NC Dear Polly: Wonderful, wonderful stripes go with absolutely everything. They blend with plaids, florals, geometries. It sounds like a lovely combination and you have my Messing. Most people are too timid to risk mixing more than one pattern in a room for fear of overdoing it. But it's hard to go wrong with stftpes. Stripes possess magical powers. The eye is drawn in their direction. This can work to your advantage if you know the secret. * Vertical stripes on walls make the ceiling seem higher. On furniture, vertical stripes can transform a short squatty chair into a thing of beauty and a joy forever! It can also give it a look of better proportion. Horizontal stripes are the solution for a narrow room as they steer the eye across instead of up and down. The ceiling then will appear lower. Subtle stripes are a smart choice for a small room, because they are not overbearing and won't fight with paintings on the wall. I am particularly fond of the mattress ticking- stripe. The classic blue and white ticking-stripe can give a casual look to a child's room or make an elegant summer slip cover for patio furniture. U you have a question for Your Home Decorator. send it along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Molly Milligan in care of this newspaper. Allow four weeks for a reply.